Chapter 14

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Time skip to Monday and they are back home (Monday, 9:00 am)
Ring ring ring
Jaden: (groans and rolls over to answer) hello?
Travis: hey Jaden how are you?
Jaden: I was sleeping but what's up?
Travis: you have an interview with MTV today remember?
Jaden: ugh yeah okay I'll start getting ready now and I'll meet you there
Travis: alright sounds good bye Jaden
Jaden: bye
End of phone convo
(Jaden looks down at Lexie who is currently clinging onto him in her sleep with josh on the opposite side, but he has to get ready so he unwraps Lexie's arms from his waist but she pulls him back)
Lexie: nooo (whines)
Jaden: lex I have to get up and do an interview with MTV
Lexie: can I go with you? (Opens her eyes)
Jaden: not this time you have class with Rafy today but you can come next time okay?
Lexie: I don't want you to go
Jaden: lex I promise I'll come back as soon as I am done
Lexi: promise?
Jaden: yeah now if you want cuddle with josh because it's still early so you can sleep
Lexi: okay...
Jaden's pov
Lexi turned over and wrapped her arms around josh and put her head on his chest and fell back asleep while I got up to get ready and as I was getting ready I was starting to realize how attached to me Lexie's been since we got back from Orlando. We got back during the day and she just stayed near me and last night and she came up to me and insisted that she slept with josh and I in the room which I honestly don't mind I love cuddling with her but I don't know if there's another reason for it so I am just gonna keep an eye on her.
End of pov
Flashback to last night
Lexie: Jaden can I sleep with you and josh tonight?
Jaden: sure princess but you know you can sleep in your room now right?
Lexie: yeah I just want to sleep with you guys
Jaden: okay
In the room
(Lexie looks over at josh who's laying in the second bed)
Lexie: josh can you come and sleep here pleaseeee
Josh: sure kiddo (gets off the bed and walks over to the other one and lays beside her)
End of flashback
Jaden's pov
I finished getting ready and walked downstairs to see griffin making a smoothie and he poured me a cup as well.
End of pov
Jaden: hey griff
Griffin: morning Jae where are you off to?
Jaden: interview with MTV how about you?
Griffin: meeting with Michael to talk about a potential podcast we are launching
Jaden: oh cool do you know who's gonna be home today?
Griffin: Quinton was gonna go to Cynthia's to talk but I got an email saying he was slacking on his school work so I told him he needed focus on that today, Bryce has his capital University podcast but pretty sure he's doing it upstairs, josh has the launch of his but he has to actually leave to the place, Kio is already on set and I think Noah's going to Dixie's, Ant is with Avani doing her show
Jaden: what about blake?
Griffin: I don't know you can ask him though what time is Rafy supposed to be coming to tutor lex?
Jaden: one but I don't want her to be alone all that time
Griffin: go see what Blake's up to before you leave
Jaden: okay (walks out of the kitchen and knocks on Blake's door and he opens it)
Blake: hey what's up?
Jaden: do you have any plans until one?
Blake: just gonna film some tik toks but that's it until later tonight I am going on a date with Amelie
Jaden: okay can you stay with lex until Rafy gets here, you don't have to be on top of her or anything I just don't want her home alone
Blake: yeah no problem
Jaden: thanks b I gotta get going or I am gonna be late for this interview
Blake: okay good luck also have you talked to Mads yet?
Jaden: (sighs) I am probably gonna head over there after the interview to break up with her
Blake: for good?
Jaden: yeah this whole back and forth thing is toxic and exhausting and you know I have realized that our relationship has been built off of lust instead of love and it started with lust so it only makes sense that our relationship was built on that
Blake: yeah I get you man
Jaden: alright i am gonna head out but call me if anything and if if lex gives you a hard time
Blake: I will see you later bro
Jaden: later (leaves Blake's room and walks downstairs, says bye to griffin and leaves the house)
One hour later
Beep beep beep
Josh's pov
I groaned and was about to turn off the alarm on my phone but I felt arms around my waist and a head on my chest and looked down to see Lexie was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her but I didn't then that alarm would so I moved her hands and turned off the alarm to see it was ten o clock and I had to launch the BFF podcast with Dave today so I slowly got out of bed not wanting to wake Lexie and walked to the bathroom and took a shower and threw on a black shirt with a pair of jeans and walked downstairs to see some of the boys drinking protein shakes and I poured myself one.
