Forced to live with Sway LA

By AlexK000

477K 5.3K 1.8K

Lexie Marie Hossler is the fifteen year old rebellious sister who lived in Chattanooga Tennessee and one day... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Authors note (BFF'S Rant)
Chapter 112

Chapter 7

8.4K 78 30
By AlexK000

Josh's pov
I woke up to my alarm going off and looked over to see Jaden was still sleeping which meant everyone else was probably sleeping too so I might as well go get breakfast for everyone but I am gonna go wake up Lexie so she can come with me. I want to see if maybe she'll tell me what's going on with her and Jaden because I hated to see how disappointed he was last night and maybe I can try to convince her to at least talk to Jaden. I got out of bed and walked over to my closet and threw on a green hoodie and some shorts and walked over to Lexie's room and lightly shook her.
End of pov
Lexie: (mumbles) go away
Josh: no come on get up
Lexie: whyyy
Josh: because I want you to come with me to get breakfast
Lexie: go by yourself and let me sleep (pulls the sheets over her head)
Josh: please lex
Lexie: nooo (whines)
Josh: don't make me grab the sheets from you
Lexie: (opens her eyes) why do I have to come go wake up one of the other boys
Josh: no I want you to come and I'll drag you if I have to
Lexie: ugh fine let me get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs
Josh: thanks lex (kisses her on the cheek and walks down the stairs)
Lexie's pov
Once josh left my room I just wanted to pull the sheets over me and close my eyes but I knew he was just gonna come back in here and annoy the shit out of me so I decided to keep my sanity and walk over to the closet and threw on the pink PAU hoodie Bryce gave me with some gray sweats and sneakers and put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my phone and headphones and walked downstairs to see josh was standing by the door.
End of pov
Josh: ready?
Lexie: hmm
Josh: come on then
Lexie's pov
Josh opened his car and I got in the passenger seat while he got in the drivers and then he rolled down the windows and handed me the aux cord which surprised me because I just figured he was going to put whatever music he wanted but I gladly took it and clicked on a juice world song.
End of pov
Josh: you like juice world!
Lexie: I mean I am Jaden's sister so...
josh: true
Lexie: so where are we going?
Josh: Dunkin or Starbucks?
Lexie: Starbucks
Josh: alright (starts driving)
A few minutes later
Lexie: josh why did you want me to come with you?
Josh: because I wanted to spend time with you why?
Lexie: aren't I just Jaden's annoying little sister though? I mean the only reason I am here is because I am forced so why actually want to hang out more then you have to
Josh: (looks at Lexie and then looks back at the road) why would you say that Lexie, like I know you haven't lived with us barely a week but I have known you for two years and I am not being forced to spend time with you I actually want to because your like my little sister too
Lexie: (shakes her head) your only doing it because Jaden's your friend and your worried about me or you feel pity towards me
Josh: where in the world is this coming from? If it's because of those hate comments then don't listen to them they aren't right, they are just jealous
Lexie: it's not about the hate though josh it's true you know it and I know it
Josh: no it's not and I don't want you thinking like that anymore I am happy that your here and so are all the boys
Lexie: really? You guys are actually happy taking care of a fifteen year old that drinks, smokes and parties and is just blatantly disrespectful half the time
Josh: yeah because you weren't always like that, when I met you you were this little thirteen year old shy girl who was so sweet which is the real you
Lexie: no it's not that girl is long gone.. I am not her anymore
Josh: why? What happened?
Lexie: I don't want to talk about it (looks at the window)
Josh: please lex if you won't talk to Jaden at least talk to me about it
Lexie: no
(Josh pulls up to Starbucks)
Josh: what do you want?
Lexie: s'mores frappe with a croissant
Josh: okay
Josh's pov
I ordered the food for the boys and I and I drove up to the window and grabbed the food and I looked at the time and saw it was still pretty early and I knew the boys were probably still sleeping and I didn't want to go home just yet so I started driving towards the mountains.
End of pov
Lexie: where are we going isn't the house the other way?
Josh: we aren't going home just yet
Lexie: where are we going?
Josh: you'll see
Lexie's pov
I rolled my eyes at josh being all mysterious and I just kept looking out of the window thinking about what josh said how this isn't who I am but it is. I have changed and I meant what I said that thirteen year old girl was dead, she's been dead she died the moment she came home and saw her brother just left her just like her parents and eventually just like the nannies that came in out of her life when she turned fourteen because her parents decided that she was old enough to take care of herself and be alone. Josh kept driving and I noticed we were going up to the mountains and he parked the car and started walking so I just followed him until we got to the Hollywood sign.
