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*Double update guys. Yehee*

I didn't know til now that when someone who loved you more than anyone starts showing bitterness, it hurts more than those mean people throwing hates at you. It has been days since Jacob started giving those cold shoulder, even though I talk with other guys I feel so lonely. Nothing is normal without Jacob Parker by my side because he's ignoring me I thought it would be better not to go anywhere near him. So I haven't had spent my lunch with them since this whole thing started, I usually go to library or come here to sit on the bench of our school ground.

*SIGH* How did everything turned out this way? I miss spending time with the boys, I miss Jacob's overprotective and cocky behaviour which used to annoy me a lot. I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the person who was currently sitting beside me.

"Hey!!" He's deep raspy voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You OK?"

"Umm hmm." I nod my head.

"Stop lying Tyla, since this whole dating rumour started you haven't quiet been yourself."

"That's not true."

"Nope, that's exactly true. I'm sorry Tyla I tried my best to stop the rumours but they're just telling off by saying something stupid."

"It's OK. Nicholas what's done is done and I really appreciate what you did to help this rumours settled."

"You're not mad at me, are you?"


'If I hadn't picked you up from the bus stop or even went shopping with you these things wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't be sulking here all the time."

"What do you mean sulking? I am perfectly fine." I said trying to cheer him up mostly myself by pasting a wide smile which probably didn't reach my eyes and showed brightness like my usual real smiles because I only gained a 'yeah right' look from him making me take a big sigh.

"By the way you really have one aggressive fangirls." I said trying to change the subject.


"Since this whole thing started many girls are shooting me glares and leaving me notes how you belonged to them not me."

"I'm so sorry Tyla, I didn't know about it." See here's the thing that I miss about Jacob his nicknames, nobody calls me fatty and piggy beside him even if they do (behind Jacob's back) it all comes out mean and hurtful. I wish this rumour about me and Nicholas dating thing dies out soon.

"It's OK. Actually it's not that bad." Who am I lying to. "I can understand. It would have been such a shock to them that their amazing hot nerd is dating a fat nobody like me, so they're doing their best to take me out from your life." Suddenly I felt his hand cupped my face and turned me to look at him. He was looking at me with those sincere eyes.

"You're not a nobody, you're Tyla Andrews the chubby girl with lots of cuteness and love for people. You're the girl who laughs and smile the brightest not giving two shits about what those losers tell you. You're a girl with a damn great marks yeah about science it's different but still." This made us both chuckle. "Most of all you're the girl who can control the biggest f**k boy who doesn't take orders from anyone aka Jacob Parker, Tyla Andrews you're not a nobody you have no idea how many girls would die to be in your position." I look at giving him a small smile. We stayed there looking at each other not uttering a single word, him rubbing my cheeks with his thumb before he started leaning in. Oh my god oh my god, this isn't happening what am I suppose to do, lean in or pull away. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice his lips are already pressed on mine. I don't know why even if I am attracted to him I just didn't feel a single emotion and somehow this felt so wrong. So I did the only option in my mind I pulled away.

"Umm I'm sorry."

"Ah no I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I raised my head to give him a smile when out of the corners of my eyes I saw someone dashing off.

After telling Nicholas hundred times it was alright and he doesn't need to apologise. I went to my locker to take out the stuff and started heading to my next class, on my way I saw a girl come out of the abandoned class smoothing her dress and hair making me look the other way.

"I hope to have some more of you later on." Ughh really I wanna puke right now.

"Of course baby girl you can have as much as you want." I came to halt in my place turning slowly at the direction of the voice. I saw the girl giggled with her hands covering her mouth and went the opposite way while the boy who was in the room came outside fixing his pants and straightening his jacket. He stopped right at the door frame shocked face with a hint of sadness but was all replaced with a scowl in a second and went the same direction the girl went.

Don't, don't you dare Tyla Andrews don't you dare, even with my warning those traitors started falling down making me rush to the washroom and miss my class.

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