Chapter 68

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Beep beep beep
(Jaden groans and turns over to turn the alarm off and lightly shakes Lexie)
Lexie: no (whines and buries herself closer to Jaden)
Jaden: baby you gotta get up I have to drop you off at school and then I am going to Nessa's
Lexie: (opens her eyes and glares at him) you just had to mention the bitch didn't you (gets off of Jaden and walks out of the room)
Jaden: well I am a dumb ass (mumbles under his breath and gets off the bed)
Lexie's pov
I walked into the closet and pulled out a rose gold sports bra with some matching leggings and some sneakers and put it on, grabbed my bag that had the heels inside and walked downstairs to see Quinton eating breakfast and cooper who had a girl sitting on his lap, she had light brown hair and was wearing a beige hoodie and was cuddling up to him and smiling.
End of pov
Lexie: who are you?
?: oh you must be Lexie I am Sabrina but you can just call me Sab (smiles)
Lexie: cool but you didn't answer my question
Cooper: lex this is my girlfriend and don't be rude
Lexie: I have lived with you for two seconds you don't tell me what to do (smiles and opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water)
Quinton: so I see your still not done having an attitude
Lexie: you can thank Jaden for that (takes a sip of water)
Quinton: whatever eat something before you go
Lexie: fine (opens the fridge and pulls out some fruit)
Quinton: you can't just have fruit lex
Lexie: oh my gosh get off my back Quinton seriously you've been hovering over me and it's pissing me off
Quinton: your attitude and disrespect is pissing me off so quit it or I'll tell Jaden
Lexie: I don't give a shit go ahead and tell him
Quinton: (sighs) all I am telling you is to eat something other then fruit it's not that difficult
Lexie: and I don't want anything else your lucky I am eating anything in the first place if it were up to me I'd starve
Quinton: and end up with a feeding tube is that really what you want? (Looks at her with crossed arms)
Lexie: (glares) why do you have to bring that up every time!
Quinton: because that's what's going to happen if you don't eat!!
Lexie: ughh just leave me alone I am not hungry and I don't care to eat anything! (Throws the fruit bowl onto the floor and walks away)
Quinton: Lexie Marie Hossler you get back here right now and pick this up!!!
Lexie: fuck off!!
(Lexie's halfway to her room when Jaden walks out of his dressed and ready to go until he sees Lexie walking to her room)
Jaden: where are you going? We have to go or your going to be late
Lexie: I don't want to go today
Jaden: too bad you know that you can on only have a certain amount of absences and you were already suspended last week so let's go
Lexie: no
Jaden: don't start arguing with me this early lex I am not going to deal with it and I am telling you that right now
Lexie: okay so don't deal with it just leave me here and go spend the day with emo Barbie
Jaden: no now unless you want to go with a sore ass you'll listen and walk to the front door
Lexie: (looks at him with crossed arms) fine
(Lexie and Jaden walk towards the front of the house and pass the kitchen)
Jaden: what happened here?
Quinton: Lexie decided to be a brat and throw her food on the floor which she hasn't eaten either
Jaden: alright I'll stop at Starbucks on the way and Lexie pick this up before we go
Lexie: so if I don't pick it up does that mean we won't leave?
Jaden: no it'll mean I am this close to grounding you and taking the phone away
Lexie's pov
I looked at Jaden and saw he wasn't going to back down so I just picked up the fruit and threw it in the trash and said bye to cooper, Sab and Quinton and followed Jaden to the car. On the way to high water I had my headphones plugged in and only took them out when we pulled up to the school.
End of pov
Jaden: have a good day and try to not get in trouble yeah?
Lexie: no promises (smirks and gets out of the car)
Jaden: I mean it Lexie I don't want to get another call
Lexie: fine I'll call Bryce of Kio, byee
Lexie's pov
I watched Jaden drive off and started walking towards the school when I felt arms wrap around me and I was immediately going to push whoever it was but when I noticed it was Clare I just pulled away.
End of pov
Clare: omg where have you been? You never answered my texts or calls you've been a ghost? How is everything at home?
Lexie: okay first of all breathe and second don't start interrogating me I am fine and I don't want to talk about it
Clare: are you sure?
Lexie: yeah I am sure now let's go I don't want Cassie yelling at me today or I'll snap
Clare: okay then let's go
Lexie's pov
We walked into Cassie's class and I saw Dani and Amy run up to me and hug me too and I kind of just let them because I didn't want be rude and push them away from me.
End of pov
Amy: Lexie I am so sorry for everything that happened this weekend it must have sucked
Dani: yeah and we just want you to know that we are here for you if you ever want to talk
Lexie: thanks guys but what I want is to just forget about it, let's not even talk about it and pretend it doesn't exist okay?
Amy: okay if that's really want you want
Lexie: that's what I want
Cassie: alright class put your heels on we are starting with turns across the floor
Lexie: great just what I need (sits down and puts her heels on)
Cassie: actually we are going to be doing grande jete's and if you don't know what that is then get out of my class I don't have time to teach the basics of ballet to anyone here (looks around) good you all know what your doing I am going to play the music and you can go at your own time
Lexie's pov
Cassie started playing the music and I stood up and started jumping across the floor and making sure my land was stable, I was halfway through the floor when I saw a foot come out in front of me and I tripped and landed on my knee. I looked up and saw Odalie.
End of pov
Odalie: opps sorry I didn't see you there
Lexie: really you didn't see me? (Stands up and gets closer to her) do you see me now? Don't push me today bitch I am not in the mood
Odalie: oh let me guess is it because your bastard of a brother decided to date his boyfriends ex and ruin the only family you ever had? (Pouts at her)
(Lexie raises her hand about to hit her but Clare quickly walks over to her and grabs it)
Clare: seriously Clare if I were you I would walk away because if not you will end up in the hospital
Odalie: that's fine because then it means Lexie will for sure get expelled
Lexie: okay you know what (leans closer to her) I won't just put you in a hospital, I'll put you in a fucking coma keep messing with me and you'll see exactly what I am capable of
Odalie: miss Cassie, Lexie's threatening me!
Cassie: miss Hossler it's your first day back and you already want to get suspended again?
Lexie: sure
Clare: she doesn't mean that miss, can I take her into the hallway for a minute please
Cassie: (looks at Lexie) you have five minutes and I expect an apology go
(Lexie is about to respond but Clare pulls her out to the hallway)
Clare: what are you doing!? (Whisper yells)
Lexie: honestly I don't even know anymore
Clare: that's a lie because you and I both know what this is about, why can't you just talk to me about it Lexie
Lexie: because I don't want to talk about it Clare, I just want to forget it, it's fine I am fine (walks into the studio and grabs her bag)
Cassie: and where do you think your going miss hossler?
Lexie: anywhere but here (starts walking out of the studio)
Cassie: Lexie if you walk out that door you are not welcome to come back here the rest of the day
Lexie: okay I don't care
(Lexie walks out of the classroom and Clare sighs and walks over to Amy and Dani)
Amy: so I am guessing she didn't talk to you about it?
Clare: no she snapped at me and then you saw the rest
(The girls keep talking until James walks up to them)
James: is Lexie okay?
Dani: not really she's got some family stuff going on
James: that sucks but she's still my dance partner so can you tell me to text me so we can continue the choreo?
Amy: yeah sure
James: thanks (smiles and walks away)
Lexie's pov
I was at the front of the school and was about to open the door when I felt a hand stop me and turn me around and came face to face with moose who was standing with arms crossed and looking at me.
End of pov
Moose: and where do you think your going? School isn't even close to being over yet
Lexie: (scoffs) it's a dance school I hardly doubt it's a big deal if I skip
Moose: maybe not to you but for people who could have a legitimate career as a dancer such as yourself skipping is a big deal
Lexie: what did you just say?
Moose: you heard me?
Lexie: (scoffs) I don't have a career as a dancer
Moose: and why do you say that?