End of pov
Lexie: why are we here?
Josh: (shrugs his shoulders) I come here to think sometimes, figured you would want to do the same
Lexie: I know what your doing
Josh: what?
Lexie: you expect me to look at you and pour out my feelings just like every cliche teenage movie or book and it's not gonna happen josh
Josh: why not?
Lexie: because I am not talking about it now can you please just drop it
Josh: fine
Lexie's pov
After that josh stayed quiet and leaned against a tree while I just looked in front of me at all the mountains surrounding me and the fact that I could see all of LA which is probably breathtaking for anyone else but for me it just made me angry. I blamed LA for taking my brother from me, I blamed LA for taking me away from my home and my friends in Tennessee, and then I spotted a tiny rock so I picked it up and I just threw it over the cliff and watched as it flew in the air and then got lost in the air as it was falling, then I spotted another one and threw it and another one and another one and I wanted to scream from all the anger I was feeling but I could t bring myself to do and finally I stopped throwing the rocks and I just started walking back to the car with josh following.
End of pov
Josh's pov
I followed her back to the car and started driving but this time she had her headphones in and as I was driving I thought about how she just threw the rocks and with each rock she would get more and more aggressive with it and I could tell she wanted to scream and I wanted to tell her to just scream but I knew she wouldn't listen to me. After twenty minutes of driving we got to the house and I grabbed the food while Lexie got out of the car and walked upstairs and went straight to her room and closed the door and I sighed.
End of pov
Anthony: what happened to her?
Josh: I took her with me to get food and then took her to the Hollywood sign hoping she would open up to me about what happened with her and Jaden
Kio: and?
Josh: no luck and she's convinced herself that we don't want her here and that the only reason we are taking care of her Is because we have too
Griffin: where in the world where would she get that idea from?
Josh: I don't know
Bryce: what happened when you took her to the Hollywood sign?
Josh: she threw rocks off the cliff
Bryce: so in conclusion we have made no progress
Josh: yeah pretty much
(Jaden walks downstairs and into the kitchen)
Jaden: Travis wants me to head to the studio to record tonight and I was thinking of taking lex and Quinton with me what do you think?
Quinton: thanks Jae big I think I am gonna hang with Cynthia today
Noah: simp (coughs)
Quinton: you can't talk you practically live at dixie's house
Blake: he's got a point
Noah: oh go hang out with Amalie
Blake: thanks I will later guys thanks for Starbucks josh
Josh: no problem bro
(Blake, Noah and Quinton leave)
Jaden: I am gonna go see if lex wants to come with me
Kio: good luck bro
Lexie's pov
I was taking a few hits from my vape pen when I heard my door open and quickly put it in my pocket and turned around to see who opened my door and I saw Jaden.
End of pov
Lexie: knock much
Jaden: attitude much
Lexie: (rolls her eyes) what do you want?
Jaden: want to come with me to the studio today and then maybe after we can get some ice cream at cold stone
Lexie: no thanks I am good
Jaden: (sighs) please Lexie I am trying I know that I left you and I know that I have been a shitty brother but I am here now and I have missed you
Lexie: cute speech you can get out of my room now
Jaden: fine but I am not gonna stop trying lex (walks out of her room)
Lexie's pov
I watched Jaden walk out of my room and the little girl in me wanted to go after him and hug him and say I forgive him and to hold me and never let me go but the teenager in me, the angry part of me just couldn't and instead I looked back outside and grabbed the vape pen but it wasn't helping anymore I needed something stronger so I walked over to my bag and grabbed the last stash of weed that I had and put in my pocket so that when Jaden leaves I could light it.
End of pov
Griffin: where's lex?
Jaden: she didn't want to come
Kio: sorry bro maybe next time
Jaden: yeah I hope, I'll catch you guys later
Boys: bye bro
(Jaden leaves the house)
Kio: I am gonna go livestream I'll see you later (walks to his room)
Griffin: you guys want to make some tik toks?
Josh: sure
Bryce's pov
We walked outside towards the pool because that was the best place to film tik toks so we started filming them and a little while later I started to smell something funny.
End of pov
Bryce: yo guys do you smell that?
