41: Off-Guard

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After a hundred pushes, the treadmill wasn't in the center of the Base anymore. I was, and it made me more nervous than  before I took my first exam. Aaron was told to (literally) run some errands by my mother, but I feel like I'm being watched by him.

I shuffled to the side, trying to hold my shivering fists firmly. I took a step forward with my left leg and swung my right leg, kicking at an invisible, imaginary villain. I envisioned him with vibranium armor and flaming horns sprouting from his forehead so I had an excuse to never stop beating him. My left hand took on the form of a blade, and I pretended to jab his neck, causing him to grunt. I threw another punch towards his stomach.

The villain began to run. I chased him around the Base, jumping over foam blocks and stacked mats and landing on my feet after rolling on the cool cement. I wished I was Aaron in that moment, so I could just run up to him and tackle him to the ground. I would beat the heck out of him and finish the job just like that. Unfortunately, my powers aren't physical.

I got so into the fight that I started to feel the made-up villain. He stepped his game up, hitting harder and faster by each of my dodges and blocks. My back was turned. I didn't want to see the horrifying face of the villain. I fought behind my back, predicting his next move.

I finished the fight by hitting his face with the back of my hand.

I turned around, not expecting anyone laying on the ground behind me. The villain was gone. I wasn't fighting the villain. I accidentally beat Aaron up. The grocery bags he once carried were ripped open, and there were fruits and vegetables everywhere.

I swore loudly, the harsh, single word filling the room.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized, lifting my hand up to my forehead.

"It's okay," Aaron accepted, getting up off of the ground. "That was awesome."

Aaron sped around the Base, picking up the fallen food.

"So, you do want to ride into battle with me," Aaron said.

"Yes," I confessed. I sighed. "I just didn't think I was strong enough."

"Oh, you're ready," Aaron replied. "But I don't want you to go with me on my next mission just yet."

I looked at him. I knew exactly what he was referring to. It made me even more anxious.

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