Chapter 93

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Knock knock knock
Jaden's pov
I groaned but got up anyway because whoever was at the door kept knocking so I told the person to give me a second and got ready to stand up when Lexie turned around and gripped onto my arm and laid her head on my chest.
End of pov
Jaden: lex get up I need to go open the door
Lexie: no stay with me (whines)
Jaden: okay you can come with me then (picks her up and walks over to the door and opens it to see Justin and Clare standing in the hall)
Justin: morning (smiles)
Lexie's pov
I immediately opened my eyes when I heard Justin's voice and saw that Clare was standing next to him while I was in Jaden's arms, I quickly tapped onto Jaden's arm telling him to put me down so I could avoid being embarrassed anymore then I already was.
End of pov
Lexie: uh morning, what are you guys doing here? What time is it?
Clare: it's ten and workshops start at eleven so I was thinking we could have breakfast with the girls before starting do you want to?
Lexie: yeah sure let me just get ready, have you texted Amy and Dani?
Clare: yeah they are on their way up
Lexie: okay let me just get ready and then we can go (looks at Jaden) that's okay right?
Jaden: yeah, you have your phone with you right?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: okay call me if anything and stay by the girls
Lexie: I will, Clare you want to come help me pick something out?
Clare: sure
Lexie's pov
We walked away from Jaden and Justin and I walked towards my suitcase and picked out a pastel marble high neck sports bra with matching leggings and a pair of sneakers along with my heels since I might need them for a workshop. I put my shoes in my bag along with a water bottle and lastly put my hair in a high bun and walked out of the room with Clare just on time for the girls to show up and stood frozen staring at Jaden and Justin. Clare and I clapped close to their face which brought them back to reality.
End of pov
Amy: sorry it's just I am standing in front of Jaden hossler!!
Dani: and Justin Bieber!!
Jaden: (smiles) I am guessing you guys are Amy and Dani, lex has mentioned you before
Amy: you know my name (gasps)
Lexie: (laughs) breathe Amy, what did we say about the fan girling?
Amy: sorry (calms down) I had my moment and now I am done
Dani: me too, it's nice to meet you guys
Justin: you too
Clare: okay well you met them and if we are going to eat we gotta go now
Jaden: okay have fun girls
Girls: bye
Lexie's pov
The girls started walking out of the room and I gave Jaden one last hug before following them to a Starbucks that was next to the ballrooms. I ordered a warm butter croissant with a s'mores frappe and the girls got what they wanted and we were sitting down just talking when I heard a phone vibrate and I was really hoping it wasn't mine.
End of pov
Amy: (picks up her phone) the boys want to meet up with us do you mind?
Dani: no tell them to come and then we can decide what workshops to take
Amy: okay
Lexie's pov
A few minutes later James showed up with dani's parter Aaron, Amy's partner Kyle along with Ricky who walked over and wrapped his arms around Clare's waist. I swear every time I see them I feel like I missed a whole chapter, they are even more confusing then Jaden and Mads ever were.
End of pov
Clare: don't touch me (unwraps his arms from her waist)
Ricky: what's your problem?
Clare: where were you yesterday? You were supposed to meet up and have dinner before the show and you never came to either of them (crosses her arms)
Ricky: I was with the boys
Clare: (scoffs) yeah right
Ricky: why does it matter? We are broken up right now
Clare: you know what your right and we are staying broken up
Ricky: oh come on don't be like that, I wouldn't have hooked up with her if you and I were together
Clare: (rolls her eyes) whatever
Amy: uh guys we are in the middle of Starbucks can we not air out personal info for everyone to hear
Clare: yeah we are done
Ricky: done for good or done talking right now
Clare: what do you think?
Ricky: the second one
Kyle: dude your an idiot
Lexie: it's not that big of a deal but you know what is figuring out where we are going to go first because I really want to take the bachata workshop
James: I am down
Clare: sure but after I am taking ballroom
Dani: same but I'll take bachata too, what about you boys?
Kyle: sure why not
Lexie's pov
After we agreed which workshop to take we waited for the boys to finish eating and we started walking to the ballroom where the bachata workshop was being held by the instructors Annalise and Michael. We put our heels on and formed a circle with everyone else and Annalise was pretty much explaining that this is a basic bachata workshop and we were going to be rotating partnerships after going through the routine once. I started off with James since we were partners anyway and we started off in a sensual bachata position and I felt myself tense up a little from being so close to him.
End of pov
James: hey lex it's okay just relax yeah?
Lexie: hmm (nods)
Michael: we are going to start with something really simple which is a two step this is a perfect way to get used to the rhythm of bachata and get comfortable with your partner
Lexie's pov
James and I stayed in a two step until Annalise called rotate and so moved onto the next person then the next and the next until someone placed their hand on my waist which caused me to tense up. See there's this common misconception that when you dance with a partner their hand are supposed to go around the waist which isn't true in fact the proper frame is to have one hand on the shoulder and the other on your upper back because it's easier for the lead to do his job so I grabbed his hand and guided it to my upper back since he could be new at this, but he just placed his hand right back on my waist.
End of pov
Lexie: have you ever taken a bachata class before?
Boy: yeah
Lexie: then you know the proper frame is to hold my upper body not my lower
Boy: not always
Lexie's pov
Okay now I was starting to get uncomfortable because he was purposely holding onto me around the waist and I didn't like it. I attempted to move his hand again but his grip on my waist tightened and my eyes flashed back to when Jake held my waist and pinned me to the door, I started breathing heavy and my mind started thinking about what this boys intentions were and I quickly took his hands off of me and got out of the circle. I took my heels off and put my sneakers back on and started walking out of the room when I heard footsteps behind me so I quickly turned around and saw that it was Clare.
End of pov
Clare: what happened are you okay?
Lexie: yeah I am fine
Clare: you don't look fine
Lexie: just some guy was holding my waist too tight and it scared me, listen I don't really feel like taking workshops, I think I am just going to meet up with Jaden
Clare: are you sure? This is supposed to be a fun weekend, maybe we can just take a ladies class or something
Lexie: I appreciate it Clare but I just don't think I want to be around people I don't know right now
Clare: oh okay.. at least come to the shows tonight
Lexie: okay just come up to the room when it's time
Clare: okay
Lexie's pov
I was walking back to the hotel room and going into the elevator when I heard my phone vibrate. I didn't bother looking at it though I just wanted to get to the room as quick as possible, I practically sprinted down the hall and when I found the room number I got my key card out and unlocked it and the first thing I noticed were all the boys were here now but when I saw Jaden I walked over to him and latched into his arm not wanting to let go. I heard my phone vibrate again so I went to pick it up and my hand started shaking I didn't want to look who at who it could be because for all I know it could be Jake threatening me because he found out I told the boys. I put the phone on the table face down and then lay my head on Jaden's chest because I could feel the boys including Justin staring at me and I felt embarrassed.
End of pov
Jaden: baby did something happen? Why aren't you in class?
Lexie: I don't know what's wrong Jaden, I was with a partner who kept putting his hand on my waist and at one point tightened his grip and it scared me, then earlier Clare's phone vibrated and scared the shit out of mr because I thought it was mine and now it actually is my phone that vibrated and I am terrified to see if it's Jake... and I don't feel safe
Griffin: lex.. it sounds like your PTSD is back
Lexie: what? No I have been fine for months now it's just a little paranoia that's it
Griffin: lex your hand is still shaking and your not even holding your phone, and you don't feel safe without one of us being with you
Lexie: I don't care I refuse to believe that after months of getting rid of the stupid PTSD it all goes down the drain just because he showed back up
Kio: maybe we should go back to LA?
Lexie: no I have spent months practicing this routine and I am not letting James down, I am doing this competition
Josh: lex I know how hard you've worked and we are really proud of you but if your not in the right headspace
Lexie: I am fine, you know what I am going to go back with the girls (stands up from the couch)
Jaden: Lexie don't do that
Lexie: what? I am fine just because I came to you guys for a couple minutes because I was nervous doesn't mean my PTSD is back (picks up her phone) see my hands not shaking anymore (starts walking out of the hotel room) I'll see you guys later
Noah: Lexie get back here!
Jaden: let her if she wants to be in denial let her, I'd rather her be in denial then have her panicking every five seconds
Bryce: I don't think that's a good option either
Jaden: neither do I but I want to her to have a little bit of fun before shit comes crashing down because you and I both know it will
Justin: I'll text Clare and let her know to keep an eye on her
Jaden: thanks
Lexie's pov
Was running out of the room a good idea? Probably not but I refuse to let griffin tell me that my PTSD is back because that would mean all the progress I have made these last few months would have gone down the drain and I refuse to let that happen. I made it back to the ballrooms and found everyone in a hip hop class so I made my way over to them.
End of pov
Amy: Lexie you came back! (Hugs her)
Lexie: yeah I feel better now
Clare: are you sure? (Looks her in the eyes)
Lexie: yeah
Dani: good (smile)
Clare: okay...
Odalie: oh look who finally decided to show up, the girl who thinks she's better then everyone else just because she owns a private jet
Lexie: you sound jealous, did Quinton not invite you to go on the jet with the rest of the boys
Odalie: no
Lexie: you sure? Because you sound jealous, how are things in paradise anyway, haven't seen you around much
Oadlie: that's because he's been over at my house stupid
Lexie: is stupid your vocabulary word of the day because if that's the best comeback you have your going to think harder sweetie or does your brain not know how do that?
Oadlie: your talking a lot of shit for a girl who's really scared deep down, do you get tired of having a mask on all the time or do you just enjoy being fake
Lexie: the only fake person here is you and I am this close to putting you in your place so shut the fuck up (steps closer to her)
James: okay I think that's enough of that because the instructor is about to start plus you know the rules any fights and it's a disqualification from the competition tomorrow
Odalie: aww what a shame (says sarcastically)
Lexie's pov
I really wish looks could kill she would have been six feet deep in a coffin by now but unfortunately we aren't allowed to have that power so I just turned my attention to the instructor and thankfully the routine we were doing was challenging and fast so I just channeled everything I was feeling and put into the dance and at the end of it I was sweating like crazy but I was feeling better. After the workshop I was walking out when I felt someone tap me on the back, my body tensed but I took a deep breath and turned around and saw that it was the instructor.
End of pov
Instructor: you were really good today, what's your name?
Lexie: Lexie hossler, and thank you I really enjoyed your class...
Instructor: Mary (smiles)
Lexie: Mary pretty name
Mary: thank you, what school do you go to?
Lexie: high water
Mary: nice I know a couple teachers from there anyways I have been scouting some dancers to be a couple back up dancers for a music video along with my partner and I and we think you would be a good fit, you would still have to audition but I'd love your number to keep in touch with you
Lexie: oh wow thank you so much that's amazing and yeah of course pass me your phone and I'll put it in
Mary: perfect
(Lexie puts in her number and gives it back)
Lexie: thank you for the opportunity
Mary: no problem we'll keep in touch
Lexie's pov
In that moment I remembered why I came to this competition in the first place and I am so glad I came back because if I didn't I wouldn't have been scouted to be in a music video possibly in the future. I caught up with the rest of the group who were on their way to a ballroom workshop.
End of pov
Lexie: guys guess what!
Amy: what?
Lexie: I just got scouted to be in a music video!
Dani: omg girl that's amazing congrats!!
Clare: that's awesome lex I knew one of these instructors would see your talent
Lexie: thanks
James: hey lex while they take the ballroom workshop you want to go practice?
Lexie: yeah sure, we'll catch up with you guys?
Kyle: okay
Lexie's pov
Today's rehearsing with James went by quicker then yesterday probably because now I was in a better mood and I was focused on getting this routine perfect except for this one last part towards the end of the routine where I am trying to to three turns but my feet are just not cooperating with me.
End of pov
James: how about instead of three turns you only do two and a half and then I grab onto your waist and I pick you up while you act like your fighting in my grip but I keep holding onto you and then after that measure we do the last bit that we practiced yesterday
Lexie: yeah I like that idea plus it'll have more of a dramatic effect if I am fighting you
James: exactly
Lexie: let's do it
One hour later
James: I think we've pretty much got it tomorrow let's meet up early to practice before competition
Lexie: yeah sounds good, also do you have what your going to wear?
James: I was just going to go with an open white shirt and some black pants that still allow me to be flexible what about you?
Lexie: keeping the white theme, It's a white lace halter neck with half a skirt bodysuit costume
James: okay sounds good, your coming to the show tonight right?
Lexie: yeah
James: cool I'll see you later then
Lexie: later
Lexie's pov
I walked out of the ballroom and started heading to the elevators when my phone vibrated again. I ignored it just like the rest of them and when I got out of the elevator my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID that said unknown. Now i have seen more horror movies then I can count and I am not about to answer an unknown call. I pressed the decline number and it rung again, so I blocked it but then a different number came out, now I am officially scared because I knew it exactly who it was just like I didn't need to look at the texts to see who it was and I only knew if I didn't answer it would piss him off more so I took a deep breath and answered the phone.
End of pov
Phone convo
Lexie: what do you want?
Jake: now is that anyway to speak to your boyfriend babygirl?
Lexie: you are not my boyfriend
Jake: you keep telling yourself that, why haven't you answered any of my texts?
Lexie: I have been busy
Jake: to busy for me? I am hurt
Lexie: I don't give a fuck
Jake: remember who your talking to babygirl, don't think I don't know what you did and your going to get punished for it
Lexie: I didn't do anything (says with tears streaming down her face)
Jake: oh so your lying to me now?
Lexie: I don't know what your talking about I haven't done anything!
Jake: your lying to me and if I were you I would stop and just admit what you did because you aren't going to get away with it
Lexie: I am done playing your sick games Jake, I am not afraid of you
Jake: that's not what it looked like last night sweetheart and if you don't want anything to happen to your family drop the bravery act because you and I both know your still the same scared little girl you were when I first found you
Lexie: that's not true
Jake: yes it is
Lexie's pov
I couldn't stand to hear his voice anymore I hung up the phone and wanted to throw it against the wall but I restrained myself and just used the key card to open the door.
