1: Energy

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What's something that is crucial to our existence? What is something you could feel, yet you can't see? What could you use to determine something about a person?

The answer to all of these questions is simple: energy. It appears in many forms: food, light, electricity, etcetera. It fuels us. It makes us feel alive. Without it, we cannot move or think. It is all around us, though we do not sense it.

In fact, we never really think about its existence. We just use it up all the time.

And, yes, energy can tell you something about another person. You're probably thinking about the fact that if a person's energy level is low, then he or she is tired, and when a person's energy level is high, then that person is ready to take on the world. That is only part of what someone's energy could tell you. At least, that's how it is for me.

Without energy, I wouldn't have part of my powers. I choose a person. I look at the person. I see colors around the person, called auras. I connect with said person. I tap into the energy. From there, I could determine their current moods, feelings, identities, occupations, and thoughts.

The other half of my powers has to do with probability, the likelihood of an instance to happen. My predictions aren't just lucky guesses. I gather all the information I have before I make my decision about the future. It's similar to a science experiment hypothesis, but I could imagine that prediction in my head as clear as day. I just get a feeling in my stomach that it's bound to happen.

The cons? I could only predict the near future. One week is the farthest I have predicted. And I couldn't read a person's mind at the drop of a hat. I need to look at the person - really look, as in a cold, hard stare, and I need a moment, probably about ten minutes of contact with them to figure out who they really are. Still, they are pretty useful.

Aside from possessing these powers, I spent the majority of my life being a fangirl, a blogger, and a nerd.

I never always knew I was psychic.

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