Hey, Remember Me? (GirlxGirl)

By Maverickk17

308K 11.5K 9.6K

GirlxGirl Anna Levine and Quinn Madden were the best of friends back in Elementary school till Quinn had to... More

1. Shithead
2. Bad First Day
3. Enemy
4. Don't Choke
5. P.E. & A Bit Of Jealousy
6. Nothing is Going to Change
7. Brother's Approval
8. Brother's Approval cont.
9. Flirting?
10. Lunch Troubles
11. Lunch Troubles cont.
12. I Hate it
13. Back at the Beginning
14. Promise?
15. Little Sister's Best Friend
16. $10 Ring
17. Tiny Dick Energy
18. The Start of a Long Day
19. No Common Ground
20. No Common Ground cont.
21. The Day isn't Over
22. Accidental Flirting
23. Hey Listen to This
24. Close Enough
25. So What Do You Think?
26. A Party With Jealousy
27. It Was Expected
28. The Nights Over
29. Out of Love
29. She Doesn't Deserve That
30. Delete
31. I'll Be Patient
32. Avoidance & Meet Ups
33. Reality Check
34. How it Started.
35. Sign Up
37. Janitor's Closet
38. This Shits a Date!
39. Anna Don't
40. Including Her
41. Difficult to Ignore
42. The Right Date
43. The Right Date cont.
44. Someone's in Love
45. Someone's in Love cont.
46. After School Meeting
47. Week Of the Dance
48. Mission: Stick Them In A Closet
49. Bonfire
50. Bonfire cont.
51. A Little Less Normal
52. Mission: Quinn and Anna Slow Dance
53. Bad That Balances The Good
54. I Know Something's Wrong
55. Out of My Control.
56. She Wasn't Kidding
57. Uncuffed
58. Anything and Everything
59. A Very Good Idea
60. Skip School Date
61. I Just Want You To Know
62. Dance
63. Dance cont.
64. Dance cont. pt.3
65. Dance cont. pt.4
66. He Deserves To Know
67. The Dream Team
68. Other Half Of Me
69. Packing Day
70. Goodbyes Aren't Forever
71. A Morning Without You.
72. A Day Without You.
73. A Night Without You.
74. Queen Emmi
Alternate Ending
200k wtf
Sequel Out Now

36. Date?

3.4K 134 117
By Maverickk17

Quinn's POV:

"HA I WIN I FINALLY BEAT YOU!" I shout flopping onto the ground, "You actually beat me." Anna breathes out trying to catch her breath and I do the same. "Wow Anna you just got beat after seven years." Emmi laughs, I see both Jenny and Anna lean over me, "Now I owe you ice cream." Anna laughs, "Wait you remembered?" I feel a smile creep on my face, "Of course I've been waiting for the day you beat me, I didn't think you would be able too but you did, so now we can get ice cream." she takes me hand and pulls me off the ground. We didn't let go of each others hand, "Quinn you're not doing after school right?" now I let go of her hand. "Uh no but I have to give Anna a ride since I took her to school." I look at Anna and she nods her head, "Okay what about after?" she asks again, "Probably not." I tell her, "Okay cool so that means we can go on our hang out date." Your ass really had to say it IN FRONT OF ANNA.

Anna's POV:

Did she date? A date? And it already sounds like Quinn said yes. Um not going to lie that kinda hurt especially if it is a date, like an actually date. I slowly walk away but then I hear the teacher blow her whistle, "I NEED YOU LADIES TO GET INTO PAIR, THERE ARE TWENTY OF YOU SO EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A PARTNER!" She yells and I immediately look at Quinn but Jennifer is wrapped around her arm. "Hey Boon you and me we're partners." I hear her say, "But what about her." I point to Jennifer and she has a smile on her face. "She didn't ask and I didn't ask her but I'm telling you that we're partners." she smiles trying to slip her arm away, Jennifer lets go and scoffs at me, Quinn walks to where I am and wraps her arm around my shoulder, "Psst Anna." I look over seeing Emmi give me thumbs up and Daisy is motioning for me to kiss her, No, I mouth to them and they roll their eyes. Jennifer keeps looking at me not looking away from me, a few seconds later Quinn stands the way blocking Jennifer from looking at me, "Oh?" I let out, "I don't like it when people stare." she says. "GOOD JOB LADIES ALTHOUGH THAT TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER WE'RE STILL ON BASKETBALL AND WE'RE STILL ON BASKETBALL SO WE'RE GOING TO PLAY TWO V TWO GAMES FIVE MINUTES EACH GAME GIVING US ENOUGH TIME FOR EVERYONE TO PLAY FIRST UP YOU TWO AND YOU TWO EVERYONE STAND TO THE SIDE!!" She blows her whistle and we stand on the sideline with Emmi and Diasy. 

