34: Money

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"Let's go ask that kid for money!" Henrik suggested, his voice gruff and raspy.

"W-Wha?" Danny stuttered, doubting the idea.

"What did you say?" Mars growled threateningly.

"Nothing," Danny shrugged.

"Dan, we know you said something!" Henrik nearly yelled.

"Dude, it's just that we don't know him!" Danny spoke up at their voice level.

"Well, soon we will," Mars stated, all three of them heading for the lonesome teenager in the empty lot. "We need the money."

"Hah," Henrik laughed. "More like you need the money." He pointed at Danny.

"I do. I do," Danny repeated.

"Yeah," Henrik scoffed. "You're one of us now. You found refuge in us. We fight for what we need. And if you don't make an effort, chump..." Henrik's tall body faced Danny's, pale in comparison. "Then you're out, kid."

"You don't want to disappoint your second family, do ya?" Mars added.

"Yeah," Henrik smirked. "and don't you want these?"

Henrik held up a thick stack of dollar bills and waved it in front of Danny's face. In those bills, Danny saw his family living happily at last.

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