Chapter 30

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Thursday: Christmas Eve
Lexie's pov
I opened my eyes and the first thing I realized was that I had the pacifier in my mouth which I don't remember having last night but my mind also felt a little fuzzy which was weird because I don't know why... I am not high am I? I don't think so... I looked down at the blanket that was covering me and I picked it up and covered my head with it and started laughing and then I took if off my head and covered it back on and I kept doing it and just kept laughing even though I don't really know why.
End of pov
Josh's pov
I woke up to hearing the sound of laughter so I opened my eyes and looked over at Lexie who was playing with the covers covering her head and then taking them off and then laughing when she was under the covers. That's not like Lexie to be giggling in the morning like that well it's not like Lexie to he giggling at anything honestly and then I realized she must still be in little space and I wanted to see what little Lexie would do if I took the sheets away from her so I did and she let out a little squeal. I handed it back to her and she covered her face and five seconds later she took it off and looked at me and covered herself again and I just laughed because normal Lexie is never this playful.
End of pov
Lexie: peek a boo!! (Takes the covers off her head and puts it back on)
Jaden's pov
I heard josh laughing and Lexie giggling which was a surprising way to wake up so I opened my eyes and saw josh playing peek a boo with Lexie which obviously meant she was in little space right now and I thought it was adorable so I took my phone out and recorded the two of them.
End of pov
(Josh takes the covers from Lexie again who lets out another squeal and grabs them back from him and he just laughs and Lexie looks over at Jaden who is now awake)
Lexie: peek a boo!! (She throws the covers over her head)
(Jaden does what josh did and pulls the covers off of Lexie who puts them over her head again)
Lexie: peek a boo! (Takes them off and looks at the night stand and sees the bottle sitting there) that
Jaden: what baby?
Lexie: that (points at it)
Jaden: you want it?
Lexie: yeah
(Jaden hands her the empty bottle and she puts it to her lips and starts sucking on it)
Lexie: milk
Jaden: what time is it josh?
Josh: (looks at his phone) eight thirty you want me to see if anyone's awake yet?
Jaden: yeah
Lexie: milk!
Josh: shh indoor voices baby girl
Lexie: me want milk!
Josh: okay give me five minutes to check something okay?
Lexie: okay
(Lexie goes back to playing peek a boo with the blanket while josh walks out into the hallway and kitchen to see that the lights are still off and everyone is asleep so he walks back to the room)
Josh: coast is clear I'll stay with her while you make it
Jaden: okay (takes the bottle from Lexie)
Lexie: nooo I want it
Jaden: I am gonna go warm it up okay?
Lexie: okayyy, Joshy play peek a boo with me
Josh: okay (sits on the bed and goes back to playing peek a boo)
Jaden's pov
I put the water to boil and then I started thinking that this is the first time Lexie's really in a little space and it's morning so do I snap her out of it? Or is she supposed to naturally to do that on her own? And if that's the case how long till that happens? I guess we are going to find out, after three minutes of letting the bottle sit in the water I put the milk in and tested it on my wrist and it was fine so I walked back to the room and found josh and Lexie where I left them which was playing peek a boo. I sat on the bed and handed Lexie the bottle and she handed it to josh.
End of pov
Lexie: you do it
Josh: what?
Lexie: milk
Josh; you want me to feed you?
(Lexie nods her head and josh picks her up and holds her and starts giving her the bottle)
Lexie's pov
I don't know how long I was drinking the milk for but a few minutes later i felt my mind get a little clearer and I looked down and realized I was sucking on the bottle and josh was the one giving it to me! What the actual fuck is wrong with me I stopped sucking on it and grabbed the bottle from josh who probably still thought I was in little space so he let go of me and I threw it off the bed, got off Josh's lap and found the pacifier by one of the pillows and threw that off the bed too.
End of pov
Lexie: why the fuck was I drinking a bottle right now
Jaden: and normal Lexie's back
Josh: (jokes) I like little Lexie can we get her back
Lexie: the fuck what are you even talking about?
Jaden: you woke up this morning and you were in little space
Lexie: no way your lying
Jaden: nope I have a video do you want to watch it?
Lexie: no of course not why would I want to see that
Josh: you were recording?