Each game goes by and Quinn and I still have yet to go and so does Jennifer and the girl she's with, hopefully I don't have to go against her. Another 2 games go by and pretty much everyone had gone except, "THE LAST TWO PAIRS LEVINE AND OWENS YOUR PAIRS ARE UP!" us and Jennifer, oh god. Quinn leans up from the wall and we both walk onto the court, "I know you're great at basketball so if I get the ball I'm just passing it to you." I whisper to her, "But if I pass the ball to you, you're going to shoot it." she smiles and me and I shake my head at her but she nods hers, oh god I can't do this. We walk to the center of the court and Jennifer stands opposite of me and her partner gets in front of Quinn. 

Emmi's POV:

Daisy and I cheer on Quinn and Anna which they are in the lead, "I think Jennifer's hatred for Anna is growing." I mention to Daisy pointing at Jennifer blocking Anna, "Well I don't know about you but it's obvious that she likes her I mean she keeps popping up everywhere and soon enough she might even be apart of the group, which I hope never happens." Daisy rolls her eyes. "I hope she doesn't yikes Anna and her might start fighting each other. We know Quinn likes Anna and Anna likes Quinn so like why don't we just tell them to you know get together." I respond, "We can't just get them together Emmi that's not how it works, the time will come as long as they continue to like each other it will be fine." She says and we turn back to watch them play.

Anna's POV:

"SHOOT BOON!" Quinn shouts passing me the ball, I internally scream. 


Hey guys what are you doing?" I ask Quinn and Emery while Me and Emmi walk over to them, "I'm trying to block Emery from shooting." Quinn says bouncing the ball, "I don't know how to shoot." I tell her and Emmi nods her head, "Yeah neither do I" she says, "We can teach you." Emery blurts out shooting the ball in the hoop, "Okay!" Emmi and I say at the same time. "Over here Anna." I follow Quinn and she points at a white line, "So this the free throw line which is like the penalty kick line in soccer I think and you're going to put the ball in your hand balancing it on your fingertips like this and your other hand will be on the side guiding the ball when you shoot." she shows me and then gives it me. "Here like this?" I ask her and she nods her head, "Yup and then you're going to bend your arm like a right triangle and you're going to bend your knees a little, and then you push up letting the ball go and you flick your wrist." She shows me and I follow her steps, I bend my knees, I push up, I flick my wrist and I watch the ball leave my hand seeing it fall into the hoop, "YEAHHH YOU DID IT!" Quinn yells throwing her hands up. "I DID IT!!" I yell after. 

Flashback Ends*

"SHOOT ANNA YOU GOT THIS!" I hear Quinn yell again, I place my hands on the ball, bent my arms and knees, I push up, I flick my wrist and I see Jennifer jump up in front of me, but she was too late, "AND THE WINNER IS QUINN AND ANNA!" Our teacher yells blowing her whistle, "YESS ANNA WHOOOO!!" I look at the sideline seeing Emmi and Daisy cheer on me and all of the sudden I feel a pair of arms wrap around me waist spinning me around. "You did it! You did it! You shot a three pointer!" Quinn says into my back, she puts me down and I turn to hug her, "It's all thanks to you"

Daisy's POV:

"Oh yeah no maybe we should do something about them." I look at Emmi, "I told you so." Emmi smirks at me, "Oh shut up, we should do something with Jennifer like just take her away from the two." I mention and she agrees, "You know how we're supposed to help set up for the dance why don't we lock her in a room." Emmi  says as we walk into the locker room, "That actually wouldn't be a bad idea, let's tell the groupchat after." We start to get dressed and I hear laughing a talking from Quinn and Anna as they walk in, they joke a little more before they leave each other, we both look at her and she just blushes at us back, "What?" she asks, "You're blushing." Emmi points out, "No I'm not." she rebuttals, "Hmm yeah you are." I tell her and she turns away, "Why haven't talked about your feelings towards to her yet, you know she-" Emmi covers my mouth, "She what?" Anna asks, "Nothing nothing Daisy's talking gibberish, but she's also right why haven't you said anything?" Emmi glares at me and smiles back at Anna, "Because I'm not over Ryan." She looks down. I forgot she wants to be fully over him before starting a new relationship. 

"Ayo what's up, you guys ready?" We turn seeing Quinn leaning on the lockers, "Yup we're ready." Anna jumps up, "I'll see you guys later." Anna waves and they start walking outside. "Dude that was too close, you almost confessed Quinn's feelings" Emmi finally uncovers my mouth, "I didn't mean to it just almost slipped out." I tell her, "I know but we can't say anything about Quinn liking her, but we can get rid of you know who."

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