24: Hyper

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Aaron ran from our quiet neighborhood to KCP and back in less than twenty seconds. Aaron skidded to a halt only centimeters from our stunned faces when he returned. His body vibrated from the rushes of adrenaline pumping throughout him. With the corners of my mouth turned up and John's mouth wide open, we both stopped recording.

"How long have you been running?" John asked, brushing some pebbles off of his coat.

"Since I could walk," Aaron smiled.


Even before his dad injected him, running was all Aaron would do. I saw him running in his diapers, running around the dinner table, and even running in his very first track race when he was six years old and obviously winning. He was awfully fast before he became enhanced.


"Reaching that speed at your age looked inhuman!" John exclaimed.

Aaron laughed awkwardly, tearing away at his friendly gaze. I knew he wasn't going to tell him about what happened between him or his father; he thought it would ruin his image. But even if John were to know the truth, Aaron would still be impressive. He was born to run.

"Have you ever wanted to be a superhero?" John said.

Aaron exhaled. "Of course," he smiled.

"Well, it looks like we'll be seeing comic books starring you soon," John complimented, shaking Aaron's hand first and then mine. "Thank you for your time."

"Nice meeting you," Aaron grinned, letting go of his grasp. We watched John run awkwardly to his Volkswagen.

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