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After practically fighting over for dinner we ended up ordering pizza, if we were going to have pizza (which was my choice) at the end why on did we even start the fight. Damn I hate this guy for picking up fight with me for every stupid reason in the world. Mr idiot was on the phone ordering our food while I was on the couch of their living room flipping through channels until he came and sat beside me.

"Soooo..." I looked at him with my brows raised.


"You wanna talk about this whole Nicholas thing?" He asked looking at the TV scratching his neck.

"Umm, what do you want to talk?"

"This, you know, you and Nicholas dating. Are you two dating for real?"

"Nope, what made you even think about it." He let out a big sigh of relief.

"Great." He actually murmured to himself but I heard it.

"Great, what's great?"

"Ummm, you know."

"No, I don't." He took a big sigh and ran his hand over his hair.

"Let's talk something else."

"Why did you ignore me?"

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Jacob Parker." I sternly looked at him.

"Wasn't what I did before enough to answer your question?" Somehow this made me blush, how can he talk about it so normally.
Probably it's something normal for him.

"But if you want to listen from my mouth then--" DING DONG
I don't know why but I was nervous to hear his answer, that's the reason why I,
"I think that's pizza." And dashed off to open the door, to meet with a really hot delivery guy, brown shaggy hair covered with a cap some fallen on his forehead, high cheek bones, grey eyes with cute dimples on both side of his cheeks.

"Hi~~" I was nervous, I was freaking nervous what on earth is wrong with me, I am getting nervous a lot today. Seeing my reaction that boy smirked might as well say a cute one, it's probably because of his dimples.

"Hello sweetheart, your pizza." I was starstruck and stood their frozen, that's until a force pulled me back.

"I'll take that, and here's the payment." He closed the door not letting him finish his thank you or taking back the change. What's wrong with this rich people always wasting money recklessly, I was going to yell at him for wasting money but didn't because when he turned around he had a really pissed look. Did I do something wrong? He went past me angrily. I followed behind like a last puppy.

"Why are you mad?" I said softly confusion dripping from every word. He took a big sigh and look at me with a smile which was a fake one.

"Nothing's wrong, let's go to my room." He said going upstairs, when you're friends with someone for a long time it's really easy to tell their lies which hurts a lot because you know they are hiding something from you that is bugging them and they don't trust enough to share you. I just silently followed him to his room.

"Do you wanna change first?" He asked and nod in reply.
"Are you upset?" I shook my head. He let out a breath and came towards me and grabbed my chin to tilt my head, so that I was looking at him. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"You lied."


"You lied when I asked why you were mad." He arched his brow confusion written on his face. "I am your best friend Jacob so I know when you're lying, and you lied which I don't like. Now why were you pissed?" He chuckled at my confession.

My Playboy BestfriendΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα