Chapter 15

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Jaden's pov
I woke up to the feeling of someone laying right next to me and I thought it was josh because he rolls over to my side in his sleep but when I opened my eyes I saw Lexie next to me with josh on the opposite side which is weird because I am pretty sure I remember her falling asleep in her room so how did she end up in here? Well the answers obvious she came in here in the middle of the night but the question is why? Was she still that shaken up from the panic attack or did she have another nightmare and got scared and came in here? I honestly have no idea but thankfully I am not going to the studio today which means I am pretty much free and probably going to hang out with the boys. I grabbed my phone and saw it was nine thirty which meant the boys were probably awake and outside working out so I got out of bed and walked over to Josh's side and lightly shook him.
End of pov
Jaden: ay are we going to workout this morning?
Josh: hmm yeah (opens his eyes) what time is it?
Jaden: nine thirty
Josh: okay I'll get up and you can see if the boys are awake too
Jaden: okay
(Jaden leaves the room and walks downstairs with josh following him into the kitchen)
Jaden: so do you how Lexie ended up in our room last night?
Josh: yeah she came in the middle of the night and said she couldn't sleep and then asked me to sleep with her and you
(Griffin and Kio walk in the kitchen)
Kio: wait she slept in your room again?
Josh: yeah
Griffin: she's been doing that ever since we got back from Orlando right?
Jaden: yeah
Kio: do you think something happened that she's not telling us?
Griffin: it's possible you know her and her secretes
(Bryce, Anthony, Blake and Noah enter the kitchen and start making protein shakes)
Blake: who's secrets?
Griffin: Lexie
Noah: oh yeah she definitely still has her secrets and penetrating through them is like trying to break a thick wall
Anthony: can you blame her? She's obviously gone threw shit she doesn't want to talk about
Bryce: well she's gonna have to confront whatever demons she has because that's the only way she can move forward
Josh: damn Bryce who knew you could be so wise
Bryce: shut up pretzel dick
Josh: oh okay Sid the sloth
Bryce: you know alex was probably talking about you when she said that
Josh: nah she called me hot
Blake: that's because she was on your podcast she's not gonna insult you
Josh: nah she could have is she wanted to
Noah: yeah okay
Bryce: whatever are we gonna get gains baby or what (turns on the radio)
One hour later
Lexie's pov
I woke up and the bedroom was empty again but I could hear the boys blasting the music from up here so I knew they were definitely home and I could breathe because I knew I wasn't going to have a panic attack again. I got off the bed and walked out of their bedroom and into mine and went to use the bathroom and once I was done I couldn't help but look at my reflection in the mirror. My face looked swollen with bags under my eyes, my stomach was painfully noticeable, my hair was a mess and I didn't recognize myself... do you know what it is to look in the mirror and not recognize who you are anymore? Ugh it's these boys they are making me soft and I can't let that happen, I can't let my walls down because the second I do I am just gonna get hurt again so I am putting them back up starting today and maybe do a workout of my own because I don't need to start looking fat again. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of black and pink tight yoga pants with a matching sports bra and sneakers, grabbed my phone and headphones, vape pen and started walking downstairs to see the boys outside lifting weights.
End of pov
Kio: hey look who's up (smiles)
Lexie: hey I am gonna go for a run around the neighborhood
Anthony: you never exercise though
Lexie: not true I used to have a whole workout routine back home and then got lazy when I came down here
Jaden: oh okay well be careful you have your phone on you right?
Lexie: yeah
Josh: okay call us if anything
Lexie: alright bye
Lexie's pov
I left the house and started walking on the sidewalk and then started lightly jogging and then I started running with MGK blasting in my ears. I decided to just run and see where I would end up, probably not the smartest idea but whatever. I don't know how long I was running for but eventually I stopped and I looked up and saw I was at a park but not the ones by Brandon and hunters this was definitely a sketchier part of the neighborhood and I didn't know that was possible. I heard music blasting from one of the houses which was surprising since it was literally ten in the morning but hey I guess people in LA like to start parties early or end them whatever they were doing. I started running again because I wanted to get out of the neighborhood. Once I felt like I was in the clear I took out my vape pen from my pocket and started taking hits and an hour later I was heading back to the house a little buzzed but not high I took a shower and browsed my closet till I found a red tie front bustier crop top and put that on with a pair of black ripped short shorts and did my makeup. When I was done with that I grabbed my phone and went in front of the mirror and took a few sexy pics, downloaded Insta again and posted the pics with the caption "I am a bad bitch I am not about to let two people try to ruin my life when I know the full truth and could expose their asses." Instantly my notifications started popping up some of them were nice compliments like "love the Confidence" "she a queen" "yes babe don't let the haters get to you" but my eyes always gravitated towards the hate "isn't she fifteen? She shouldn't be wearing that she looks like a slut" "that top would look great on anyone except her" "newsflash honey if you're going to wear an outfit like that make sure to lose some weight" "she thinks she's pretty just because she put makeup on" "go back to hiding no one wants you here in fact just go back to Tennessee and stop bothering the boys" that last one got to me but I just clicked out of Instagram and I found myself clicking on the TikTok app and I decided to do promiscuous girl because why not and threw it back and looked at the camera seductively and captioned it "should I start posting on here more" some of the comments were "yes don't be like Jaden" "I love that top on you!" "Do you have a dance background?" I decided to respond to that one with yes and a smiling emoji. After that I put my phone down and walked downstairs and found josh going up to Bryce with the camera and something in his hand.
