6: Favors

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I swore to myself when I realized I left my lunch on the bleachers.

He's coming.

"What?" I say to myself.

A pair of sneakers behind me made a squeaking noise on the floor.

"Hey," a voice said.

I turned around, only to be met by a pair of blue eyes under a blue fringe.

Just whom I expected it to be.

"Umm..." he hesitated. "You left this on the bleachers."

He held up my Avengers-themed lunchbox.

"Thank you," I said, taking it from him and pushing it next to the books in my locker.

"I like the design," he smiled, still staring at my lunchbox.

I laughed to myself.

"You like superheroes?" He asked.

"Love them," I beamed.

He laughed.

"When's your lunch period?"

Why is he still here? I thought.

"Late," I told him, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Same here," he smiled again. "I guess I'll see you."

He finally opened his locker, which was right next to mine.

"You were good today," I said, grabbing my science textbook. "Like really good."

"Thanks," he grinned.

I closed my locker, walking towards room 202. The clock was right above me. Passing period was almost over.

"You're gonna be late for class," I smirked with my back turned on him. He was still pulling his books out of his locker.

He'll make it.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'll make it."

His locker slammed. I turned around before entering the science room. He was gone.

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