Chapter 42

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Ring ring ring ring ring
(Jaden groans and unwraps his arms from Josh's waist and picks up his phone and answers it)
Phone convo
Jaden: hello?
?: are you still sleeping bro? Don't forget we start filming today
Jaden: shit sorry Kells what time is it?
Colson: chill I am just messing with you, you still have like two hours before being there
Jaden: oh okay (sighs)
Colson: also after filming a few scenes I figured we could kick it at the studio maybe start thinking of the song we are gonna do on Kimmel
Jaden: okay yeah sounds good let me get up and I'll start heading over there
Colson: alright I have to drop Casie off at school anyways
Jaden: alright see you soon bro
Colson: later
End of phone convo
(Josh opens his eyes and pecks Jaden on the lips)
Josh: busy day?
Jaden: yeah what about you?
Josh: Bryce and I are gonna film because the fans have been worried about us since we haven't done any vids together lately
Jaden: ohh okay well lex has school with Rafy today so she should be fine
Josh: school and Lexie in the same sentence don't go together but yeah I agree she'll be fine
Jaden: alright I am gonna start getting ready
Josh: cuddle with me for like five more minutes
Jaden: (smiles) okay you big baby
Lexie's pov
I woke up hearing voices so I opened my eyes and saw josh and Jaden cuddling on the bed and realized that I was in my bed and I didn't have any nightmares but I don't want to get ahead of myself just yet and jinx anything. I got off my bed and walked over to them and crawled in the middle of them.
End of pov
Josh: hey you stole my boyfriend (whines)
Lexie: no I stole both of you so ha
Jaden: how does that even...
Lexie: I am in the middle of you two therefore I stole both of you
Jaden: I- okay, wait a minute you didn't have a nightmare last night!
Lexie: nope (smiles) but let's not jinx anything okay?
Jaden: okay your right, now I really do have to get ready and so do you
Lexie: no don't leave me (clings onto him)
Jaden: not this again little koala
Lexie: stay today you were gone yesterday
Jaden: baby the holidays are over and it's back to normal which is why you have school with Rafy today
Lexie: ughhhh I don't want wanna (whines)
Jaden: too bad now go get ready
Lexie: nooo
Josh: lex come on it's too early listen to Jaden and get ready because Rafy is gonna be here soon
Lexie: ugh fineee (gets off the bed and walks to her room)
Jaden: how do you get her to listen to you so fast
(Josh shrugs his shoulders and gives Jaden one last kiss)
Josh: I am gonna go work out with the boys
Jaden: okay
(Josh gets off the bed and leaves the room)
Lexie's pov
I looked through my closet since I am gonna be home anyways I picked out a pair of black sweats with a white crop top and some sneakers and just put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs to see griffin in the kitchen with an opened cup of yogurt and a spoon full with the white powder from the pill on it ugh this again.
End of pov
Lexie: I don't it griffy it tastes horrible
Griffin: yeah well until you can swallow the pill this is what needs to be done open
(Lexie shakes her head)
Griffin: now Lexie
Lexie: hmm
Knock knock
Anthony: I got it, it's probably Rafy and Michael (walks over to the front door and opens it)
Griffin: lex open your mouth
Lexie: but griffy
(Lexie whines and griffin takes the opportunity to put the spoon in her mouth and hands her a bottle of water after and she drinks it)
Lexie: I hate you (crosses arms)
Griffin: pout all you want but you still need to eat breakfast so waffle?
Lexie: I guess...
Rafy: morning Lexie how are you (hugs her)
Lexie: since when do we hug? (Looks at her)
Rafy: we always hug
Lexie: no we don't and if we do I haven't noticed it till now
Rafy: anyways are you ready to start? The quicker we start the earlier we finish and it's Friday
Lexie: true ugh okay I guess we can start now
Griffin: I'll take the waffle to you when it's ready
Lexie: okay
(Lexie and Rafy walk to the dining room while Quinton walks downstairs)
Quinton: did I just see lex not put up a fight for school for the first time ever
Kio: yeah I know strange right
Quinton: yeah that may never happen again (looks at him) so what's your plan today?
Kio: I have to be on set with Indi so I'll catch you guys later
Guys: okay
(Kio walks out of the door while griffin goes to give Lexie her waffle)
Bryce: griff you gonna work out with us today?
Griffin: yeah I'll be right there
Bryce: alright we are gonna take shots of protein just so you know
Griffin: okay
Lexie's pov
Rafy was in the middle of explaining the math equation.. we decided to start with that subject since it's the hardest and gonna last the longest. I was trying my best to pay attention because I really didn't feel like spending the whole day doing school work. Ten minutes later Jaden came down the stairs and gave a me a hug before walking out of the front door and leaving then not to long after Bryce and josh left. I finally finished school with Rafy around one and she left with griffin and Micheal for some meeting I guess and I was just chilling on the couch watching tv when Noah walked into the living room.
End of pov
Noah: get dressed lex because your coming with me to the mall with Dixie, Charli, Larray and James
Lexie: okay but only because Charli's going too (walks upstairs)
Lexie's pov
Since we are going out in public and it's mr first time going out since the podcast came out and there's bound to be some paparazzi I figured I would at least make myself look decent I picked out a lavender long sleeve twist crop top with a pair of skinny light blue ripped jeans and vans then put my hair down and just let curls flow naturally. I put on a little bit of makeup and walked downstairs to see Noah had the keys in his hand and was ready to go.
Noah: we are gonna go pick everyone up first and then head to the mall
Lexie: okay
Twenty minutes later
Lexie's pov
We picked up Dixie, Charli and larray and started driving to the mall now let me just say I thought being in the car with the boys was chaos but somehow being in the car with topped that. So let me just explain ten minutes into the drives James wanted to stop for slushees at Taco Bell so we went and then Charli and I decided to do a contest to see who could drink it the fastest and in the end it resulted in a major brain freeze that hurt like a bitch. The three "adults" just kept talking over each other so no one could understand anyone then Charli connected her Bluetooth to Noah's phone and played music which Noah lectured her for for two seconds and finally we arrived at the mall. We all got out and I managed to convince Noah to let Charli and I walk around by ourselves so now we are currently in Hollister and Charli was trying a top on.
End of pov
Lexie: so Charli I have a question
Charli: ask away
Lexie: what's the craziest thing you've done
Charli: like in social media?
Lexie: no like a normal sixteen year old
Charli: well I don't really know honestly I was fifteen when I started TikTok and then just blew up over night so..
Lexie: so do you want to do something fun (looks at her with a mischievous face)
Charli: what do you have in mind...
(Lexie looks around to see if anyone was looking and then looks back at Charli)
Lexie: do you like the top you have in right now?
Charli: yeah why?
Lexie: how much is it?
Charli: oh no lex your not thinking of doing what I think you are
Lexie: do you want live a little and take risks or not
Charli: I mean what if we get caught?
Lexie: trust me I used to do this all the time back home let's go to the dressing room
Charli: okay
(Lexie and Charli walk into the dressing room and Charli takes the top off while Lexi takes off the sensor)
Charli: how did you do that?
Lexie: practice now put the top in your purse and let's go I want to go to garage
Charli: okay
(Charli puts the top in her purse and they walk out of the store)
Charli: omg I can't believe we just did that!!
Lexie: (laughs) who says it's not fun being reckless every once in a while
Charli: so garage next right?
Lexie: yup
(They walk to a few other stores such as Ambercrombie, American eagle, Aeropostale and garage and they start looking at the clothes)
Charli: my parents would never let me wear these clothes, "not good for my image"
Lexie: fuck that do you like them
Charli: yeah
Lexie: hey Charli what do you think chase would do if he saw you in this (pulls out a red thin top with straps in the back in the shape of an X)
Charli: probably say I look hot in it and then ping me against the door
Lexie: oop okay then your definitely getting it (grabs it)
Charli: what about you?
Lexie: I am thinking this (picks out a Hawaiian designed top zip up the front crop top with a matching skirt that goes mid thigh)
Charli: omg you have to try it on!!
Lexie: bet let's go
(The girls to the dressing room and try them on and then make a few tik toks)
Lexie: can I post on my account using your phone the boys deleted social media for me
Charli: yeah we'll post on both accounts
Lexie's pov
We recorded the dances and threw it back in the end and Charli and I posted them then we each took the clothes off. I took the sensor off for her and then I took the sensors off of mine and we put them in our purses and started walking out of the store when we bumped into a security guard.
End of pov
Lexie: sorry about that sir
Security guard: no problem but do you mind if I check your receipt really quick, there was a few shop lifters in another store so now we are just taking precautions
Charli: we didn't buy anything in this store and we've just been walking around so we don't have receipts
Security: mind if I check your bags then?
(By now a group of teens recognize Charli and walk over to her)
Lexie: is that really necessary I mean my friend already told you we haven't bought any and if you want a group of teen girls surrounding us in ten seconds I suggest you let us walk away
Security: I am sorry but I can't do that I need to check your bags and if you refuse I am gonna have to call for back up
(Charli starts taking pictures with the girls but still watching what's going on with the security guard and Lexie while another group of girls were recording)
Lexie: listen asshole we already told that we didn't buy anything and you have no reason to check our bags now let us leave
Security: I am sorry but no and now you girls are gonna have to come with me (looks at Charli and walks over to her) I am gonna have to take you and your friend here to the main office
Lexie: main office? What are we in school you can't be serious
Charli: (sighs) okay (and then looks at her fans) I am sorry guys but I can't take pictures right now
Fan 1: why do you have to go with her?
Fan 2: yeah Charli why are you even hanging out with her you could do so much better
Fan 3: she's just a piece of shit Charli don't waste your time with her
Charli: she's my friend and that's really rude to say that about someone when you don't even know her (looks at the security guard) okay let's go
Lexie: Don't worry on my count we'll make a run for it
Charli: what!? And cause a whole scene no way just tell him the truth and give him the clothes maybe he'll go Easy and let us go
Lexie: no way that's the worst idea ever
Charli: then what are we gonna do?
Lexie: run I already told you
Charli: we aren't running look Mr. security guard
Lexie: what are you doing (face palms)
Charli: we took the clothes okay? We are sorry but we are the ones look you can open my bag and hers
Lexie: great Charli good going
Security: I see well you two are gonna still come with me and then you can call whoever your with or someone over the age of eighteen to pick you up
Lexie: (looks at Charli) that's what I was trying to avoid
Charli: oh
(The security guard walks the girls to the office in the mall and Lexie pulls out her phone)
Lexie: let me do the talking okay? I'll take the blame
Charli: why? It was both of us though
Lexie: technically it was my idea and you have your reputation you can't afford for this to get out okay?
Charli: Lexie I don't know.. I don't want you get blamed for everything when I played a part too
Lexie: the only reason you played a long was because I convinced you so just let me take the fall
Charli: okay if you say so...
Lexie's pov
I pulled out my phone and called Noah who answered after two rings.
End of pov
Noah: where are you guys!? I told you we would meet each other at the entrance by four and it's four thirty!
Lexie: yeah about that...
Noah: what did you do?
Lexie: how do you know I automatically did something
Noah: did you?
Lexie: yes...
Noah: what did you do?
Lexie: I may or may not have shop lifted some clothes in multiple stores (mumbles)
Noah: you did what!?!?
Lexie: do I need to repeat myself? Is the signal that bad
Noah: no I heard you but I can't believe you lex my god you can't stay out of trouble for one day can you!! Where's Charli?
Lexie: with me but she has no part in this it was my idea and I did it when she wasn't looking...
Noah: I can't believe you right now alright we are going to get you guys and then we are going home and you are in BIG trouble just so you know
Lexie: okay...
charli's pov
Ten minutes later Noah, Dixie, larray and James came to get us but Noah was the one that signed us out and we started walking out of the mall. On the way back to the sway house Noah kept yelling at Lexie about how irresponsible she was and lex just looked like she was used to this sort of thing. Noah dropped Larray and James off first and now we were heading back to sway and Noah was still lecturing her but at this point she put headphones in her ears and I kept looking out the window. I felt bad honestly I know it wasn't my idea but I still went along with it... should I tell Dixie? Should I tell Noah? Ugh I decided to pull out my phone and text chase and get his advice hoping he was done filming for the day.
End of pov
Text convo
Charli: hey baby are you done filming yet?
My vampire: yeah what's up babe?
Charli: so... lex and I were at the mall today and I did something
My vampire: what did you do?
Charli: Lexie and I were shopping and then she thought it would be fun to be reckless and shop lift which is stupid I know but I went along with it and I took a shirt that I thought was cute and we got caught but lex is taking the blame for it now and I feel guilty because I played a part in it too...
chase: look if there's one thing I have always know about lex is that she loves to cause trouble and you lost your judgement for a minute which is okay we are human and we make mistakes but if your feeling guilty you should just own up to it
Charli: okay... can you not tell Jaden yet? I am sure he'll figure it out eventually
Chase: yeah let me know if I can still come over later
Charli: okay I love you
Chase: love you too baby
End of text convo
Lexie's pov
We finally arrived at the house and Noah was STILL lecturing me as we were walking through the door and I saw josh and Bryce were now back along with Anthony and griffin but I still had my headphones in until Noah finally turned to look at me.
End of pov
Noah: are you even listening to me Lexie!! (Takes the headphones out her ear)
Lexie: I mean I did have my headphones in so...
Anthony: what did you do now?
Noah: she shoplifted!!!
Griffin: Lexie Marie you did what!?!?
Lexie: you heard him (shrugs her shoulders)
Josh: unbelievable what do you think Jaden's going to say when he finds out!?!?
Lexie: or we could just not tell him
Charli: wait guys I have something to say...
Dixie: what Charli?
Lexie: nothing she doesn't need to say anything (looks at her)
Charli; I am sorry lex I appreciate you taking the blame but the guilt will kill ke if I don't tell them
Dixie: did you have something to do with this too?
Charli: I took a few tops that were cute too I just wanted to see what it felt like to step into her shoes for a minute and have some fun
Noah: Charli I know I don't exactly have a place in saying this but what you and Lexie did today isn't the definition of fun it was illegal (looks at Lexie) and you know the kind of reputation she has why the hell would you try and convince her to do something so stupid
Lexie: she said she wanted to have fun, I showed her that
Dixie: (sighs) mom and dad aren't gonna be happy about this char I think we should get going bye babe (walks over and kisses Noah)
Noah: bye baby, bye Char
Charli: bye guys
(They leave and Noah looks at Lexie)
Noah: get upstairs I'll be there in a minute
Lexie: fine whatever (walks upstairs)
Bryce: and lose the attitude!
(Lexie closes the door to her bedroom while the boys start talking)
Noah: we can't turn our backs on her for two seconds without her getting into trouble
Josh: do you want me to handle it?
Noah: no I got it just tell Jaden when he gets home not to punish her because I took care of it
Josh: okay
(Noah walks upstairs to Lexie's room to see her scrolling through her phone and takes it from her and puts it in his pocket)
Lexie: hey!!
Noah: DON'T raise your voice at me
Lexie: fine (rolls her eyes)
Noah: and that's enough with the attitude now you already know why your in trouble I shouldn't have to explain it so just get over my lap
Lexie: no (crosses her arms)
(Noah's not in the mood to argue with her anymore so he walks over to her and pulls her over his lap and starts)
Noah: this will be the first and LAST time you ever shop lift do you understand me young lady?
