Chapter 2

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Lexi's pov
I woke up to my phone going off like crazy so I groaned and rolled over to grab my phone off the nightstand and saw it was my friends blowing up the group chat.
End of pov
Group convo
Naomi: yo Lexi you missed a great party last night!
Silver: for real you went ghost after the fight at schools
Ariana: the bitch deserved it though she was trying to go after Leo
Grace: yeah but you never told us what happened
Sarah: has Lexie still not answered? That's not like her
Jenny: should we spam the chat and see if she answers
Lexie: please don't I am alive and your spamming already woke me up
Naomi: your alive!
Lexie: yeah I am alive sadly
Jenny: what's up with you?
Lexie: well let's see I got expelled and my parents took the first change they got to ship me off to LA
Sarah: your in LA!?!?
Grace: omg your staying with Jaden aren't you? Your so lucky I wish I stayed with the sway boys!!!
Lexie: it's really not all that they are annoying fuck boys grace
Ariana: when are you coming back?
Lexie: I have absolutely no idea
Naomi: damn so when are we going to get to see you again?
Lexie: I wish I knew
Naomi: that's not fair where do your parents get off on thinking it's totally okay to take you from your life here
Lexie: I don't even know but I hate them and I hate Jaden and I miss you guys
Grace: aww girly it's okay no matter what you'll have us but what about Ricky?
Lexie: shit!! I didn't think of that... I should probably talk to him
Sarah: good luck we have to get to class now but let us know when you talk to Ricky
Lexie: okay bye girlies
(Lexie puts her phone down and is about to fall back asleep when her door opens and josh and Bryce run in with nerf guns and start shouting her with them)
Bryce: oh your awake
Lexie: yeah no shit I am awake and even if I wasn't that doesn't mean you burst in my room shooting nerf guns!!
Josh: be lucky it wasn't a water gun (shrugs his shoulders)
Lexie: I hate you guys
Bryce: too bad breakfast in ten come downstairs
Lexie: what if I don't want to (crosses her arms)
Josh: then we'll shoot you with nerf guns again
Lexie: fine whatever get out
(Josh and Bryce leave her room)
Lexie's pov
I groaned and decided to get out of bed and walked over to my closet and looked for something to wear that I knew would piss Jaden off so a few minutes later I decided on a white zipper tube top with ripped low rise shorts and sneakers and walked downstairs to see the boys sitting around in the kitchen drinking protein shakes but when Jaden saw me he choked on his smoothie and I couldn't help but laugh.
End of pov
Jaden: what the hell are you wearing Lexie
Lexie: clothes what does it look like jay (walks over to the fridge) I love how you say breakfast is gonna be ready yet the fridge is empty (rolls her eyes)
Blake: want a protein shake?
Lexie: I'd rather starve
Griffin: you can post mates something if you want
Lexie: no it's fine I'll just eat this banana (looks at it) never mind it's going in the trash (puts it in the garbage) how do you idiots even survive?
Quinton: hey that's rude
Lexie: just stating the facts
Quinton: I am gonna run to the store want to come with?
Lexie: sure why not then maybe we can stop and get some real food
Jaden: go change first your not going out dressed like that
Lexie: watch me (walks out the front door)
Anthony: are you gonna stop her (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: nah I have to meet Travis and Kells at the studio but do me a favor go through her closet and throw out anything you deem inappropriate
Noah: she's gonna kill us you know that right
Jaden: I don't care we told her nothing inappropriate and she didn't listen so now her closet gets a makeover
Bryce: should we vlog it (looks at josh)
Josh: (laughs) she's gonna kill us but hey it's for the content
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Quinton pulled up to target and we got out of the car and started walking inside.
End of pov
Lexie: so what are we doing here?
Quinton: didn't you want to get food?
Lexie: yeah but I figured we would just go to Publix
Quinton: yeah but target is so much more fun
Lexie: true
Quinton: oh we should make a tik tok!
