Adopted by Heathers Cast

By chaoticgeek

65.5K 2.3K 3.9K

Catlynn Reeve is no stranger to abuse. Her father and older brother have abused her since the day she was bor... More

Aw Look, Catlynn's Gonna Whine
So I'll Build A Dream That I Can Live In
Somebody Hug Me, Somebody Fix Me!
The Tiniest Lifeboat...
...Full of People I Know
It's Just You And Me, And The Castmates Who Love You
Act Like We're All Still Kids
This Could Be Beautiful
I Can't Promise No More Hospitals
She Was Sweet, She Said That I Was Smart
You're Welcome
Catlynn, Sure You're Scared, I've Been There
No One Sees The Me Inside Of Me
Wanna Fight For Me?
Dreadful Etiquette, I Know
We Always Knew You Were a Winner
Who Knew I Had This Thirst?
If She Had Your Shot
You Need The Strength To Pretend It's No Big Deal
Honey, Whatcha Waiting For?
At The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee...
Guilt, Regret, Anxiety, Fears We Dare Not Name
You're The One I Choose
Let Us Be Thirteen
Storms Are Approaching, There's Nowhere to Hide
Catlynn, I'm So Sorry...
Why Do I Cry Myself To Sleep?
This Could Be Our Final Chance
Greetings and Salutations
Think, Long and Hard
Are We On For Movie Night?
I've Been Thinking, Praying, Reading Some Magazines
Are There Any Happy Endings?
It's Time For Big Fun
Holy Crap! This Is Awesome!
So Let The Speakers Blow
Catlynn's Chandler Nightmare
Maybe Prom Night, Maybe Dancing
What's Your Damage?
Fine, We're Damaged, Really Damaged
That Freak's Not Your Friend, I Can Tell In The End
Time For You To Prove You're Not A Loser Anymore
Hold Me Tighter, Even Closer
They Made You Cry, But That Will End Tonight
Whine, Whine, Whine All Night
But We Let Go, Take A Deep Breath
We Can Start and Finish Wars
Life Is Random and Unfair
Catlynn, What's Going On?
Brand New Sheriff's Come To Town
People Hurt Us...
Hey, Mr. No-Name-Kid
Don't You Want A Life With Me?
Hope You'll Miss Me, Wish You'd Kiss Me
You Heard The Man, It's Time To Rage!
Got No Time To Talk
My Best Friend Seemed To Have It All Together
My Friend, You Will Be Missed
The Folks Are Gone, It's Time For Big Fun!
I Might Be Beautiful
It's My Favorite Moment Of The Bee
Are We Going To Have A Problem?
But Just Underneath Was A Terrified Girl...
Let's Be Normal, See Bad Movies
Blame It On Your Daddily and Mammily
When Are You Returning? I Know We Agreed
Chaos is What Killed The Dinosaurs, Darling
How I Wish You Were Home...
It's Possible, Anything's Possible
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!
Dear Mom and Dad, I'm Thinking of You...
I Saved A Chair For My Mom...
Are You A Heather? No, I'm A Catlynn
I'm Hugging My Knees
I'm Alone in the Universe
I'll Be Home With You
Solla Sollew...
My Future's In Your Hands
I Am Damaged
Shut Up, Violet!
My Own Planets and Stars Are Glowing
I'm A Thinker, And I Think Thinks!
Give Me Some Hope Here
We're The Asteroid That's Overdue
My Problems Were Myriad, I Just Started My Period
Why Rehash A Nasty Crash?
One True Friend In The Universe
Set Your Sights, I Am On A Mission!
Regrets and Goodnight
Mama, Mama, Mama!
I'm Drifting Through Space And Cannot Steer!
I'm Going Home, And That, Sir, Is That!
Stick Around Here, Make Things Better
Baking Cookies, Eating Paste
Look Who's With Her, Oh My God
Joy Never Comes For Free
Try Not To Think, Try To Behave
My Philosophy Is Simply, Things Could Be Worse!
Don't Worry, I'm Not Nervous
I Think Dad Is Angry, Ma
...And I Do Not Know What To Do
But We Are Equals, Ma, Where Neither Condescends!
I'd Rather Have Christmas Than War, Wouldn't You?
In These Lights, Can You Feel Our Pain?
Tell Yourself How Lucky You Are
Why Do They Hate Me? Why Don't I Fight Back?
Brains In My Head and Feet In My Shoes
And Will You Succeed? You Will, Yes Indeed!
Our Perfect Little Girl...
Save Our Dust, Sir!
Breaking The Peace, Creating A Fuss
You're On Your Own, You Know What You Know
Welcome to My School, This Ain't No High School
There's A Faraway Land So The Stories All Tell
Catlynn's Trying To Keep Him Out Now...
...Too Late! He Got In
We Were Kind Before, We Can Be Kind Once More
Here Comes The Cootie Squad!
I Was Meant To Be Yours
And You Feel Almost Normal...
Yo Girl, Keep It Together
You Were The Perfect Child
Wake From This Coma
And In This Case I Say The Shoe Fits
We Have Rights! That's Why We Complain
Mama, I Made A Friend
You Were Good But Not Good Enough
Doesn't Anyone Else Care About The Rules?
And I'll Sing You A Lullaby...
You Are The Only Thing That's Right About This Broken World
If I Go To Washington, Will I Be On My Own?
Life is Pandemonium!
I Try Not To Disappoint
Mama, I Love You
Woe is Me
Troubles There Are Few
That's The Reason We Despair
Please Let Me Say It One Time Louder
You're Planning Your Future, Catlynn McLemore
Who Will Be My Chaperone?
I'll Make It Happen, And Not As Previously Reckoned...
...Cause I Will Not Come In Second!
Kids Are Mean, Kids'll Talk
All For You
Your Love's Too Good To Lose
Not One Person Is Listening
When The News Is All Bad
I Believe In Ethical Conduct
A Very Nice, Very Very Nice, Very Nice Beginning
I'd Trade My Life For Yours
But You Didn't React...
Tell Me What You're Learning
I Had Quietly Packed
Winner's Destination: Washington, D.C.
Could You Be Seen With Me And Still Act Proud?
You're Right, That Really Blows
Maybe We Won't Grow Up
My Letter To Catlynn
A Special Thank You

Think And Wonder And Dream

199 9 5
By chaoticgeek

A few disclaimers before we start:
1. JoJo is normally a boy, though some productions change the character to be a girl. Including the one in this story.
2. I'm using the Broadway lyrics to "Having a Hunch," because the scripted version isn't available on either the Broadway or Off-Broadway cast albums.

Elle's POV

Catlynn was running around the house all day, screaming songs from Seussical. I laughed, not wanting her to stop. It felt really good to see her so happy. And I was going to see her as JoJo tonight, a night I was looking forward to for months.

"Elle! We have to go!" Cat said, tapping me on the shoulder about fifty times. She opened her arms and I picked her up. Cat giggled a little and I carried her to the car.

"Bye Mommy! I love you!" Cat yelled from the sidewalk. I said, "Bye Sunshine! Break a leg tonight! I love you too!" Cat ran into the theater and I found a parking spot.


"Are you guys excited?" Jessica asked. Everyone nodded. We were one of the first people in the theater, and I noticed that the sets were amazing. Cat told me that she helped design a few, which was super impressive. She didn't tell me which ones, but whatever ones she did were awesome. She's a super artistic girl.

Suddenly, the overture started playing and I shushed everyone else. After it was over, Cat walked out in a yellow dress.

"I know those auburn pigtails anywhere." Katie whispered. I smiled as Cat started to speak.

"Now that is a very unusual hat. I wonder what could be under a hat such as that. It could be a creature they call the Ga-Zhat who balances things on his head, cause it's flat. Or a stripe-loving Pipester from Upper Mount Bat. Or a sort of a...kind of a...hat!" Cat yelled, and Cat's friend Red bolted out from a wooden door, starting the opening number.

"Seuss!" Cat yelled, and Red joined her on a platform.

"Our story begins with a very strange sound. The drums of a jungle beginning to pound!" Red said.

"Now imagine a sky." Red said to Cat.

"I'll imagine bright blue!" Cat said, and the lights turned bright blue.

That led into a musical number called Horton Hears a Who, and then a really tall girl with dirty blonde hair walked out, a younger girl sitting on her hip.

"'Twas a sour kangaroo! And the young kangaroo in her pouch said," the tall girl said.

"Humph!" the younger girl said. The older girl put her down.

"Too! Why, that speck is as small as a head of a pin! A person on that, why there never has been! Haha! You're the biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool, and I don't care who I tell! Biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool." the girl sung. She was good.

"And I think so as well!" the younger girl said. She was adorable.

"Maybe I'm nasty, maybe I'm cruel, but you're the biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nool!"

Cat just stood on the platform with Red throughout this entire song.

Then, Cat ran off stage for a number called Here on Who, which was kind of depressing. But I knew that Cat sung more depressing songs than that. And the worst part was, JoJo's life was a lot like Cat's.

"Meet a tiny Who family on a small rainy day!" a boy said.

"Mom and Dad are just home from the Who PTA." Cat's friend Cesca said.

"And here's their daughter JoJo in trouble again." the boy said. Red shoved Cat towards Cesca and the boy. They scolded Cat, and as soon as I heard the word "bathtub." I knew what was coming.

"It's Possible." I whispered to Jessica, who smiled.

"You got me in trouble! Get out, go away!" Cat yelled to Red.

"Alright, I'll be going. But first let me say...oh the thinks you can think!"

"Stop!" Cat yelled.

"Oh the thinks you can think, as you splash and you splish." Red said.

"I'm not listening!" Cat yelled, covering her ears.

"As you sit there and scrub, have a Think in that tub. Think of water and fish!" Red sung.

"Fish?" Cat asked.

"Think of pipes in the floor leading down to the shore where the water is cool. Soon your tub's not a tub..."

"It's McElligot's pool!" Cat yelled.

It's Possible was amazing, as I expected it to be. Cat was truly an amazing little actress. Then, Alone in the Universe started, and I started crying. Cat singing that truly was amazing. She conveyed her whole life story in that one song.

Soon, a girl in a blue dress walked out strumming a blue ukulele.

"Is that Cat's friend Emily?" Jessica whispered. I took a closer look at the girl and nodded.

 Emily started singing, but she was cut off by a girl in a red dress and sunglasses.

A few minutes later, Emily was talking to Red, who was speaking in total gibberish.

"Huh?" Emily asked.

"In other words, your little tail is just right for your kind of bird!" Red said.

Emily went CRAZY. Then Red rolled out a massive bush, and Emily pretended to pluck all the pom poms off of it and eat them.

"Emily no." I whispered to myself. Jessica tried to hold in her laughter next to me.

"So Gertrude is happy. Her tail's nice and long." Cat said.

"Kid, fasten your seatbelt. Cause now things go wrong!" Red said. Then these 3 kids came out, the tallest of them sitting on the stairs. After their song was finished, they took the fake flower out of Axel's hand and ran around the theater.

The tall, very impressive dirty blonde girl came back, with the little girl again. They started to sing, but I didn't pay attention. All I cared about was Axel chasing those 3 kids again. They were fast for teenage theater kids.

After that song was over, Red sung a song called How Lucky You Are, dancing around with the flower. Then she casually dropped it on the ground and skipped off stage.

Then Emily came back and started singing.

"It's taken all my courage to approach you, not to mention all my stamina to follow you across the hills and desert. But I feel as if I'm ready to confess to you the feelings that I've hidden with great diligence and labor. Behind the facade of your odd little next door neighbor. My eyes are too small, I have very large feet, and I'm not very proud of my pitiful tweet. But I've now got a tail that is something too see..."