Griffin: yeah smells like weed
Josh: you don't think
Bryce: I'll be right back
Lexie's pov
I was halfway through my blunt when I heard my door open but I was dazed to give a shit until I saw Bryce walk over to me so I looked over at him and just took another hit in front of me not giving a shit whether he saw or not but then he took it out of my hand.
End of pov
Lexie: give it back Bryce!
Bryce: no! You told Jaden that you didn't have anymore and yet here are you smoking so I am gonna assume you lied to him
Lexie: ding ding let's give the boys a prize what do you want a thousand dollars
Bryce: alright you know what Lexie I am sick and tired of the attitude and I am tired of the way your treating Jaden, he's just trying to help you and so are the rest of us
Lexie: I don't need or want your help!!!
Bryce: really you don't need our help? Because I am staring at you right now and you know what I see a broken little girl crying out for help but she's too prideful to admit it and I know you don't want our help but I'll be damned if I let you keep going down this road where's the rest of the weed Lexie
Lexie: I am not telling you (crosses her arms)
Bryce: I am giving you five seconds to tell me where the weed is or I am gonna call the boys and help me look for it
Lexie: I don't care
Bryce: one
(Lexie stays quiet)
Bryce: 2
(Lexie looks outside ignoring Bryce)
Bryce: 3
Lexie: this is ridiculous four five there I did it for you
Bryce: okay fine BOYS!!
(Griffin and josh come upstairs and into Lexie's room)
Griffin: what's going on?
Bryce: Lexie took it upon herself to get high again and she won't tell me where she's hiding it
Lexie: because you don't need to know! It's my weed!!
Griffin: you shouldn't even be smoking in the first place your fifteen!!
Lexie: I am aware of my age I am not that high yet because genius here took it when I was only halfway
Josh: good now either you tell us where your hiding it or we check all over your room
Lexie's pov
I didn't want them to go through my stuff but I also didn't want to tell them and give them the satisfaction that I would actually listen so I just looked at them with my arms crossed staring at them and josh was staring right back trying to see which one of us would break first but eventually he pulled away and he started looking though my closet while griffin was opening my drawers and Bryce was going through the bathroom and I mentally scoffed at them because they weren't going to find it but then I saw griffin grab my bag and I quickly got up and took it from him.
End of pov
Griffin: Lexie give me the bag
Lexie: no you don't want to look in here
Griffin: why not?
Lexie: because this is my bag where I keep my girly things you know like pads
Griffin: so your a girl there's nothing to be embarrassed about give me the bag
Lexie: no
Bryce: if the only thing you have in there is pad's you should have no reason giving griffin the bag
Lexie: how about the fact that it's my purse and it's my privacy
Josh: you lost privacy the minute you decided to get high for a second time (walks over to her and takes the bag and starts going through it and opens up the zipper pocket and pulls out the bag of weed and the boys look at her with arms crossed)
Bryce: so not only did you lie about having the weed to Jaden, you got high a second time and to top it off you lied about it being in your bag
Griffin: stay up here we are going downstairs to talk about your punishment and we are gonna have to tell Jaden about this
Lexie: of course you do (rolls her eyes)
(The boys go downstairs and kio is downstairs eating lunch in the kitchen)
Kio: where did the weed come from?
Bryce: guess
Kio: Lexie
Griffin: hmm
Kio: what is up with that girl is she looking to get her ass beat again
Josh: apparently
Bryce: I am gonna go call Jaden
Griffin: alright
Scene change
Jaden: I walked into the party alone my ex calling me on the phone but broken bottles can't break my heart tonight oh no oh no
Ring ring ring
(Travis knocks on the glass window and Jaden takes off his headphones)
Jaden: what's up?
Travis: Bryce is calling you
Jaden: oh okay (walks out of the booth and picks up the phone)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey Bryce everything okay?
Bryce: not really apparently Lexie lied to you about not having the weed because we found it in her bag after she got high again
Jaden: you've got to be kidding me, god I can't leave that girl alone for five seconds without her getting into any trouble
Bryce: do you want me to handle it or do you want to do it when you get home?
Jaden: did she do anything else besides lie about the weed?
Bryce: she told us it wasn't in her bag and then it was so she pretty much lied to us too
Jaden: alright punish her for lying to you and I'll punish her for the weed when I get home, I am gonna record a few more verses and then head out
Bryce: okay see you later bro
Jaden: later (hangs up the phone)
Mgk: everything alright Jaden?