Lexie: are you kidding? Compared to the kids in this school I am nothing
Moose: why are you comparing yourself?
Lexie: why do always ask so many questions? It's annoying
Moose: I like to get to know my students and I do that by asking questions, and you never answered mine why compare yourself?
Lexie: because it's obvious I am not good enough like these students I should just quit before humiliating myself
Moose: and do you plan on achieving that by getting suspended or expelled next time?
Lexie: I don't stop asking me questions I don't like people getting to know me or over analyzing me
Moose: is it because when people finally get to know you, you can't hide behind the facade you carry everyday?
Lexie: you know what i don't know what your talking about, I don't have a facade this is how I am and I am sorry if I showed you any other side of myself at any other point (opens the door)
Moose: Lexie it's your future, you create it the way you want keep that In mind
Lexie: whatever curly haired yoda (walks out of the school door)
Lexie's pov
I walked out of the door and called Mike and asked him to meet me in the corner of the school and fifteen minutes later I was hopping into his passenger seat and we started driving.
End of pov
Mike: so where to?
Lexie: the beach also do you have weed? The OxyContin stuff isn't the same I really want to smoke
Mike: I might have in the trunk but we'll check when we get to Venice
Lexie: okay (rolls down the window and turns the radio up)
Mike: so is this going to be an everyday thing?
Lexie: are you complaining?
Mike: no not at all I enjoy hanging out with you (smiles)
Lexie: (laughs) then you are officially my escape goat
Mike: that's perfectly okay as long as I get to do this (puts his hand on her thigh and pecks her on the lips)
Lexie: I am more then okay with that (smiles) now eyes on the road
Mike: yes mam (continues driving)
Scene change
Moose's pov
As a teacher in this school I have a responsibility to report this to Mr. Morrison but I don't want Lexie to get a second strike yet. It's obvious she's been through some shit and deep down she's a good kid and is misunderstood a majority of the time. But I do think someone should be aware of it so I walked into the principals office who was in a meeting at the moment and grabbed Lexie's file and called the first number I saw.
End of pov
Scene change
Dave: so josh off cameras how are you doing really with the Jaden and nessa situation?
Josh: I was telling the truth Dave you know the situation obviously sucks but I still love him and I want him to happy
Briana: wow if I were you I would just say fuck both of them
Josh: I can't do that because (his phone starts ringing) sorry I got to take this it's Lexie's school
Griffin: that's never a good thing
(Josh walks away and answers the phone)
Josh: hello?
Moose: hi is this josh Richards?
Josh: yeah who is this?
Moose: my mane is moose I am one of the dance teachers at this school and I just wanted to let you know that Lexie skipped school not to long ago
Josh: are you serious right now?
Moose: yeah I just wanted to make sure you are aware but don't worry she's not in trouble with the school or anything
Josh: really? One of your students skips school and there are no consequences?
Moose: let's just say we are willing to let this slide one time okay?
Josh: thanks man I appreciate it, I'll get a hold of her and make sure this doesn't happen again
Moose: thank you so much have a good day
Josh: you too (hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket)
Griffin: so what now?
Josh: she ditched school
Griffin: what is up with her this week? Like I know you and Jaden split but how many times is she going to get in trouble before she learns
Josh: I don't know but I have to call Jaden
Dave: wait so your still talking to him?
Josh: yeah we are co parenting Lexie (takes out his phone and calls him)
Scene change
Mel rose
Fan: thank you so much for the Picture! (Smiles)
Nessa: your welcome
Fan 2: by the way we ship you guys so much like literally since day one!
Jaden: (fake smiles) thanks girls (his phone starts ringing) sorry babe I got to take this
Nessa: go ahead
Jaden: it was nice meeting you girls (walks away and answers it)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey josh what's up?
Josh: well hello to you too baby
Jaden: sorry I am at mel rose right now with nessa
Josh: oh okay I get it now but anyway Lexie's school called
Jaden: don't tell me she got in another fight because I swear to
Josh: no she ditched though
Jaden: she what!?
Josh: yeah school just called and told me but they said they are letting it slide
Jaden: they might be letting it slide but I am not, I gotta go I'll call you though
Josh: okay later
Jaden: bye
End of phone convo
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Turns out mike did have weed and lots of it I have smoked two in under twenty minutes so you can imagine how high I am right now. I took another hit of my third one when I heard my phone going off and me not thinking in a rational state I answered.
End of pov
Lexie: (laughs) hello
Jaden: Lexie Marie Hossler ditching school!?!? Are you kidding me right now!
Lexie: damnit curly Yoda must have told you
Jaden: curly what? Never mind that's besides the point where are you!?
Lexie: I am not telling you (laughs)
Jaden: yes you are where are you?!?!
Lexie: not telling (says in a sing song voice)
Jaden: Lexie Marie I swear when I track you down you are going to be in so much trouble!
Lexie: good luck finding me bitch (hangs up and turns her location off) now where was I? Oh yeah pass me the blunt
Mike: here you go (passes her the blunt)
Jaden's pov
Nessa and I left melrose and we took my car since paparazzi could easily track us down and I started thinking about where Lexie could be. It wasn't loud when she answered the phone so i know she's not at some party or club, but if she's not there where could she be... and then I remembered Quinton and cooper found her at the beach last time she ran off so I decided to drive there. The closest beach to us was Venice and because the other beach is Santa Monica which is an hour away so I drove to Venice first. Thirty minutes of driving later I parked the car and told ness to stay in the car so we wouldn't get spotted right now and a few minutes of walking later I found her sitting on a rock with a blunt in her hand next to a boy who was laughing and smiling at her. I walked over to her and the first thing I did was take the blunt out of her hand.
End of pov
Lexie: hey I was smoking that (whines)
Jaden: not anymore (looks at mike) and who are you?
Mike: I am a friend of Lexie's
Jaden: wait a minute the same friend that picked her up from therapy yesterday?
Mike: yeah (shrugs his shoulders)
Jaden: you better stay away from my sister she doesn't need you influencing her (looks at Lexie) let's go
Lexie: I don't wanna
Jaden: I don't care (picks her up and takes her to the car)
Lexie: (looks at nessa in the passenger seat) oh look it's the emo Barbie bitch
Jaden: (gets in the drivers seat) be nice
Lexie: no
Nessa: hey Lexie (says awkwardly) I am sorry for everything that happened... can you forgive me?
Lexie: what exactly are you sorry for? Beating me up or being a home wrecker?
Nessa: all of it
Lexie: oh well it doesn't matter because I am not forgiving you either way
Jaden: that's enough Lexie Marie, (looks at nessa) I am going to drop you off and then go home
Nessa: okay
(Jaden drives to nessa's house and takes her to the doorstep)
Nessa: Jaden (whispers)
Jaden: yeah
Nessa: there's a paparazzi car right behind your car
Jaden: you've got to be kidding me
Nessa: no (shakes her head)
Jaden: okay just go along with it yeah?
Nessa: go along with
(she gets interrupted by Jaden pressing his lips against hers and starts kissing her and a few seconds later she kisses back and Jaden pulls away and throws up the peace sign and walks to his car)
Lexie: you seriously did not just do that?
Jaden: yeah I did
Lexie: (scoffs) you know josh is going to see that right? Have a little respect you just broke up with him
Jaden: don't talk to me about respect when you have been nothing but disrespectful these last couple of days and it stops now
(Lexie rolls her eyes and Jaden keeps driving until they pull up to the house and get out of the car and walk inside the house where cooper and Sab are making out on the couch)
Lexie: ugh seriously gross
Jaden: dude you have a room for a reason
Cooper: sorry I wasn't expecting you guys to be home yet
Lexie: yeah yeah whatever I don't really care
Jaden: still with attitude you know what go to your room and I'll be there in a minute
Lexie: that isn't my room and this isn't my house! (Walks across the hallway to "her room and slams the door)
Jaden: slam it again Lexie I dare you!!!
(Lexie slams it again)
Quinton: haven't you realized that Lexie will repeatedly slam doors by now)
Jaden: (groans in frustration) I am going to kill her one of these damn days
Quinton: what happened now?
Jaden: she ditched school and got high!
Quinton: (laughs) she is not making this easy for you at all
Jaden: yeah no shit now I gotta deal with her
Cooper: wait but your not too angry are you?
Jaden: no coop I appreciate you asking but I know how to properly punish my sister (walks out of the living room and goes to "her" room)
Lexie: you know there's this thing called knocking you should try it
Jaden: you know there's this thing called attitude which I am getting extremely fed up with
Lexie: that sounds like a you problem i can't help
Jaden: that's it clearly talking to you resolves nothing and you need to be punished in order for you to actually listen (walks over to her and pulls her over his lap)
Lexie: fine Jaden I am sorry okay I'll stop
Jaden: no you won't your just saying that because you know what's about to happen (takes off his belt)
Lexie: seriously the belt? Your not even going to use your hand first
Jaden: no because apparently that doesn't seem to be working so maybe this time it will get through your stubborn mind (starts)
Lexie: I am sorry Jaden (cries) I'll stop I promise
Jaden: seven more (starts)
(Jaden puts the belt down and brings her into his arms as she wraps them around his neck)
Lexie: I am sorry I was being such a bitch I won't do it again I promise (cries)
Jaden: shh it's okay baby (rubs her back) calm down it's over shh shh (wipes her tears and looks her in the eyes) no more ditching school or getting high and please for the love of god stop with the attitude
Lexie: okay bubba
Jaden: good now how about we call josh I know he wanted to speak to you
Lexie: okay
(Jaden pulls out his phone and face times josh but he puts the camera towards Lexie)
Josh: hey there's my favorite girl! (Smiles)
Lexie: hey josh (sniffles)
Josh: aw what's a matter princess?
Lexie: bubba just punished me
Josh: was it for ditching school?
Lexie: how do you know about that (gasps)
Josh: I was the one that got called guessing they didn't know I was in Miami
Lexie: how is Miami?
Josh: good griffin and I are going to a heat game later
Lexie: oh okay have fun
Josh: you too and lex
Lexie: yeah
Josh: stop giving Jaden a hard time and try and go into little space you haven't been doing it that much
Lexie: because I am not with the boys... I don't want to be little in front of coop and his girlfriend I just met
Josh: I get it but can you at least try for me?
Lexie: (sighs) okayyy
Josh: good I gotta go now love you
Lexie: love you too
End of FaceTime call
Jaden: did you eat at school? (Looks at her)
Lexie: that question came out of nowhere
Jaden: that's because I just realized it's almost five and and I wasn't sure if you ate
Lexie: yeah I ate
Jaden: really? What did you eat?
Lexi: oh well they had cheeseburgers so I had that with some fries
Jaden: yeah okay well I am going to start making dinner and I would like it if you came out there with us
Lexie: no thanks I'll just stay here
(Jaden looks at Lexie and then picks her up)
Lexie: put me down I don't want to hang out with you guys! (lightly kicks)
Jaden: (laughs and tickles her side) too bad (sits her on the couch)
Lexie: meanie (crosses her arms)
Jaden: here watch something while I make dinner (passes her the remote)
Lexie's pov
Jaden went to the kitchen, Quinton was streaming in his room and the couple actually went to their room so I was alone in the living room. I went to Netflix and the first thing that came up in the recommended was Sofia the first... I looked around to make sure no one was coming over here and when I realized I was actually alone I clicked on it and started watching. Unknowingly humming the theme song and falling into a trance filled with pretty colors, talking animals and songs.
End of pov
Jaden's pov
I decided on chicken nuggets with Mac and cheese and purposely made Lexie the dinosaur ones because as soon as I heard the theme song for Sofia the first I knew she was going to slip and thank god because dealing with little Lexie is so much easier then dealing with big Lexie... sometimes other times little Lexie can also be a demon. Fifteen minutes later the chicken nuggets were done and eventually the Mac and cheese. I called everyone down for dinner and then walked into the living room to grab lex.
End of pov
Jaden: lex dinner time
Lexie: but I watch Sofia
Jaden: you can watch Sofia after but right now it's time to eat
Lexie: (sighs) otay bubba up (makes grabby hands)
Jaden: come here little one (walks over and picks her up and places her on his hip and walks into the kitchen)
Lexie: bubba who they? (Points at coop and Sab)
Jaden: they are our friends cooper and Sab (looks at them) she just slipped into little space
Sab: oh okay well hi Lexie it's nice go meet you (smiles)
Lexie: your hair pretty (plays with it and then grabs it)
Sab: thank you (unwraps her hand from her hair)
Lexie: you hair curly too (looks at cooper and pulls on it)
Cooper: thank you but let's not pull it okay (takes her hand away from his hair)
Lexie's pov
After talk to coop bubba put me in chair and handed me a pate of chicken nuggets and sat down next to me and dat's when I wealized dat da boys aren't having dinner with us except Q and dada's not here either.
End of pov
Lexie: bubba we can't eat yet
Jaden: why not?
Lexie: dada and da other boys aren't here.. where we are bubba? Dis isn't our house either
Jaden: (sighs) aren't you smart.. look baby just eat and then we'll talk okay?
Lexie: no I want dada, he still in Miami?
Jaden: yeah but if you eat all your food we'll call him before bed okay?
Lexie: otay (picks up the chicken nugget) Q look it's a dino!
Quinton: (laughs) yeah now eat it
Lexie: (looks at it) I sorry Dino but I have to eat you now no hard feelings dough (bites the head)
Cooper: (leans close to Jaden) she's adorable
Jaden: I know (smiles and kisses the top of her head)
Lexie: bubba no kissies wight now I eat
(Takes another bite)
Jaden: okay but don't forget your Mac and cheese either
Lexie's pov
I eat all my food and den go with bubba to the wiving woom to watch Sofia until bedtime and we call dada. I tell him I miss him and wuv him and he says he can't wait to see me and den bubba said it was time for bed.
End of pov
Lexie: bubba I sleep wif you?
Jaden: yeah come on say goodnight to everyone first
Lexie: night night (waves at them)
Sab: night Lexie
Jaden's pov
I carried Lexie up to my room and put a pacifier in her mouth and she was out in less then ten minutes. I just turned the tv on and started flipping through the channels because it was too early when my phone started ringing and I saw it was Janet calling. It's literally nine thirty at night what could she possibly want.
End of pov
Phone convo
Jaden: hey Janet what's up?
Janet: hey Jaden I just got off the phone with Shannon and we came up with the best idea
Jaden: your ideas aren't all that great but go ahead and tell me
Janet: tomorrow you and nessa go away for the weekend, Shannon already booked the hotel it's in Santa Monica it's called shutters beach resort the hotel is beautiful and right by the ocean
Jaden: I am not leaving Lexie for the weekend, sorry but no way not happening
Janet: take her with you then, paparazzi would love to see the Hollywood's newest couple become Hollywood's happy family
Jaden: you did not just say that
Janet: what? It's true in the public eye you and nessa are together, Lexie's your little sister which would make you guys the newest Hollywood family
Jaden: first of all the only real family there is, is Josh, Lexie and I, second of all you can drag me into your little paparazzi scam all you want but my sister is not part of that plus she doesn't even know the truth she thinks it's all real
Janet: that's even better her reactions will be more authentic and believable then and may I remind you, you have a contract Jaden
Jaden: fine
Janet: good Shannon already booked the resort all you have to do is pick up nessa in the morning and drive to Santa Monica
Jaden: great I am stuck in the car with the two girls that want to kill each other
Janet: welcome to your new life, goodnight Jaden
Jaden: night Janet
Phone convo
Jaden's pov
I threw my phone across the bed after that and I would have screamed if Lexie wasn't laying on my chest sleeping right now. This long weekend is going to be a nightmare I can already tell and with that last thought I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
End of pov

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