Lexie: yeah... no not happening
Quinton: pleaseeee
Lexie: nope I am gonna go look for snake but have fun with that tik tok (walks away)
Scene change
Bryce: what's up a party animals Bryce hall here back with a mother fucking vlog and guess who I am with today
Josh: hi I am josh if you don't know me then you obviously don't know who Bryce is so if your new here subscribe, so Bryce why don't you tell them what crazy shit we are going to do today
Josh: we are gonna set Lexie's clothes on fire
Bryce: she's so gonna kill us now before you start going crazy in the comments just know we got permission from Jaden to do this because let's just say Lexie's clothes aren't something a fifteen year old should wear
Josh: yeah so we are burning it
(Noah and Blake walk into the vlog)
Blake: great we are gonna have to pay for your funeral 
Noah: yeah who would have thought out of the crazy things you've done your gonna die from raiding a teenage girl's closet
Bryce: you want in?
Blake: no I actually like my life thank you very much
Josh: okay but before we go raid her closet let's shot gun some Ani energy just to promote it and no other reason
Bryce: yeah and j rod will cut to a montage of us doing it
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I grabbed some pop tarts, cookies, and some candies as well as a slushee which I guess could be considered my breakfast, and Quinton recorded the same tik tok over ten times until the manager came up to us and said we needed to leave so we left and started driving back to the house. Twenty minutes later we pulled into the house and saw josh and Bryce in the driveway with a trash can that was on fire with j rod holding the camera. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself what are these dumb asses up to now. Quinton and I got out of the car and walked up to them.
End of pov
Quinton: I feel like you guys are either burning or breaking things in your vlogs now
Josh: it's for the content
Quinton: what are you guys burning now?
(Josh and Bryce look at each other and look over at Lexie and then look at each other)
Lexie: what did you do?
Bryce: nothing
Lexie: oh really then why did you look at me?
Josh: no reason
Lexie: hmm sure whatever I am going up to my room bye losers (walks into the house)
A few minutes later
Lexie's pov
I put the food and snacks in the pantry and then went up to my room to chill on the bed since I legit have nothing else to do. I opened the door and the first thing I noticed was my closet open which was weird because I am pretty sure I closed it after getting dressed so I walked over to close it and that's when I saw it was empty. You don't think the boys... OH HELL NO!!! I stormed down the stairs and to the front door to see Bryce and josh putting the fire out and walked over to them.
End of pov
Lexie: (stays calm) please tell me that you idiots did not burn my clothes!!! Please tell me that you did not go into my room, open the closet and grab my crop tops, tube tops, and shorts and didn't put it in the stupid bin and light it on fire!!!!
Bryce: you can't blame us
josh: in our defense Jaden told us to do it
Bryce: Lexie those clothes were not something a fifteen year old should wear, they were to revealing and showed off way to much
Josh: yeah and one of the rules was no inappropriate clothing
Lexie: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK YOU BURNED MY CLOTHES!!! I can't believe this I am calling Jaden (pulls out her phone)
Scene change
Jaden: these thoughts in my head take control but when I am down I beg for more yeah I beg for more yeah and I have been thinking about you all night
Ring ring ring
(Jaden stops singing and looks at his phone to see it's Lexie calling)
Jaden: sorry Travis can I take this It's my sister
Travis: yeah go ahead we'll take five
Jaden: okay (answers the phone)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey lex what's up I am at the studio
(Jaden pulls the phone away from his ear and then calmly responds)
Jaden: I told you to change this morning and you didn't listen consider it a punishment I am sorry if I don't want my fifteen year old sister dressing like she's nineteen or twenty
Jaden: hey! Listen I understand your upset but it's not that big of a deal I can take you shopping when I get out of the studio and we can get you some new clothes preferably more age appropriate
Lexie: Yeah because I am gonna want to go to the mall with the brother that left me no thanks I'll go by myself
Jaden: no because then your just gonna go buy more clothes that we won't approve of
Jaden's pov
I sighed and thought about it for a minute... look having josh and Bryce burn her clothes might be a little bit of an extreme but what she's gonna be in the public eye now and I don't want guys getting the wrong impression of her and I don't want her to be called a slut by thousands of people so I am just trying to protect her even if she is pissed at me. Travis came back inside and we finished recording so what and I said bye to Travis and got in my car and drove home. Forty minutes of driving later I got home and opened the door and the first thing I heard was Lexie screaming at josh and Bryce still while Noah, Blake, griffin and ant were just watching but then they noticed me and but I signaled them to stay quiet because I wasn't going to step in just yet but I did walk over to them and whispered to griffin.
