Chapter 70

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Lexie's pov
I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was Jaden's arms wrapped around me so I quickly took them away and looked around to see we were in a hotel room and there was another bed across from Jaden and I where Nessa was sleeping. Now I am just going to assume that I was in little space and we came to the hotel yesterday... I wonder if little Lexie hates nessa as much as I do? I laughed at the thought and then I thought why not just be the baddest bitch I can be today and piss both Jaden and nessa off? I decided that would be the perfect way to get revenge so I got off the bed and went over to my duffel bag and I put on a coral colored low revealing crop top that had an open cut v line that showed way more than just cleavage and matched that with a ripped jean skirt that went just below my thigh with some sandals, took my phone from the charger and walked out into the hallway and went to Instagram stories and start recording.
End of pov
Lexie: what's up guys so I know that I don't usually do vlogs or anything but I just woke up and I am in a hotel with Jaden and Nessa right now who are currently so me being the person I am thought it would be a great idea to prank them, so I am going to go down to the lobby and order a Starbucks drink and let's just say... we are going to give them a wake up call (smirks) I'll get back on here when I get back with the drinks
End of video story
(Lexie takes the elevator down to the lobby and walks towards Starbucks)
Employee: good morning how can I help you?
Lexie: yeah can I order a kiwi star fruit lemonade refresher and make sure to have the kiwis inside along with a mango dragon fruit refresher and keep the dragon fruits in there as well please
Employee: sure no problem what's the name?
Lexie: Lexie
Employee: okay I'll call your name when it's ready
Lexie: okay thank you so much
Employee: no problem
Lexie's pov
Five minutes later my name got called and I had the drinks so I took out my phone again to see that a few of the boys responded to my story.
End of pov
Brycehall: they are going to kill you 😂
Noahbeck: it's your funeral
Griffin Johnson: don't be petty Lexie
Joshrichards: take this is as a warning don't do it
End of dms
(Lexie's leaves the boys on seen and starts recording the next story)
Lexie: okay so I have the drinks the first one is a kiwi star fruit refresher and the second one is a mango dragon fruit refresher both of them have the berries inside which will be even a better reaction and I am going to give nessa the kiwi one and Jaden the dragonfruit and I am going to place the camera somewhere Hidden but you guys will still see and yeah that's pretty much it let's go. (Lexie walks to the hotel room where they are still sleeping and she places the phone on top of the desk by the tv and then walks over to nessa first and pouts the drink over her.)
Nessa: (gasps and jumps up) what the fuck!!!
Jaden: (mumbles) what's going on?
Lexie: see for yourself (pours the dragon fruit refresher on him)
Jaden: (opens his eyes and jumps up) are you kidding me Lexie Marie hossler!!!
Lexie: wait before you say anything (walks over to the camera and ends the video)
Nessa: were you recording that!?!?
Lexie: nooo I just happened to have my phone on the camera (says sarcastically)
Jaden: that's not funny Lexie
Lexie: yeah it was (laughs)
Nessa: ugh I am going to shower and then should we go out for breakfast (looks at Jaden)
Jaden: yeah
Nessa: okay (gets off the bed and walks into the bathroom)
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) seriously Lexie was your little prank really necessary
Lexie: yes yes it was and why are you upset you wouldn't care that much if it was you and josh I pranked
Jaden: you know why (crosses his arms and looks at her)
Lexie: oh right she's your new girlfriend (rolls her eyes)
Jaden: that's the reason, the reason is because
Lexie: yeah see I don't remember asking for a real reason
Jaden: knock it off this is your first warning and wear something else your not going out in public wearing that
Lexie: to bad I already did how do you think I got the drinks (looks at him with her arms crossed)
Jaden: I don't care go change now
Lexie: what happened to (mocks his voice) wear what you want I am done fighting with you
Jaden: that was before you decided to wear a top that shows pretty much your entire chest to change or we aren't leaving
Lexie: fine I'll stay in the hotel
Jaden: no you won't
Lexie: then I guess we aren't going anywhere (sits on the bed)
(Nessa walks out of the bathroom dressed)
Jaden: I am going to take a shower and when I am out I expect you to be dressed in something more appropriate (walks into the bathroom)
Lexie's pov
I thought about it for a minute and decided I didn't want to get in trouble just yet mainly because I want to keep getting reactions out of both of them. I so I got up from the bed and walked to my duffel bag and picked out the same colored crop top but it was a little more conservative and changed the skirt for shorts and just kept the same sandals. Ten minutes later Jaden walked out of the bathroom and I went in to change while Nessa was calling the lobby to make sure the car was downstairs. I really didn't feel like going with them but maybe I can make this fun for me, I smirked at the thought and walked out of the bathroom to see Jaden look up at me.
End of pov
Jaden: that's better
Lexie: I don't remember asking for your approval
Jaden: and I actually remember telling you to cut the attitude
Nessa: guys the car is already downstairs let's just go yeah?
Them: fine
(The three of them walk down to the elevator and out of the lobby and walked towards Jaden's car, Jaden got in the drivers seat, nessa in the passenger and Lexie in the back)
Lexie's pov
We started driving to the restaurant when I felt my phone vibrate and saw James was texting me, I just ignored it because the last thing I want to do right now is focus on dance snd instead I plugged my headphones in and blasted MGK until we pulled up to the restaurant and started walking inside when Jaden gently pulled me to the side.
End of pov
Jaden: please be on your best behavior
Lexie: hmm let me think no
Jaden: please Lexie for me, not even for nessa or whatever just do it because you love me and you want to make your big brother happy
Lexie: (scoffs) why should I? When you are the one that ripped our family apart
Jaden: and I have already told you how sorry I am and that I am here to talk just stop taking your anger out on nessa and I
Lexie: cute speech but no (walks away and goes inside)
Jaden's pov
I was about to follow after her when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out and saw the boys were going a Group FaceTime so I answered because I hadn't spoken to a few of them since they are in Atlanta right now.
End of pov
Bryce: yoooo!!!!
Jaden: (laughs) Bryce are you okay?
Bryce: I may or may not have broken my sober streak but it's okay because it's just one day
Griffin: thanks for that long ass explanation Bryce
Bryce: oh shut up, how's Miami?
Josh: good griffin and I have achieved the goal of becoming the ultimate douchebags
Jaden: you look hot in the jersey
Blake: alright you two flirt on another call we don't need you guys having phone sex when we are right here
Josh: I- okay
Jaden: no comment, change of subject how was the fight?
Bryce: Jake knocked the guy out in one round it was sick and just made me more excited to beat mcbum
Jaden: yeah he's not going to know what hit him
Bryce: exactly
Griffin: how was the basketball game?
Kio: fun but Justin was on the opposing team so Bryce wasn't sure whether to block him or just let him pass (laughs)
Bryce: he might be our friend but he's still Justin Bieber like what
Jaden: yeah still getting used to the fact we are friends with him
Josh: yeah but anyways how are you babe? We saw the prank on insta
Jaden: a nightmare but I am trying to keep my patience
Josh: good, I miss you
Jaden: I miss you too
Bryce: SIMP!
Jaden: (shakes his head) anyway I better go we are about to eat breakfast so we'll talk later
Boys: peace!
End of convo
Jaden's pov
I put my phone back in my pocket and started walking inside, asked the hostess where we were seated and she led me to the table where I saw Nessa looking annoyed and Lexie pissed.
End of pov
Jaden: what happened? (Sits down)
Nessa: I tried to apologize again because I want to be on good terms with her but your sister is to stubborn (crosses her arms)
Lexie: oh yeah don't worry Nessa I'll forgive you for assaulting me in the driveway of our house and then tearing my family apart (says sarcastically)
Jaden: would you keep your voice down we are in public Lexie please you promised you would behave
Lexie: no you asked me to and I walked away (takes a sip of her coke)
Jaden: okay then I am not asking anymore, I am telling you to behave
Lexie's pov
After that Jaden started to talk to Nessa about their performance on Ellen that was coming up and I just rolled my eyes and took another sip of my coke and just looked around when I saw paparazzi filming us. I smirked to myself and subtlety waved at the camera to make sure I had its attention even though they were filming already but still wanted to make sure he was looking at us, because I took one of the extra straws and unwrapped it, then put a tiny piece in the straw and spit it at Nessa hitting her in the cheek. She looked over at me and was about to say something but before she could I spit another little ball at her hitting her in the cheek again. And I was about to do it a third time before Jaden grabbed the straw and paper away from me.
End of pov
Lexie: hey I was having fun (whines)
Jaden: your acting like a child and your not even in little space knock it off
Lexie: no give me my straw back
(Jaden is about to respond when the waitress comes over with the food)
Waitress: here you go (hands Lexie the mozzarella sticks as well jaden and nessa's food)
Jaden: thank you so much
Waitress: no problem if you need anything don't hesitate to ask (walks away)
Lexie's pov
I took a bite of my mozerella stick and waited for Jaden to say something but then he saw me eating so I guess he decided not to and just took a bite of his food and nessa did the same. I had to sit there and watch as those two flirted and smiled with each other and it made me sick. Don't get me wrong they actually tried to include me in some of their conversations but I just gave them attitude and insulted them a few more times so they gave up. I could tell Jaden was getting more and more annoyed but he still kept his patience since we were in public. They finally finished eating and we started walking out of the restaurant when the same paparazzi that was filming us earlier came up to us. He worked with Hollywood fix but he wasn't fletcher since fletcher's back in LA.
End of pov
Paparazzi: hey Jaden, Nessa, Lexie how are you guys?
Jaden: we are good man how are you?
Paparazzi: good it's still shocking to see you guys as the new couple how are you guys handling all the drama?
Jaden: you know we tried our best to handle it as privately as we could and people can hate on us if they want to it's not their lives
Paparazzi: true true, nessa how are you? Are you happy with Jaden?
Nessa: yeah (smiles) I am very happy with him (grabs his arm and cuddles up to him)
Paparazzi: what about you Lexie? How are you dealing with everything? Have you spoken to josh since the split?
Lexie: yeah of course he's still in my life and we talk everyday but as for how I am dealing with it.. let's just say I am dealing with it my own way (smirks)
Paparazzi: are you happy for Jaden and nessa?
Jaden: you know I think that's enough questions for today (wraps his arm around Lexie's shoulder and guides her to the car)
Nessa: bye have a good day (gets in the car)
Lexie: I didn't even say anything yet
Jaden: exactly and knowing you, you would have
Lexie: I mean yeah but I guess it doesn't matter since they caught me spit balling at nessa anyway
Jaden: they what!?
Lexie: yeah they filmed our entire breakfast, I didn't tell you that? Oops (shrugs her shoulder)
Jaden: you know that's going to end up on TikTok room right
Lexie: what do you care? Haven't you said it yourself your not a TikToker
Jaden: yeah but that's besides the point because I still get associated with it
Lexie: oh well deal with it (shrugs her shoulders)
Nessa: it's no big deal, I have an idea when we get to the hotel why don't we all get ready and go to the pool
Lexie: I'll stay in the room
Jaden: no you won't
Lexie: yeah I will
Jaden: your coming to the pool end of story
Lexie: blah blah (puts her headphones in her ear)
Jaden's pov
God give me patience because I have had it up to here with her already and I know she's going through a lot I get but if she could just talk to me about it and not act like a child then maybe I'll be more understanding about it but when she acts like this it makes it that much more difficult. Fifteen minutes we pulled up to the hotel and walked to the room there ness went to the bathroom to change and I got a phone from Travis so I walked out to balcony to talk to him.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
So while nessa was doing her thing and Jaden was in the balcony I just scrolled through my phone and decided to check my story on Instagram and saw that along with the Hollywood fix video was already uploaded on TikTok room and normally I would look at the comments but I didn't care to this time instead I decided to do something I have never done which is go live on insta but what else am I supposed to do in a hotel room. I clicked the live button and not even five minutes later I had 1K viewers.
End of pov
Lexie: what's up everyone I am bored in a hotel room so I decided to go live
Comments: where are Jaden and nessa, how do you really feel about them being a couple? Do you forgive Jaden for what he did? Do you support Nessa?
Lexie: first of all they are scattered somewhere else in the room, second of all I feel like everybody else about the situation I am pissed as hell but I am dealing with it and third no I do not
James: oh look I found your insta
Lexie: sup James
James: so you can go live but not answer my texts 🤔
Lexie: yeah tbh I suck at answering texts but I'll get back to you
Comments: are you dating the guy in the comments? Who is he?
Lexie: no we aren't dating and he's just someone I go to school with
Comments: do you have control of your account again?
Lexie: yes and no I have it on my phone and can go on it when I want but the boys still have access to it
Comments: have you talked to josh? How is he? Take care of him for us!
Lexie: yeah I talked to josh and he's okay I guess, he's in Miami right now which you guys know
(Then the bathroom door opens and Nessa walks out in a green, white and yellow bikini with matching bottoms)
Nessa: where's Jaden?
Lexie: talking with Travis outside
Nessa: oh okay, what are you doing?
Lexie: live now stop asking me questions
Nessa: (sighs) don't be so rude (walks o out to the balcony)
Lexie: (mocks) don't be so rude
Joshrichards: hey I saw that you know
Lexie: of course now is when you enter the live
Comments: guest josh! Omg we love you josh! We hope your okay!!
Lexie: the fans want me to guest you?
Joshrichards: I wish I could but I am about to do a pizza review with Dave I just wanted to say hi and I love you ❤️
Lexie: love you too Joshy
Comments: aww I love their relationship, josh is such a dad towards Lexie, I love how he still cares about her
Lexie: I want you guys to know that I still talk to all the boys, I mean they are in Atlanta as you know but yeah I am good with all of them
Comments; that's good!
(Nessa walks back inside)
Nessa: Jaden says to get off live and get ready to go because he's almost done talking to Travis
Lexie: well you can tell my brother I am staying in the room
Nessa: no your not and if I were you I would listen to him
Lexie: and who are you to try and tell me what do?
Nessa: are you still live right now?
Lexie: yeah what about it
Nessa: can you get off of live because your only making yourself look bad
Lexie: (scoffs) not as bad as being the girl who got with her EX's boyfriend and ruined an entire family
Nessa: alright that's enough get off live right now (reaches for Lexie's phone and turns it off the live)
Lexie: excuse you bitch who do you think you are!?!? You don't get to just take my phone actually don't even touch my phone with your slutty hands
Nessa: Jaden can you get in here please!!
Jaden: (talking to Travis) can you give me one second... thanks (takes the phone off his ear) I am almost done and then we can go (puts the phone back to his ear)
Lexie: (looks at nessa) you know how in every fairytale they talk about the step mother from hell?
Nessa: yeah why...
Lexie: let's just say instead of step mother from hell, I am about to be the step daughter from hell, you want to date my brother go ahead I am not going to stop you but just know that I am going to be right there ruining any moment you have with him and making your life a living nightmare... take it as me getting my revenge for all the shit you and Mads put me through (gets off the bed and walks over to her suitcase and grabs her bikini and walks into the bathroom)
Jaden: (walks inside the room) dude your never going to believe what Travis just told me!
Nessa: what?
Jaden: you, me, Quinton and a couple other people got casted for a podcast called prom in hell
Nessa: wasn't that the podcast you did for Valentine's Day?
Jaden: yeah they asked me to come back but they want you and Q to be part of it too!
Nessa: that's awesome!!
Jaden: I know (smiles) where's Lexie?
Nessa: (sighs) the bathroom
Jaden: why the sigh?
Nessa: (looks at Jaden) do you think you should just tell her the truth?
Jaden: I have thought about it but you've seen how she has no filter when it comes to paparazzi or anything like that, she would expose us and then it's over and you know that, why are you asking me?
Nessa: because she just told me that she was going to be the step child from hell and make my life a nightmare (puts her head in her hands)
Jaden: I mean can you blame her... you did a lot of shit to her
Nessa: I don't get it, you defend her when you and I are talking but when she's around you defend me
Jaden: don't get it twisted I am not defending you, I am simply trying to teach her despite how she feels she needs to be respectful that's it, Just like I would if it were anyone else
Nessa: oh
(Lexie walks out of the bathroom in her bikini)
Jaden: ready to go?
Lexie: I am only going because I am forced to (grabs her phone and opens the hotel door) well are we going or not (hands on her hip)
Jaden: yeah let's go
Lexie's pov
We walked downstairs to the lobby and headed to the pool where I noticed they had a bar so I looked behind me and saw the couple that literally have no PDA, I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bar and took my fake ID that was in my purse.
End of pov
Bar tender: hey cutie what can I get you? (Smiles)
Lexie: hmm can I have a strawberry mojito
Bar tender: do you have ID with you?
Lexie: yeah here you go (hands her the ID)
Bar tender: alright one strawberry mojito coming up
Lexie: thank you
(A few minutes later the bar tender comes back with the drink)
Bar tender: can I get you anything else?
Lexie: yeah actually two shots of vodka please
Bar tender: damn okay you can can take your liquor
Lexie: something like that, how much is it?
