38: Voltage

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Since Aaron was finally granted his very own superhero name, I decided to add a few last-minute touch-ups to his uniform. Using some stencils, I spray-painted electricity bolts all over his suit and the letters 'B' and 'E' on the chest area. Aaron loved the new uniform.

"Careful, Aaron. This driver is prepared to strike at you in any way he can," I told him.

"Alrighty," Aaron smiled behind his Google Glass as he wound through the streets of the big city with ease.

The driver of the speeding car Aaron was chasing made a sharp turn into an alleyway.

"I'm going to guide him to water," Aaron said.

"So the car will just fall in?" I added. "Sounds good."

Aaron ran to every side of the car, causing the driver to twist and turn in Aaron's desired direction. After one final turn of the wheel, the car flew off of the road and into the sea.

The car began to sink to the bottom slowly, but Aaron wasn't planning to leave him there. He ran into the car, picked him up, and ran on the water to the nearest dock, where he would meet with a couple of policemen.

The driver coughed and wheezed when Aaron stepped onto the dock. The police sirens of the cars surrounding Aaron and the criminal were still going off.

"You should take it easy on the alcohol before doing crazy stuff like this," Aaron told the driver while throwing an empty wine bottle into the sea.

"You're the crazy one, kid. It's like you don't even care if you get hurt," the driver yelled.

"Oh, I do care," Aaron chuckled. "It's just that my battle scars actually mean something heroic to others."

The driver growled as Aaron handcuffed him swiftly.

"I hate you, kid. I will get revenge on you. I will hunt you down once I'm out of this prison, you... You..."

"The Blue Electric is the name you're looking for," Aaron smirked, and he ran back to the base.

Elle and the ElectricTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon