Chapter 18

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Friday- trigger warning: dream (the day Jake and Lexie met)
Jake: you look really pretty tonight Lexie
Lexie: thanks (smiles)
Jake: do you want to get a drink with me?
Lexie: sure why not
(Jake and Lexi walk up to the bar at the party and he starts to pour her a drink but puts a pill in it, waits for it to dissolve and hands it to her and she drinks it)
Jake: so Lexie I have been wanting to tell you something for a while and just could never find the courage to
Lexie: (slurs) what is it?
Jake: I really like you
Lexie: you do?
Jake: yeah
Lexie: I do too
Jake: great so what do you say we go upstairs and have some fun to celebrate our new relationship (pecks her on the lips)
Lexie suree
(Jake and Lexie walk upstairs and he lays her on the bed and then clicks the record button on his phone and starts kissing her)
Lexie: Jake I am tired (slurs)
Jake: shh I am gonna make you feel good okay?
Lexie: no Jake stop
Jake: shut up (kisses her neck)
Lexie: I said let go!
Jake: no no you don't call the shots so your gonna lay still and shut up and be a good girl can you do that (grips her neck)
Lexie: no just let me go!!! Please please I never did anything to you why are you doing this
Jake: because I want to claim what's mine
Lexie: I am not yours and you can't just claim someone
Jake: watch me now I am giving you one more chance to shut up before I stuff a ball gag in that pretty little mouth do you want that
Lexie: n n no
Jake: then shut up and take it like a good girl
End of dream and trigger
Charly's pov
I woke up to screaming and at first I didn't know where it was coming from but then I remembered Lexie was staying with us so I quickly shook Taylor and he opened his eyes and as soon as he heard Lexie scream he got out of bed and I followed him. We opened Lexie's door and I saw her kicking and screaming in her sleep and it really broke my heart. She had tears streaming down her face, Taylor walked over to her and gently tried to shake her awake but it wasn't working until she was the one who jumped up from her sleep and got into a curled up position trying to comfort herself.
End of pov
Taylor: Lexie it's okay it was just a dream
Lexie: p p please d don't h hurt m me g go away J Jake
Taylor: I am not Jake, Lexie it's Taylor remember your staying with me it's okay your safe
Lexie: I i I w w want j j Jaden (cries)
Taylor: okay how about you stay with charly and I'll go call him okay?
Lexie: o o okay
(Charly walks over to Lexie and wraps her arms around her while Taylor walks out of the room to call Jaden)
Scene change
Ring ring ring
Kio: (groans) what time is it?
Jaden: (opens his eyes) six thirty (grabs his phone)
Griffin: who's calling at six in the morning
Jaden: Taylor (answers the phone)
Phone convo
Jaden: Taylor what's up is everything okay?
Taylor: uh Lexie woke up just now screaming I am guessing it was one of her nightmares but she wanted to talk to you
Jaden: shit okay put her on
(Taylor walks back into the room)
Taylor: hey Lexie I am on the phone with Jaden do you still want to talk to him?
Lexie: (nods her head and Taylor passes her the phone) j j Jae
Jaden: hey baby are you okay?
Lexie: n n no I I h had a d dream w with j Jake (cries)
Jaden: aww it's okay look it was just a dream that's all it was, your okay just breathe and calm down
Lexie: I want you to come home.. I can't sleep by myself
Jaden: have charly sleep with you tomorrow if you want okay or now it's early you can try and go back to sleep
Lexie: I don't want to
Jaden: okay are you feeling a little bit better?
Lexie: no I just want you and the boys to come home
(Josh hears her over the phone and takes it from Jaden)
Josh: lex I know you want us to come home and trust me we want that too but we need you to be okay without us for one more day can you do that for us please?
Lexie: I guess...
josh: good we love you and we'll call you later okay?
Lexie: okay love you too
End of phone convo
Jaden: I knew this was a bad idea we shouldn't have left her with Taylor
Griffin: Jaden she's fifteen and I think we forget that sometimes because we baby her but besides that she should be able to handle at least two days without us
Kio: griffin's right I think as soon as we are back in LA we need to get her into therapy
Josh: yeah I agree with them Jae
Jaden: I know (sighs)
Scene change
Charly: do you want to go back to sleep?
Lexie: no
Taylor: you know what I think you would like it always helped me when I couldn't sleep
Lexie: what?
