66: Honesty

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"How... How did you..." Jace huffed.

"I read you. I encoded your secrets, Jace," I explained.

"I can't do this anymore," Jace frowned. "It's driving me crazy."

"Go on," I said.

"Daddy treated me with so much care, once," she began. "I can't believe I fell into his trap; became his puppet. I only gave in because I wanted to be a superhero and make a difference. I loved learning how to fight. I wanted to be like you guys. I only made it seem like I was having fun beating up you two. But how can I be a hero when I don't have the courage to stand up to my own father?"

"You can," I replied calmly.

Way to ruin the moment, Aaron.

Aaron sped up the side of the building and onto the roof.

"Illuminate, you're taking too long. Do you need any help?" He asked. 

Jace and I eyed him. 

"Looks like I arrived just in time," Aaron smirked. His body started to vibrate, and he posed into his first fighting stance.

"No!" I said, running to his side and holding him by the arms. "It's all good now."

Jace and I explained everything.

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