45: Second

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"And he said, 'Sir, you have to slow the train down!' so the Blue Electric pulled the breaks on the train (though in real life the driver of the train pulled it) and the L train was stopped!" Jack shouted, pretending to pull a whole train as if he has super strength. "The L train was just feet away from the M train, which was successfully stopped by Illuminate!"

"So, what do you think of the new superhero?" I asked my brother curiously.

"She's cool, but she's not my favorite!"

Here it comes.

I rolled my eyes.

"The Blue Electric is the fastest, greatest, bestest superhero ever! Illuminate comes as a close second!" Jack yelled.

Jack exited the room by running up the stairs with his comic book in hand.

"First's the worst. Second's the best," I whispered in Aaron's ear.

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