Bar tender: on the house (passes her the shots)
Lexie: thank you (smiles and takes the shots then grabs her drink)
Lexie's pov
I sat by the pool with my feet in the water since it's hot as hell and took sips from my drink and really wished I had a vape pen right now. I looked at the bar tender and he looked like someone who probably vaped... is it a good idea to take a hit from a strangers vape pen? Probably not, do I care? Nope. But I needed an excuse to go over so I gulped down the rest of my drink and walked back over there.
End of pov
Bar tender: back for another one?
Lexie: you know it but I also wanted to ask do you happen to have a vape pen with you?
Bar tender: yeah it's like flavored though
Lexie: that's fine mind if I take a hit (smiles)
Bar tender: sure and while you do I'll make your other drink
Lexie: thank you so much
(The bar tender walks away and hands her the vape pen)
A few minutes later
Jaden's pov
I had Nessa on my lap since there were people around and we needed to act like a couple but we were also talking about the new podcast since I had already done Valentine's Day in hell I was just giving her a run down on what it's going to be like when I looked across the pool so see Lexie sitting in the bar taking a sip from a pink drink and about to take a hit from a vape, you have got to be kidding me.
End of pov
Jaden: excuse me ness (takes her off his lap)
Nessa: what's up?
Jaden: I have to deal with Lexie (walks over to them) Lexie Marie Hossler don't you dare take another hit
Lexie: what's going to happen if I do (takes another hit)
(Jaden walks over and takes the pen out of her hand and looks at the bar tender)
Jaden: is this yours?
Bar tender: yes sir
Jaden: and are you the same tender that gave her the drink she has?
Bar tender: yeah but she showed me ID and she's over twenty one
Jaden: (looks at Lexie) you have a fake ID
Lexie: no.... (looks down)
Jaden: hand it over now (holds out his hand)
Lexie: (sighs) fine (gives it to him)
Jaden: good now let's go (looks at the bar tender) I am not blaming you bud for future references check the ID closely you wouldn't want to get caught giving a fifteen year old alcohol
Bar tender: she's fifteen!?!
Jaden: yes now let's go Lexie (grabs her hand and pulls her away from the bar tender)
Lexie: where are we going the pool chairs are that way (points)
Jaden: I know (takes her to a family restroom)
Lexie: okay no Jaden I get it but please don't if your going to punish me let's go back to the hotel room
Jaden: no (gently pushes her inside and locks the door and looks at her) want to tell me what the hell you were thinking!?
Lexie: I wanted a drink (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: what have we told you about drinking Lexie Marie!! And why the hell would you think to take a vape pen from a stranger what if it was laced with something!!!
Lexie: it didn't taste any different...
Jaden: that's not the point! You don't take a vape pen from a stranger actually you don't take a vape pen period we've talked about this over and over again along with the drinking and you still don't get it!! Your not twenty one for God's sakes your fifteen!!! And don't even get me started with the fake ID where did you even get it!?
Lexie: (mumbles) I have had it since Tennessee...
Jaden: speak up!
Lexie: I have had it ever since I lived in Tennessee
Jaden: and you just hid it from us?
Lexie: well yeah what was I going to do? Walk up to you guys and say hey Jaden by the way I have a fake ID I use to sneak into clubs and get drunk
Jaden: yeah because I thought we were past all the sneaking around and the lying!
Lexie: I never lied to you, you've never asked me if I had a fake (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: keeping secrets is just as bad as lying what else are you hiding from me? (Crosses his arms)
Lexie: nothing
Jaden: (looks at her) if I find out you have anymore secrets the punishment I am about to give you won't even compare to the next one understand?
Lexie: yes Jaden..
Jaden: good now come here (gently pulls her over to him and pulls her over his lap and starts)
(Jaden stops and sits up a crying Lexie and runs his fingers through her hair)
Jaden: shh shh it's over
Lexie: I am sorry bubba (cries)
Jaden: (wipes them and looks her in the eyes) I am not kidding Lexie no more drinking, vaping and don't you dare try and find another vape pen I don't want to have to keep punishing you for the same things over and over again understand?
(Lexie nods her head and lays it in the crook of his neck)
Jaden: come on let's go back over there (carries Lexie out of the bathroom and over to the chairs)
Nessa: is everything okay?
Jaden: yeah don't worry about it
Nessa: okay I am going to get in the water want to come?
