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Thunder rumbled in the sky as lightning struck and bright light flashed the night sky. On top of a tower, a figure shrouded in darkness crouched and overlooked an empty alleyway.

Behind the figure, a small circular shape started to form as a small figure emerged from it.

"Sorry I'm late Shouta, I was looking for my toothbrush and I couldn't find it so I just went and bought one, but then there was a robbery and you know I had to st—"

"how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" the first figure stood up, revealing how much taller he was from the other figure.

"oops sorry ErAsErHeAd." the smaller figure snorted, proceeding to laugh when the taller gave her a nasty glare. "I still can't believe you let Nemuri and Yamada choose your hero name. Pfft."

"shut up," he said, sighing in exhaustion. Eraserhead was slowly regretting choosing the smaller girl to be his companion on patrol that particular night. "be quiet and sit down."

Both proceeded to crouch down, waiting for something. They were looking in a dark alleyway when suddenly a man emerged from a door. And soon after, more emerged.

"Oooh bad guys are here~"

"cover for me." Eraserhead proceeded to jump down without warning, activating his quirk.

"Aye aye, Captain~"

Eraserhead proceeded to use his scarf to grab the criminals while they were unguarded. And with the absence of their quirks, they were basically useless and easily apprehended. The other one on the other hand, used the circular shapes she created in the air to divert the other criminals' attack away from Eraserhead, successfully covering for the man.

It may not look like the two get along, but when they were fighting together, Eraserhead knew that the smaller girl would always have his back.

The two proceeded to either beat the bad guys to unconsciousness or tied them to something. Either way, by the time the police arrived all the bad guys were apprehended and taken to jail.

"Phew that was tiring," the smaller figure muttered mockingly, wiping at the nonexistent sweat on her forehead. Eraserhead stood by her side, rolling his eyes at the girl's dramatics as they watched the police grab the criminals.

"i saw you slip."

"Hey! Accidents happen!" The smaller, which was a young girl, huffed and crossed her arms in disbelief. "I can't believe you would point that out. Jeez."

Eraserhead could only chuckle under his breath as silence filled the area. It was midnight already and there weren't that many cars anymore.

The duo went back to their previous postion, remaining there for a few more hours.

"you're leaving in a few hours right?" Eraserhead asked without looking at the girl, breaking the silence that had surprisingly filled the two for a few hours.

The sun had finally rose as the streets began to fill with people and vehicles.

"Yeah," The girl silently answered, sighing and keeping her eyes on the streets below. "I can't believe this is my last patrol with you. It's kinda symbolic, isn't it?"

Eraserhead looked at her, his eyes narrowed in confusion. She only smiled in his direction, looking at him with a meaningful look.

"This alleyway is where we first met, remember? That slimy villian with his electric quirk?" She turned her head to face the road below as he started to finally remember the memory.

He could remember that it was the girl's debut fight. The first time the media saw her as a new pro hero. Probably the youngest pro too.

"oh, i remember. didn't you get electrocuted?"

"Why do you always mention the embarrassing parts?" Eraserhead chuckled as the girl covered her face in despair with the embarrassing memory.

"when will you get back?" The girl turned to Eraserhead--her hand still on her cheek--but the man only looked straight ahead.

"Probably in a year or two. I'm not really sure." She sighed with a pout, her eyes on her feet as she fiddled with her fingers. "I'll miss you."

"i know you will."

"Hey! The correct response would be 'I'll miss you too' you know? Aren't you going to miss your favorite disciple?" Eraseread smiled amusingly as the girl looked at her phone. "Jeez I should get home. I need to pack."

"you haven't packed yet?" The girl scratched her neck with an embarrassed grin, which gave him her answer.

The same dark circular shape from before started to form behind the girl.

"I'm going now Shouta." Before the girl could go Eraserhead stopped her. "Do you need something?"

Shouta looked away and mumbled something which made the girl smile. "i'll miss you too."

"Awwww you're so sweet~"

"you're annoying."

"But you love me~"

Shouta pushed the girl towards the portal, the girls maniacal laugh echoing through the air as the portal closed.

Eraserhead smiled to himself as he jumped towards a building on his way home. The girl annoyed him but he tolerated her because she was like a little sister to him.

'take care, you crazy kid.'


Hey author here!! I just want to say welcome to my first anime fanfic yeyyyyy!!! I hope you will continue reading and support this book! This chap is a bit vague I know lol but future chapters will unravel the mysteries lollll

Edit: Future author here! I'm bored so Imma edit some early chapters that I find a bit cringe yall. Don't worry I'm only editing some of the grammars. I'm not editing any plot or anything like that lmao!

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