☆ 4.2 ~ smokestacks

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you got a mad beamin' on you and a hot wide-eyed spark i got a body of wonder and an emerald mind
i'm on a luminous heavy to put gold in my eyes
~ layla, smokestacks

Lydia sat with one leg crossed over the other, staring down at the piping hot cappuccino in front of her, smiling at the little hearts that had been added to the top, but she only did so for a second to let the person who added it know she noticed it

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Lydia sat with one leg crossed over the other, staring down at the piping hot cappuccino in front of her, smiling at the little hearts that had been added to the top, but she only did so for a second to let the person who added it know she noticed it. After that, she turned her attention back to the the sketchbook she had in front of her, continuing with her design that she started earlier. It was nothing too complicated, she was busy focusing on someone else and the drawing was only to make her look like she wasn't paying attention, but she was.

"Can I get you anything else?" A soft voice spoke from beside her, causing Lydia to look up at the woman who had served her.

Lydia pushed her hair behind her shoulders, letting it cascade along her back she slowly shook her head."No. I'm good, thank you."

"Are you sure?" The girl asked, sounding uncertain of the answer she was given. Her name tag read Alena."You barely drank your cappuccino."

"It's just so beautiful, I would hate to ruin it," Lydia smiled at her sweetly."It's such a shame, isn't it? Beautiful things can hardly exist in today's world. We are so quick to destroy them."

"Uh, yeah, I guess so," Alena tried to hide a small smile."I'm not really sure what you're referring to though."

"I'm just speaking generally," Lydia clarified before turning her attention back to her drawing.

"Um, what are you working on?" Alena asked carefully as if she was worried she would be intruding.

"A design," Lydia shrugged her shoulders and kept quiet for a few moments, noticing that Alena wasn't going away which was exactly what she expected to happen. So she paused and gestured towards the seat in front of her at the empty table in the cafe."Would you care to sit?"

"I would, b-but I have work," Alena nodded her head slowly.

Lydia rose from the table slowly, walking over to the glass door that she had come through earlier and reaching for the open sign, flipping it so that it showed as close before turning to face Alena and smiling slightly."And now you don't. Sit down, for me."

Lydia made her way back to her seat, slipping into it while Alena cleared her throat and moved to sit down in the seat. Once she did, Lydia continued with her drawings for a few seconds before she paused. Swiftly, Lydia stood from her seat and switched to the other side of the round table. She sat down on the window ledge close to Alena so that their begs brushed against each other's and placed her design book down on the table.

"Do you like fashion?" Lydia asked, though she was not the least bit interested in the woman's answer.

"N-not really," Alena answered."I'm not super into it. I like looking at clothes, but I don't find it that interesting or important to be honest."

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