40: Partner

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"The endings on this aren't even accurate," Aaron stated once Jack was gone. "I don't destroy the villains. I just beat them up until they're sent to jail so they could think about their lives."

"Well, what superhero fans want are merciless fights," I replied. "Plus, the news gives out the real information anyway."

Aaron put his comic book on the coffee table and started to walk towards me.

"I know that look," I said.

"Yeah? Well, what are my eyes telling you, psychic?" He smirked.

"You want me to fight crime with you."

"Yes! Oh, Elle, your predictions are always accurate. That's a good plus in crime-fighting."

"They're not that accurate," I rolled my eyes.

"Finding out a person's identity in a matter of minutes can help determine if a person is a villain or not," Aaron carried on, ignoring my remark.

"I think I'll just stay behind the Google Glass," I suggested.

"Well, at least think about it," Aaron smiled, heading for the stairs.

"I can't believe you're serious about seeing me kick bad guys' butts."

"Dead serious."

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