Axel wasn't paying attention. He was on the ground, counting clovers.

"Oh, notice me, Horton! Feather by feather. This is your next door neighbor calling! Notice me, Horton! Horton, together we could be great! Oh, notice me, Horton, put down the clover! This is your next door neighbor calling! There's a new leaf your neighbor's turned over..."

After Axel and Emily sung for a while, Axel left. Emily looked dejected.

"I will not give up hope. I was hooked from the start when I noticed your kind and your powerful heart! So notice me, Horton...notice me, Horton...the way I notice you!" Emily sung.

After a few minutes, Cat and the Whos came back. Cat started to sing.

"When you land with a thud and you're bumped and you're bruised. When you're trapped and you're grounded and lost and confused, tell yourself how lucky you are!" Cat sung.

"Isn't this where the crash line is?" Katie whispered. I nodded, but to my surprise, the line was changed.

"" Ryan asked.

"I did it." Jessica whispered smugly during intermission. "I emailed the director."

"Okay, this is no time for bragging rights! Sheesh!" I yelled. Then Act 2 started.

First, the dirty blonde girl, Astrid, and a girl named Bella came out and sung a song called Egg, Nest, and Tree.

Then, Horton was sold to the circus. And then he sung Solla Sollew.

"That's one of Cat's calming songs. That's how I know it so well." Katie said.

To my surprise, Cat came back, marching in with Schmitz and the Cadets.

"Sir, this war makes no sense! Just one Think, and you'd quit! Spreading butter up or down doesn't matter a bit. We're crashed in the clover, there's no help in sight. So why are you here teaching children to fight? And not only that, it's Christmas on Who! I'd rather have Christmas than war, wouldn't you? So here's my sword, and here's my hat. I'm going home, and that sir, is that!" Cat yelled.

Then she ran in a minefield and exploded.

JoJo was dead.

I started to cry a little, thinking about how I would feel if that happened to the actual Cat. Horrible.

Then, a song called Having a Hunch started to play.

"Oh no. It's what Cat calls the nightmare song." Evan said.

"I've got brains in my head and feet in my shoes!" Cat sung.

"So steer yourself any direction you choose! And oh, the places you'll go! You're on your own, you know what you know! Don't worry about how fast or how slow! Be certain to step with caution and tet cause life is a great big balancing act! And will you succeed? You will, yes indeed!" the ensemble sung.

Cat ran on the stairs and yelled "98 and three quarters percent guaranteed!"

After that song was over, Emily came back and sung a beautiful song called All for You. Then Horton was put on trial.

And the Whos were about to be boiled alive.

"JoJo! Think of something!" the Mayors yelled.

"Boil it! Boil it! Boil it! Boil it! Boil it! Boil it! Boil it!
Boil it! Boil it!" the jungle animals yelled.

"YOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!" Cat yelled at the top of her lungs.

Then the closing number started, and it was the most adorable thing ever.

"Seuss!" Cat yelled one last time, pulling the red and white striped hat over her eyes.

Then the bows started. When Cat came out to bow, we were all screaming. Cat deserved it. She was amazing.


Catlynn's POV

"ELLE!" I yelled, running into Elle's arms. Elle picked me up and spun me around, and Alice yelled, "What am I? Chopped liver?" I laughed and hugged the rest of my family, who handed me a bouquet of flowers. I was sweating like crazy.

"Hey! Cat!" Red cried, waving me over. I ran to her and hugged her.

"Amazing job. See you tomorrow? Cast party!" Red said. This time, it was at Red's house.

I smiled and said, "Yeah!" and then we headed on home.

I started to really like acting.

AN: Whoo! That was a long chapter! And my friends OC's were in this show!  ThatPlanetEnby 's character Emily played Gertrude, Spaceheater1 's character Comet played the Little Kangaroo (the girl who was practically attached to Erin) and TheatreGeek1011 's character Bella played a Bird Girl! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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