Hey, Remember Me? (GirlxGirl)

By Maverickk17

308K 11.5K 9.6K

GirlxGirl Anna Levine and Quinn Madden were the best of friends back in Elementary school till Quinn had to... More

1. Shithead
2. Bad First Day
3. Enemy
4. Don't Choke
5. P.E. & A Bit Of Jealousy
6. Nothing is Going to Change
7. Brother's Approval
8. Brother's Approval cont.
9. Flirting?
10. Lunch Troubles
11. Lunch Troubles cont.
12. I Hate it
13. Back at the Beginning
14. Promise?
15. Little Sister's Best Friend
16. $10 Ring
17. Tiny Dick Energy
18. The Start of a Long Day
19. No Common Ground
20. No Common Ground cont.
21. The Day isn't Over
22. Accidental Flirting
24. Close Enough
25. So What Do You Think?
26. A Party With Jealousy
27. It Was Expected
28. The Nights Over
29. Out of Love
29. She Doesn't Deserve That
30. Delete
31. I'll Be Patient
32. Avoidance & Meet Ups
33. Reality Check
34. How it Started.
35. Sign Up
36. Date?
37. Janitor's Closet
38. This Shits a Date!
39. Anna Don't
40. Including Her
41. Difficult to Ignore
42. The Right Date
43. The Right Date cont.
44. Someone's in Love
45. Someone's in Love cont.
46. After School Meeting
47. Week Of the Dance
48. Mission: Stick Them In A Closet
49. Bonfire
50. Bonfire cont.
51. A Little Less Normal
52. Mission: Quinn and Anna Slow Dance
53. Bad That Balances The Good
54. I Know Something's Wrong
55. Out of My Control.
56. She Wasn't Kidding
57. Uncuffed
58. Anything and Everything
59. A Very Good Idea
60. Skip School Date
61. I Just Want You To Know
62. Dance
63. Dance cont.
64. Dance cont. pt.3
65. Dance cont. pt.4
66. He Deserves To Know
67. The Dream Team
68. Other Half Of Me
69. Packing Day
70. Goodbyes Aren't Forever
71. A Morning Without You.
72. A Day Without You.
73. A Night Without You.
74. Queen Emmi
Alternate Ending
200k wtf
Sequel Out Now

23. Hey Listen to This

3.9K 155 86
By Maverickk17

Jade's POV:

I make to the skate park and I already see Emery's and Daisy's cars, I hop out with Soph and we grab our boards from the trunk, "This is going to be so much fun." I see Soph smile, "Heck yeah I can't wait, and the park is empty so that makes it even better." I tell her and we walk over to everyone else sitting on their boards, "Hey Guys!" I wave at them and they wave back, "Jade, Soph welcome welcome." Arya says and we both take a seat on our boards with them, "Quinn and Anna not here yet?" Soph asks and I look around, "No not yet, they said they're on their way though." Emmi says blocking the sun from her eyes, "Yeah Quinn said that Anna was going over to her house to pick out a board since she doesn't have one." Emery says, and I look at Emmi and we remember our plan, "OH OH guys guys so Emmi and I were thinking that since Anna doesn't know how to ride I think so we can skate while Quinn teachers her and you know that'll get the closer together since school isn't helping." I tell them all and they agree, "We also have to show Anna the recording so we need a distraction for that." Arya adds on and I start thinking of what we can do for that, we hear a car pull up and it's Quinn's, where's Anna's? We all stand and  wait for them, "Wait they rode together?" Arya turns to us and we see Anna hop out of the passenger side, "I guess they did." I add on, "HEY! GUYS!" Quinn yells at us and we all wave at them, "Quinn! ANNA! HURRY UP WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" Emmi yells. 

We see them grab their boards and they jog over to us, "You guys rode together?" Daisy questions and they both look at each other, "Um yeah Anna came over to pick out a board and she helped me with my face and we decided it'd be better just to take one car instead of two you know." Quinn points to her lip and Anna shakes her head. "Oh okay anyways let's start skating before it get's dark." Soph pulls the board in front of her, "Guys remember I don't know how to skate." Anna points to her board, "It's okay Quinn can teach you." Emery blurts out, and they both raise their eyebrows at her, don't be suspicious don't' be suspicious. "Yeah I can teach you Boon, we'll go over there so you can get started with the basics." Quinn point to a flat part of the park, "Okay lets go now then bubs I want to be able to skate." Anna grabs her wrist and pulls Quinn, that was easier than what we expected, I throw my thumbs up and Emmi and she throws one back too, "Okay I don't know about you guys but I'm going to start skating." Emery laughs and rides off and I follow. 

