Chapter thirty nine - adventures at the venue

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"We still want you to stay safe." Jasmine mumbled behind me.
"And I will be." I replied and left the house.

Well at the event the first thing anyone said to me was "welcome your-" since I kicked him in the leg before he could say "highness"
"What have I said to you about calling me that bullshit?!" I screamed at him.
"Not.. not to call you that. But I can't change an impulse." He tried to explain but I just slapped him so he fell to the ground.
"Tch. Moron." I said and started walking away. I often overreact on purpose in public. Even though I was not used to my "girlfriends" yet, I knew that kind of aggressive behaviour would stop as long as I'm around them.
I stopped at a painting and immediately realized something was wrong with it. Even though it was not famous, I'd seen it before and this painting has two more streaks than the real painting I saw just two months before meeting Carmella, or, a month ago from what I remembered.
"What abominations of workers would not see that detail.." I said to myself, disgusted, even though it's not like it's their job to count the brush streaks on the paintings they put up.
"Hey gorgeous~ what brings you here in a better mood than usual?" I heard a voice and immediately groaned.
"Mattholomule.. what have both me and Catherine told you about calling me names?" I mumbled and pinched my nose bridge.
"It's not like you'll do anything." He replied and that put a grin on my face.
"Oh you haven't heard? I only promised Cathy to not kill my old classmates. Nothing about not harming them. So watch your vocabulary. Jackass." I responded.
"Well you're the nasty gremlin that had a body count of over a hundred when you graduated. Both types of body counts." Matt said.
"Reminder that I graduated two years before you. And I just graduated one year early, so you flunked a few classes and had to retake the year." I scolded him for being so irresponsible.
"That still does not answer my question." He said and kept pushing me.
"Can't see how that's your business." I shrugged.
"Well. Correct, it's not my business. But neither is your actions not going to surprise people. You showed mercy on the greeter. You've not thrown me across the room. yet.. and neither have you ruined any valuable artifacts." He commented, and as if his words were a cue, the painting I was just watching caught on fire and he glared at me.
"Don't look at me~ dad has been..." I sighed. "...Very active today. Who knows?~ Maybe someone will set on fire. Honestly been a while since I saw a fire out of pathetic humans like yourself." I said and obviously angered him.
"Sure, your "dad" is an all mighty demon. But you're still a human like everyone else at this exhibit." He almost lunged at me after finishing his sentence.
"Now now, no human has ever or will ever have my amount of psychopathy. I've started multiple massacres just because I was bored. I currently run multiple death games and have run them for three years. And I'm what you people call "a monster". And honestly, that insult is so old it's not even insulting anymore. So you're just embarrassing yourself." I commented nonchalantly and started looking around the venue.
"You're all words and no action today.. who have you met?" He asked.
"That's none of your damn business, now is it? Who I meet is no ones business but mine." I replied.
"Is it possibly the women from your last, and might I add, disastrous interview?" Matt asked with a smirk.
"What interview? I met ginger today." I asked, and kept referring Carmella as "ginger" and I knew she got pissed by it. Part of the reason I kept calling her that.
"No. That interview is from earlier this week." Matt followed up. I sighed.
"Can you maybe show me it?" It's not like he'd say no to me embarrassing myself.
"Okay- but I don't get how you'd be able to forget that. Amanda nearly broke her nose." Matt said and pulled out his phone, getting the video up and showing me it.
"Why'd I use such vile language?-" I asked (since the month that my memory got sent back to I did not swear in public) and the words started echoing through my head. "They like me you prick." "you have not said anything about new partners"
"How would I know?!" Matt answered and took back his phone. With the words used in the interview, Jasmine and Carmellas scent came into my system even without them being anywhere near me. With the scents' arrival, came a craving for their lips.
"Seems you've got some sanity left. you took mercy on Amanda." Matt said the first part in a teasing tone.
"Shut your pie hole before you can't open it at all." I said and gave him a death stare.
"W-whatever.." He said and started leaving when a frying pan hit his head and he got knocked to the ground. I calmly walked up to him and took up the pan.
"You missed the cranium by 9 inches, your stance and angle is all wrong. You did not put in enough strength. Are you training to get better or worse? Because you're getting worse." I said and walked over to the person that threw the pan.
"If you did not terrify me I would not stand by that. but.. unfortunately. You do terrify me."
I smiled a little asshole-y as the person confessed to being scared of me.
"Awh, is the wittle baby scawed of the big bad psycho?" I asked mockingly and got another death stare.
"I'm not a baby. I may be terrified of you but that doesn't make me a baby." He commented and crossed his arms before he started walking away with a slight pout.
"God.. people are so annoying.." I grumbled under my breath before sighing and putting on a fake smile and starting to walk around the venue, occasionally talking with people who struck up conversations with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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