Jaden: not right now you go ahead
Nessa: okay (walks away)
Jaden's pov
I was rubbing Lexie's back still trying to calm her down even though she stopped crying I still wanted to comfort her and let her know that I was still there just like Callie suggested and right now she's letting me and not pushing me away. I was softly singing in her ear when my phone started ringing.
End of pov
Lexie: don't answer please (with her eyes half closed) stay with me
Jaden: I am not going anywhere I promise (kisses her head)
(A few minutes later Lexie falls asleep and Jaden checks his phone to see that josh texted him)
Text convo
Josh: hey babe I just saw TikTok room and wanted to see if you were okay?
Jaden: hey sweetheart, yeah I am fine, I kept my patience up until now and it's only because Lexie decided to drink and vape also turns out she had a fake ID with her this whole time
Josh: 🤦🏻‍♂️ Lexie sure does know how to keep her secrets
Jaden: yes she does
Josh: where is she right now?
Jaden: asleep on my lap
Josh: aww send a pic I want to see both of you 🥺
Jaden: (takes a pic and sends it to him) your turn
Josh: (josh takes a f boy selfie and sends it to him)
Jaden: I send you a cute picture and you send me one that turns me on your evil for that 🥵
Josh: I know 😈
Jaden: this isn't fair I wish you were the one here with me right now?
Josh: yeah then we could fuck in the jacuzzi again 🥵
Jaden: you can't have one normal conversation without turning it into sex istg 😂
Josh: not true I am just in the mood..
Jaden: I can see that, maybe if you stop being a tease and wait till I am back in the room I'll send you a little something to help you out 😉
Josh: now who's being the tease
Jaden: hmm I don't know
Josh: 😂 I love you and I will take you up on that offer but I gotta go now call me before bed
Jaden: I'll try I know lex is going to want to talk to you
Josh: and you still owe me that video
Jaden: yeah yeah take your horny ass and go 😘
End of text convo
Nessa: (gets out of the water) it's getting dark should we get going?
Jaden: yeah room service for dinner?
Nessa: yeah that's fine
Jaden: alright let's go (gets off the chair with Lexie in his arms and they walk to the hotel room) you can shower first
Nessa: thanks (walks into the bathroom)
Lexie's pov
I woke up and I noticed I was still in my bikini but with one of his blue thrasher hoodies on top probably so I wouldn't be cold. I looked over at him and he was on his laptop typing something and I didn't feel like being a bitch again today so I just got off the bed and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
End of pov
Jaden: hey your up (smiles)
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
Jaden: ness should be out of the shower soon and then you can go okay? I don't want you staying in the bathing suit and getting sick
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
Jaden: you okay? (Looks at her)
Lexie: I no want to talk right now
Jaden: okay baby, let me finish what I am doing and you get some clothes okay?
Lexie: can I sleep in one of your hoodies tonight?
Jaden: yeah pick which one you want
Lexie: okay! (Gets off his lap and walks over to his bag)
Nessa: (walks out of the bathroom) it's all yours
Lexie's pov
I didn't feel like saying anything to her and instead just grabbed my underwear, a sports bra and Jaden's green hoodie and walked into the bathroom. I quickly washed all the chlorine off my body and then washed my hair throughly, dried myself and put the clothes on and wrapped the towel around my hair and walked out of the bathroom.
End of pov
Nessa: I can blow dry your hair if you want me to?
Lexie: no thanks I don't want you near my hair
Jaden: Lexie please don't start
Lexie: what I am just saying no
Jaden: there was a nicer way to say it
Lexie: fine no thank you nessa (looks at him) better
Jaden: yeah now we are going to order room service what do you want?
Lexie: hmm chicken tenders with fries
Jaden: okay
Lexie's pov
While we waited for the food to come we signed into Amazon prime and started watching this show paradise city and let me tell it's one of the best shows I have seen in a while, and one of the acrid Cameron Boyce who was one of my favorite child hood actors killed the role as Simon. He definitely was breaking out of the Disney channel stigma that's for sure but at the same time it was sad to watch it because he still had so much talent left and needed to show the world. I was taken out of my deep thoughts when there was a knock on the door and we knew it was the food, I ate three out of six so half in total along with half of my fries and drank my lemonade. Around eleven thirty we decided to call it a night because apparently we are going to do some stuff around Santa Monica tomorrow. Jaden got in the bed next to me and Nessa was in the other one and right before falling asleep I sent a text to josh since we haven't really spoken today saying that I missed him and loved him and we'll talk in the morning and after that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
End of pov

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