End of pov
Josh: Bryce and Lexi do you want to do the one chip challenge
Bryce: do I want to or are you going to make me because it's on camera?
Josh: uh the second one
Lexie: I thought you didn't want me to be in anymore of your videos? Since the last time I recorded with you, you said your not gonna be in anymore of my YouTube videos (mocks him)
Josh: (then turns around because he was looking at Bryce) you know I didn't, what the fuck are you wearing!
Lexie: clothes...
Bryce: yeah no your not doing a video dressed like that go change
Lexie: no it's cute and fine I won't be in the video I'll just watch you guys do it
Josh: no I want you do to do it too
Lexie: go ask Blake and Noah
Josh: fine but I still want you to go change
Lexie: and I want you guys stop being so overprotective about everything but we can't have everything we want can we
Bryce: yo j rod are you getting this it's good content
(Bryce, josh and Lexie start walking over to where Blake and Noah are sitting on the couch)
Josh: yo Bryce and Noah have you ever seen these before?
Blake: no what it that?
Noah: oh god (puts his head in his hand)
Josh: (laughs) look at Noah's face but it's pretty much a chip made with the hottest pepper in the world and apparently sent a girl to the hospital
Bryce: god dude I don't want to freaking do this
Lexie: aww is big bad Bryce scared of a little chip
Bryce: make one more comment Lexie and I am throwing you in the pool
(Lexie rolls her eyes and they walk over to a table that had a milk jug on top of it)
Bryce: it's almost like this was set up to where we were going to do it already
Lexie: yeah no shit
Bryce: was that another side comment?
Lexie: yeah It was what are you gonna do about it?
Bryce: oh just wait till the videos over your ass is going in the pool
Josh: why wait till the videos over? I want that on camera
Lexie: let me guess it's great content (mocks him again)
Josh: oh now you have a death wish
Blake: whatever guys let's just do this
Bryce: I guarantee I can do this without even shedding a fucking tear
Lexie: but five minutes ago you were scared of it so which one is it
Bryce: (looks at josh) can I throw her in the pool now?
Josh: no wait for the end of the video
Bryce: fine
Noah: I hate spicy food
Blake: it doesn't even smell hot
(Jaden walks into the dining room)
Bryce: it really doesn't (hands it to Jaden)
Jaden: that's the scary part about it
Josh: alright cheers (they all take a bite) it's instant dude holy fuck
Bryce: (spits his out) oh my god
Blake: holy shit dude
Josh: it doesn't get better it gets worse
Lexie's pov
I was watching the boys just walk around the house reacting to the chip and I looked at Jaden as we just watched the boys react like a bunch of babies and Jaden had a chip in his hand so he took a tiny bite while the boys were still drinking milk.
End of pov
Josh: it's not getting better everything that's happening and I can't even think straight
Bryce: I am about to pass out
Jaden: j and lex saw me eat it
Noah: oh my god
Blake: no eat the whole thing
Jaden: fine (puts the whole chip in his mouth) yo dude these guys (sticks his tongue out) ready (sucks on each of his fingers) done it's not that hot
Lexie's pov
I watched Jaden do it and given his reaction the boys are definitely not as tough as they say they are there was an extra chip sitting on the table so I grabbed it and took a bite of it and Jaden was right it really isn't that bad but then again we love spicy stuff so we can handle it. Josh went over to the sink and started spraying Noah with the water so he could drink something and finally thirty minutes later they were all calmed down again.
End of pov
Lexie: you guys suck at this challenge
Blake: did you try one?
Lexie: yeah and j rod got in on camera
Bryce: you know what else he's gonna get on camera (walks over to her and picks her up)
Lexie: Bryce don't you dare!