End of pov
Josh: I am heading out to film the podcast but lex is still sleeping if she's not up in an hour can one of you wake her up since she has to start class with Rafy at one
Blake: Don't worry I already told Jae I would keep an eye on her
Bryce: yo I think griffin and josh are gonna have to switch roles because josh totally sounded like a dad right now
Josh: shut up (laughs) but for real I am out
Boys: bye
(Josh leaves the house and so do Noah and griffin while Bryce goes upstairs to get ready for the podcast, and Blake goes outside to work out)
Forty five minutes later
Lexie's pov
I opened my eyes and realized the bed was empty and the house was quiet so for once I didn't wake up from people screaming but it was still odd because the house is never quiet. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw no one was there, then I checked the living room and no one was there, I checked each of the boys bedrooms and no one was there. Okay where is everyone? Did they leave and not tell me? They never leave me home alone so why aren't they here? Did they finally get sick of my shit and leave me? I wouldn't blame them if they did considering I am a burden anyway and I should have known they would realize that sooner then later. I felt my palms start to get sweaty and my heart beat was increasing, am I having an anxiety attack? Wait a second I only have those after a nightmare or if something triggers one, but why am I having one now? Why can't my brain stop thinking for a second it's like all these thoughts coming to me all at once and I can't stop them. Lexie get a hold of yourself, you need to breathe the boys probably just went somewhere and forgot to tell you right, but what if they didn't? What if they just left me like everyone else does including my parents... they didn't want me with them so why would the boys want me here. My heartbeat was increasing quicker and I knew that I needed to breathe but every time I tried it didn't feel like I was getting enough oxygen so I slid down against the wall and I put my head in hands and felt the tears coming to my eyes. What the hell is going on with me? My breathing gets quicker and quicker and I can't seem to calm down no matter how hard I try.
End of pov
Quinton's pov
I had just taken a test in one of business rooms we had upstairs and went to grab a cup of water when I was walking downstairs towards the kitchen and I saw Lexie leaning against the wall with her head in her hands and her breathing increased and I quickly walked over to her.
End of pov
Quinton: Lexie are you okay? What happened?
Lexie: q q Quinton? (Lifts her head up)
Quinton: yeah baby girl what happened?
Lexie: I i d don't k know I w woke u up and t the h house was q q quiet a and I c came downstairs and n no one w was h here so I i t thought y you g g guys left me (cries)
Quinton: aww lex shh it's okay (pulls her in for a hug) shh it's okay no one left you and no ones going to leave you okay I was just upstairs taking a test
Lexie: w w where's e e everyone e else?
Quinton: Blake's outside and Bryce is upstairs doing a podcast and everyone else is out
Lexie: w w where's j j Jaden?
Quinton: he had an interview didn't he tell you?
Lexie: w when is h h he coming b back?
Quinton: he'll be home later (wipes her tears) are you feeling better now?
(Lexie just nods her head)
Quinton: do you want something to eat?
(Lexie shakes her head no)
Lexie: c c can y you j just s stay with m me?
Quinton: I have to do some school work but do you want to hang out in my room?
Lexie: s s sure
Quinton: alright go on up I'll be right there
Lexie: n n no d don't l leave m me
Quinton: I am just gonna go outside to talk to Blake really quick okay?
Lexie: o okay
Quinton: okay I'll be right back and please just try to eat a little something
Lexie: fine
(Lexie walks into the kitchen while Quinton goes outside to see Blake doing push ups)
Blake: hey Q shouldn't you be catching up on your school work?
Quinton: yeah I just finished a test but I came down to get some water and saw Lexie having an anxiety attack
Blake: what!? Is she okay?
Quinton: yeah I calmed her down a bit but she got scared because she woke up and didn't see anyone and then before I came to you she didn't want me to leave her alone
Blake: so that must have been what triggered it but she's never been triggered from us leaving her alone before
Quinton: I know which is why I wanted to come talk to you it's like her personality did a complete turn first she's too rebellious and pushing everyone away and now she's to scared to be alone
Blake: where is she now?
Quinton: the kitchen
Blake: alright go back to her and we'll talk to the boys tonight
Quinton: alright
Lexie's pov
I was eating a granola bar when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I saw Bryce walk into the kitchen so I guess he was done with his podcast, I got up from the chair and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him.
End of pov
Bryce: well good morning to you too lex (looks at her and sees her red eyes) are you high again?
Lexie: no I was crying (looks down at the floor)
Bryce: why were you crying?
(Lexie shrugs her shoulders not wanting to talk about it and then Quinton comes back into the kitchen)
Quinton: want to go up to my room now kiddo?
Lexie: yeah (finishes her granola bar)
Bryce: (looks over at Quinton and mouths) what happened?
