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Asianfanfics- wangmandulover

Once again thank you for your support and love. Happy Halloween and Diwali. Love you 😍😍😍😚😚😚


Tyla's P. O. V.*

I felt someone shook me harshly as I tried hitting the person who was interrupting my sleep. I groaned loudly when the person didn't give up even though I was clutching my blanket hard no thought of waking up. I jolt up as I felt the blanket pulled away.

"What the hell?" I yelled at the person with my eyes closed. I rubbed my eyes hard and wiped the sleep away even if it was a hard task to do.

"Shhh..." The person came near me with his finger on lips.

"Parker. What the hell Parker? Why you wake me up at-- I looked at my phone, I gasp loudly as my eyes turned in the size of saucer-- 12 freaking am. You better have a damn reason to wake me up at this hour."

He took a deep sigh and rubbed his face. "I-- I I"

'What's wrong Parker? Why do you look so stressed?"

"Tyla, something happened." Oh my god he called me Tyla which means some really serious sh!t had happened.

"Jacob what's wrong?"

"We need to go somewhere."

"Somewhere. Where?"

"There's an emergency and we need to get going right now. Please understand and get up fast." Without a second thought I jolted up from the bed and headed out of the room with Parker. I got out of the house and inside Jacob Parker's car as all possible scenarios come up in my mind.

"Look piggy, I know when we get there you're going to hypernate the moment you lay eyes on that place but please for me try to keep calm OK." He hold my hands looking straight into my eyes. I nod my head in response no words coming out of my mouth.

"Promise me fatty."

"I promise." I choked on my words.

After fifteen minutes of drive we were in front of that one particular place that I didn't even think about. My promise all forgotten anger washing over my body. I saw Jacob Parker getting out of his car and coming to my side to open the door with a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"You can't be serious right now." My anger was changed into rage when I saw him grinning.

"I am actually." I got off from the car with an annoyed look and stared at what was in front of me. Never in my million thoughts this place came in my mind when he said emergency.

"Really Parker. An ice cream parlour." He nodded at me with a foolish smile. "I can't believe this, you woke me up at midnight to have some icecream." I really love ice creams they are my favourite but there's certain time for and at midnight when I was having a goodnight sleep is probably not the certain time.

"Yeah what's wrong with that. I was craving and I thought we could some."

"You were craving for ice cream at midnight. What are you, pregnant?!!" I yelled making him flinch.

"I didn't know there was a rule that said only pregnant could crave for ice cream at midnight. Oh hold on a minute there is no rule." I glared at him hard that I thought laser beams were going to come out any minute.

"Hey don't get angry and let's have some ice cream alright." He suggested wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"You want to eat, you can go. I am going back home."

"You're going back?"




"Okay?" He looked at me like he didn't believe and when I turned around to go back home, I got why he didn't believe me. There was just a dark deserted road and nothing else and I am scared of dark deserted places.

I cleared my throat and straightened my posture and turn towards the ice cream parlour, whilst heading to the parlour I could see that jerk of my best friend muffling his laughter. Someone seriously finds my misery funny.

I was tapping my fingers hard on the table, my anger's boiling point reaching its limit as I notice something.

"You know I just notice something."


"You're dressed up all fashionably like you are attending some party while I am in my Dora Pyjama bottams and pink barbie T-shirt with a minion slipper. Just amazing." He chuckled. Why is that my best friend of a human always find my misery amusing?

"It's not my fault that you still are into this childish cartoons and I was attending a party before coming here so you can guess why I am all dressed up."

"Hey!!! They're not child--- wait what did you say?"

"It's not my fault that---"

"Not that you idiot after that. Where were you before picking me up?"

"Oh I was at a party." He said looking at me with folded arms and amused look as my blood pressure gets higher and higher.

"You were at a freaking party with lots of people."

"Mmm hmm."

"And you had come to my house to disturb my beauty sleep to quench your cravings while you could have picked any of those hoes lined up for you." He chuckled at my statement.

"Yes, I had to disturb your beauty sleep because what's the fun in eating ice cream at late night with some random chick than your favourite person."

"Well you're not my favourite person Parker."

"Still I am your best friend, right." He gave me a sheepish smile. "Just have fun."

"Does my face screams that I am having so much fun right now?"

"Yes a lot."

"Ha ha ha very funny Jacob Parker."

"Excuse me ma'am your ice cream." The waitress who got lost for half hour after taking our order finally came back.

"You know what? I am gonna eat a lot of ice cream and have fun. You better get ready to pay." I was starting to dig on my ice cream.

"OK!! But first-- I stopped and looked at him curiously--- let me take a selfie." He took out his expensive phone as I snort real loud.

"Really Parker."

"What? It's like our first time hanging late night 'out' of the house. I have to capture this moment."
And then we took some selfies with him posing like a f*ckboy he is whilst I pose like childish kid I am.

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