Taylor: hot chocolate?
Charly: omg yes and we can just go downstairs and watch movies
Lexie: okay I guess
Taylor: come on
Lexie's pov
We walked downstairs and Taylor made hot chocolate for Charly and I and we decided on a Christmas movie because why not. We watched holidate with Emma Roberts which was the cheesiest movie ever but that's what made it good. Eventually everyone else woke up and joined us, Nate said we should make pancakes which resulted in a whole bunch of flour and chocolate chips on the floor. Markell lecturing everyone for making a mess and Charly, kellianne and I just laughing but then I excused myself and went upstairs to my room because I decided that this was probably the only time I am gonna be away from the guys and josh did say that I needed to act like a big girl which I am and I keep forgetting that more and more because the guys are constantly breathing down my neck but not today. Today I am going back to the old Lexie you know the one that clearly didn't give a shit so I opened my duffel bag and took out my black ripped jeans with a wine colored tube top with some high heeled boots and walked downstairs.
End of pov
Lexie: hey girls can you take me to a salon somewhere?
Charly: yeah of course what did you have In mind?
Lexie: I don't know yet but I just want to change it up a bit you know
Kellianne: I think that's a great idea
Taylor: okay you girls go have a day to your selves and we'll have a guys day
Charly: okay let us get ready and then we'll go with you okay lex
Lexie: okay
(Charly and kellianne go upstairs)
Lexie: wait Markell do you want to come with us? I could use another person's opinion
Markell: girly you already know it let me get dressed and I'll go with you
Lexie: okay (smiles)
Thirty minutes later
Lexie's pov
Charly, kellianne and Markell came downstairs and we left the house and I was looking at different hair colors because I definitely want to change it up a bit. I remember back in Tennessee I dyed my hair with purple streaks and i loved it so maybe I'll go back to that. The boys would probably kill me but they aren't here so why the hell not, after driving in some traffic we got to this salon and walked inside.
End of pov
?: hi welcome to LA Looks my name is Karla how can I help you?
Lexie: hi my names Lexie and I was wondering if I could do purple high lights?
Markell: omg yes girl your gonna look fierce as fuck
Charly: are you sure about purple? lex how about a more natural color
Lexie: nah natural is boring I am ready to really change it up
Kellianne: okay then I say do it if your sure
Lexie: I am
Karla: okay I can do that come follow me? Are you guys gonna do anything (looks at Charly and kellianne)
Kellianne: I think just a touch up on my roots
Karla: okay I'll have some people come and do your hair right away
Charly: thank you
Lexie's pov
We were at the salon for a while but eventually Karla finished my purple high lights and I looked in the mirror and I finally felt like I could recognize myself again, now I just need to find a vape shop and get another vape pen so I took out my phone and found there was one right across the street. The girls were still doing their hair and Markell was in the bathroom so I paid Karla quickly and walked out of the salon towards the vape shop and took out my fake ID.
End of pov
Lexie: hi (walks up to the counter) do you guys have the strawberry watermelon flavor?
?: yes we do how many do you want?
Lexie: can I get three please?
?: sure what's your name cutie?
Lexie: Lexie how about yours?
?: Dylan i haven't seen you around
Lexie: that's because I recently just moved here
Dylan: oh cool well if your not doing anything tonight my friends and I are having a party you should come maybe you can make some friends
Lexie: you know what a party sounds perfect
Dylan: cool here's my number text me (hands her a piece of paper)
Lexie: (takes out her phone and texts him) check your phone (winks)
Dylan: (smiles) I'll see you tonight
Lexie: sounds good
(Lexie leaves the vape shop and walks back to the salon)
Markell: where were you?
Lexie: a little boutique next door why?
Markell: I went to the bathroom and didn't see you child you almost gave me a heart attack
Lexie: well I am fine so...
(Their conversation gets interrupted by Charly and kellianne walking up to them)
Charly: I love how your hair came out Lexie!!!
Kellianne: yeah you look great (smiles)
Lexie: thank you I am really happy with it tok are you guys ready to go?
