27: Syringe

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"You have the morphsuit?" Aaron asked, bending down to look through the holes of our shopping cart.

"Yes, I have the morphsuit. You asked me ten times already!" I laughed.

"Hope it doesn't make my legs look weird," Aaron scoffed.

It became eerily quiet when we passed by the next aisle. Usually there would be at least ten people in this particular store, but today was not one of those days. The store was unusually boring, empty, and lifeless today.

But I knew we were not alone. A pair of sneakers squeaked on the tiles behind me, catching my attention and causing Aaron to pause in his tracks and my head to whip around.

"We're being watched," I said.

"W-Why?" Aaron stuttered.

"Just imagine nothing's there," I whispered, and we moved forward. Inch by inch we hesitatingly walked towards the cashier. It seemed that the closer we were, the longer the small journey felt.

The sneakers squeaked against the floor again. Aaron and I turned around rapidly, abandoning our cart. A light blonde girl about my age squatted down with one hand on the floor and the other on her side, holding a gun. But the gun wasn't loaded with bullets; it possessed a container filled with a flowing, electric blue liquid.

Look out.

"Look out," I whispered in Aaron's ear, but he seemed to ignore it.

The girl stood up straight and aimed the gun at Aaron's right arm.

"Ow," Aaron exclaimed, slowly feeling for the tiny syringe and plucking it out of his skin as if it caused no damage.

The girl twirled her gun like a baton before backflipping into the next aisle.

Aaron was vibrating. His chest was puffed up in a protective way. He was ready to take off after her.

I had the chance to read the girl when she was still in my sight. She had the orange leader aura. Judging by her body language, she had the confidence and arrogance of a leader, but she hesitated shortly before she shot Aaron, indicating that she didn't mean any harm to him. She had a wool beanie with three slits over her head, so I couldn't make out what her profile looked like.

I placed my left arm in front of Aaron's chest right before he was about to run. He paced forward, but he bounced back off of my arm like a pinball.

"Ow," I nearly shouted. He hit me hard as a result of his super speed.

"Sorry," Aaron tersely apologized.

"Forget the costume. We need to go," I suggested immediately.

Aaron walked slowly towards the door, while my right foot kicked the small metal syringe on the ground. I hesitated to pick it up, observing that it still has some leftover fluid.

As I put it in my pocket, Aaron picked me up bridal style and headed for home.

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