End of pov
Anthony: lex is that you?
Lexie: yeah
Quinton: how were the workshops?
Lexie: well I got scouted to possibly be in a hip hop music video
Jaden: that's awesome lex!! (Walks over and hugs her)
Josh: proud of you bud
Lexie: thank you also about earlier...
Jaden: it's okay given everything I would say that outburst was coming
Lexie: yeah about that...
Bryce: what?
Lexie: Jake knows I don't know how he does but he found out
Griffin: how do you know that?
Lexie: h h he c called me on my way here, said he knew what I did and was lying... but I stood up to him I said I wasn't afraid of him anymore
Jaden: well I am proud of you for standing up to him but how do you really feel?
Lexie: terrified... maybe we should stay here and not go back to LA
Josh: I don't think that's a good idea either lex
Justin: what if she stayed with us? He doesn't know where we live and even if he found out we would have security cameras plus a security guards
Lexie: no I can't ask you to do that, I don't want to drag you or your family into my mess (looks at Kio) what did the police say when you talked to them
Kio: that they can handle it better once we are in back in LA but for now just have everything on record, no deleting texts or calls because they want to keep that on record too
Lexie: okay, I am going to start getting ready for the show later
Griffin: have you eaten?
Lexie: no but I am not really hungry
Jaden: we'll order you something while your in the shower
Lexie: Jaden...
Jaden: no arguments
Lexie: fine
Lexie's pov
I walked into the room I shared with josh and Jaden and opened the suitcase and decided to wear a red halter top with a white pair of jeans and some sandals. I turned the water on to the highest temperature when I haven't done in a while but I need something to distract me from my thoughts and focusing on how hot the water against my skin instead of what Jake has planned sounds better to me. I got in the water and the first thing I did was dunk my head under it and had to bite my lip from screaming but eventually my body got used to it and I sat in the tub for a good ten minutes before washing myself and my hair then I just relaxed until a knock on the door scared the shit out of me.
End of pov
Josh: lex room service is here!
Lexie: Josh you scared me! Next time just say that instead of knocking
Josh: my bad sorry lex
Lexie: it's okay I'll be right out
Josh: okay
Lexie's pov
I got out and wrapped a towel around my head and decided to eat first before doing it and in the meantime just pulled on josh's purple BFFs hoodie with a pair of sweats and walked back out to the living room.
End of pov
Jaden: I just got you a pizza I figured that would be good enough
Lexie: yeah that's fine, thanks (sits down)
Amelie: how do you feel about your competition tomorrow?
(Lexie takes a bite and shrugs her shoulders)
Dixie: are you nervous? I know Charlie used to get really nervous before a competition but then she snapped out of it
Lexie: I don't know this is my first time going on stage since I was ten... I really don't know how I am going to react
Jaden: you'll be fine and you'll do amazing just like you always have
Lexie: thanks Jay (takes another bite)
Twenty minutes later
Ring ring ring
Lexie's pov
I looked at my phone to see it vibrating and i felt my heart start racing again, my hands got shaky at the thought of picking it up and I tried to ignore it until Jaden reached over and picked it up for me. I thought about telling him not to but it was like my voice stopped working for a second until I heard him say hi to Clare and my body instantly relaxed and I took the phone from him.
End of pov
Phone convo
Lexie: hey clare what's up?
Clare: the girls and I wanted to know if you wanted to get ready with us in Amy's room it's literally right down the hall, you won't even need to take an elevator
Lexie: uh yeah okay let me just bring my stuff and I'll be right over
Clare: okay
End of phone convo
Lexie: is it okay if I go to Amy's room to get ready with them? She's right down the hall
Josh: I don't see why not but are you okay?
Lexie: fine
Jaden: okay go ahead have fun, let us know when the shows end
Lexie: okay bye
Boys: bye
Lexie's pov
I walked over to Amy's room and we all started getting ready first we did our hair since that usually takes the longest. I decided to go with my hair in a bun with a few of my curls cascading down in the front. Clare did braids, Amy left hers straight and Dani did her hair in waves then we all got dressed and decided to take some pics in the mirror and film a few tic toks since I haven't posted much this week because I didn't want Jake to track me down but that didn't work out regardless so fuck it. After we were all ready we met up with the boys and started to watch the shows which were basically all the professionals who were teaching workshops. I started thinking about how it would feel if it was me being a professional dancer one day and the truth is I really want to do it but the idea that I might not be able to do that because Jake was going to do something to me terrified me. Eventually the shows ended and I went back to the room with the boys and fell asleep early because tomorrow is competition.
End of pov

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