Chapter 23

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Lexie's pov
I woke up to feeling a light shake on my shoulder and groaned cuddling to the opposite person who was shaking me because I didn't want to wake up just yet, but they kept shaking me and I was getting annoyed.
End of pov
Lexie: fuck off (whines)
Jaden: lex you got to get up because you have school with Rafy today and another therapist appointment after
Lexie: oh well in that case actually fuck off (pulls the sheets over her head)
Josh: lex get up (mumbles half asleep)
Lexie: I don't want too let me sleep (whines again and cuddles deeper into josh)
Jaden: Lexie Marie I am gonna give you five minutes to come downstairs and if your not then your not gonna like what happens next
Lexie: leave me alone
(Jaden sighs but leaves the room and goes downstairs while Lexie cuddles up to josh)
Josh's pov
I heard Jaden leave the room and felt lex laying on my chest still sleeping and normally I would tell her to get up but I am pretty tired to so I just wrapped arms around her and close my eyes again until I felt the sheets being ripped off the bed and I groaned from the loss of comfort.
End of pov
Josh: dude what the hell
Jaden: sorry bro but I gave lex five minutes and she needs to get up
Lexie: noooo I don't want to do school and I don't want to go to stupid therapy
Jaden: (sighs) I know lex but you have to now this is the last time I am telling you to get up
Lexie: no (buries her head under the pillow)
Jaden's pov
I decided enough was enough so I walked over to Lexie and picked her up from the bed and stood her half asleep body on the floor, I felt bad but she had to go to school. She tried walking back over to the bed but I wasn't about to let her so I practically had to drag her half asleep body into the bathroom and got a cup of water from the sink... she's gonna hate me for this and I am about to get the bathroom floor wet but oh well, I grabbed the cup of water and splashed it on her face.
End of pov
Lexie: (gasps and opens her eyes) WHAT THE FUCK JADEN!!!
Jaden: language and you refused to wake up
Lexie: so you throw cold water at me!?!?
Jaden: yeah pretty much now go to your room and get dressed for school then come down for breakfast and to take your pill
Lexie: (glares at him) I hate you
Jaden: no you don't, now I am giving you fifteen minutes (leaves the bathroom)
Lexie's pov
I looked at my pajama shirt which was now kind of wet but it wasn't soaking wet so whatever I walked over to my room and looked in my closet and then looked at my bed then back at my closet and my bed... my bed was a lot more tempting so I walked to my bed not caring if the pajama shirt was wet and crawled under the sheets and closed my eyes as soon as my head hit the pillow.
End of pov
Twenty minutes later
Knock knock knock
Noah: I got it that's probably Rafy and Michael (walks to the front door and opens it)
Rafy: morning Noah
Noah: morning Rafy, Micheal come on in everyone's in the kitchen
Michael: okay
(Rafy, Michael and Noah walk into the kitchen to see the boys drinking their protein shakes)
Jaden: Lexie come downstairs now!!
A few minutes later
A couple more minutes later
Anthony: you want me to check on her?
Jaden: please
Anthony: no problem
(Ant walks upstairs to Lexie's room and opens the door to find her under the covers sleeping so he walks over and pulls the sheets off)
Lexie: stop I am cold (whines)
Anthony: didn't your brother tell you to get up like thirty minutes ago?
Lexie: hmm
Anthony: then why are you still sleeping?
Lexie: because I am tired
Anthony: well I am sorry but you got to get up and at least get dressed into sweats or something
Lexie: fine just get out so I can get dressed
Anthony: okay but you have five minutes to come down and that's it understand?
Lexie: yeah
Anthony: okay (leaves the room)
Lexie's pov
Five minutes my ass I got out of bed only to pull the sheets back on it and close my eyes again because for some reason I am extra tired today and didn't have the energy to do shit.
End of pov
Five minutes later
Rafy: so where's Lexie? The sooner we get started the better
Jaden: (sighs) I'll go get her
Jaden's pov
I walked upstairs and I swear I better see her at least dressed and ready to come downstairs but when I opened the door I found her exactly where I left her and I was mad.
End of pov
Lexie: what the fuck!?!? (Opens her eyes)
Jaden: language and I have already come up here several times and I even sent Ant to come get you and your STILL not up!!
(Walks over to her closet and pulls out a t shirt and some sweats and puts it in the bathroom sink then walks over to Lexie and picks her up and puts her in the bathroom and closes the door)
Jaden: you have three minutes to get dressed and walk downstairs and I am staying right here so you can't even think about laying down in that bed again (stands outside the bathroom door with his arms crossed)
Lexie's pov
Ugh I hate Jaden, I hate Jaden, I hate Jaden nah saying it over and over is just making me more mad. I sighed and turned the sink on and rinsed my face and brushed my teeth and then got dressed and walked out of the bathroom to see Jaden standing there and then practically dragged me downstairs into the kitchen.
