Chapter 73

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Knock knock knock
(Rafy doesn't get a response so she opens the door and lightly shakes josh)
Josh: hmm (opens his eyes) oh hey Rafy (mumbles)
Rafy: hey josh am I doing school with lex today?
Josh: yeah I'll wake her up and she'll meet you downstairs
Rafy: okay sounds good (walks out of the room)
Josh: (lightly shakes Lexie) lex
Lexie: hmm (buries her head in Josh's chest)
Josh: you have school with Rafy today and you promised to behave remember so get up and get ready (kisses her forehead)
Lexie: (opens her eyes) okayyy (gets off the bed)
Josh: don't forget to eat something okay and take your pill
Lexie: yeah yeah I got it
Lexie's pov
I left Josh's room and walked over to mine and picked out a mint green tube crop top with some pink and black sweats, put my hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs where I saw kio with his arms wrapped around griffin's waist while he was over the stove cooking.
End of pov
Lexie: good morning love birds
Them: morning
Lexie: what are you making?
Griffin: French toast sit down
Lexie: okay let me grab some orange juice first, where's Rafy?
Kio: with Micheal, she'll be here in a minute
Griffin: did you do everything you were supposed to?
Lexie: yes sirrr (sits down at the counter with her juice)
Griffin: here you go (hands her a plate with the French toast) and here's your pill (puts it on napkin)
Lexie: (rolls her eyes looking at the pill and then looks around) where are the cameras?
Kio: filming blake and Noah, don't worry we talked to them and they'll make sure not to film when your eating
Lexie: okay (picks up the fork and takes a bite)
Twenty minutes later
(Rafy walks into the kitchen)
Rafy: Lexie I have missed you (walks over and hugs you) it's been weird not having you here every day and causing chaos (laughs)
Lexie: just because I am not here doesn't mean I am not causing chaos (smirks)
Rafy: oh yes I am very aware of the headaches you give Jaden
Lexie: (laughs) it's fun and he deserves it (takes another bite of the French toast and Bryce walks in with josh)
Bryce: morning mini
Lexie: since when is my nickname mini?
Bryce: I don't I just thought of it because your tiny (hugs her)
Lexie: you don't get to call me mini and then hug me Bruce (lightly pushes him)
Bryce: yes I can
Josh: well I see you two haven't changed a bit
Lexie: it's only been a week (takes a sip of her juice)
Josh: felt like the longest week ever
Lexie: you have a point there (finishes up her French toast)
Rafy: you ready to start school lex?
Lexie's pov
I was tempted to give a sarcastic remark but one look from josh told me otherwise so I just agreed and put my plate in the sink and washed it along with the cup and followed Rafy to the dining room.
End of pov
Rafy: alright so before we start today's lessons let's go over the homework first did you have any trouble with it?
Lexie: no...
Rafy: good okay so let's look over your social studies first
Lexie: okay
Rafy's pov
Lexie handed me her social studies binder and handed me a piece of paper with only ten bullet points on it and as I looked over the notes and those bullet points were practically useless.
End of pov
Rafy: Lexie did you even read the chapter?
Lexie: yeah
Rafy: okay then why aren't any of the bullet points important information, there's no dates for the time period of specific events, you don't have the names of the important historical figures the chapter covers and you missed the most important section of the chapter which is the Great Depression
Lexie: okay so I may have skimmed it a little...
Rafy: that's not good enough Lexie and I was supposed to give you a quiz today
Lexie: can't you just skip the quiz?
Rafy: well I am going to have to now aren't i? Let's see your English homework
(Lexie hands Rafy her English binder)
Rafy: okay you got all these right so good job, now let's look over science and math
Lexie: you gave me homework for science and math? I don't remember (plays dumb)
Rafy: (sighs) yes I have you a worksheet for science where you needed to define the different variables in an experiment and explain manipulative and dependent variables
Lexie: oops I might have forgotten about that...
Rafy: what about the math?
