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*Holy Moly guys 1.43k reads and 150 votes. You guys are seriously amazing😍😘😚. Thank you all for taking your time and giving my book a chance. I love you all. Thank you thank you.😍😍😘😘😚😚🙆🙆*


13 year old Tyla and 14 year old Jacob were at Jacob's house in his room cuddled up. While Jacob was watching some movie in TV, Tyla was searching tips to lose weight in her phone. Even though everyone would call her cute in her chubby form and tell her to love herself the way she is, she still felt insecure about her body.

When she found about the easiest way to lose weight, she read it and contemplated whether she should show her best friend, when she was fighting herself to show him or not, he snapped her out of her thoughts.

"What'cha thinking piggy?"

"Umm, not--" She stopped herself from finishing the sentence and showed her phone to him, which he responsed her with arching a brow giving her a what look.
"Read it."

After he read he gave her what the hell look.

"Do you think it works?"

*sigh* "Seriously Tyla why are you looking at this things?"

"Will you answer my question first?"

He took a big sigh and rub his hand in his hair. "OK honestly I don't know how true it is but I've heard, it actually helps."

Tyla bit her lips and looked at her phone's screen and read the sentence 'one minute of kissing burns 26 calories' again and again.

Jacob was looking at her best friend really carefully when she was biting her lip and looking at her phone, he didn't have any idea what came over him when he blurted

"Do you wanna try it?" He widened his eyes in shock about what he just said and so was Tyla but quickly regain from it.

"Wh~~at do y..you mean?" (A/n what do you mean woah when you nod your head yes but you wanna say. Sorry)

Tyla tilted her head at her best friend.

"Well if we want to know if it's true or not, why not try it ourselves to find out?"

"But, it means I have to give my first kiss to someone who's not my husband, and you know how I want to keep my first for my husband."

Jacob bite his lips to think about something else to persuade her. "Well it is better to give your first to someone who has not stuck his face already on many people than someone who has because first are always the special and when people grow old they'd already lose all their first to someone who aren't their wife or husband, so there is no guarantee that your husband is also waiting for you to give his first."

"So why not we two share our first kiss to each other, we love each other so much because we have been BESTFRIENDS since diapers, so I don't think it'd be that bad for us to kiss. And and also we'll be prepared when we will be kissing our you know ummm future boy/girl friend and won't make mistakes." Jacob told his friend rubbing his neck and looking everywhere else beside his best friend.

Tyla bit her bottom lip hard giving his friend's idea a thought before replying with an "okay" which made her friend jerk his face towards her.

"Umm.. Are you sure?" He asked Tyla in complete shock, Tyla too shy to response just nod her head. Jacob couldn't help hide his smile that was threatening to come in his face.

"So shall we start?" He asked scratching the back of his neck, when she nodded her head, he brought his hands to her chin so he could bring her face in front of him which was bowed down. He stared at her for few minutes and started leaning towards her before she stopped her putting a hand on his chest.

"I'm scared I might mess up."

"Don't worry, just follow my lead."

"I thought you said it's your first time."

"Umm hmm it is, but I'm a guy Tyla and we learn this stuffs through different things."

Before Tyla could ask more, Jacob has already pressed his lips on her. First, He started slowly and softly but few minutes into it he started nibbling and sucking her lips pushing himself more closer to her, his one hand behind her neck while the other was slowly moving from her shoulder to her hand which he intertwined. Tyla too scared, too nervous had her eyes closed tightly while letting all the work to be done by Jacob. Few minutes later of kissing, Jacob pulled from Tyla's lips but only keeping a short distance. When Tyla felt he pulled she opened her eyes.

"Wh--at's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"I want you to kiss me back, Tyla." He whispered making his lips grazed at hers, his hands putting the stray hair back and cupping her neck . Tyla was still shocked about the fact she was giving her first kiss to her best friend that no voice came out of her mouth so she just nodded her head. He didn't move forward to kiss but stayed at his position after a few seconds Tyla gave him a confused look.

"I want you to kiss me." She widened her eyes but move forward to kiss him, she did the things her best friend had done with her after getting engrossed in the kiss, she didn't have any control over her body, she absentmindly hung her one hand on Jacob's neck and runned her another hand in his smooth locks. Jacob's hand went around her waist and pulled her closer towards him, the only noise that was heard was from the TV that was long forgotten about and the sound of their lips moving in sync. Jacob laid Tyla on the bed slowly not leaving her mouth for a second and torturing it with his tongue.

After feeling the need for air because of the heavy make out session they both pulled away, Tyla was gasping for air greedily but Jacob was attacking her side of the mouth, cheeks, jaw and neck with his devilish lips making Tyla moan in pleasure. When he was finished torturing her neck giving her a hickey, he just laid on top of Tyla with his face nuzzled in her crook of neck. Little later when Tyla found her best friend was still laying on top of her, breathing in her neck heavily; she tried to ask if everything was alright but he beat her.

"You know you're just beautiful the way you are; cute, fluffy and cuddly. I don't want you to change yourself because teddy bears are more warm and lovable than barbie dolls who are made of plastic."

Tyla didn't know how but she got shy and red when Jacob told her those things and nod her head.

"Good night Tyla." He said before giving her a kiss on her neck and switching off the TV at the bedside lamp.

"Goodnight to you too Jacob Parker."

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