End of pov
Jaden: how long has this been going on?
Griffin: she hasn't stopped since she found out, she nearly grabbed the tv from Bryce's room and tried to throw it out the window but josh stopped her and regardless the tv was to small for her to carry anyway
Jaden: damn
Josh: for the last time Lexie if you want to blame anyone Blame Jaden he told us to do it
Bryce: ALRIGHT (takes a deep breath in and out) I have been calm since you found out, I was calm when you yelled for an hour I was even calm when you tried to throw the damn tv out the window and you still haven't calmed down so now I am gonna give you a chance to CALM DOWN or your not going to like the outcome
(Jaden finally decides to step in)
Jaden: LEXIE MARIE HOSSLER THAT'S ENOUGH!! I already told you that I would take you shopping and we can go now if you want but stop screaming and throwing a tantrum like a child
Lexie's pov
He did not just call me a child and told me I was throwing a tantrum, I know I didn't hear that right because if I heard him right because if I did that would mean I am about to go ballistic.
End of pov
Lexie: what did you just say?
Jaden: I said stop screaming and throwing a tantrum if you want to go shopping
Lexie: your going to regret saying that (tries to lunge at Jaden but Noah wraps his arms around her waist when she gets close and picks her up)
Noah: no not until you calm down
(Lexie starts trying to kick him but he carries her upstairs to her room and closes the door)
Noah: no you can come out when you decide you want to talk civilly until then you can stay in the room
Lexie's pov
I tried opening the door but then I realized he locked it from the outside which means I am screwed... ugh It's only been one day and I already hate it here, I haven't had a drink or gotten high in over forty eight hours and I am going crazy. I pulled out my phone and went to my maps and looked up the nearest vape shop or bar and saw there was one a fifteen minute walk away from here so I grabbed my purse and fake Id and then looked at my window and saw the floor wasn't to high up. I could probably climb down it so that's what I did. A few minutes later I was in the driveway and I mentally cursed because I forgot that the boys have security now so now what? Oh I am gonna just try and climb the fence which was a little harder then I thought it would be but I did it. Plugged my headphones in my ears and started walking to the vape shop and fifteen minutes later I got to the vape shop and walked inside, I showed the worker my fake ID and she gave me a few strawberry watermelon flavor ones and I walked out and took a few puffs and decided I wanted a drink so I searched up the nearest bar and saw this place called saddle ranch so I decided why not go there it was ten minutes from the house so it was closer so I started walking there.
End of pov
Scene change
Griffin: it's quiet
Kio: finally I could not take it anymore I was going to lose it on her
Anthony: and you're the patient one
Kio: exactly
Jaden: I am sorry guys I didn't think the reaction was going to be that bad
Josh: it's cool don't worry about it honestly and for the record if you saw half the outfits you would want to burn them too
Jaden: (groans) that bad
Bryce: yeah she might be pissed but it was for the better trust
Jaden: okay I'll take your word for it
Blake: should someone go check on her
Josh: not it
Bryce: not it
Jaden: (rolls his eyes) I'll do it
Jaden's pov
I walked upstairs and knocked on her door and didn't get an answer so I knocked again and still nothing so I just decided to unlock it because she might have fallen asleep after all that screaming but as soon as I opened the door I noticed she wasn't on the bed and the bathroom was open so she wasn't in there and then I looked at the window which was halfway open and that's when I knew she snuck out. I ran downstairs to tell the boys.
End of pov
Bryce: what do you mean she snuck out?
Jaden: I mean she snuck out what else do you think I mean
Griffin: how?
Jaden: the window
Josh: how did she get passed security?
Blake: I don't know let's watch the footage
(They walk over to the security cameras and play back the footage to see her climb the fence)
Kio: unbelievable
Griffin: we are gonna have to put locks on her windows now
Jaden: yeah
Anthony: are we going to go look for her?
Jaden: no she'll come back eventually and when she does she's getting punished plain and simple
Bryce: okay if you say so what do we do in the meantime?