Quinton: (mouths back) panic attack we'll talk later
(Bryce nods his head and goes back to grabbing some food)
Lexie's pov
I just played on my phone and sitting on Q's bed while he did his school work and a little while later it was twelve thirty and I had to get ready fo have class with Rafy. So I left Quinton's room and threw on a crop top and some sweatpants and then walked back to his room and hung out there till i heard Blake call my name.
End of pov
Blake: Lexie Rafy's here!!!!
Lexie: okay I'll be right down
Quinton: don't give her a hard time today okay?
Lexie: okay
(Lexie walks downstairs to see Rafy standing in the meeting room area because there was a table and chairs there)
Blake: be good lex or Rafy will tell me okay?
Lexie: okay have you talked to Jaden?
Blake: not since he left but I am sure he'll be home by the time your done with school
Lexie: okay...
Rafy: so are you ready to get started Lex?
Lexie: uh yeah sure
Lexie's pov
Rafy decided to start with science this time and I was trying to concentrate really I was but my mind had other ideas. Why isn't Jaden here yet? He left around nine and it's already one shouldn't he be here by now? What about josh, when did he leave? What if they both don't come back or something happens to them... I got taken out of my thoughts by Rafy snapping her finger and I looked up at her.
End of pov
Rafy: Lexie are you paying attention?
Lexie: yeah
Rafy: then what did I just say?
Lexie: you were talking about the table of elements right?
Rafy: okay and what about them?
Lexie: I don't know isn't it your job to explain it to me?
Rafy: that's what I was doing but you weren't paying attention
Lexie: oops my bad
Rafy: (sighs) is something on your mind? I know these last couple of days have been kind of hard for you
Lexie: I am fine
Rafy: are you sure?
Lexie: yeah let's just get back to the table of elements
Rafy: okay
Scene change
Bryce's pov
Quinton finished catching up on his school work and Lexie was with Rafy doing hers so the three of were sitting in the living room and they were catching me up on my why Lexie had an anxiety attack this morning and I had to admit it was definitely unusual because Lexie's never had a panic attack for that before, she's usually triggered by her nightmares but not being by herself. It was definitely sometime we were going to have to talk to Jaden about for sure.
End of pov
Blake: it's past lunch time should I go out and get something
Quinton: In and out?
Blake: sure want to come with?
Quinton: yeah
Bryce: I'll stay here but get me a burger and ask Lexie what she wants
Blake: yeah I was going to do that anyway (walks over to the study area to see Rafy moving onto social studies) lex I am gonna go to in and out what do you want?
Lexie: nothing I am good
Quinton: you only had a granola bar for breakfast you need to eat something
Lexie: I don't want to eat
Blake: well I am not asking I am telling so what do you want?
Lexie: nothing
Blake: I am getting you a cheeseburger and fries, let's go Quinton
Quinton: alright
(Blake and Quinton leave the house and thirty minutes later the door opens and griffin walks in)
Lexie: griffin!! (Runs over your him and hugs him)
Griffin: hey lex (hugs back) shouldn't you be doing school with Rafy right now?
Lexie: yeah but I wanted to come say hi first
Griffin: okay well go on and finish up for the day
Lexie: okay (walks back over to Rafy)
Griffin: (looks at Bryce) was that weird or is it just me that thought that
Bryce: no I'll catch you up on what happened this morning
Scene change
Jaden's pov
I finally finished the MTV interview and then Travis I sang so what and tonight and then answered some fam questions which was a lot of fun and I texted Mads to let her know I was on the way to her house to talk so right now I am currently pulling into her driveway and put the car in park and started walking to the front door and she opened it.
End of pov
Mads: hi Jaden! (Hugs him)
Jaden: (sighs) hey Mads can we sit and talk
Mads: yeah of course come on in (walks into the living room and sits on the couch) can I start Jae?
Jaden: fine go ahead
Mads: I am really sorry I went on that date with the guy but you were in Orlando and the girls were busy and he kissed me first
Jaden: so that means you kiss him back? You should have pulled away or better yet not even go on that date in the first place but since I was out of town you took advantage and what? Didn't think I would see it
Mads: I made a mistake please forgive me I love you
Jaden: I am sorry Mads but I don't think our relationship is healthy anymore and we need a break
Mads: okay fine a break but not a break up
Jaden: no Mads I am sorry but I am breaking up with you for good this time
Mads: fine whatever Jaden if that's what you want then go ahead
Jaden: I still care about you I just think we are toxic for each other
Mads: it's fine just go
Jaden: I am sorry
Mads: i said go Jaden
(Jaden sighs and leaves the house)
Scene change
Lexie's pov
Rafy finally finished teaching me and Blake and Quinton came back with the food and set it on the table in the kitchen and were currently trying to persuade me to eat but I really didn't want to and then I heard the door open and I took the opportunity to get out of the chair and I ran to the door hoping Jaden was home but it was josh instead which made me happy still so I ran to him and gave him a hug but I still hoped Jaden would be home soon.
