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*Jacob's P. O. V.*

We were in front of the front door waiting for mom to open the door. Oh if you're wondering why? Then it's because Derek is back from his college and mom thought we should held a dinner with the Andrews as they are our second family and Jane loves both of us brothers like her own son. As my mom opened the door she greets her best friend very warmly who was smiling from ear to ear while the person beside me took a deep breath.

"Wow Jane looks so beautiful." At first I simply nod my head but then the tone he was using hit me and I looked at him 'the f#ck you're talking about' look.

"That man is seriously an idiot for leaving such a beautiful lady." Still his eyes glued on the woman who was wearing red dress, pearl earrings and a smile on her face that seems to brightens more and more as she greets everyone. No wonder where that beautiful smile of Tyla's came from, I shake my heas came to my senses.

"Bro I don't know what you're thinking but let me remind you Jane is of our mother's age and she's like a mother to us."

"Aww is she?" He was smirking at me but I don't understand what's he thinking.

"Oh look who's here?"

"Jane." If possible somehow my brother's smile got more wide as they both hugged each other. I know it's just a hunch but why do I feel like he loves Jane but not the way how I love her and to make it more suspicious he's holding onto her so tight and nuzzling his face on the crook of her neck like they're some kind of long lost lover. Ok~~ I am so not liking this. Finally after some second Jane pulled away smiling at him.

"Aww did my baby boy missed me?"

"You don't have any idea." Please god let this be some kind of paranoia because I am so not shipping this two.

"And who we have here." I smiled really awkwardly and hugged her.

"Jane aren't you forgetting something?" My mom interrupted, I pulled away from the hug and looked at my mom's direction to see the girl I have been waiting for so eagerly standing shyly beside my mom. She was wearing a navy blue knitted sweater, a white floral skirt, some black stockings and a blue high top shoes. All in all she looked really gorgeous in it but I doubt she'll believe it. I was too busy gwaking at the girl that I didn't notice a presence beside me.

"Do you remember what we talk in your room?"

"Huh?" I was busy staring at Tyla that I didn't process what he said that it'll come jumbled in my head.

"You know I said we'll see about who's jealous of whom."

"So??" He just gave me a smug look and walk towards Tyla.

"Aww if it isn't my little piglet?" Oh no he just didn't, what the-- hold is she blushing, the heck!!


We were currently in the dinning room getting ready to eat except for me because I was getting ready for some war. After Tyla has arrived that brother of mine has been doing nothing but talking and caressing her like he doesn't know I am planning his death on my mind and for the girl who's been acting really lovey dovey with me couple of days ago she's blushing at every word he spits. Oh how I forget that my oh so best friend had this huge crush on my brother when we were kids. I was royally pissed at those two that I involuntarily slammed on the table making everyone flinch.

"Jacob what's with you?"

"Dad tell the son of yours to lay his hands off my best friend before I kill him with this fork." I hold the fork real tight while glaring at my so called brother who was giving me a smug and as to challenge me he put an arm over her shoulder.

Breath in breath out breath f#ck this.

"Jacob he's your brother. You don't go on telling people you want to kill your sibling plus Tyla is your best friend not girlfriend so not acting like a possessive boyfriend which you aren't."

"Yes Jacob you aren't her boyfriend so stop acting like one and she also doesn't mind me being close to her so why should you right piglet." She stare at his eyes for a few sec and nod her head.

"Stop calling her that, she has a name which is spelt Tyla."

"Why should I, it's an endearment for her."

"Well you have no right to do that."

"And why is that so?"


"Oh stop you two. Now listen to me. Well my son is back from his college after so long and we three also hadn't have a break in a long time, so I was thinking why not go out clubbing and all." The heck she just spit, I swear I wasn't the only one shocked by her statement because dad and Jane choked on their drinks and food respectively while Tyla's eyes had turned into a size of saucer. God those damn eyes oh if I could I can swim in those for ages and I wouldn't be tired of it.

"Eva what are you saying? Do you know how old are we?"

"Yup we are in our mid thirties but we look like we're late twenties." Cue the eyerolls.

"I didn't ask you how old we look like, I am just trying to tell you it's inappropriate for us to go to club."

"Why what's wrong in that?" And it wasn't my mom who asked not even dad but my freaking brother who's focus was suddenly changed from right side person as in Tyla to the person on his left as in Jane.

"Why do you mean what's wrong? I am a mother of a teenager it sounds so weird like a mother clubbing at the age when she should be knitting sweaters for her future grandchildren."


"You'd actually knit for ou-- umm Tyla's kids." I know Tyla is glaring at me because I can feel holes begin dug on my side.

"Of course I would."

"Aww that's so sweet. Right Tyla."

"OH by the way how's your girlfriend Jacob." Slience, suddenly filled the roon everyone's focus on me. I gulped before answering her.

"I broke up with her." I saw Tyla frown and mouth agape.

"What did you say?!" She questioned or more of all yell at me.

"I said I broke up with her Tyla."

"What do you mean you broke with her? How could you how could you break things with a really beautiful goddess like her."

"Because I am in love with a human, a human with flaws not some perfect rich goddess but a normal girl whose flaws are more attractive to me than the perfection of someone you call goddess." Speechless that's what I can say about her situation right now.

"Jacob son are you serious about this girl or--"

"Don't worry dad I'm more serious about her than you can guess."

"Wow she must be really special, for my son to be serious about a girl."

"Mm hmm she really is." I said still staring at her while she tries to avoid my stare, till how long how long until you'll keep avoiding me Tyla Andrews.

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