Lexie: I didn't remember that either (shrugs her shoulders)
Rafy: Lexie I don't think you realize how far behind in school you are? I only see you three times a week because the other half of the week I have to work for the boys and your at high water or when I am supposed to have you your in little space, you get frustrated and quit or something with the boys comes up, you need to start taking this seriously or your going to be stuck doing eighth grade work for a really long time and I don't think you want that
Lexie: if I am such a difficult student then why don't you quit? Jude give up on me already? You practically just said it yourself I am hopeless and stupid and so far behind it would take a miracle to catch up to where I am supposed to be so just quit
Rafy: I am not going to do that because I want to see you succeed lex, but I need you to meet me halfway and so far you haven't been
Lexie: because I don't give a shit Lexie, I already know where I stand in school and I have never been good at it and I never will be and it's the same thing every time we have "school" so again just quit and give up on me (gets up from the table)
Rafy: Lexie Marie do not walk away we aren't done talking
Lexie: well too bad I am walking away, I quit (leaves the dining room and goes to the living room)
Noah: what are you doing aren't you supposed to be doing school with Rafy?
Lexie: no I quit (sits on the chair with her arms crossed)
Anthony: like you "quit" therapy
Lexie: exactly
Blake: hate to break it to you kid but you have therapy today
Lexie: no I don't last week I was with Jaden, I said some pretty harsh things to Callie and walked out therefore she probably never wants to work with me again so in other words I quit
(Josh walks into the living room)
Josh: no you didn't I was going to tell you after you were done with Rafy but seeing as your sitting here and not with her what happened?
Lexie: I quit, I am done with school, it's stupid, I am behind and there's no way I'll ever catch up so fuck it I don't care anymore
Josh: first of all language and second of all go back to the dining room and do your assignments with Rafy
Lexie: no
Josh: excuse you?
Lexie: your not one to he scolding about school josh when you didn't even graduate so don't come at me
Josh: yeah but I am also the CEO of triller and I am investing in multiple companies as well as owning a company with Mark walburg so that doesn't really matter at this point
Lexie: okay so then I am stupid, I am never going to be smart in school, I am probably never going to graduate and if I do then it'll be when I am thirty if I am lucky so being in school doesn't really matter at this point either
Blake: Lexie you know I never finished school right? And I regret that which is why I am working on getting my GED, I know you have a lot of obstacles right now but you have to think of how proud you'll be when you do finish school and I promise it's not going to happen when your Thirty
Lexie: I don't care I am not doing it
Josh: stop being so difficult go now or your not going to like the consequences
Lexie: josh I am serious I don't want to keep doing school it's a waste of my time, I am not benefiting from it at all
Kio: then what do you want to lex because you don't even do social media and even if you did I think the boys would still want you to finish school
Josh: LEXIE MARIE HOSSLER go outside and calm down, the boys and I will talk and let you know what we think
Lexie: fine (walks out to the backyard)
Josh: where's griffin?
Kio: talking to Michael but he should be back in a minute
Josh: okay
Blake: are we actually going to talk about whether or not Lexie should finish school?
Noah: I don't think it's something that should be up for discussion she's fifteen, she needs to finish
Josh: she'll be sixteen in a month and unfortunately at that age she could legally drop out if she wanted too
Kio: please tell me your not actually considering what she's saying josh, and what about Jaden? Shouldn't he be here for this conversation too?
Josh: I'll talk to Jaden but first let's get Rafy in here too (walks over to the dining room) hey raf can you come in the living room?
Rafy: yeah of course
(They walk back into the living room and griffin is sitting on the couch while Noah is catching griffin up on what happened and then he looks at josh)
Griffin: are you crazy josh? I mean I guess you are since you dropped out but you can't be serious about lex do the same thing
Josh: I don't know guys... I mean she does have kind of a point
Noah: which is?
Josh: she's super behind and I can't imagine how frustrating that must be, if she was at least learning ninth or tenth grade material like she should be then I would say no because that's how high school is and it's fight literally every single day aren't you guys tired of fighting her all the time about it?
Griffin: do you know that every kid in America fights their parents to go to school? I don't think she realizes how lucky she is to be able to have the schedule that she has because if she didn't she would have been in public school
Josh: yeah but not every kid wakes up one morning in little space, not every kid loves with a group of influencers that sometimes take away from her learning and that part is not her fault, what do you think Rafy?
Rafy: (sighs) I think you have some reasonable points but she needs to make a living somehow, God forbid you guys lose everything one day and she has nothing to fall back on
Josh: and I agree with that which is why I want to propose an idea
Noah: and what exactly is that idea?