Lexie: yes Noah
Noah: (sighs) good now I am going back downstairs and you can come down whenever you want
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
Noah left my room and I decided to take a bath since that sounds relaxing to me right now. I didn't bother burning myself today so I put it at a nice temperature that I could soak myself in and just let myself lay in the tub for a bit with my eyes closed. Ten minutes later I washed myself and got dressed into pajamas and walked downstairs and saw the boys watching tv and Jaden wasn't home yet so I just walked over to josh and curled onto his lap. He pulled a blanket over me and then looked at Griffin where they had a silent conversation and he got up from the couch and went upstairs and came back with something in his hand and handed it to josh and I saw it was the pink pacifier on it and he popped it in my mouth and I didn't bother refusing. I was too tired to fight him and instead just paid attention to the tv until the door opened and a few seconds later Jaden stood by the couches and I got off josh and ran up to him, he picked me up and hugged me while I wrapped my arms around him but then he took the pacifier out of my mouth and gave me a serious look.
End of pov
Jaden: so josh texted me a little while ago but do you want to tell me what you did today?
Lexie: school with Rafy
Jaden: hmm what else?
Lexie: shopping with Charli
Jaden: keep going
Lexie: shoplifted with Charli (looks down)
Jaden: (gently lifts her chin up so they are looking each other in the eyes) exactly and I don't ever want to hear that you did it again because then I'll punish you too understand?
Lexie: I understand bubba
Jaden: okay
(Jaden puts the pacifier back in her mouth and she lays her head in the crook of his neck)
Jaden: I am gonna go shower so go cuddle with josh again
Lexie: okay (walks back over to josh)
Lexie's pov
I curled back onto Josh's lap and paid attention to the tv again until my eyes drifted off to sleep again. The next time I woke up it was to Joshy shaking me but I wanted to stay sleeping.
End of pov
Lexie: no (whines)
Josh: wake up lex or your not going to sleep tonight
Lexie: no me tired (whines)
Josh: how about we play a game
Lexie: no I go sleep
(She closes her eyes but josh sits her up and bounces her on his knee)
Lexie: joshyyyy noooo
Josh: sorry baby but no more sleeping
Lexie: but joshyyyy
Josh: nope now come on let's go see what the others are up to
(Josh picks up Lexie and they walk around the house looking for the boys)
Lexie: buddy!! (Points at her)
Josh: you want to play with buddy?
Lexie: yeah!!
Josh: okay
(josh puts her down and Lexie grabs buddy's ball and throws it while josh walks away to go find the boys)
Lexie's pov
I wanted to play tag with buddy so I threw the ball at her and she brought it back to me so this time I kept it in my hand and started running with it so she would start chasing me. I ran up the stairs with buddy following behind me but then buddy got in front of me and I tripped over the step and buddy took the ball from me and started barking. My ankle was hurting and I had tears in my eyes and buddy kept barking until Kiki came out of his room.
End of pov
Kio: what happened Lexie?
Lexie: buddy and I play tag and buddy got in front of me and trip me! Bad dog! (Points her finger) and my ankle hurts now (pouts)
Kio: hey hey buddy didn't mean to get in front of you and you shouldn't have been running in the house in the first place now come on let's go look at that ankle
(Kio picks Lexie up and walks her over to the kitchen and sits her on the counter and looks at it) you'll be fine but let's put some ice on it okay?
Lexie: okay
(Kio hands her a bag of ice just as Jaden walks into the kitchen with griffin)
Jaden: what happened?
Lexie: buddy bad dog!
Kio: lex it wasn't buddy's fault you shouldn't have been running in the house
Lexie: but buddy trip me!
Griffin: lex how old are you?
Lexie: tree (holds up two fingers)
Griffin: one more baby (moves one up) there you go now what happened with buddy?
Lexie: he trip me and hurt my ankle
Jaden: were you running?
Lexie: yeah but buddy still trip me she needs timeout
Griffin: but you were running too so do you need to go in timeout too?
Lexie: no
Jaden: then why should buddy go in time out if you don't?
