Chapter 29

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The night went by fast and morning came, even if last night really worked us; me and Jacob out. I slept like a baby. I yawn loudly and stretched my hands and legs that's when I notice that Mr Jacob Parker was not in room.

"Where did he go now?" I got off from the bed and headed out of the room. As I took a first step out of my room I heard some chopping and sizzling noise from the kitchen, looks like I found out where my bestie best friend has gone. I slowly went downstairs and tiptoed to the kitchen to see him busy cooking something. I went slowly towards him trying my best not to make a sound and as expected no sound was made then I reached him and back hugged him.

"Good morning." My voice came out muffled and sore because one I had nuzzled my face on his damn sexy back and two I just woke up.

"Good morning to you too. You know a surprise good morning back hug and kiss everyday I can live with it."

"Mmm hmm." After the awkward silence last night when he asked me about marriage, the awkwardness was so thick I thought it could be cut with a knife he sense that I didn't want to talk about marriage and stuff so he changed the topic making everything back to normal. I was still hugging him while he was cooking something when I heard groans and footsteps coming downstairs.

"Ugh, my head hurts." As in on reflex I jumped away from Jacob Parker who turned to look at me. Just then the two ladies came inside the kitchen I looked at them and then Jacob Parker who was giving me a smirk and wink. What the heck is this--

"Good Morning Ladies!!!" He said in a really high pitched voice making our mothers groan loud.

"Low down your voice young man."

"My head hurts so much I think it's gonna explode any minute."

"So who on earth asked you to drink!!?" Aunt Eva hissed at her son.

"Low low speak in a low voice."

"By the way why were you two drinking on a weekday?" I asked keeping my voice low as much as possible.

"Oh we had a staff dinner last night."

"And you guys thought about having a staff dinner on Monday not Friday but freaking Monday where on the hell did you left your mind last night."

"Jacob." Both of the ladies hissed at him while rubbing their temples and I slapped his arm.



"We had a dinner because one of the staff was going to be a father. We couldn't help our excitement so we planned a staff dinner."

"Father? Who?"

"Johnnie." This time it was my mom.

"Oh my god!!" Again groans came from their mouth when I sequeled. "Sorry, but seriously Johnnie as the hot hunk who works as a chef at your restaurant is becoming father."

"Mm hmm."

"Oh my god first he was one of the most sexiest chef I had seen and now he's gonna be one of the most sexiest dad alive." I stopped myself when I heard someone cleared their throat. I turned to look at Jacob Parker who was giving me a smile that said you're so dead Missy making me gulp.

"Hot hunk and sexy dad huh?"

"Ha ha."

He came closer to my ear and whispered."I'll be dealing with you later when I'm done with these two." Making me gulp.

"Here drink these." Jacob put two glasses of lemon water in front of the duo which they took and drank a little scrunching they're face.

"Ohhhh eekkk this is sour."

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