Chapter 8

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Lexie: no please leave me alone! Let go of me!! I am sorry!!
Jaden's pov
I woke feeling Lexie kick me in the leg and then she started yelling in her sleep and I knew she was having a night mare I tried to shake her awake but it wasn't working she was just yelling even more and then Lexie's door opened and Quinton and josh walked in since their rooms are right next to hers. I kept trying to shake her away but it wasn't working until she opened her eyes and started breathing heavy and I saw this look in her eyes that i have never see before she looked so scared so I just wrapped my arms around her and started talking to her.
End of pov
Jaden: shh shh Lexie it's okay your okay
Lexie: I i c c can't b b breathe
Jaden: shh I know just look into my eyes and copy my breathing okay, your safe no ones gonna hurt you I promise
(Lexie's breathing starts to get even again and the boys are just looking at her with a concerned look)
Josh; feeling better lex
Lexie: n n no b but I'll b b be fine
Quinton: you want to talk about it?
Lexie: n no p please d don't m make me I d don't w w want too
Jaden: okay you won't have to I am not gonna make you tell me it's okay (sits her on his lap and rocks her back and forth)
Quinton: you got it jae?
Jaden: yeah we are good you guys can go back to sleep
Quinton: okay (walks out of the room)
Josh: can I stay?
(Lexie just nods her head and josh walks over to them and sits on the opposite side of the bed)
Jaden: what time is it josh?
Josh: looks at his phone four thirty
Jaden: go back to sleep babygirl (keeps rocking her)
Lexie: I don't want to, I don't want to have that dream again
Jaden: it's okay we are here if you do okay just try and sleep
Lexie: c c can y you s sing p please
Jaden: yeah what song?
Lexie: the one you used to sing to me when I was little
Jaden: okay, across the ocean, across the sea starting to forget the way you look at me now over the mountains, across the sky need to see your face, I need to see your face, I need to look in your eyes, through the storm and through the clouds bumps in the road and upside down now I know it's hard to sleep at night, don't you worry cause everything's gonna be alright
Lexie's pov
That was all it took for me to start crying I wrapped my arms around his neck and cling onto him never wanting him to let me go and to keep me safe from the guy that plagued my dreams and he just kept singing and rocking me back and forth while I felt josh run his fingers through my hair trying to soothe me and I don't remember how long I cried for but eventually I tired myself out and closed my eyes and fell asleep still clinging onto Jaden.
End of pov
Jaden's pov
I finished singing the song and looked down to see her tear stained cheeks and puffy face but she had her eyes closed and she was breathing evenly again so I knew she had fallen asleep I lied down with her in my arms and looked over at josh.
End of pov
Jaden: what time is it now?
Josh: almost six she cried for like a good hour almost two, what do you think her dream was about?
Jaden: I don't know but I am so worried about her josh, I don't know what to do she won't open up to me and she won't open up to you or any of the other boys
Josh: maybe she should go to a therapist Jae
Jaden: she would hate me
Josh: at first yeah but she needs help and we promised her we would help her but she isn't budging
Jaden: and you think she would open up to a complete stranger?
Josh: no but she might have to, she literally woke up screaming and having a panic attack Jae and then cried herself to sleep that wasn't just a scary dream
Jaden: I know (looks down at her and strokes her cheek) I just wish she would tell me
Josh: let's talk about it more in the morning but for now let's go back to sleep
Jaden: you want to stay?
Josh: sure (gets under the covers)
A few hours later (eleven Am)
Lexie's pov
I woke up with a massive headache and looked around my room and saw that the boys were gone so they must have woken up already and then I thought back to last night. My nightmare with Jake... the panic attack... how I broke down in front of the boys and my brother. Ugh I let my walls down and I promised myself I wouldn't and I am not going to, I am just gonna jump in the shower and forget last night even happened so that's what I did. Once I got out of the shower I threw on a black crop top with some high waisted shorts and sneakers and left my hair down, I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes were still a little irritated but I looked and felt better then I did when I first woke up and walked downstairs to see the boys sitting in the living room talking and then griffin noticed me and started walking over to me and I knew he was going to give me a hug but I didn't want it.
End of pov
Griffin: hey lex the boys told me what happened last night are you okay?
Lexie: I am fine and I am going for a run
Kio: are you sure you don't want to eat something first?
Lexie: no I am good
Anthony: do you have your phone with you?
Lexie: yeah
Bryce: alright be careful and come back in an hour, Michael wants us to interview people to be our new assistant/ your homeschool teacher
Lexie: my what?
Blake: homeschool teacher
Lexie: yeah I heard you the first time why can't I go to a normal school?
Jaden: because you got expelled (looks confused)
Lexie: not from here though from Tennessee
Josh: are you saying you want to go to school?
Lexie: well it's better then being with some annoying homeschool teacher
Noah: I don't know if that's a good idea though lex everything will know who you are and you might get bullied
Lexie: (mumbles) that's nothing new
Anthony: what?
Lexie: nothing but seriously I could handle it if they do
Jaden: I don't think so lex if you want be around people your own age or make friends then we can look for another dance studio or acting classes if you want
Lexie: no
Jaden: why not you used to love dance more then acting we could go look at studios
Lexie: I don't want too and on that note I am going for a run (walks out of the house)
Griffin: okay so now that she's gone what are we gonna do about those nightmares?
Jaden: josh suggested to put her in therapy and it's not that I am against it's just I know we are going to have to drag her kicking and screaming every time there's an appointment and she's not even going to talk to the therapist she'll probably give attitude which we'll have to punish her for later and I don't know you guys I just feel helpless
Kio: Jaden's right about that but we can't keep letting her go on like this either so I think we just need to keep monitoring her make sure that she doesn't have anything to numb the pain because think about it she uses partying, drugs and alcohol to numb whatever she's feeling if that gets taken from she's gonna have to feel it and eventually and finally open up to us
Josh; I like that idea but in order for that to happen she can't go off anywhere by herself until we can trust that she's not going to do anything and two we keep the doors locked with alarms so if she tries to sneak out we'll catch her on time
Noah: isn't she by herself right now though?
Jaden: shit
Lexie's pov
I didn't really feel like going for a run but I needed some kind of excuse to get out of the house. I didn't want to face them or talk about what happened last night which is exactly what they were going to want to do so I made up the excuse that I was going to go for a run but instead went to the little park that's become like my little safe haven away from everything. I took out my vape pen from my pocket and took a few hits and then pulled my phone out and decided to text Brandon since I haven't seen him since we met at the park.
End of pov
Text convo
Lexie: hey you busy?
Brandon: nope what's up?
Lexie: do you want to meet me at the park? I am already here
Brandon: sure can I bring my brother though
Lexie: sure Idc
Brandon: all right be there in five
Lexie: alrighty
(Lexie puts her phone down and takes a couple more hits and a few minutes later she feels hands covering her eyes)
Brandon: guess who?
Lexie: hmm I don't know could it be Brandon
Brandon: (laughs) yeah how did you know?
Lexie: magical powers
Hunter: (laughs) I am hunter you must be Lexie Jaden's sister right?
Lexie: yeah that's what people know me as (sighs)
Hunter: I am sorry i didn't mean for it to come off that way
Lexie: it's okay no worries
Brandon: so I am guessing you came to escape the boys again
Lexie: yup
Hunter: come on they can't be that bad
Lexie: you don't know the half of it and I am having the strongest urge to get drunk out of my mind right now but instead I texted Brandon
Brandon: why me? Not that I mind I was actually happy you texted
Lexie: I don't know you just kept me distracted last time it helped
Brandon: glad I could help
Hunter: so lexie tell me about yourself
Lexie: what do you want to know?
Hunter: anything how old are you?