End of pov
Josh: hey kiddo I missed you too how was your day?
Lexie: it was fine I guess just did my school
Josh: did you behave for Rafy?
Lexie: yup
Josh: good I am proud of you
Griffin: Lexie Marie get over here and eat your burger!!
Josh: what's that about?
Lexie: the boys are making me eat and I am not hungry
Josh: what did you eat for breakfast?
Lexie: a granola bar
Josh: that's it!?
Lexie: yeah
Josh: come on let's go sit down and eat your burger
Lexie: but josh....
josh: no buts come on (picks her up and carries her to the kitchen and sits her on the table) eat now
Lexie: fine (crosses her arms but takes a bite)
Forty minutes later
Jaden: I am home!!
Lexie: JADEN!!!!
(Runs from her position on the couch with josh and Blake and jumps in his arms catching him off guard but he still caught her)
Jaden: hey princess (says kind of surprised) how are you?
Lexie: I am good but I missed you
Jaden: (laughs) I was only gone for a couple hours
Lexie: I know but still I missed you
Jaden's pov
I looked over at the boys who gave me a look that said we need to talk so I just gave them a nod letting I know i understood them and held onto Lexie who was currently still clinging onto me but I really needed to go to the bathroom after driving so I went to put her down but she gripped onto me tighter.
End of pov
Jaden: lex let go I have to use the bathroom
Lexie: promise you'll come back after
Jaden: yeah of course
Lexie: okay... (let's go of Jaden and walks back over to couch and sits with josh) actually I am gonna go take a shower and then can we all cuddle and watch a movie?
Bryce: yeah sure
Lexie: okay (smiles and walks upstairs to shower)
Jaden's pov
I finished up in the bathroom and walked back to the living room to see the boys sitting on the couch but Lexie wasn't there so I figured she was either in her room or in the shower.
End of pov
Jaden: alright so what's up?
(Quinton tells Jaden about the anxiety attack that she had that morning and then Bryce tells him how she's been attached to them today)
Bryce: she ran and gave griffin a hug does that sound like something Lexie would do?
Jaden: no it doesn't but I'll talk to her see why she got so triggered
Josh: griffin your the nurse here do you think we should actually put her in therapy now?
Griffin: I think we should just watch her for a little bit maybe this is just a one day thing from the anxiety attack let's give it a week and see how ir goes
Jaden: okay sounds good but I am still gonna talk to her
Lexie's pov
I got out of the shower and put on a pair of pajamas and just as I was about to open the door to go back downstairs my door opened and Jaden came inside the room.
End of pov
Jaden: hey baby girl
Lexie: hey Jae what's up?
Jaden: can we talk for a minute?
Lexie: yeah
Jaden: the boys told me about your panic attack this morning what happened?
Lexie: I don't know I just didn't see anyone and it scared me because I thought you guys finally got sick of me and left (looks down)
Jaden: hey look at me (gently lifts her chin up) I would never do that to you and neither would the boys okay? We are never going to leave you again and I need you to believe me when I say that okay?
Lexie: okay...
Jaden: okay now let's go downstairs and watch a movie with the boys yeah?
Lexie: yeah
Lexie's pov
We went down to the living room where the boys were watching looking for a movie and after a lot of persuading they finally agreed to watch the live action Aladdin. I sat in between josh and Jaden under the blankets with my head laying on Jaden's chest and after the movie we all said goodnight to each other and I went to my room because I didn't want to bother the boys by sleeping in their room anymore. But an hour later I still couldn't sleep and I was tossing and turned and my brain kept thinking about how if I fall asleep I am gonna have a nightmare and I don't want to have another nightmare because then I am gonna have a panic attack which I also don't want to have so another hour goes by and I am tossing and turning and I am getting restless and finally I get frustrated to the point where I get out of my bed and walk to josh and Jaden's room and I walk over to josh and lightly shake him first.
End of pov
Josh: hmm (opens his eyes)
Lexie: can you come sleep with Jaden and I?
Josh: (half asleep) yeah sure did you go crawl in next to him
Lexie: okay (walks over to Jaden's bed and get in and lightly shakes Jaden)
Jaden: (mumbles) what?
Lexie: can I sleep in here with you and josh?
Jaden: yeah sure just go to sleep (says half asleep)
Lexie: okay
(Lexie gets under the covers and josh goes in on the opposite side and a few minutes later Lexie falls asleep)

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