Josh: we give her a chance to explore other career opportunities and prove to us that she can be successful without school, she starts getting more into social media and she proves to us that she can handle it, that she won't go and purge after every hate comment or get affected by it, come on guys we have all had these opportunities why not give her the chance?
Griffin: because we know she can't handle the hate why are we going to try and expose her to that again?
Josh: because this time we are going to tell her exactly how it's going to be, what do say Rafy?
Rafy: I mean I guess that's a good idea but how long are you going to give her to be able to prove that she can be successful? Because if she doesn't then we just wasted even more time and she'll be even more behind then before
Josh: that's going to be the consequence she has to face since she's the one that decided she didn't want to do school anymore
Bryce: I think josh has a point you guys
Griffin: Jaden's going to flip if you tell him this you know that right?
Josh: yeah well then he can be the one to tell her that she has to keep doing school because I am not going to do it
Anthony: he's not going to want to tell her that it'll just make her hate him more
Josh: I didn't even think about that but yeah you have a point
Blake: so are we going to tell Lexie first or are you going to call Jaden and discuss it with him?
Josh: I want to call him first
Griffin: alright do it now because don't forget lex has therapy later
Josh: alright (takes his phone and walks upstairs)
Scene change
(Jaden and nessa are on set rehearsing for Kimmel)
Shannon: alright that was great you guys take five
Nessa: sound good I am going to go over to the snack table (gets off the stage)
(Jaden is about to follow her when his phone rings and sees josh is calling him)
Jaden: I'll be right back I need to take a call
Nessa: okay
(Jaden walks outside to his car and answers the FaceTime call)
Jaden: hey baby
Josh: hey (smiles)
Jaden: okay I know that smile, that's your nervous smile what's going on?
Josh: I have something to tell you but before I do I want you to let me finish till the end and then please take it into consideration
Jaden: okay... what's this about?
Josh: Lexie and doing school
Jaden: I don't know if I like where this is going but okay
Josh: (sighs) I think we should give Lexie a chance to prove that she can be successful without school and give her that opportunity like the rest of us, she has the chance to create a platform for herself whether that's through dance, singing or social media but fighting her every day isn't working or doing anything beneficial because she doesn't even do any of the homework
Jaden: I... let me get this straight you want Lexie to drop out is that what your telling me josh? Because if that's what ti it saying then I am going to tell you right now your crazy we agreed we didn't want her on social media because we know how detrimental it can be for her mental health
Josh: and the fact that she's constantly putting herself down isn't detrimental to her mental health either? I mean come on Jaden she's fifteen doing eighth grade work right now and she's judging herself and her worth based on the grades she's seeing in front of her, and she does have a point who knows when she'll graduate because she struggles so much and yeah I know every kid in school struggles but not every kid has had the life that she has had so far and wakes up in little space at random days of the week, all this time we've been pushing her and pushing her instead of seeing things from her perspective so let's do that right now
Jaden: let's say I were to consider this crazy idea of yours how long does she have to prove herself and what are these guidelines?
Josh: we can talk about all that with her if you can come over later today, maybe after her therapy appointment if your free obviously
Jaden: yeah I'll be free, I am finishing up tech rehearsal with ness and then I was going to meet up with coop and Quinton at the house and chill there
Josh: alright just promise me you'll consider it Jaden
Jaden: I think it's a crazy idea josh but for you and for her I'll consider it okay?
Josh: okay see you later love you
Jaden: love you too
End of phone convo
Jaden's pov
I put my phone in the cup holder and lay my head on the steering wheel for a second to process everything josh just told me and as crazy as it is he does have kind of a point but is it worth the risk? I don't know I have to really think about this one. I have had custody over Lexie for almost seven months now and I have been able to be confident in every "parenting" decision I have made without really thinking about it but this one I am going to have to think about just not right now because I have to go back inside so I got out of the car and locked and walked back in trying to focus but in the back of my mind still had the conversation with josh replaying in the back of my head.
End of pov
Josh's pov
I hung up the phone with Jaden and walked back down to see the boys talking on the couch but I didn't see Lexie come inside yet so I figured she was still outside, so I walked past the living room and towards the backyard and toward the back of it I found Lexie crying and buddy comforting her. I sighed and walked over to her and pulled her into my arms.