Jaden: you know how my sister's been living with me right?
Mgk: yeah
Jaden: well it hasn't even been a full week and she's already gotten into trouble and she barely even speaks to me unless it's with an attitude and I know that she's mad but I am trying now, I even asked her if she wanted to come to the studio because I wanted you guys to meet her i just don't know what I am doing wrong
Travis: have you tried talking to her?
Jaden: multiple times and every time I ask her she quickly shuts down the conversation, doesn't want to talk about it or pushes me away
Mgk: well she's fifteen and she just had to leave the only place she's ever known to move in with her brother who I am guessing hasn't really talked to since you moved out here right?
Jaden: yeah but most teenagers would be excited to come out to LA right?
Travis: yeah but that's because they wanted too your sister didn't really have a choice
Jaden: okay you guys are stating things that I already know just tell me how do I make this better guys she's so angry all the time and I just want my happy little sister back and I don't know how to make that happen
Mgk: well you can't make her do anything because no makes a person do anything but you can help her look I know she doesn't want to talk about it but whatever's bothering her has to be big so you need to figure it out and then help her through it maybe approach her in a way that's not gonna make her put her guard up
Jaden: she always has her guard it's like she needs to defend herself all the time
Travis: look jaden you just need to talk to her in a way that's not gonna make her feel like she's in trouble
Jaden: alright thanks for the advice guys, let's record a few verses and then I am gonna head home
Them: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I was laying down in my room just scrolling through Netflix waiting for Bryce or whoever to come back up here. I debated on sneaking out but I wouldn't have made it past the front door without being seen and there's no way I can sneak out of the balcony in my room because it just leads to the backyard so I am stuck here waiting with my thoughts. Ugh I wish I could just have one whole day without thinking so much, ninety nine percent of my life I am in my head instead of being present with people and I am pretty sure that's not a good thing because my thoughts can be pretty scary when they want to be. I heard a knock on my door but I didn't even bother to say come in because I knew they would do it anyway and sure enough my door opened and In walks Bryce. I rolled my eyes because isn't he supposed to be mr party animal university who gets drunk and high a majority of the time anyway. Why is that he can do it but then punish me for doing the same thing it's not fair. He came up to and sat in one of my chairs by the desk while I stayed on the bed waiting for him to break the silence.
End of pov
Bryce: (sighs) Lexie why do you put yourself in these situations? You could have just thrown it away or at least gave it to us when we asked
Lexie: I didn't think you guys would find it but of course you had to go threw my bag (crosses her arms)
Bryce: when are you going to realize that the only reason we are like is because we are trying to protect you especially me because I was your age doing the same stuff your doing and I regret it okay? I did a lot of stupid shit most of it you can find on the internet I am sure and I just don't want to see you do the same thing and neither does Jaden
Lexie: (scoffs) Jaden doesn't care
Bryce: of course he does why do you think he's so strict on you because he sees what your doing and it's making him worry about you, it worries all of us where's the little girl we used to know
Lexie: you know what Josh asked me the same exact thing in the car this morning and I sick and tired of being asked that question! That thirteen year old little girl is gone! She's dead and she's not coming back!! And I don't need you guys to protect me I have been taking care of myself since I was thirteen and even longer then that!!
Bryce: you obviously can't take care of yourself because look at what your doing Lexie!! You are single handedly self destructing and you know it! Your not happy and everyone can see it, you are crying out for help and we want to Lexie because we love you and we care about you!!!
Lexie: yeah right! Your only doing this because you're obligated too I wouldn't be here right now if I my parents didn't jet me off so that they could get rid of me!! Jaden left me all by myself to take care of myself and you know what Bryce I have been through more shit in the past two years!!! I am not a little girl anymore and if I choose to get drunk and get high then that's the way I deal with my shit so do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone!!!
Bryce: are you angry?
Lexie: what the fuck do you mean am I angry!? of course I am fucking angry!!
Bryce: good come with me (picks her up and takes her downstairs)
Lexie: what are you doing Bryce put me down!!!
(Bryce puts her in front of the punching bag)
Bryce: hit it
Lexie: no I am not going to hit it
Bryce: why not?
Lexie: because I know what your trying to do! You want me to punch the bag to the point that I break down crying so that I can let go of my anger and I am not doing it!!!
Bryce: why not?
Lexie: because the anger has become a part of me and I am not letting it go now leave me the fuck alone!!! (Walks upstairs to her room and shuts the door)
Anthony: what happened to punishing her?