Jaden: yeah how could I not record you and Lexie playing peek a boo it was adorable and I even sent it to the boys
Ring ring ring
(Jaden answers the Group FaceTime call with the boys)
Kio: I want to see little Lexie!!
Ant: her squeal was so cute I didn't even think lex knew how to squeal
Griffin: neither did I but it was adorable
(Lexie grabs the phone from Jaden's hand and looks at the boys)
Lexie: see here's what we are going to do we are going to pretend that it never happened and the video doesn't even exist and we never speak of it again okay? Good (hands the phone back to Jaden)
Bryce: someone bring back little Lexie
Josh: that's what I said!
Lexie: ugh I am going to see if Olivia's awake (walks out of the room)
Blake: since we are all on FaceTime right now have we decided where we are meeting for New Years?
Noah: how about Miami? We are all in some place cold right now so how about some place hot
Quinton: I am so down for Miami
Boys: same
Ant: when do you guys leave Canada josh?
Josh: tomorrow night but the flight is booked for LA since we didn't pack for anything but the cold how about you guys?
Noah: I brought stuff for both so how about we all meet in Miami on Saturday?
Boys: okay
Griffin: how's lex doing with the age play guys?
Jaden: she fights it until she eventually gives in but that's because we are doing it at night this was the first morning she woke up still in little space
Griffin: okay that's good but when we are together we want lex to be able to be in little space at least an hour everyday and if it's more that's better because it gives her more of a chance to regress and act like a little kid which is what we want
Jaden: true do you think when we are back in LA we should pack some of the toys for the hotel see if we can get her to play with them
Josh: yeah that sounds like the next step to take
Griffin: yeah good idea Jae
Quinton: alright well Cynthia's calling me down so I am gonna let you guys go
Bryce: simp!!!
Blake: oh hush you have no room to talk when you did a family TikTok with Addison
(Bryce stays quiet as the boys tease him)
Bryce: alright alright I gotta go Addison's dad wants me to help him with something
Kio: yeah I gotta go to but we'll talk tomorrow
Boys: okay
(Jaden ends the call and puts the phone down and looks at josh)
Jaden: how do you feel about going back to LA?
Josh: I am obviously gonna miss my family but I miss the boys too you know
Jaden: yeah.. hey I still haven't gotten a good morning kiss from you sir
Josh: see I would but there's no mistletoe and it's Christmas Eve so I can't kiss you if there's no mistletoe
Jaden: oh is that so? (Crosses his arms)
Josh: yeah
Jaden: okay
Jaden's pov
I leaned in anyway and I pressed my lips against his and he immediately responded back and we started kissing for a while until I pressed my tongue against his lips wanting him to open but instead josh smirked into the kiss not letting me and trying to tease me so I grabbed his ass and he gasped so I took advantage and let mr tongue slide into his mouth and we fought for dominance until we both needed to breathe so we stopped kissing only for josh to put his lips on my neck and I let out a groan and then there was a knock on the door.
End of pov
Olivia: would you two love birds quit having sex and come help us make Christmas cookies!
(Josh stops kissing Jaden's neck and they both groan but get off the bed and open the door)
Josh: for the record we were not having sex
Olivia: hmm sure now come on
(The three of them walk into the living room/ kitchen are where Will is trying to get the frosting out of the little bag it was in)
Lexie: I already told you will we can't put the frosting on yet the cookies need to cool off a bit
Will: but I just want to have a taste
Lexie: no
Will: ugh fine (looks up to see josh and Jaden) finally you came out of the room
Jaden: we were only in there for what five minutes
Will: ten
Josh: okay ten it's not that big of a deal where are mom and dad?
Olivia: they went to get stuff for the Christmas Eve party tonight
Josh: oh okay and you dragged us out here for...
Olivia: to help decorate the cookies
Josh: okay
Lexie's pov
We waited five for more minutes for the gingerbread cookies to cool off before we started decorating them with the frosting. I got out a red and green frosting bag and just started making random designs on the cookies and Will did an elf, josh and Jaden's were just a combination of colors and looked like a mess not surprising. Olivia made Santa and mrs. Claus because she's the only one with a good steady hand to do it and an hour later the cookies were decorated and Casey and Derek came home.
