32: Backup

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I predicted that Aaron would wake me up at the middle of the night, but I didn't want to wake up before he would wake me.

"Elle..." He shook me rapidly.

"I know, I know," I mumbled, pulling the covers over my head.

"Do you want me to shake you faster?" He threatened.

"No! No!" I nearly shouted, and I rubbed my eyes to see his face in front of mine.

"So," I said. "the superhero finally needs some help from the superfriend."

"Exactly," Aaron whispered.

"See this?" He said, holding up a fragile pair of glasses attached to a headset.

"Yeah," I replied, still drowsy.

"I have my own matching pair. If you put these on, then you'll see what I see," Aaron explained.

"Talk to me through this microphone, and you'll hear me through this," He added.

"And my job is to predict what's going to happen next?" I said.

"Yep," Aaron agreed. "Just like what you did there."

"Cool," I smiled.

"Now, get out of bed, slowpoke. I got a gang to stop."

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