End of pov
Lexie: (crying) I am sorry josh, I just can't do it anymore, I am frustrated, I am tired, I am not even seeing any progress and I have already been doing it for months, why can't I just be smart like the other kids (cries) why does my brain have to be so different, why can't I just be normal like all the other kids (let's out a sob and starts breathing heavy)
Josh: hey hey look at me (grips her chin and wipes her eyes) your not stupid Lexie, your brain just processes things slower and differently and that's not your fault okay (brings her closer) and I know your frustrated baby I know but I promise the boys and I are going to do everything to help you but right now I need you get dressed so we can go to therapy okay? (Wipes her tears)
Lexie: I don't want to go today, I just want to stay here and cuddle in the room or something, please please don't make me go over there and talk about feelings
Josh: baby I think you need to talk about your feelings, I think these past two weeks have been a lot to handle and process and you've been holding it together until you can't anymore which is you broke down today and you broke down yesterday in the shower
Lexie: how did you...
Josh: your eyes were red when you came downstairs but I didn't want to push you however now I am going to push you because I don't want you to go back to bottling things up, we've made to much progress for you go ten steps back okay? Plus you owe Callie an apology for last week
Lexie: (sighs) okay let me just go was my face (stands up)
Josh: okay
(Josh and Lexie go back inside and she walks into the bathroom)
Bryce: is she okay?
Josh: no she just had a break down outside but anyway I talked to Jaden and he's going to come over here later so we can talk
Noah: he's actually considering your crazy idea?
Josh: yes he is and if you had just seen lex break down right now you would be considering it to (grabs his keys)
Bryce: do you want me to go with you guys?
Josh: I appreciate it Bryce but I think lex just wants it to be her and I right now
Bryce: fair enough let us know how therapy goes
Josh: I will
(Lexie walks downstairs and wraps her arms Josh's waist and he picks her up and puts her in the car)
Josh: here put whatever music you want I don't want you slipping into little space right now (hands her the aux)
Lexie: how do you know I am going to slip?
Josh: I have realized one of your triggers for going into little space is after you have  breakdowns or your anxiety gets triggered, my guess is your too physically and mentally exhausted so your mind just slips
Lexie: oh (puts on I think I am okay by MGK)
Josh's pov
Obviously I knew this song all too well but I also know how dark those lyrics are and it's obvious that she's not in the best place mentally right now which has me second guessing this whole allowing her to have a platform but I also have to remember that her life flipped without any kind of warning and that's probably part of it, that and school definitely is playing a part in it. Twenty minutes later I was pulling into the parking lot of Callie's office and I looked over at Lexie who was taking deep breaths and playing with her stress ball that she finally carried in her purse.
End of pov
Josh: your going to be okay bud, I am right here okay (holds her and strokes it)
(Lexie nods her head and they both get out of the car and walk inside while josh signs her in)
Lexie: Joshy
Josh: yeah (looks at her)
Lexie: c can you stay with me in the room this time? I think I'll be able to open up to her more if your there instead of give her attitude
Josh: yeah baby I can stay if that's what you want (holds her hand again)
Lexie: that's what I want
Five minutes later
Mariana: Lexie hossler
(Lexie and josh get up from the chair)
Mariana: (smiles) nice to see you again Lexie
Lexie: you too (grips onto Josh's hand) is it okay if he comes in with me today?
Mariana: of course whatever makes you comfortable
Josh: thank you
Mariana: no problem go on in she's waiting
Lexie: okay
(Mariana walks away and they walk into Callie's room)
Callie: (smiles) nice to you again Lexie and you too josh always a pleasure
Josh: thank you Callie
Lexie: (mumbles) I am sorry for last week Callie
Callie: what was that hun?
Lexie: (speaks up) I am sorry for what happened last week...
Callie: it's okay Lexie I understand you were lashing out and you had every right too honestly it's okay why don't you sit down and we can talk, josh will you be joining us for this session?
Lexie: yeah he is
Callie: okay so both of you take a seat
(Lexie and josh sit on the couch and Lexie squeezes her stress ball)
Callie: so Lexie how are you?
Lexie: I don't know... I want to be numb to be honest... I don't want to feel anymore because I have too many feelings and I hate it
Callie: okay why don't you start with the feeling you have the most
Lexie: that's easy anger
Callie: okay who and why are you angry?
