Chapter seven - sleep

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"Though I did not swap with some stranger, the fact that we have the same name, same password, and that you two couldn't see the difference between us says against all odds that it was some stranger." I mumbled, Carmella laying down beside me.

"Not much will change then. While we will miss our Violet, I won't mind keeping you in her place as our goddess. What about you, Jasmine?" She joked as she turned her head towards Jasmine.

"Huh? Sorry, I got lost in thought.." Jasmine answered with small embarrassment in her voice.

"She's totally fine with it. that's what she says every time she fantasies about us and Violet." Carmella explained with a grin on her face.

"Carmella you–" Jasmine complained before she let out a deep exhale and left.

"She's just going to process it. Now. why is your phone exploding?" Carmella inquired, glancing at my phone that had buzzed non stop the past couple minutes.

"Just my sister, don't wanna read it in case she has turned the opposite of how I'm used to things.." I answered whilst looking at Carmella.

"Well, whether you are from another universe or not, how can you be sure everyone is the opposite just because Jasmine had a sudden change in personality?" Carmella asked in an attempt to boost my mood.

"Just me travelling to another universe is ridiculous! Now you're saying that just some people changed completely?" I asked before letting out a sigh.

"You know what? Fine! I'm going to check what she's saying, though I have my hopes that she isn't a certain way." I continued, looking at my phone.

Vi Vi! What the hell do you think you're doing ignoring me?! I'm worried sick you bitch! My sister screamed in her most recent text.

"She's- swearing at me, but I still don't know if she is the opposite from how she is in my universe." I said

"Then text her back whilst I look over your shoulder." Carmella responded.

"Thanks for the trust Carmella." I replied sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Well there's a reason you haven't had your phone back before now." She answered while she leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Who's Vi Vi-?" She asked.

"It's a family nick name. Dare use it or tell Jasmine and I'll sew your mouth shut. I mean it."

Hey, I got busy doing something, so you can stop spamming me now.

That's not a fucking answer. you haven't answered me for three days and you can't have been busy that long! My sister texted back almost instantly.

What do you know about my life? We haven't even seen eachother in weeks.

"You haven't seen her in a while? Invite her over! Of course, don't show her your actual room." Carmella proposed while still on my shoulder.

"I'm not stupid, she'll find it. ..If I don't say the real reason to why I haven't answered her today."

"Violet, it doesn't work like that."

"Then you know nothing about me, she won't question it if I tell her the truth." I explained whilst texting Elizabeth (my sister) she could come to my location.

"How- how does that work?" Carmella asked.

"Does it matter? What matters is that she won't explode my phone as much if she knows where I am." I replied whilst getting off the bed.

"Alright, just don't tell her your situation, if either me or Jasmine looses you, it–" Carmella started.

"It won't matter since I'm not your Violet."

"Since we figured out that you're not the Violet of this world you have been more feisty, are you jealous?" Carmella pointed out as a small smile appeared on her face.

"In your dreams. I'm just more angry because I have to live out the nightmare of being with you guys until you get your Violet back." I responded while heading to the door of my room.

"I will still see it as you being jealous." Carmella shouted after me before jumping off my bed and out of the room.

"Why would she even think that?!" I asked myself as I was leaving the room.

As I left my room I saw Carmella running off to one of the other rooms. I didn't care and went to sit in front of their fireplace. It wasn't on but the area was still comfortable, not as comfortable as my room was built to be, but still much more comfortable than most open fireplace areas.

After a while I had fallen asleep. But was woken up by Jasmine gently nudging me and Carmella standing beside her.

"What now?" I asked, still tired but with annoyance in my voice (as usual).

"You woke me up in my sleep, give me a damn good explanation or I'll make sure you guys can't sleep for weeks." I continued as I sat up.

"We just wanted to say dinner was ready, geez." Jasmine replied.

"You guys eat dinner at" I started as I turned to a clock on the wall. "Half past six pm? Weirdos." I got up from the couch and looked at them whilst trying to get my eyesight clear.

"What's wrong?" Carmella asked.

"My sister should've been here a while ago, unless you have some extra hard barrier for tracking."

"Well I think we have an average...?" Carmella replied, confused on what I meant.

"Then why is she taking so long?" I paused for a few seconds and then continued "I don't even care anymore, I'll just go back to sleep." I laid back down on the couch.

"How should we know how your sister looks like?" Jasmine asked.

"She looks like me but more- blondish." I replied whilst closing my eyes.

I heard them walk off and I fell asleep again but was woken up by a loud sound.

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