47: Invitation

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Aaron stopped practicing at the track and started to practice around town. Sometimes he would wake me up early because he would be in need of a racing buddy, so I would eagerly hop on my scooter and follow him around the neighborhood. I wasn't the type to enjoy attention, but when awestruck children on the streets called out "Blue Electric!" or "Illuminate!", it warmed my heart.

One afternoon, after one of those runs, we received a mysterious note taped on the front door.

"San Francisco. Ghirardelli Square. 5 P.M. Friday. Get over there or I'll eat you like chocolate," I read aloud. Aaron burst out in a spontaneous laughing fit.

"Aaron, this is serious," I hushed him. I tore the folded tape off of the letter and ran my fingers over the ink.

The note's been written by none other than Syringe.

"If it's a fight she wants," I grunted. "then it's a fight she'll get."

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