End of pov
Derek: boys I am gonna need your help putting up the Christmas lights
Josh: shouldn't that have been done in the beginning of the month?
Derek: I left it for last minute
Josh: obviously when do you want help with the lights?
Derek: now
Josh: okay
(Derek, josh and Jaden go out to the front of the house)
Casey: how would you girls like to help me make the turkey?
Them: sure
Will: what can I do?
Casey: you can go on and play if you want
Will: but I want to help
Casey: okay you can go clean your room before your cousins get here
Will: ugh fine (leaves the kitchen)
Lexie: so what are we supposed to do first?
Casey: take the stuffing out of the turkey
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
We started helping Casey take the stuffing out and I couldn't help but let my mind wander why couldn't my mom and dad care about the holidays as much as Josh's family does, they are so close and it's obvious and I have tried to not think about it too much but I can't help it. My mom should have been the one to teach me how to make a turkey instead of Casey, my dad should have been the one to put the Christmas lights up with Jaden helping him but they couldn't care less. Holidays weren't important to them the most they did was just have the nannies buy Christmas presents to put under the tree while they left for some big meeting for work or something. Jaden always tried to make Christmas special for the two of us but these last couple years I just spent it by myself...
End of pov
Lexie: would you excuse me for a second?
Casey: yeah of course Is everything okay?
Lexie: yeah I just need a minute (walks out of the kitchen)
Olivia: I am gonna go with her I'll be right back
Casey: go ahead honey
Lexie's pov
I walked to the boys room and opened my suitcase and pulled out my vape pen and took it to Olivia's room because I wasn't going to smoke it in here. When I got to Olivia's room she was sitting on the bed with the bag of gummy worms.
End of pov
Olivia: figured you wanted a distraction
Lexie: you are a life saver
(Lexie takes a few hits from the vape pen and then takes a gummy worm out of the bag)
Olivia: so why did you want to come in here?
Lexie: I just got lost in my thoughts... you know my parents never really gave a shit about the holidays, they didn't have any bothers or sisters so it's not like we had cousins to come over and stuff, the most they did was get presents and then just take off.. Jaden was the only one that made it somewhat special
Olivia: and then he moved to LA
Lexie: yup (takes a hit) you want to know how I spent Christmas last year?
Olivia: sure
Lexie: went to a party with my friends, drank so much that I hooked up with some random guy and then past out
Olivia: I am sorry Lexie (hugs her)
Lexie: and the thing is I know I forgave Jaden for leaving like I did and I don't want to say that I didn't but today... I am just
Olivia: upset
Lexie: yeah (takes a gummy worm)
Olivia: you know what I think?
Lexie: what?
Olivia: you should talk to him and tell him how your really feeling can't let it go if you keep it bottled in
Lexie: If you haven't realized I am not good at sharing my feelings
Olivia: your opening up to me right now aren't you
Lexie: well yeah but that's because I have a vape in my hand and it's calming my nerves, ugh I want a drink (looks at Olivia) you wouldn't happen to have anything in that closet of yours do you?
Olivia: well... I do have a bottle of tequila but I don't know if it's such a good idea
Lexie: please please please I haven't had anything to drink in ages and I promise I'll sober up before the party tonight
Olivia: okay fine but there's no way your drinking it by yourself
Lexie: yes!!!
(Olivia walks over to her closet and takes out the bottle of tequila and two shot cups and hands them to her)
Lexie's pov
We started taking shot after shot after shot as well as eating the gummy worms and taking hits from my vape so needless to say I was definitely gone. Olivia turned up the radio and we were just vibing.
End of pov
2 hours later
Josh's pov
Jaden and I finished helping my dad put up the Christmas lights and were walking to my room when we heard music coming from Olivia's room so we figured the girls were just chilling and we opened the door I saw a half a bottle of tequila on the carpet, a bag of gummy worms which doesn't take a genius to figure out what those gummy worms are laced with and a vape pen in Lexie's hand.
End of pov
Olivia: oops I must have forgot to lock the door (laughs)
Lexie: no shit Sherlock (laughs)
Josh: unbelievable who's idea was it!
Olivia: technically it was both of ussss
Jaden: really?