Lexie: fifteen
Hunter: oh well then I'll be your honorary big brother
Lexie: can you not I already have enough at home I just need some friends
Hunter: well then I'll be your best friend
Brandon: no way I took that spot your her second
Hunter: fine I'll be her second (rolls his eyes)
Lexie: thanks for coming Brandon I appreciate it
Brandon: yeah it's not a problem
Lexie's pov
I spent the next hour just talking to hunter and Brandon when my phone started ringing and it was Bryce telling me to get home. I rolled my eyes but I figured I should just listen I was too tired from yesterday to start any fight with them. I hugged Brandon and hunter goodbye and started walking home and the second I walked though the front door I saw Quinton by the stairs.
End of pov
Quinton: look at me
Lexie: I didn't get high if that's what you want to know
Quinton: your eyes don't look red and I don't smell any alcohol, guys she's clear!!
(Lexie walks over to the kitchen and grabs a water bottle and takes a sip)
Blake: so you actually went for a run?
Lexie: yeah and then I met your two friends hunter and Brandon
Griffin: how did you meet them?
Lexie: I passed their neighborhood on my run and they recognized me and then I remembered the time you guys were on FaceTime so I just put two and two together
Josh: cool
Bryce: anyway Michael has everything set up in the business house and he says there are also a few girls lined up for the interview so we should get going
Lexie: oh great this is gonna he so much fun (says sarcastically)
Jaden: come on munchkin let's go
Lexie's pov
We walked out of the house and across the street from ours the boys call it the meeting house because that's where they have their big meetings with Michael and they don't like having interviews at our house because they don't want anyone to leak our address. We walked inside and there was a line of seven girls and I rolled my eyes they all looked fake as fuck except for this one girl she was wearing a green crop top with some pair of jeans, black hair not to tall but not super short either and she barely had any makeup and she looked at me and gave me a smile which I would just scoff at but I just gave her a little wave instead and sat in between josh and Jaden while the other boys scattered and Michael called in the first girl. I instantly rolled my eyes she was blonde with an obvious fake tan, face pounded with makeup and she sat down and just started flirting with the guys and not even five minutes later Micheal called in next and this beach blond curly haired girl walks into the room.
End of pov
?: hi I am Cindy and I just want to say that I love kids and I know how to do paperwork so I could totally be an assistant too and my GPA in school was a 4.0 so I am sure I can help Lexie excell in school (says perky)
Lexie: question are you always this perky because if you are we are definitely gonna have a problem
Josh: (smacks her lightly on her thigh) don't me rude (whispers in her ear)
Cindy: well I wouldn't say I am perky but I was head cheerleader all through out
Lexie: okay next!
(She walks out and the boys look at her)
Lexie: oh come on you can't tell me you actually liked miss perky princess
Jaden: no but that didn't mean you had to interrupt and be rude
Lexie: sorry not sorry
Michael: okay next we have Tatiana
Lexie: ew no hate the name
Michael: just meet her first
Lexie: fine
(Tatiana walls in)
Tatiana: hi my name is
Lexie: yeah Tatiana okay I met her next
(Tatiana sighs and leaves)
Jaden: Lexie Marie Hossler if you don't stop right now so help me I will drag you to the bathroom and put you over my knee understand?
Lexie: fine
Lexie's pov
The next couple girls came in and I just stayed quiet because I genuinely had nothing to say they were just bland and nothing really caught my eye about her, and I think the boys felt the same way because they just thanked her politely and said they would stay in touch. The next girl was another blonde but you could obviously tell it was dyed because her roots were showing, she had a pink headband on it with a pink shirt and a pink skirt and I wanted to throw up from all that pink.
End of pov
?: hi my name is kelly and I promise Lexie you and I gonna be just like sisters! (Smiles at her)
Lexie: I think the fuck not next!!
(The boys rolled their eyes at the fifteen year old calling the shots and then the door opened and in walked another girl)
?: what's up my name is rafy I just graduated from college, I have been in office aid for several years so I know how to do paper work, my mom was a party planner and I helped her a lot with that so I know how to schedule appointments and keep track of things very neat and organized oh and I had a 4.0 gpa all throughout high school and college
Bryce: okay just one question since you pretty much answered all of them would you shot gun an energy drink for a YouTube video?
