Chapter five - an explanation

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I was sent back to reality as I heard someone shout in agony and then a "thud" could be heard infront of me and Carmella. Jasmine had cut the man's head off.

"What the hell?- okay, now I have another question." I tried shrugging off the subject we were on before getting interrupted, but Jasmine was apparently not done scolding me as she was quick on turning towards me after I was done talking.

"We won't answer any of your dumb questions until you put down this act for good."

"Alright, I'll put down the non act if you answer this: WHY are so many people after me?!"

"Jasmine don't be so harsh, from what we know she can have some disease making her lose memories here and there." Carmella said with a tone that made it obvious there was a story behind Jasmine refusing my "weird memory".

"She can't just forget she wrote a fucking novel! That's not how it works!" Jasmine shouted, something clearly behind her not wanting me to "forget$ my apperant novel.

"Novel..?" I mumbled, like I had done when being confused the past day.

"Yes, you have made a novel." Carmella replied as she pulled out her phone and after a few taps she had 'my' novel that Jasmine refused to give up on. As I read through it, I realized it was about a murderer killing for their loved one.

"Okay, yes, this applies to Jasmine" I started with a bit of a shaky voice since in my past year with Jasmine, she was just the sweetest girl and not some murderer.
"I still don't get why she refused me forgetting all this because of a novel!" I finished my sentence and Jasmine still looked at me furiously, but now she was attempting to hold back her anger.

"Because we had been following it." Carmella spoke up for her "without your novel, she feels a little bit incomplete."

"Ah." I said, finally understanding why she was so protective over it. Though, it kinda made me happy in a way.. I had now gotten to know she was as fragile as before, she had just- managed to build herself a little bit of a wall to hide her hurt self.

"Pfft- so you are still a softie?" I managed to get out with laughter just building up.

"Hey, I'm atleast not being chased by nearly a hundred people because they now see that your novel brings bodies." Jasmine replied and it was clear she was calming down.

"Then why the hell did you start doi– you know what, I'm going back to exploring, look at me doing so or don't, I don't care."

"Why do you want to know our house so badly?" Carmella asked as Jasmine left the room.

"Cause I will be living here? Whether I stay in my "room" or not doesn't matter, I wanna know the rest of the house." I explained while I started to leave, but Carmella pulled me back.

"What now?" I said, starting to get annoyed.

"Jasmine has had all the fun.."

"You also got to kiss me, what's the big deal?" I asked with a little confusion, despite knowing where this was going.

"She also pounced on you and I haven't done that yet." Carmella said with jealousy in her voice.

"You're not pouncing on me, Carmella!" I yelled, but it was too late, she had already pounced on me and we were both now on the floor.

"Carmella!" I said with a kinda loud tone that was mostly anger.

"Don't care what you say, unless you have forgotten, I don't care about your consent." She started. "Though I care more than Jasmine." She continued as I had gotten away from her and up from the floor.

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