Olivia: yesss see I had the bottle in my closet buttt we both decided to drink ittt
Lexie: hmm
Josh: Olivia you are so lucky I am not mom and dad, Jaden take Lexie to our room while I go talk to my parents
Olivia: nooo please don't your supposed to be the fun brotherrrr
Josh: Olivia you do realize that we have family coming over in a few hours right? Why the hell do you think it would be okay to drink especially with Lexie around
Olivia: because it's fun duh
Josh: yeah until your grounded
Olivia: josh don't I promise I'll sober up before the partyyyy
Josh: you have three hours to do whatever it is you need to get sober and if you get caught by mom and dad it's on you understand?
Olivia: yessss sirrr
(Josh leaves the room and walks over to his room to see Jaden looking at Lexie with crossed arms and Lexie looking down at the floor)
Jaden: i asked you a question Lexie I expect you to look up at me and answer it (lifts her chin up to look him in the eyes)
Lexie: I am sorry Jaden... I just
Jaden: you just what?
Lexie: I am gonna go shower (gets off the bed)
Josh: no hold on a minute we aren't done talking
Lexie: well I am (walks over to her suitcase)
Jaden: Lexie sit your ass back down before i actually do pull you over my lap and punish you
Lexie: Jaden I don't want to talk right now just let me take a shower!
Josh: don't be raising your voice at us when your the one in trouble
Lexie: fine how about you let me shower and then we can talk
Jaden: you have twenty minutes to shower lex and I swear you better have a good enough reason for day drinking
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
I grabbed a red long sleeve dress that I was going to wet tonight and walked into the bathroom and turned the Temperature really hot and took off my pajamas and let the water burn my skin for a bit and just tried to get my mind to focus on what just happened. I am so stupid drinking sounded fun in the moment because I just wanted to distract myself from thinking about Christmas but of course I got caught and now the boys are mad at me... which wouldn't bother me but today it does ugh why am I so emotional today and my thoughts are so scattered I can't think straight! I just want to stop thinking so I turned the temperature even hotter so I could just feel the water against my skin instead of think. I don't know how long I was in the water for but I heard a knock on the door so I quickly washed myself and wrapped the towel around my body and dried myself, blow dried my hair and put on the red dress and walked out of the bathroom.
End of pov
Josh: why is your face so red?
Lexie: I had the blow dryer on hot so that I could dry my hair quicker
Jaden: oh okay now sit down so we can talk
Lexie: (looks at josh) I love you Joshy but do you think I could have a minute with Jaden
Josh: yeah of course I think I heard a knock on the front door anyway (kisses her head and walks out of the room)
Jaden: so you gonna tell me what's up kiddo
Lexie: yeah just... give me a minute because I am not good at expressing myself unless it's yelling at someone and I don't have the energy to do that right now so...
Jaden: so we are gonna have a civil conversation today
Lexie: yeah I guess (plays with her fingers)
Jaden: you know you can tell me anything lex just say it
Lexie: (sighs) we were helping Casey in the kitchen and I just started to think about how we used to spend Christmas which we barely did anything
Jaden: hey I tried my best
Lexie: yeah Christmas movies, hot chocolate and cookies which was great but then you left and I am not saying I am mad at you still it's just
Jaden: you spent Christmas alone last year god Lexie I am so sorry
Lexie: no I wasn't alone... I was with my friends and I did some stupid stuff that night and then just past out
Jaden: let me guess because you were drunk
Lexie: yeah... and then I left the kitchen and went to Olivia's room with my (mumbles) vape pen and took a few hits and Liv had the bottle in her room and the temptation became to much
Jaden: so you gave in
Lexie: yeah... are you going to punish me (looks at him)
Jaden: (sighs) I should but because it's Christmas and they have people over I won't but I want you to give me the vape pen and you better not get caught with one ever again do you understand me?
Lexie: yeah I understand
Jaden: come here and give me a hug (hugs her) and I know I have said sorry for being a shitty brother before and you do have a right to be mad at me still I don't expect you to just forgive me without getting upset about it again but when you are I want you to be able to tell me so we can talk about it, no more going to a bottle alright?