Josh: hold up I want to help
(They walk outside to the pool with j rod filming Bryce is holding Lexie up by one arm while josh has her in the other and they are swinging her)
Josh: on the count of three ready
Lexie: I swear josh
Bryce: one
Lexie: no I won't embarrass you in videos anymore I promise
Josh: too late 2
Lexie: Bryce please this is a new outfit!!
Bryce: don't care 3!
Lexie's pov
Both boys threw me in the air and two seconds later I landed in the pool and swam to the bottom and came back up. I was pissed I loved my outfit for today, my makeup was probably smearing by now, and I still had my vape pen in my pocket!and all the boys were just laughing so I got out of the pool and looked over at dumb and dumber.
End of pov
Lexie: can I have a hug (looks sad)
Josh: no way I am falling for that
Lexie: pleaseeee
Bryce: we are not stupid lex your either gonna throw us in the pool or your gonna wet us when we hug you
Lexie: fine I guess have no choice (jumps back in the water and starts splashing all of them)
Bryce: yo watch the camera!
Lexie: why should I?
Josh: we don't do it again just stop splashing
Lexie: fine
(Lexie stops splashing and climbs out of the pool and stands up when something falls out of her pocket)
Lexie: (whispers) shit
Jaden: Lexie what's that?
Lexie: what?
Quinton: you know what
Lexie: no I don't I think your gonna have to be specific
Noah: what was a vape pen doing in your pocket?
Lexie: what? (Looks at the floor) hmm I wonder how that got there (fake gasps)
Griffin: hmm I am sure you are (arms crossed) you know that's worse for you because it has nicotine in it right
Lexie: yeah nurse griffin I am aware
Jaden: how long have you had it for?
Lexie: (shrugs her shoulders) I don't know a while
Jaden: did you get it here?
Lexie: no back at home I knew someone
Jaden: alright I am gonna let it slide but don't let me catch you with one again understand?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: alright
Lexie's pov
After getting lectured for having the pen I grabbed a towel and walked upstairs to the room and changed out of my wet outfit and put on sweats and a long sleeve when I heard LEXIE MARIE HOSSLER GET DOWN HERE NOW!! shit someone's pissed I walked downstairs to see the boys holding their phone and arms crossed.
End of pov
Lexie: what?
Jaden: I don't remember telling you I wanted you back on social media
Kio: not only that but Filming a TikTok in that outfit and throwing it back on top of it
Lexie: oh please girls younger then me do worse shit on that app
Jaden: I don't care I don't need guys getting the wrong idea number one and number two you have to respect yourself too your fifteen you don't need to be doing that
Josh: and I don't think your mentally ready to go back to social media yet
Lexie: I am fine honestly
Jaden: fine but delete the tik tok
Lexie: fine whatever
Lexie's pov
Once I was back in my room I decided that I wasn't going to delete the tik tok because I don't think it's fair that I am the only girl on the app that shouldn't be allowed to throw it back when so many other younger girls do it. So i kept it on there and decided I was bored so why not make another one I scrolled through the sounds and came across the Wap, I smirked and knew I would probably get my ass beat if I posted it but then again I am bored and in the mood to cause some trouble so why the hell not. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black sequin cage back micro cami that literally just covered my breasts but still showed cleavage and the rest of my body and pulled out white ripped short shorts and re did my makeup and started recording it and after three times of practicing I did it recorded, and posted it with the caption "the boys said delete the tik tok so I posted this one instead" and put the laughing emoji and then walked out to my balcony and set my phone somewhere and put the timer and started posing for pictures and when I was done I looked through them and then I captioned it "back and the haters can go fuck themselves" after that I did put the phone down so I wouldn't get stuck in the comment section and just walked over to my bed and started scrolling through Netflix and groaned because there's nothing on and went to YouTube red instead and came across this show called step up high water and clicked on it and by the end of episode one I was hooked.
End of pov
Quinton's pov
I was sitting on the couch with some of the boys scrolling through my following page on TikTok when a video of Lexie popped up and she was wearing a black crop top even though I wouldn't even call it a crop top because it was definitely shorter then one and shorts that were super tight and maybe if I didn't see her already as a little sister I would be attracted not gonna lie but because she's like my sister I just got upset.
End of pov
Quinton: Jae come here for a sec
Jaden: hold up I am beating josh at ping pong right now
Josh: what are you talking about the score is five to six
Jaden: exactly I have six
Josh: no you don't I have six
Jaden: what are you talking about the last point was mine
Josh: no it wasn't you missed the ball which automatically made it my point remember
Jaden: that's cap
Anthony: josh is right it's his point
Jaden: when did you get here?
Anthony: fifteen minutes you guys were to busy playing to notice
Jaden: oh
(Josh and Jaden play a few more rounds and then they finish and Blake and Anthony go next and Jaden walks over to Quinton)
Jaden: what did you want to show me?
