28: Supersonic

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"Well, what is it?" Aaron asked, staring at the small syringe resting peacefully in my palms. The basement light was dim and focused on the tiny container, making the fluid inside glow in a more mysterious way than when we first saw it. I tilted my palms, causing the liquid to swish back and forth like a small tsunami.

I closed my eyes lightly, trying to remember something. Then it hit me.

I winced strongly at the bittersweet memory of Aaron suffering in his father's chair.

"It's the same thing your father injected into you as a little kid," I told him. I started to pace around The Base, and Aaron followed. "but the weird thing is that it gave you extreme pain as a child but it didn't seem to phase you at all as a teenager."

"Maybe I got used to the pain," Aaron added curiously.

"Try running," I suggested, facing the treadmill in the middle of The Base.

Aaron hopped on the treadmill, pushed some buttons, and started running. This treadmill was one-of-a-kind since it measures in mach numbers, a unit of speed that is usually used to describe aircraft speeds.

"Mach 10," I said, reading the monitor. "That's as fast as the fastest aircraft."

Aaron slowed the machine down, his sweat dripping rapidly from the top of his head.

"Did you get any idea of who the girl was?" He asked.

"No," I confessed. "but I have a feeling that she has a unique motive to shoot you."

"Are you saying that this girl is our arch nemesis?" Aaron laughed.

"Aaron, I don't even know if she is an actual threat yet," I smirked, making my way around a dark corner. "but I know we'll be hearing more about her."

I placed the syringe on a side desk. I need it for future references.

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