Lexie: okay I love you Jaden
Jaden: I love you too
Lexie's pov
After Jaden and I talked I have to admit I felt a lot better and we walked out to the living room where josh introduced us to his aunts, uncles and cousins but I mainly just stayed by Olivia who had sobered up too and when I wasn't with Olivia I was with Jaden and josh. We ate dinner and played some games and around twelve we started opening up presents and after everyone ended up leaving and we went to lay down in the room. The boys didn't bother trying to put me in little space tonight because I was in little space this morning and honestly I think they were just too tired to force me which was perfectly fine with me so I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't, my body wanted me too but my mind started racing again so I turned to my left side to see if I was comfortable enough to sleep but after ten minutes i turned to my right, when that didn't work I slept on my stomach but that wasn't working either.
End of pov
Josh: (mumbles) Lexie stop moving
Lexie: I can't sleep
Josh: ugh please Lex just close your eyes and try to
Lexie: I did it's not working
Josh: (sighs) alright I'll be back (gets off the bed and grabs the baby bottle)
Lexie: take me with you
Josh: just stay with Jaden I'll be right back
Lexie: no I don't want to be on the bed
Josh: okay fine (picks her up and puts her on his hip and walks out of the room)
Josh's pov
I went to sit Lexie down on the counter so that I could put the water to boil since Jaden told me how to do it in case I needed to but she held onto my shirt so I couldn't set her down so I held her with arm and made the bottle in the other. Three minutes later I tested it on my wrist to make sure it wasn't hot and walked back to the room to see Jaden was awake now.
End of pov
Jaden: where did you guys go?
Josh: lex couldn't sleep so I made her a bottle to see if that helps her
Jaden: oh okay do you want me to give it to her so you can go back to sleep?
Josh: I don't mind either way
Lexie: Bubba
Jaden: w what did you just call me?
Lexie: bubba (leans towards Jaden)
Josh: I think she wants you
Lexie: bubba! (Keeps leaning towards him)
Josh: okay okay go
(Josh let's go of her and she crawls over to Jaden)
Jaden: when did she go into little space?
Josh: (shrugs his shoulders) probably when I was making the bottle
Lexie: bubba!
Jaden: (laughs) hi baby
Lexie: me baby u bubba
Jaden: yeah baby your right, you want your bottle before it gets cold?
Lexie: yes but bubba give it
Jaden: okay
(Jaden grabs the bottle from josh and picks Lexie up and starts feeding the bottle and Jaden looks at josh)
Jaden: you know this reminds me of when I would actually have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed her
Josh: but weren't you like five?
Jaden: yeah the nanny would obviously make the bottle but she slept in my room so I would wake up the nanny, she'd make it but Lex wanted me to feed it to her
Josh: babe I don't want you to take this the wrong way because i know how much you love Lexie but you didn't really have a child hood either did you?
Jaden: no but I just remember how excited I was when I found out that my mom was having another baby because it meant someone to play with (laughs) but then when I found out it was a girl and even at five years old I had these brotherly instincts kick in and it made growing up quicker worth it because I loved her so much
Josh: then why didn't you take her on the lights out tour? I am just curious
Jaden: I didn't know that it would have lasted as long and I didn't know you guys at the time plus we were going to different states at the time and I didn't want that instability for her... I thought that it was the right choice at the time but now I realize that was probably the worst thing I could have done, maybe if I had taken her with me she wouldn't have gone threw everything that she did and she wouldn't be dealing with all of this, she had a right to be angry at me josh
(Jaden looks down at Lexie to see she had fallen asleep so he puts the bottle on the nightstand and then lays her in the middle of the bed and puts his hands over his face and josh walks over to him and pulls him in for a hug and Jaden starts crying)
Josh: shhh shh it's okay
Jaden: she's hurt because of me josh
Josh: no she's not shh look you did the absolute best you could and you had no idea that leaving her alone these things would happen but they did and I know you feel like you have to be strong all the especially for her sake but you don't have to be strong all the time especially around me okay?
Jaden: okay (stops crying and looks at him) I love you so much
Josh: I love you too now move Lexie to my side of the bed so we can cuddle tonight
Jaden: haha okay
(Jaden picks Lexie up and moves her to the left side of the bed while He gets in the middle and josh wraps his arms around Jaden's waist and they fall asleep)

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