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This is dedicated to you all beautifully readers out there. Thank you alot for all those reads and votes. I love you all. Also I hope you check my other stories Abused and The Hoodie Stranger is my Idol. *Gives a big teddy bear hug*

After washing my body and hair with my favourite strawberry flavoured body wash and shampoo. I got off from the shower, dried myself with a towel and put on the clothes before brushing my teeth. After done with my morning routine, I went downstairs to witness my mom rushing here and there in the kitchen and living room like a crazy woman with a waffle in her mouth.

"Aaa~~ good ~~ mo--rning."

"Oh good morning honey." Her greeting was also rushed.

"Something wrong?"

"Umm actually I slept in and am late for work." My mouth formed an 'o'.

"Where on earth is it?"

"What are you searching for?"

"My glasses I swear I kept it right on this coffee table and my shoes, where are they?"

I sighed looking at the lady in rush with only one shoe on her feet. I went towards her and grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me.

"Wh-- what?"

I took the glasses that was rested on her head and brought it in front of her eyes.

"Oh!!" I smiled at her and went beside the couch and picked up the pair of the shoe she was wearing and showed it to her. She took a long sigh before smiling at me.

"What would I do without you?" She said while caressing my cheeks and looking at me with those motherly love.

"You wouldn't even survive a minute in this world." I joked.

"Yup you're definitely right."

"Aren't you late?"

"Oh yeah. I will get going, oh and I ate some pancakes which was probably made by Jacob which I am sure about-- this made me roll my eyes-- so, I made some waffles and please clean this room, I can't help you I am sorry." I looked at the mattress and blankets scattered around the room and back at her.

"It's ok you can just leave, I'll take care of it." After saying goodbye for more than ten times as my mother stopped after her every goodbye to look at me to apologise for being busy at weekend and not being a nice mother. After consulting her it was alright and I was fine with it, she finally went, leaving me alone to clean the mess. Not that I am complaining or anything. A hour and half after cleaning the whole house, I sprawled on the couch tired as heck.

If I want I could just lay on the couch all day and spend my Saturday but I refused to do that. I want to actually do something today and Jacob Parker also told me before leaving that I should try doing something. By that I remember someone saying that there was sale in the downtown market, maybe I should go shopping I usually don't do a lot of shopping, my mom does all the shopping because I don't have a nice way of choosing clothes, I usually go to a shop and the first cloth that catches my eyes I buy it plus I don't dress up much too, so it's rare for me to do shopping but I should take advantage of this day and the sale and go shopping.

I went upstairs and changed my clothes. Taking off my sweats, I wore a pair of leggings, a dark coloured denim shirt and an oversized grey wollen sweater, I tied my Nikes and grabbed my bag and some money.

I locked the door properly. After checking the lock twice, I headed towards the bus stop. I looked at the people in the bus stop waiting for the bus. I saw a lady probably in her mid thirties and her little son which I am presuming, I smiled at those two especially the boy he was such a cutie with those chubby cheeks, I just wanna pinch and kiss it. Smiling to my thoughts I waited for the bus, suddenly a blue shiny car stopped in front of the bus stop. Huh??!! Who's this probably, the lady's friend or relative, I turned to look at the lady but she was busy with her son. I turned back to the car and saw the window being opened, I leaned to see the owner and guess whom I saw.

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