Josh: let's just watch something on Netflix
Them: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I took multiple shots and after my sixth one and I was getting tipsy I figured now would be a good time to go back because I still need to walk home so I paid the tab and started walking home and ten minutes later I got to the house and then I realized I would have to climb the fence... now even though I am not drunk I am definitely not sober either so what the hell do I do? I walked up to the security guard and asked him to open the gate and just not tell the boys but then he told me that the boys would find out anyway because they have access to the footage which meant I am screwed no matter what. I took a few more hits of the vape and then I just said fuck it I don't care so the guard let me in and I didn't bother climbing my window and just walked through the front door knowing that I dug my own grave, but I still tried to go upstairs quietly to avoid them.
End of pov
Kio: and where exactly do you think you're going young lady (crosses his arms)
Lexie: oh hey guys what's up?
Jaden: cut the bull shit Lexie where did you go?
Lexie: I went for a walk to calm down.. I am calm now which is what you wanted btw
Josh: yeah we wanted you to calm down not sneak out
Lexie: oh well I went walking is that a crime?
Griffin: you could have told us instead of sneaking out
Lexie: I didn't want to talk to you guys
Bryce: (looks at Lexie) come over here lex
Lexie: I'll come back down I just want to shower
Bryce: you can shower after we are done talking now come sit down
Lexie: ugh fine (starts walking to the couch and passes Blake and Noah)
Blake: hold up Noah do you smell that
Noah: yeah it smells like vodka (looks at Lexie with her arms crossed) wasn't me
Jaden: really? Because we could get griffin to take a breathalyzer test
Lexie: why the fuck are you guys interrogating me all of a sudden
Bryce: because we don't trust you so I am going to ask one more time where did you go?
Lexie: I don't need to tell you i went talking that's it
Jaden's pov
I looked at Lexie and her body language because I know when she's lying and I know when she's telling the truth and right now she's definitely lying I got off the couch and walked over to her and had her look me in the eyes.
End of pov
Jaden: I am going to give you one more chance before I add to your punishment so where did you go Lexie Marie?
Lexie: saddle ranch... I took a couple shots
Bryce: you went where!?!?
Lexie: saddle ranch why?
Josh: oh my god Lexie that's where all the influencers go and paparazzi!
Lexie: okay well I am not an influencer so what's the big deal
Griffin: your related to one, did you see any cameras around?
Lexie: no but I didn't care to look either to be honest
Jaden: (face palms) okay I am not going to lie I was pissed and as soon as you came home I was planning on punishing you but I am tired of this and considering Bryce and josh did burn your clothes I am going to let you off this time but this time only and if I ever catch you drinking again it'll be double the punishment understand?
Lexie: yeah I understand but can we go to the mall tomorrow?
Jaden: yeah for now you can use a hoodie and some sweats
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I walked upstairs kind of shocked that I got away with that but I'll take it plus I really do want to take a shower so I walked up to my room and walked into the bathroom to shower and once I was done I wrapped a towel around me and when I got out there was josh's buddies meeting hard hoodie with a pair of black sweats and I put it on and I admit it was huge on me but it was really comfortable. I walked downstairs and saw the boys post mated Olive Garden and Jaden handed me my fettuccine Alfredo.
End of pov
Lexie: you remembered?
Jaden: duh every time we went to Olive Garden you would always get fettuccine
Lexie: still I didn't think you remembered (shrugs her shoulders)
Griffin: movie night?
Everyone: sure
Lexie's pov
We all walked into the living room and josh pulled me onto his lap and then grabbed the sheets and ant started scrolling through Netflix and we decided on this new American pie movie with Maddison Pettis.
End of pov
Josh: do you actually forgive me for the pranks today?
Lexie: I wouldn't say burning clothes is a prank but yeah I forgive you however i still might get revenge a different way
Josh: but you said you forgave me
Lexie: yeah but that doesn't mean I am not getting my revenge
Josh: oh really
Lexie: yeah
Josh: okay (starts tickling her)
Lexie: no josh stop!! (Laughing)
Quinton: come on guys we are watching a movie
Josh: tell Lexie to say she forgives me and she's not getting revenge (keeps tickling her)
Lexie: n n no (laughs)
Josh: okay (keeps tickling her)
Lexie: fine fine I won't get revenge (laughs)
(Josh stops tickling Lexie and they keep watching the movie)
Lexie's pov
After the movie we all went upstairs and went to sleep.
End of pov

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