Rafy: (laughs) yes Bryce I am definitely so that
Bryce: I like her I say she's in
Lexie: not yet would you try and flirt with any of the guys
Rafy: no I have a girlfriend so trust me I wouldn't like them like that
Lexie: well at least I won't have to worry about the boys hooking up with my teacher And your not insanely perky like the other ones so I guess I like you...
Rafy: aww thanks
Lexie: don't get used to it I don't compliment people
Michael: so guys what do you think
Griffin: I like her
The boys: me too
Michael: alright rafy when can you start?
Rafy: is tomorrow okay
Micheal: tomorrow is perfect
Rafy: great thank you so much guys
Boys: bye see you tomorrow
Lexie's pov
Rafy left the room and we said bye to Michael and walked back to the house where the boys ordered postmates again because none of them can cook god I hope rafy knows how to cook too because all this fast food is not gonna be good for any of us including me with my weight. I was in the living room watching the boys make a tik tok when Noah asked me to do one with him.
End of pov
Lexie: nope
Noah: pleaseee
Lexie: hell no
Noah: but that fans will love you
Lexie: I don't care I am not a "tik toker"
Blake: so do you want to do YouTube instead?
Lexie :I don't know what I want to do to honestly
Blake: didn't Jaden say you used to be a dancer
Lexie: hmm
Blake: show us something
Lexie: nope
Kio: is no like your favorite word?
Lexie: yes
Quinton: at least you said something other then no
Lexie: don't get used to it bud
Josh: ay bud is my word
Lexie: well I stole it so ha
Josh: oh I see buddy's got a little attitude
Griffin: when doesn't she, she's like ninety percent attitude ten percent kid
Lexie: that's low key accurate though
(Jaden walks into the living room and sees Lexie on the couch and walks over and picks her up and sits her on his lap)
Jaden: hey princess
Lexie: uh hi (gets off his lap and sits in between Anthony and Kio)
Jaden: now I am lonely
Lexie: too bad (sticks her tongue out at him)
Griffin: (shakes his head) you really are a child
Lexie: when I want to be
Anthony: can we get kid Lexie to show up more I like her better then teenage Lexie
Lexie: omg ant we should name my kid alter ego! (Dramatically gasps)
Jaden: you already have a name for it though
Lexie: no I don't
Jaden: yeah it was just baby though, don't you remember when you were like ten every time you came up to me with a doll or a stuffed animal in your hand you would insist on being called baby girl and you would call me bubba instead of Jaden
Josh: awww little Lexie sounds so cute
Jaden: she was
Lexie's pov
I rolled my eyes hearing Jaden talk I mean of course I remember because i would come home everyday after school, change out of my uniform into something comfortable grabbed my dolly Lilly and would find Jaden in his room playing with whatever toy at the time but then he would see me and put his toy down to play with me. I remember the day he left like it was yesterday I twelve at the time almost thirteen and i had gotten bullied by these girls at school came home with a black eye and scratches all over my arms and the only thing I wanted was to be in my brothers arms and cry but instead I came home to nanny Jane cooking in the kitchen and a note in my room that said "hey sweetheart I am sorry I wasn't able to tell you this in person but I got offered to go on a tour with these group of boys and I don't know when I'll be home but I love you" I threw the note on the ground and just crawled under my covers and cried myself to sleep that night. That was the last time I saw him until he came home for Christmas with the boys but that's a whole other story in of itself. I was brought out of my train of thoughts by a knock on the door.
End of pov
Josh: food's here!!!
(Josh, Jaden and Anthony get up to open the door while the rest of them go to the kitchen)
Lexie's pov
I grabbed my fettuccine Alfredo with my coke and ate half the bowl before I declared I was full and put it in the fridge and walked upstairs to shower and then just hung out in my room until the boys came in to say goodnight.
End of pov
Jaden: do you want one of us to stay with you in case you have another nightmare?
Lexie: no I think I'll be okay
Jaden: you sure?
Lexie: yeah night Jae
Jaden: night baby (kisses the top of her head) do you think you would ever call me bubba again?
(Lexie shrugs her shoulders and Jaden walks out of the room and she crawls under the sheets and goes to sleep)

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