Quinton: your sister (shows him the phone)
(Lexie can hear him from upstairs so she walks downstairs to the game room)
Lexie: you yelled?
Jaden: yeah what the hell did I say about posting those kind of tik toks and where did you get that outfit!!
Lexie: when we went shopping when else
Jaden: I didn't see that in your closet
Lexie: that's because it wasn't in my closet
Jaden: what is up with you today? You've been really testing my patience
Lexie: nothing I just figured I'd show the haters I don't give a fuck and make a few posts what's the big deal?
Noah: the big deal is your making those kind of tik toks after Jaden told you not to because it's not appropriate and I am pretty sure one of the rules is not to do anything inappropriate right jaden?
Jaden: yeah it is and the no attitude which she's had all day
Lexie: what are you gonna do spank me? (Crosses her arms)
Jaden: your really pushing it today Lexie stop it this is your last warning I am not kidding actually you know what I have been letting things slide lately but you deliberately disobeyed me when I told you not to anything inappropriate because I told you the first time so go upstairs
Lexie: Jaden that's not fair! I should be allowed to wear and post what I want!!
Jaden: no Lexie your fifteen and at the rate your going maybe the guys and I need to manage your accounts
Lexie: no way! I am not ten years old that's not fair
Josh: it actually because you clearly aren't listening to us about the the things your posting
Lexie: fine whatever I won't do it again (crosses her arms)
Jaden: I know you won't because I am gonna make sure no go upstairs
Lexie: your still going to spank me! I already said I won't do it
Jaden: yeah but you also disobeyed me after I gave you the answer so upstairs now
Lexie: no
Kio: your just gonna get yourself into more trouble lex
Lexie: I don't care it's an unfair punishment
Griffin: I don't think it's unfair you chose to break the rules and now your getting punished It's that simple
Lexie: well the rules are stupid
Bryce: alright enough is enough listen to your brother and go upstairs or I'll carry you your choice
Lexie: ugh I hate you guys (walks upstairs and slams the door)
Blake: gotta love her
Jaden: yeah yeah let me go get this over with (walks upstairs and opens her door)
Lexie: I get that you guys are overprotective but seriously I am getting punished over a stupid TikTok that's not fair
Jaden: (sighs and sits on the bed) it's not about the TikTok Lexie it's about your image and your reputation, I don't want people getting the wrong idea about you especially other social media people that meet you and get the wrong idea and try to pull something with you not to mention the older adults that use that app too, and I want you to have enough respect for yourself to not want to put yourself out there like that and if your not gonna do that then it's my job as your older brother to make sure you do care
Lexie: (sighs) I didn't think of it that way...
Jaden: I know you didn't and I am only gonna give you ten but I swear Lexie you do it again and I'll make it feel like a love tap understand?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay lay over my lap
(Lexie lays over Jaden's lap and he starts)
(Jaden pulls Lexie up and hugs her)
Lexie: I love you Jaden
Jaden: I love you too
Lexie's pov
After Jaden finished punishing me we walked back downstairs and the boys ordered pizza and we watched movies until twelve and then the boys wanted me to go to bed because tomorrow's school and apparently Rafy wants me to take some kind of placement test I don't know but she texted Jaden earlier and told him so he told me. I am trying not to worry to much about it but I hate tests to be honest.
End of pov
Lexie: Jaden can I sleep with you and josh tonight pleaseeeee
(Josh looks at Jaden and nods his head)
Jaden: sure lex but we'll be up in a little bit okay?
Lexie: okay
(Lexie says goodnight to the boys and goes to lay down in their room)
One hour later
Lexie's pov
Jaden and josh are still not in bed yet and I have been tossing and turning for a while now. I just can't seem to fall asleep my brain won't stop thinking again and it's frustrating because like physically my body feels tired but my brain is wide awake if that makes sense. I eventually gave up on sleeping and walked downstairs to see the boys in the movie room and something popped out on the screen which took me by surprise and I screamed.
End of pov
Noah: Lexie what are you still doing awake?
Lexie: I can't sleep
Josh: why not bud?
Lexie: I don't know I just can't my brain won't shut up
Blake: (laughs) have you tried counting?
Lexie: I am not five, Jaden, josh can you come upstairs with me (whines)
Jaden: yeah it's late anyways and I have to be at the studio tomorrow
Lexie: your leaving?
Jaden: babe I have to get the album done
Lexie: oh
Josh: but the rest of the boys will be here
Lexie: (smiles) okay
Josh: come on let's get to bed
Lexie: night guys
Boys: night
Lexie's pov
We walked upstairs and I got in the middle of the bed and within ten minutes I was fast asleep.
End of pov

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