Lexie: I no no
Jaden: okay so instead why don't you give buddy a hug and go play with your dolls
Lexie: okay
(Kio takes the ice off her ankle and let's her down and she finds buddy and picks her up and holds her)
Lexie: I sorry buddy for calling you bad dog, I love you (kisses her fur)
Jaden: aww that's so cute! (Takes a picture)
Lexie's pov
I went to play with my dolly's in my room while the boys were in the living room and i was pretending my dollies were fighting each other until I heard ant call me downstairs for dinner. I took my dolly in my arms and walked downstairs and I sat in the chair and he gave me a bowl with pasta and red sauce.
End of pov
Lexie: dolly eat too
Blake: you give dolly pretend food this is real food and you need to eat first
Lexie: but dolly need food too
Bryce: you can feed her after your done
Lexie: okay bubba feed me
(Jaden sits down and takes a bite of his pasta and then picks up her fork and feeds it to her)
Ant: maybe we should start feeding her in little space more often she doesn't fight us in little space
Noah: are you forgetting what happened at the hotel?
Ant: okay she fought us once about eating and she wasn't fully in little space then
Josh: true
(Jaden eats his pasta and continues to feed Lexie until she's done)
Lexie: bubba I tired
Jaden: okay let's get you up to bed I am tired too, josh you coming?
Josh: yeah night guys
Them: night
(Jaden, josh and Lexie go up to the room and Jaden lays her down in her bed but she holds onto him)
Lexie: I cuddle with you and Joshy I no want bed
Josh: just let her till she falls asleep
Jaden: okay can you pass me her pacifier
Josh: yeah (hands it to him)
(Jaden puts the pacifier In her mouth and eventually she closes her eyes and Jaden puts her on her bed when his phone starts to ring which wakes Lexie up)
Lexie: bubba
Jaden: shh go back to sleep
Lexie: no I want bubba
(Jaden's phone keeps ringing so he answers it even though it says unknown caller while josh gets Lexie and holds her)
Phone convo
Jaden: hello?
?: hey is this Jaden hossler?
Jaden: depends on who's asking
?: it's Justin Bieber I got your number from Travis sorry if it's a little late but I wanted to call you and see if we could meet and eventually talking about a song together
(Jaden stays frozen on the phone for a second not knowing how to process this)
Justin: you there Jaden?
Jaden: uh yeah I am here sorry I am filming a movie with Colson and Travis at the moment but I am off tomorrow
Justin: okay cool I also heard you had a sister about the same age as my step daughter is that true?
Jaden: yeah her names Lexie how old is yours?
Justin: she just turned sixteen, she was actually the one that heard pray in the first place and showed it to me
Jaden: wow I need to be sure to thank her then (jokes)
Justin: my wife and I are actually having a barbecue tomorrow and I know Clare would be super surprised to meet you
Jaden: Lexie would freak if I told her who's house we were going too
Justin: so how about we surprise them together you could even bring your boys
Jaden: okay sounds good text me the time
Justin: alright bye Jaden
Jaden: bye Justin
End of phone convo
(Jaden hangs up the phone and stands still frozen in place while josh puts Lexie back in the bed since she had fallen asleep and then looks at Jaden who is still frozen)
Josh: babe you good? Who was that on the phone?
Jaden: (looks at josh) Justin Bieber just called me and invited all of us to his house tomorrow for a barbecue this can't be real, josh this is a dream pinch me
(Josh just walks over and kisses him)
Josh: did you feel that?
Jaden: yeah
(Josh kisses him on the neck)
Josh: what about that?
Jaden: yeah
(Josh lightly starts to suck on his neck)
Josh: and that?
Jaden: yeah
Josh: then your not dreaming (pecks him on the lips)
Jaden: we are actually going to Justin's house tomorrow
Josh: yeah that's insane but I am so proud of you, your going to be doing a song with Justin Bieber (whisper shouts)
Jaden: (takes a deep breath) don't let me freeze when I see him in person
Josh: don't worry now let's go to bed big day tomorrow
Jaden: goodnight babe (hugs him and kisses him then gets up to turn the lights off while josh wraps his arms around his waist)

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