☆ 4.8 ~ i love you so

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i hope you feel what i felt
when you shattered my soul
'cause you were cruel and i'm a fool
so please let me go
~ the walters, i love you so

i hope you feel what i felt when you shattered my soul'cause you were cruel and i'm a foolso please let me go~ the walters, i love you so

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Lydia could not remember the last time she was in an awkward position. Going on a road trip with the man who broke her heart in the driver's seat. They were only about an hour into their drive, but that was the longest hour of her life. Neither had said a word since they left the house. Lydia just stared blankly out the window the whole time, watching the trees go by in a blur of darkness. She wondered if Kol felt the same way. This had to be awkward for him too, but she couldn't tell and she definitely did not want to ask him about it.

"What is your beautiful mind dwelling on now?" Kol's voice broke through her train of thought. Lydia then realized that she was wrong. The silence wasn't as awkward as the conversation.

"How cute these new shoes of mine are," Lydia responded sarcastically, pointing towards the blue heels on her feet, deflecting the question. She didn't even understand why Kol was asking. He certainly didn't care."And how great it is that I bought them all on my own."

Kol shrugged his shoulders in response, glancing down at the shoes."They are cute."

Lydia breathed out a laugh at his response, leaning her arm against the armrest and brushing her hand against her forehead, shaking her head slowly."Kol, the last thing I want to do is participate in small talk with you."

Kol nodded his head slowly, turning his attention back to the road but Lydia knew he wouldn't last long. Kol couldn't keep quiet. He couldn't do it. He loved to talk or be spoken to at least. Lydia talked too, but typically she had to be with someone she was comfortable with and she would talk a lot at once and then go quiet. Kol loved to talk. Lydia was surprised he made it this long without saying a word, but now that he started, she doubted he would stop any time soon.

"So. . . Nice weather we're having," Kol commented, mocking Lydia which caused her to shrivel her nose and narrow her eyes at him, reaching across and pushing his shoulder playfully."That isn't very smart, darling. You know I am driving. What if I were to crash?"

"Then it would be because you're speeding, not because I'm distracting you," Lydia pointed towards a speed limit sign that they just passed with barely enough time to even read it.

"That number does not take into account cars being driven by vampires," Kol told her with a shrug of his shoulders."Besides, I am in perfect control of the car. I am carrying precious cargo after all."

"You better not be referring to me," Lydia replied, sitting back in her seat, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at his comment.

"Who else would I be referring to?" Kol retorted, only annoying Lydia. It was bad enough that Kol broke her heart all those months ago and it was hard enough having to see him now, his flirtatious comments didn't help. She didn't know what game he was playing, but she wanted no part of it.

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