12: Room

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Aaron looked around frantically at each of the four bedrooms on the second floor.

He's excited to find out which one is his.

"Not so fast, Speed," I said once I arrived on the last stair. He turned to look at me.

"Your room's in the basement," I smirked, leaning on one of the walls with light cracks on them.

He's gonna try to unlock the basement door.

And off he went.

I ran after him down the stairs, stopping briefly on the first floor to catch my breath.

At the basement door, Aaron shook the knob impatiently. I touched his shoulder so he knew I was going to walk past. I bent over to lift the welcome mat, revealing a set of keys.

"That's so obvious," he huffed.

"Nobody tries to break in the basement this way," I replied, turning the silver key.

"I'm staying in here?" Aaron asked, facing the darkness and dampness of the spacious garage.

"No. You're staying in here."

I pointed to my right to a see-through door, revealing a small but cozy and dimly-lit family room. I unlocked the door with a purple key.

"We just bought this place recently," I said once we stepped into the room.

I pointed to an open door which led to a bedroom. "You're sleeping over there," I told him.

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