37: Electricity

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"You need a name," I said.

"Oh," Aaron replied. It was still very weird to see him playing Super Smash Brothers in his superhero uniform at the Base. "I haven't thought of that yet."

"Well, think about it! The media has stopped calling you a Kid Flash reincarnation - which is a good thing - but now they're calling you weird things! Like Runningman and Spinteen! And to top it all off, question marks stand in the place of a name on all of your merchandise!"

"Okay," Aaron paused his game. "but what if I want to be a nameless superhero?"

"I don't think that's gonna happen. People see you running around the city, and they want to call you something. They want to call you by name. My brother has been talking about you ever since the day you saved his life. You're his favorite superhero, and you don't even have a name yet! I mean, if you're in a fandom and you don't even know who the main character is, then you're not considered a real fan."

"Want me to get you something? You look parched," Aaron asked, changing the topic.

"Sure," I sighed. "I just don't want you to be stuck with question marks."

"Well, for a start, my name has to have the word 'blue' in it," Aaron pitched in, putting his console down on the table and speeding upstairs.

I looked out of the small window. Aaron really wanted to look for some crime to fight tonight, but I predicted another natural disaster, so I forced him to stay in. I hated seeing him so bored.

"Blue..." I muttered, searching my mind or at least a decent name. "Blue..."

The lightning struck a tall building in the big city far away, followed by a loud roar of thunder. Suddenly, it all clicked.

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