Daisy's POV:

I skate beside Emmi and she tries to get an ollie down, I only know these skate terms because of Quinn and Jade, "I DID IT! I DID IT!" We hear Anna shout and we see her start rolling slowly, "YES BOON THATA GIRL!" Quinn cheers, and we all clap, "So when are we showing the recording?" I ask Emery before she passes me, "Uh I don't know the time will come though I know it will this is important enough, I just know she's not going to break up with him because of this." She says and I agree with her, it takes something big for Anna to break up with someone especially if they been together for a while and Ryan and Anna have been together for over a year now but I don't think they've been together emotionally for that long, which is kinda sad, I don't think Anna wants to be in that relationship anymore but she's too nice to break up with him, so she's just waiting for something to happen so she has a legit reason to leave. "Yo Daisy watch I got this." I hear Emmi call me, I ride over to her and she shows me her Ollie, "Oh my god yesssss Emmi look at that air." I tell her and she bows making me laugh. 

Quinn's POV:

"Okay now push off back towards me, don't forget to bend your knee" I tell her and I see her start rolling back faster this time, "AHH!" her board stops throwing her off, I step closer catching her before she hits the ground, "Are you okay Anna?" I look down at her holding her tight, not gonna lie that scared me, "Yeah yeah I'm okay thank you." She says making eye contact again, I still can't tell if her eyes are blue or green but that doesn't matter they're still beautiful, "Uh are you guys okay?" We both turn our heads seeing everyone look at us, she quickly gets off me and she goes to grab her board, "Uh yeah she just fell so I caught her." I tell them and they raise an eyebrow, "Cool so we hear an Ice cream truck if you guys want some." Jade points to where the sound is coming from, "Okay yeah I want some, uh I'll pay what do you guys want." I ask taking my wallet out and I see the truck park my the sidewalk, they each tell me their orders and Jade and Emmi come with me to help, "So what did Anna do to help with your face?" Emmi asks, "Oh she helped me with my lip see" I point to it, "Oh wow it looks like nothing happened that's awesome." Jade mentions and I nod, "So that's it?" she adds on, "Well um not exactly when we was helping me we um almost kissed." I whispered, "Wait wait you what?" Emmi covers her mouth, "We almost kissed." I whispered again, "Wait what do you mean almost?" Jade asks, "Well my mom came home so." I tell them, "Ugh you guys should've done it anyway." Emmi mentions, and I look at her, "What? Why? She's in a relationship that would be cheating and Anna isn't like that neither am I." I look at the both of them, "Yeah but we're pretty sure she likes you and I kinda forgot about Ryan." Jade scratches the back of her head, "Wait you guys think she likes me?"

Anna's POV:

Emery and Daisy call me over and they start to get excited, "What is it?" I ask them, "Okay but first of all we want to know what happened when you were at Quinn." Emery asks, "Nothing much well that not exactly that, I picked out a board, helped her with her face then we almost kissed." I mumbled the last part, "Wait you guys almost kissed?" Emery's jaw drops, "Yeah almost we didn't and I know it's wrong it's wrong but like it felt right and I don't know." I tell them, "Well do you like her?" Daisy asks, "I think so, I don't know but like it feels right us, that moment just felt right, it was weird it wasn't butterflies it was something more." I try to describe to them, "But two problems one I'm in a relationship and two I don't even know if she likes me back." I tell them and I see a smile creep on their faces, "Oh I think we have something that proves that she likes you." Emery says pulling out her phone, "Listen to this." she hands me the phone and I start to hear Ryan's and Quinn's voice, 

*"I know I know" , "No I don't think you know, you're willing to break one of the most beautiful people in this entire universe, you say you don't want to lose and yet you're not doing anything to keep her, if I were you I'd be doing everything I can to appreciate her and love her" ,"I am! okay I'M TRYING I literally got her the promise ring last night, it's in my pocket here see"*

I give the phone back to Emery, "She really feels that way towards me?" I look at the both of them, I've never had someone talk about me like that. "Yup she went off on Ryan's ass, and now we know also when he's giving it to you and you know that he's giving one to you, how do you feel now?" Emery asks, "Uh now I'm confused, I mean he's willing to take the next step, but what was he going to send out, I'm more concerned about that." I tell them looking back at Quinn by the truck, "Oh you don't have to worry about that she took care of it" Daisy adds, I look back at them and I let out a sigh, "What am I supposed to do? We talked about what happened between us and we said we wouldn't talk about it, because it was probably just an impulse and now I don't want anything to be ruined between us, if she likes me and I like her then it should be pretty obvious right but Ryan what about him? He doesn't know any of this happened and technically it wasn't cheating because we technically didn't kiss." I tell them and they look like they don't know either. "Honestly I think you should think on it because I mean feelings are hard." Daisy says and Emery agrees, "Hey guys I got the ice cream." We turn to see Quinn carrying them smiling. 

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