44: Collision

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Aaron and I raced to the train station, not saying a word to the other until we got onto a platform. Even though the people on the streets could only see blurs of blue and gold, they greeted us as we passed by, acknowledging the presences of real-life superheroes.

I can't believe I could call myself a real-life superhero now.

Aaron swerved onto the nearest platform and I parked my motorized scooter next to a brick wall.

"Platform 11. The site of your first heroic act, B.E. How coincidental it is that our mission takes place here," I said, scanning the passengers and the area.

"Ah, memories," Aaron sighed. "So, what's the plan?"

"My senses tell me that trains L and M are going to collide in about ten minutes, due to an unknown cause," I said, checking my watch. "The plan is to stop the two trains before they crash into each other. L's coming from the left. M's coming the other way."

"I can stop the L train in under a minute!" Aaron bragged before speeding onto the track into the L train's direction.

Luckily, the M train just arrived behind me. As the crowds poured out, I ran in, accidentally shoving a bunch of passengers going in to make way for me. I apologized about a million times to them while they looked at me as if I was crazy. I couldn't blame them. I was the new superhero on the block, and they will get to know me eventually.

At the front of the train, I approached the driver cautiously, whose gaze was focused straight ahead on the track.

"Hi," I said. The driver jumped at my arrival, making him turn his eyes away from the track.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked, eyeing me nervously.

"Look, you have to believe me. In about," I glanced at my watch again. "five minutes, your M train is going to collide into the L train."

"And how do you know this?" The driver scoffed.

I expected that they wouldn't believe me at first. That's why I had to be convincing.

"I work with the Blue Electric," I told him. The whole train car stared at me in silence.

"The Blue Electric has a sidekick now?" He laughed.

"He doesn't refer to me as his sidekick," I replied. "It's a partnership thing."

"So, do you have superpowers of some sort?" He questioned, deadpan.

"I'm psychic."

"Sure," he smiled.

I read him.

"You're Oliver Gloss. You've been forced by your mother to work here at the train station since the year you dropped out of high school. You have one daughter named Emilia, who is soon to graduate college, but you're not married. You lost your virginity in high school, which is the very reason you dropped out. You live with her and your mother in your one-bedroom house. Your father is dead," I whispered, so no one else in the train car could hear, picking out every bit of information I could gather in one minute. "You're also a die-hard superhero fanatic."

Oliver was left speechless.

"Look out," I said, pointing ahead at the L train facing in front of us. Oliver's shaking hand pulled the breaks.

"Sorry I doubted you," he apologized.

"That's alright. Can you open a door so I could go out, please?"

"Of course," Oliver gushed, pulling a lever and letting some fresh air in. I walked to one of the open doors, getting a grip on one of the metal bars above me so I could get a clear view atop the risen track.

"What are you called?" Oliver called out to me amidst the whistling wind.

"The name's Illuminate," I smiled. I ran to the L train, where the Blue Electric was waiting. I knew how much he hated waiting.

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