Lexie: I am angry at Jaden for catching feelings for nessa and ripping my family apart, I am mad at nessa for being back in my life when I don't want her to be and I am angry at the universe for allowing this to happen, I am also angry because no matter how long I have been in school for I see zero progress in any of it
Callie: that's a lot of anger to carry, what's your second feeling?
Lexie: hurt and sad
Callie: why?
Lexie: the same reasons but sad because I don't want to be angry with Jaden again.. I don't want to take my anger on him like I used to but every time I see him or think about it that gets replaced by anger again
Callie: okay that's understandable.. now you said you wanted to feel numb at one point why?
Lexie: (stays quiet for a second) have you ever watched the vampire diaries Callie?
Callie: (laughs) yeah why?
Lexie: you know how Damon, Elena, and Stefan have humanity switches
Callie: yeah
Lexie: and you know how when they turn off their humanity switch they just stop feeling everything, they don't care about anything or anyone... they don't give a fuck and it's just like they become numb to everything around them.. if I could do that it would take a lot of what I am feeling away
Callie: I see your point but let me ask you something, you know the humanity switch also prevents you from feeling good emotions too like love, who do you love Lexie?
Lexie: josh, the boys, Jaden... even though I am angry with him, Clare even though I am kind of pushing her away right now she's my best friend.. Amy and Dani who have kind of become my friends now, dance...
Callie: those are a lot of things to love Lexie and if you "turned" off your humanity switch you wouldn't love them anymore, is that something that you want?
Lexie: no... but I don't want to feel like this anymore it hurts (tears start streaming down her face)
Callie: (hands her a tissue) I know but that's what makes us human Lexie, I know it sucks and it hurts but guess what your doing right now?
Lexie: what?
Callie: your talking about it and your allowing yourself to feel and the girl that walked into my office a couple months ago would have never done that, the girl that walked in last week would not be doing what your doing right now and that's progress Lexie
Lexie: but it hurts (let's out a sob)
Josh: shh baby (pulls her into a hug and whispers in her ear) You have no idea how proud of you I am right now
(Lexie let's out a little smile while josh wipes her tears)
Callie: how does it make you feel when josh tells you he's proud of you Lexie?
Lexie happy because my own parents never said they were proud of me...
Callie: and what's happy?
Lexie: an emotion... which I wouldn't feel if I wanted to be numb
Callie: (smiles) I think we have made tremendous progress today Lexie and I know that wasn't easy so we are done for today, I'll see you next week okay?
Lexie: (takes a deep breath) okay bye Callie
Callie: bye Lexie
Josh: thank you so much Callie really, Jaden and I appreciate it
Callie: of course and I am always here if you two need anything okay?
Josh: okay (smiles and looks at Lexie) you ready to go home?
(Lexie nods and josh picks her up and they walk to the car, he puts her in the car and starts driving and five minutes later Lexie fell asleep and Jaden calls josh)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey J I am heading to sway now how was therapy?
Josh: I don't want to tell you over the phone I'll tell you in person
Jaden: okay... I'll be there in about fifteen
Josh: okay sounds good I am driving there too
Jaden: alright later
Josh: bye babe
End of phone convo
Josh's pov
I pulled into the driveway and saw Jaden was already here so I got out of the car and went around to Lexie's side and picked her up since she was sleeping and held her in one arm while I opened the door with my other. I put her upstairs in our room and then walked downstairs to see Bryce and Jaden playing ping pong, while Quinton and Anthony were talking and coop was getting something out of the fridge, it felt like old times again and I wanted it to last.
End of pov
Griffin: how did therapy with Lexie go?
Josh: emotional to say the least
Noah: emotional good or emotional bad as in you had to punish her
Josh: emotional good she actually spoke and opened up to Callie about a lot of how she's feeling right now and she even broke down which is why she's sleeping right now
Jaden: wait she actually broke down? (Looks at him)
Josh: hmm she wanted me to stay in the room with her because it helped her open up to Callie
Blake: damn josh who knew you would be the one to help lex break down her walls
Josh: yeah but if you guys were in the room you would have seen how much effort it took for her and how heart breaking it was at the same time
Jaden: will you tell me?
Josh: yeah plus we gotta talk about the other thing too
Jaden: alright where should we go?
