25: Origin

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"Elle, I'm going to be a superhero," Aaron announced.

"I know," I said, taking a sip from my iced tea.

"No. I'm gonna do it for real."

I pursed my lips together to prevent the tea from spewing out of my mouth. I took a monster gulp.

I actually predicted that this would happen.

At first, I hated the idea of him becoming a real, full-time superhero. He has already been a superhero in his own way by saving not only my life but also a stranger's life, and those events were near-death situations. If he becomes a real superhero when he's caught up in bigger and more complex missions, including and especially fighting criminals, he will go through some serious pain. Mom would be blamed. I might never see him again. His grandparents would be furious and never trust us after that. Most of all, I would hate to see him suffering after all he has done for my family and me.

Then again, Aaron is the fastest teenage boy in the world, and the last time I read the Guiness Book Of World Records, he beat the fastest man in the world by a literal long run. His top speed is equivalent of that to a comic book character's, allowing him to escape from near-death situations, i.e. the train incident. His super speed serves as a big plus for fighting enemies and, more efficiently, transportation. He is kind and protective, has morals, and acts quickly and wisely.

Aaron would make a great superhero.

"Really?" I said cheerfully.

"Yep," Aaron said. "I'm gonna do it."

I jumped off of my bean bag to hug him.

"But I need your help," he whispered.

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