Charly: yeah come on
Lexie's pov
We got in the car and started driving back to the compound and on the way there Taylor called and asked us to pick up some pizza on the way there. I swear all I eat with these content creators is post mates, fast food or pizza because no one knows how to cook... no wonder I am starting to gain weight again. Charly picked up the pizza while the rest of us stayed in the car singing lyrics to the songs that were playing on the radio and eventually we got back to the compound and we noticed another car in the driveway and when we walked into the house I saw Hayes Grier standing next to Taylor. Okay now I know he's like several years older then me but you have to understand that when Magcon and vine existed Hayes was probably my favorite and I loved him on dancing with the stars so to see him standing right in front of me... I am gonna try not to fan girl.
End of pov
Taylor: lex come here I want you to meet someone
(Lexie walks over to him)
Taylor: lex this is Hayes he's been a friend of mine for a few years now
Lexie: hi it's nice to meet you
Hayes: wait a minute did you ever go to one of magcon's meet and greets?
Lexie: I wish but no I went to digi tour though
Hayes: that's right you were there with your brother Jaden I think
Lexie: yeah I can't believe you actually remembered
Hayes: yeah well you were like ten and I think you gave me a bracelet or something
Taylor: oh so Little Lexie had a crush huh (teases)
Lexie: stop (blushes) don't expose me
Hayes: well it's good to see you again, your brothers been killing it with the music lately
Lexie: yeah I'll tell him you said that
Hayes: so are you on tik tok too?
Lexie: kind of I rarely post though
Hayes: do you want to do one with me? I have no idea what I am doing though (laughs)
Lexie: sure we can do a simple one how about Savage?
Hayes: okay
Lexie's pov
We did the savage dance on his account and then we did renegade on my account and posted it and then he had to leave because I guess we was filming something with Nash so now some of us were just sitting at the dining room table talking while the camera's are just on.
End of pov
Taylor: guys
(Everyone's having their own conversations)
Taylor: hello... hello
(Taylor grabs a glass cup and throws it on the ground)
Nate: why was that necessary?
Taylor: I don't know it kind of just seemed cool at the moment (knocks down another one)
Lexie: why... just why
(Taylor knocks down another one)
Taylor: probably shouldn't have done that
Chase: Charly Taylor's breaking shit
Taylor: I literally didn't break anything (knocks another one down)
Chase: you know what's hilarious when we don't have a broom we have Lamborghini but not a broom
(Everyone starts laughing)
Taylor: I didn't think far ahead because on a real note I didn't pay for these cups these were rentals
Lexie: now I know why you and Bryce are friends (facepalms)
Nate: so hopefully they just won't count how many there are
(Then one of Taylor's assistants walks into the room with a laptop)
Taylor: (sitting down) don't go any further
Assistant: why... how the fuck? You want to come to me about the dude honking me down on the freeway
Taylor: shh hold on
Assistant: no no because you tried to come at me to go to the principal's office
Taylor: shhh (tries to cover his mouth)
Assistant: it's your turn to go to the principal's office
Taylor: let me tell you what happened... there was a ghost (tries not to laugh)
Lexie: are you for real right now? That's something I would say to the boys (laughs)
Nate: how come?
Lexie: to get myself out of trouble
Nate: oh makes sense
Assistant: where did it come from?
Taylor: I got it on footage
Lexie's pov
Taylor's assistant had his back turned for a second so Taylor walked out of the room and grabbed a blanket and covered himself with it and I couldn't help but laughs maybe I'll steal this truck from him the next time I get in trouble. Taylor walked back into the room with the sheet over his head and knocks down another glass and then takes the sheet off his head.
End of pov
Taylor: see that's exactly what happened
(Taylor's assistant stays quiet eating a chip while the group sitting at the table is trying not to laugh until Markell walks into the room and stares at the floor)
Lexie: Markell you alive? Hello...
Taylor: I'll give you the whole rundown it was literally a ghost
Lexie: yeah Casper
Markell: a fucking ghost
Taylor: I'll show you what happened (walks out of the room, puts the sheet over his head, walks back in and knocks down a glass)
Markell: Taylor! You didn't have to go full fucking fledge you know that shit is expensive! That settlement is ten thousand dollars every cup is a hundred dollars a piece how many did you break?