Josh: outside
Jaden's pov
I agreed and followed josh outside to the backyard we walked to one of the chairs by the pool and I watched as he put his head in his hands and I could tell going to therapy for lex had overwhelmed him so I looked around and made sure the boys were looking or cameras weren't filming before I pulled him into a hug and ran my hand down his back since I knew it calmed him down. We stayed in silence for a little while before he looked over at me and he told me everything, how she wanted to be numb, how she was angry and hurt towards me, how she feels with school, and how everything is taking a toll on her. It hurt to hear that I was one of the main reasons that she was feeling the way she was, but josh reassured me that it wasn't my fault even though I know it is because if it wasn't for my manager and being signed to this record label none of this would have ever happened and that's a fact. I didn't know what to think but I did know that the decision I made was a selfish one and I can't be selfish anymore. I have to think about what's best for her so after hearing Josh's proposal about school I agreed but only if Lexie was going to agree to our terms too. We decided we would have a family meeting when she woke up and in the meantime I would stay here and hang out with the guys which was fine by me, the only thing is josh and I couldn't cuddle or anything since Q and coop were still here. But we did manage to kiss a few times before walking back inside the house.
End of pov
Anthony: so what's the final decision?
Josh: we are having a family meeting when Lexie wakes up, in the meantime who wants to order pizza?
Boys: hell yeah
One hour later
Lexie's pov
I woke up with the biggest headache in Josh's room and sat up from the bed and walked downstairs to see all the boys including Jaden, Quinton and cooper here. What were they doing here? You know what I don't care, josh probably told Jaden about therapy and even if I was mad at him the only thing I want right now is my big brother so I walked over to him and gave him a hug. He was surprised at first but then picked me up and wrapped his arms around me while I wrapped my legs around his waist for more support.
End of pov
Jaden: (whispers) I am so so sorry baby but I am so proud of you for talking to Callie and I promise to see things from your perspective more okay
Lexie: okay... I love you bubba even though I am angry at you I don't ever want you to think I don't love you
Jaden: I love you so much baby your my world you know that right (looks her in the eyes)
Lexie: your mine too
Blake: aww now that's cute
Bryce: you just ruined the moment good going
Josh: (laughs) he did but it's okay because we do need to talk, Lexie you can stay with Jaden if you want
Lexie: okay...
(Jaden sits down with Lexie on his lap)
Josh: okay Lexie so we've all talked today including Rafy and we've taken what you said earlier into consideration
Lexie: okay...
josh: and we are letting you stop school
Lexie: SERIOUSLY!? (Says excitedly)
Josh: you didn't let me finish we are going to allow you to stop school for a certain period of time but you HAVE to explore other career opportunities and prove you can be successful whether that's dancing full time, going back to the studio and trying out singing, acting or even creating your own social media platform
Jaden: BUT you have to also prove to us that you can handle the pressure meaning no purging over hate comments or trying to hurt yourself any other kind of way, there will be no secrets between any of us, and we will decide if the project you want to do is going to be beneficial for you understand? AND if you can't do that then it's right back to school and even if that means you are further then you were before understand?
Lexie: yeah I understand thank you, thank you, thank you (goes around hugging each of the boys)
Josh: your welcome, we are giving you this chance Lexie and I had to really fight for you to have it so don't let me down
Lexie: I won't thank you Joshy (hugs him)
Josh: your welcome baby
Lexie's pov
After our conversation the pizza came and we all sat around eating and talking and having fun with one another. It reminded me of how things used to before things went to shit and I didn't want it to end, but eventually it started getting late and Jaden had to get going but I practically begged him and josh to put me to sleep so he stayed until twelve and i fell asleep with him singing be alright by Justin.
End of pov
Jaden: it's late I should probably get going (looks at his phone)
Josh: it's late please stay tonight I don't want you driving
Jaden: what is Lexie finds out I stayed the night?
Josh: set an alarm to leave at seven please?
Jaden: okay I am sure Q and coop are passed out on the couches anyway but come on my side because if I am staying the night I want to take advantage and cuddle
Josh: (quietly laughs) okay (gets off the bed and walks to his side of the bed so now Lexie is in josh's old spot and Jaden is in the middle)
Jaden: goodnight I love you (pecks him on the lips)
Josh: I love you too (puts his head in the crook of his neck and falls asleep)

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