29: Med

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I volunteer at my local doctor's office. Aaron drops me off every Thursday so I could file, copy, and type for five long hours. Sometimes I even reject food offers from the doctor's assistant just because I'm so into my assignment. Mom and Jack are usually near the area while I work since the office is located near a shopping outlet. Poor Jack. He's just searching for toys while Mom debates on which handbag to buy for five hours.

It's been two weeks since Aaron and I have last seen Syringe, our code name for the mysterious girl in the store.

I read the time on the computer monitor. It was 3:00. I sighed. I had two more hours to go. I was typing up a few written notes the doctor scribbled down. She didn't verbally tell me why she needed them typed, but I found out that it's just because typed notes seemed neater to her.

Three robbers down below.

We need backup.

I stopped typing and looked out the window. Three buff men were running away from the trading store, followed by a couple of puny policemen. They were obviously new. The three robbers were carrying a sculpture of a golden elephant decorated with expensive gemstones of all kinds, and they wore the same slit beanies and had the same orange auras that the Syringe sported. The policemen waved their batons clumsily, causing the three robbers to beat them down with ease.

I've heard about these men on the news. Just recently, they've worked together to escape out of prison. The news says that they are nowhere to be found, but it looks like those policemen got their eyes on them first.

I gasped when I saw the policemen limping back to their motorcycles. The doctor and the assistant weren't in the office, so I decided to abandon my assignment and race to the top of the building.

It turns out that they were at the top of the building too, joining the crowd to observe the gruesome fight. The roofs all around us were packed with crowds of people as well. The doctor and her assistant put their arms around me, reassuring my safety.

Backup's coming.

The policemen were about to start their motorcycles until a flash of blue whizzed behind them. Everyone collectively gasped as it swept the three robbers off of their feet and onto the cement. The three men stood up cautiously, looking around hastily for the person responsible for their fall.

"Hello, gentlemen," an accented voice said. Everyone reverted their attention to a blue-haired boy leaning next to one of the policemen sitting on their motorcycles. "I'll be your backup for today."

The boy whizzed to the front of the three men, his chin held high and his hands firmly on his waist. The crowd gasped all at once again, but it was more of a curious gasp than a pitiful one.

That was the big reveal. In front of the crooks stood a real-life superhero faster than a speeding jet. The crowd "Ooh"ed and "Aah"ed at his arrival.

"It's... It's..." I shouted with excitement, pointing at Aaron. A couple of adults nearby gave me a stern look.

I decided to keep quiet. If I were to reveal his full, real name in public, then more enemies and even scientists would be chasing after him, with him being exposed like this.

Three days after we bought the morphsuit, Aaron's superhero outfit - or, uniform, as he prefers to call it - was finished. The neck area was trimmed like a turtleneck, so we could see his face - if only he were to stop running. The front of the suit was just pure white, but the back of the suit was spray painted a metallic navy blue so he could leave dark blue trails wherever he ran. It's been sitting in his closet for a few weeks, and Aaron couldn't wait to run into battle on his first mission wearing it.

"Coming right at ya!" Aaron yelled, heading for the first robber on his left.

The first robber was defeated easily. Aaron's run into a swift roundhouse kick sent him flying and breaking into a glass building, leaving him passed out on the fourth floor.

Aaron decided to step it up when it came to the second robber. He spun around a few times, and a tornado materialized as a result of his super speed. The tornado picked up and carried the second robber away from the buildings.

The third one took the longest and was the hardest for Aaron to beat. Unlike the other two, the third had a backup plan, heading for one of the police's motorcycles. He revved the engine three times before zooming off around the parking lot.

But the robber wasn't heading for Aaron. Mom and Jack were stuck in the middle of the road, caught up in all of the action. The motorcycle purred loudly as it headed for my brother.

"Jack!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Aaron caught my eye, and then he looked at Jack, whose expression was the most heartbreaking one I've ever seen from him. He smirked, and in a split-second, Mom was moved off to the side behind a car, and Aaron carried Jack with one arm.

Jack'll be alright.

He ran in a U-Turn towards the last robber. Once he jumped onto the motorcycle, he started to throw as many punches as he could at the crook. By every passing second, the motorcycle slowed down, and the last robber was defeated. Aaron finally put Jack down in the middle of the peaceful road.

"Who are you?" Jack asked, looking up at him with wide eyes.

Aaron just shrugged, and then he zoomed off like a real hero.

Everyone on the rooftops cheered for the newest hero of the town, as if all of this was just a scripted stunt show. Heck, I felt like I was watching a fighting sequence in a Marvel movie.

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