Lexie: oooo someone's in trouble (laughs)
Markell: this is not our shit! Y'all this isn't funny we are breaking shit, I am not helping shit and you better hope Lexie doesn't step on it and get glass in her foot because Jaden will kill us
(Nate walks over to the table with the cups and knocks one over and walks away)
Markell: Nate!! Are you fucking kidding me bring your ass back here!! I am not kidding
(Everyone's still trying hard not to laugh)
Markell: they have to come pick this shit up they didn't say we can have it
Taylor: only if they don't count right
Markell: bitch they had the cups to the end of the table what happened to the other fourteen cups! Did you have to replay your fucking ghost moment forty five times to show each of these mother fuckers
(Lexie starts dying of laughter along with everyone else after that)
Taylor: hey Markell catch
(Markell's gaps and runs away)
Markell: what is you doing
End of pov
Taylor: alright alright I'll admit it I took it a little too far
Markell: thank you that's all I was saying now go over there and clean it up
Taylor: boo get off the stage
Lexie's pov
Next thing I know everyone was throwing stuff at him nothing that could actually hurt but just to get more of a reaction from him until finally they stopped and everyone calmed down and i got a text from Dylan.
End of pov
Text convo
Dylan: you still coming tonight?
Lexie: yeah just send me the addy
Dylan: alright do you need a ride?
Lexie: no it's okay I'll just Uber
Dylan: you sure?
Lexie: yeah
Dylan: okay just text me when your on the way
Lexie: I will :)
End of text convo
Lexie: hey is it okay if I go to a party tonight?
Taylor: I don't know lex... where at?
Lexie: a friends house pleaseee
Charly: come on let the girl have some fun Taylor
Lexie: yeah listen to your girlfriend
Taylor: alright but you have to be back
no later then twelve and Nate and I will drop you off, no drinking and drugs got it?
Lexie: yeah I promise Taylor
Taylor: alright you can go
Lexie's pov
Yeah I am not promising shit this is my first time away from the guys and I can be free so I am taking full advantage. I walked upstairs and took a shower and after I blow dried my hair and grabbed my curling iron and started doing my hair. After my hair was done I got dressed in a black velvet runched tube dress with my boots and a choker necklace and by the time I was ready it was eight o clock and my phone started ringing and I saw that Jaden was face timing me. I thought about answering but I knew if Jaden saw me in the dress he would get suspicious so I put my phone on silent and put in my purse and walked downstairs.
End of pov
Markell: ooo look at you girly looking like a whole snack
Nate: don't you think it's a little short...
Lexie: nope it looks cute
Taylor: alright then are you ready to go?
Lexie: yeah
Kellianne: have fun (hugs her) and be careful okay?
Lexie: I will
Nate: then let's go
Lexie's pov
Nate, Taylor and I got in the car and I gave Taylor the address which was twenty minutes from his house which wasn't too bad. Taylor and Nate kept reminding me not to do anything irresponsible and to call them if anything happens I just agreed with them but of course I wasn't gonna do it because tonight is the one time I can let loose and have fun. Everything that I have been bottling up since I got to LA I am finally going to release it and I can't wait. We pulled up to this mansion and I knew that Dylan was definitely rich rich, I said bye to Taylor and walked inside the house and the smell of weed hit my nose, people were dancing and grinding on each other, the music was blasting, people were drinking and for the first time since I have been in LA I felt like I was right where I needed to be.
End of pov
Scene change
Anthony: is Lexie still not answering you?
Jaden: no and I have already called her four times
Bryce: do you want me to call Taylor?
Kio: guys this is Taylor and Charly we are talking about they are one of the most responsible people in social media knowing them they probably went to saddle ranch and are eating they'll call us when they are done stop worrying
Griffin: if I didn't know better Jaden I would say your getting separation anxiety from being away from lex too
Jaden: no that's not it I just want to know she's okay, she's hasn't left any of us since she came to LA and I don't want anything to happen
Josh: nothing's gonna happen she's fine Jaden trust me if she wasn't Taylor or one of them would have called us
Jaden: yeah your probably right
Bryce: well since this is our last night in Miami I say we go have some fun!
Quinton: always the party animal but let's go!
Blake: we could check out this place in wynwood it's like a club but Q can come with us
Noah: okay let's go
(The boys leave the hotel room and head to wynwood)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I am on my third cup of a strawberry mojito and I am definitely feeling buzzed I felt arms wrap around my waist and I looked up and saw Dylan from the vape shop.
End of pov
Dylan: hey sexy
Lexie: hey (smiles)
Dylan: want to come meet some of my friends?
Lexie: yeah sure
Dylan: come on
(Dylan walks her over to a group of teens in the backyard lighting a blunt)
Lexie: can I have one?
