☆ 2.5 ~ effortlessly

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but i'm still fading
i can't save me
am i just gonna drown?
madison beer ~ effortlessly

but i'm still fadingi can't save meam i just gonna drown?madison beer ~ effortlessly

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"What the bloody hell do you mean you lost her?"

Kol stood from his spot on the couch, gripping the phone in his hand tightly as he listened to Caroline explain to her how Lydia disappeared. He thought he left his girlfriend in good hands but it would appear he was wrong. He knew it wasn't Caroline's fault since Lydia was a grown woman and he didn't expect Caroline to pin her down if she tried to leave but all he was thinking about was how his upset, new vampire girlfriend was now wandering the streets. The second he said those words, he noticed both Elijah and Klaus glance up at him from the other side of the room but Kol didn't pay them any attention. He was too focused on listening to what Caroline said.

"She was upset," Caroline told him, sounding incredibly panicked on the other end as she tried to sum up what happened really quickly."Things didn't go well and when she came out, she just took off. I don't know where she went but I'll check some parts of town to see if she's there and I'll check Rae's house and call Stefan and-"

"I'm on my way," Kol cut her off, hanging up the phone and shoving it back into his pocket. He figured if Lydia didn't want to be found she wasn't going to go to any of the obvious places which meant that he basically had to search all of town. He quickly made his way to leave, already planning where to check first. What he didn't plan was for his two brothers and sister to attempt to follow behind him.

Kol stopped dead in his tracks, turning around and facing them, seeing that they all looked a bit shocked as to why he was confused."And where do the three musketeers think they're going?"

"To help find your runaway girlfriend, obviously," Klaus answered with a roll of his eyes as Rebekah punched his arm gesturing for him to shut up.

"What exactly is going on here?" Kol questioned. Neither of his siblings ever wanted to help him and in the past few days they had offered more help than they did in a thousand years."You three do not help me if anything you make my life more difficult."

"You're family, Kol," Elijah responded as if that were suppose to mean anything to Kol. He had spent the last thousand years trying to be a part of their family and now that he finally accepted that was never going to happen and came to peace with it, they wanted him to be family. It was only when it was convenient for them. For some reason, they seemed to care for Lydia, more than they cared for him at least and while Kol didn't mind the extra protection, he didn't want them near her if she was being honest.

"That never meant anything to you in the past," Kol reminded them."But your attempts at pretending to care are truly heart warming. Unfortunately, I have more important matters that require my attention at the moment."

"So you don't want our help?" Rebekah asked in disbelief as if she couldn't believe her brother was turning them down.

"No, I do not want your help, Rebekah," Kol confirmed for her, narrowing her eyes."I do not want anything to do with any of you. As soon as I find Lydia, we are leaving this dreadful town and never coming back which we should have never done in the first place but I came back to help you, Rebekah and none of you seemed to care that it almost got me killed and did get Lydia killed so no, I do not want your help. I want you to stay away."

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