Bryce: I was going to but I wanted to try and get her to talk first and she got angry and I was hoping that I could get her to hit the punching bag so she could finally let her walls down but as you can see that didn't work
Josh: are you going to punish her though?
Bryce: no I am just gonna leave it up to Jaden... guys Lexie clearly has a lot of feelings and stuff that she's trying to hide and the more that she keeps it bottled up the harder she's going to break and we need to be there to catch her when she does
Griffin: you know we will be we are a family and she's part of this family now
Lexie's pov
I went up to my room and I wanted throw everything to the ground but instead I decided the only way I was going to cool off was if i took a shower so I took off all my clothes and I turned the water to a warm setting because I wanted to feel the cool water dripping down my skin. I took a few deep breathes and i closed my eyes and tried to get rid of all the thoughts and memories flashing in my mind right now. I almost broke down in front of Bryce... I was this close to letting my walls down and I stopped myself which I am happy about because I am not about to let these walls down anytime soon. I don't know how long I was in the shower for but I knew once the water started getting cold it was time to get out so I got dressed in a pair of pajama shorts with a t shirt because I was still heated from the events that happened downstairs. I walked over to my bed and crawled under the covers and fell asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep but when I woke up I felt a light tap on my back and I opened my eyes to see Jaden.
End of pov
Jaden: hey sweetheart
Lexie: hi
Jaden: there's food downstairs come and eat and then we are gonna come up and talk okay?
Lexie: I know what that means but fine let's go
(Lexie and Jaden walks downstairs to the kitchen to see all the boys were back eating in and out)
Kio: there's a burger and fries for you
Lexie: thanks (grabs the food and is about to go back to her room)
Quinton: no stay with us and we can go in the living room and watch a movie
Lexie: fine I guess...
(They all walk into the living room and Anthony flips through Netflix and finds a movie and clicks on it)
Lexie's pov
I sat on couch with Quinton, Blake and Noah since they are the only ones that didn't piss me off today since they weren't home. After the movie we all said goodnight to each other and I walked into my room and a few seconds later Jaden came in and to be honest I was already exhausted and drained from my argument with Bryce and I wanted to get this conversation with Jaden over as quick as possible so that I can just go to sleep.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie I know your tired but we do need to talk about what happened today, Bryce told me about your argument with him and the fact that you got high again which isn't okay, he also told me that you think we don't want you here which isn't true
Lexie: I don't believe you
Jaden: why don't you believe me?
Lexie: because if you wanted me here you would have asked me to come with you when you first moved... hell you would have asked me go with you on your first tour if you really wanted to take care of me then maybe... forget it
Jaden: no tell me then maybe what?
Lexie: nothing I don't want to talk about it so either punish me for the weed or get out
Jaden: how about you talk to me and I won't punish you
Lexie: I'd rather take the punishment
Jaden: seriously? You would rather be spanked with the belt then open up to me when you used to tell me everything? Lexie I remember when you would come home from school and be so excited just to tell me about your painting in kindergarten
Lexie: I am not a little girl anymore Jaden and you can't change that and you can't make me talk about it
Jaden: I know that but I can get you to want to talk to me about it please baby girl I want to know who hurt you or did something to make you like this
Lexie: well I am not saying so you can either punish me or leave
Jaden: alright look I don't want to punish you Lexie but you promised me that you weren't going to smoke again and then you did and I told you the last time you did it that I would get the belt now I am giving you one last chance to open up to me and tell me what's really going on or I am gonna have to punish you for not listening to me
Lexie: okay then do it because I am not telling you
Jaden: fine (walks over to her and puts her over his lap) I am only gonna give you ten okay?
Lexie: whatever
(Jaden starts)
SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK (Jaden pulls her up and hugs her but she just gets off his lap and gets under the covers)
Jaden: I can stay with you if you want
Lexie: no you can leave your good at that
(Lexie crawls under the covers)
Jaden's pov
I looked at the door and then I looked at my sister who had already closed her eyes and I walked over to the door and shut it and then took off my hoodie and got in the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
End of pov
Jaden: I am not leaving you anymore (strokes her hair) and I promise I am never leaving you again
Lexie's pov
I wanted to cry so bad hearing Jaden promise that he would leave me but instead I Just kept my eyes closed and pretended that he wasn't there until I fell asleep for good.
End of pov

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