Dylan: yeah of course oh lex this is Danny, Beck, Caleb, Aria, Hanna and Shay
Shay: wait a minute aren't you Lexie hossler
Lexie: (sighs) it was nice while it lasted come on just insult me and get it over with
Dylan: what are you talking about?
Lexie: I am the younger sister of a tik toker I am surprised you didn't recognize me
Dylan: I am not big on social media (lights a blunt and hands it to her)
Hanna: don't worry we aren't going to insult you, I love your dress by the way
Lexie: oh thanks I love your top and leather jacket
Hanna: thanks
Aria: and the purple highlights I used to have some like that but then I decided to just do hot pink
Lexie: it looks sick very rockstar chic
Aria: thanks
Beck: so Dylan where did you find her?
Dylan: she came in today looking for a vape pen and she just moved so I figured she could use some friends
Aria: well then I guess let me the first to say welcome to LA (takes a hit)
Lexie's pov
We sat down smoking the blunt and when I finished it the high felt amazing. I haven't felt this good in such a long time, aria and Hanna are laughing with me and then Dylan came up to me and we started swaying to the music that we could hear in the background. Then I felt lips against my neck and I let out a little moan and I could feel him smirking against my skin.
End of pov
Danny: get a room love birds
Lexie: (looks at Dylan) say less
(Dylan smiles and grabs Lexie's hand and they walk inside the house and he finds an empty room and as soon as they are inside Dylan pins Lexie against the wall and starts kissing her and she's kissing back)
Scene change
Markell: where the hell is that girl it's already twelve thirty
Nate: I'll call her (pulls out the phone and calls her but she doesn't answer)
Chase: should we just go pick her up
Taylor: let's wait a little bit more she's probably stuck in traffic
Ring ring ring
Charly: it's Bryce
Taylor: I'll answer it (takes his phone)
Phone convo
Taylor: hey Bryce what's up?
Bryce: nothing we went out for a while but just got back to the hotel and I thought I would call and check in since lex hasn't answered her phone
Taylor: oh she fell asleep early since she woke up early did Jaden tell her she had a nightmare early this morning?
Bryce: yeah
Taylor: how were the triller events?
Bryce: they were fun we did a meet and greet which was fun and then they had us take some shots with the fans who were twenty one and older
Taylor: haha I bet you were enjoying yourself
Bryce: nah you know I am loyal to Adds
Taylor: yeah I know I was just playing but anyway what time are you coming tomorrow?
Bryce: we have another event around twelve but then we are gonna go straight to the jet so we'll probably be there around three maybe earlier it depends
Taylor: okay sounds good see you tomorrow bro
Bryce: goodnight call us if anything
Taylor: later
End of phone convo
Kellianne: you didn't tell him that Lexie was at the party
Taylor: should I?
Charly: it probably would have been better but don't call him back now let's
Just hope she comes back soon
Taylor: okay
Scene change
Lexie's pov
It was two thirty by the time Dylan and I were done having some fun... to say the least and he was dropping me back off at the compound. I kissed him goodbye and stumbled over to the front door since I could barely walk and I was still high as hell since I may or may not have smoked two blunts after having sex with him. I made it to the front door and realized it wasn't my house so I was gonna have to knock on the door and a few minutes later the door opened and I looked up to see a very pissed off Taylor and Charly.
End of pov
Taylor: where the hell were you Lexie!!
Charly: do you know what time it is?! And how worried we were
Lexie: ugh give it a rest you guys aren't my parents (rolls her eyes)
Taylor: your right we aren't but the boys left us in charge! How do you think they are gonna feel when they find out I let their fifteen year old sister go out to a party and come back drunk and hung over!!
Lexie: they aren't my parents either so guess what I don't give a fuck
Taylor: you know what just get upstairs and go to sleep we'll deal with this in the morning
Lexie: whatever (starts walking up the stairs but trips over the first step)
Nate: I'll take her to the room (walks over to her and picks her up and lays her down in the room)
Lexie's pov
Nate left the room and I was to high to think about all the things I usually do but I also didn't want to go to sleep so I pulled out my phone from my purse and saw I had thirteen missed calls from the boys and multiple texts and even though they didn't know I went to the party... yet I knew I was in deep shit tomorrow and that's the last thing that came to mind before I fell asleep.
End of pov

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