End of pov
Bryce: look who decided to finally wake up
Lexie: shut it Bruce
Bryce: watch it
Lexie: nope
Griffin: lex are you gonna try swallowing the pill this time? (Opens the cabinet to take out the pill bottle)
Lexie: nope
Jaden: wait you didn't take it yesterday?
Lexie: no I did
Quinton: after griffin cut it and put it in yogurt and fed it to you like baby
(Lexie leans over and smacks the back of his head)
Quinton: you know for a little girl you can hit (rubs his head)
Lexie: I know
(Griffin opens the fridge and takes out the yogurt cup and a spoon, grabs a spoonful and puts the powder on it)
Griffin: open
Lexie: but it tasted gross yesterday
Griffin: yeah well until you want to actually swallow the damn pill this is how your doing it
(Griffin puts the spoon in her mouth and she gags at the consistency but swallows it and then grabs a bottle of water, opens it and starts drinking)
Blake: you are so dramatic
Lexie: well I wasn't a drama student in middle school for nothing
Noah: that actually explains a lot
Lexie: hmm (looks at Rafy) morning
Rafy: morning lex why don't you eat breakfast and then we'll get started
Lexie: ugh okay
Michael: in the meantime the boys and I are gonna have our morning meeting
Them: okay
Lexie's pov
Kio placed the plate with the waffle in front of me and the cup of orange juice in front of me and left the room leaving me alone because Rafy went with the boys to the living room. I picked up my fork and then put it down staring at the waffle and thinking about how many calories it was going to have and the thought made me feel sick, so I grabbed a paper towel and put the waffle inside it and threw it away but drank my orange juice and waited ten minutes before going into the living room.
End of pov
Lexie: I am done
Rafy: okay come on let's go to the dining room it'll be quieter
Lexie: sure I guess
Josh: be good lex because if not rafy's gonna come
Lexie: yeah yeah I know the drill (walks out of the living room)
Josh: okay then
In the dining room
Rafy: so I was thinking we could start off with English since that's pretty easy for you we'll get it done quicker
Lexie: okay
(Rafy pulls out the English textbook and the worksheet along with it)
Lexie's pov
Rafy handed me the textbook and told me to turn to page 31 which was a short story and thankfully it was actually easy for me to understand and for once my thoughts didn't wonder like they always did and I got through it quickly along with the worksheet. Rafy looked over the answers and gave me a hundred before moving onto social studies, she decided that instead of memorizing each president and the dates involved that I should write it down on a piece of paper and skip a line that way it's clear and not all scrambled together so that's exactly what I did and my brain was able to process it a lot easier. We breeze through social studies and went onto to science which was a bit more of a struggle but it wasn't too bad we just went over the different variables in an experiment in more depth and after that came the subject I hated the most math.
End of pov
Lexie: I don't get it
Rafy: what part don't you understand?
Lexie: all of it we keep doing these linear equations and I am not getting anywhere with it
Rafy: that's because your convincing yourself you can't do it, what did I tell you the last time it's also about the mentality you have
Lexie: no matter what mentality I have it still not going to change that I don't know how to find x
Rafy: (sighs) think of it like a puzzle
Lexie: I hate puzzles, don't have the patience for them
Rafy: well what if I try and make it fun
Lexie: no offense Rafy but no matter how much you try to make it "fun" I am still not gonna figure out what x is
Rafy: you have to at least try
Lexie: what's the point in trying when I am gonna fail anyway?
Rafy: you don't know that
Lexie: yeah I do
Rafy: how about we just do these couple of questions and we are done for the day
Lexie: fine which ones
(Rafy gives Lexie a worksheet with six questions and starts to explain the steps)
Lexie: yeah I am gonna need you to say that all over again because I still don't get it, this is hopeless
Rafy: because you aren't even trying
Lexie: because I am going to fail, you know this and I know this therefore we are just wasting time
Rafy: okay how about a five minute break and we come back to it?
Lexie: fine whatever
(Lexie gets up from the dining room and walks into the kitchen to get a cup of water when she sees Kio and Ant making a TikTok)
Kio: hey kiddo how's it going?
Lexie: horrible (takes a sip)
Anthony: how come?
Lexie: Rafy can't seem to understand that no matter how hard I try to find X it's not gonna happen and she can explain it a thousand times but it's still not gonna happen (takes another sip)
Kio: why do you say that?
Lexie: because I am mentally stupid duh
(Jaden walks into the kitchen just as she says that)
Jaden: what did I say about putting yourself down like that?
Lexie: of course now is when you walk in, whatever I am out (walks out of the kitchen and back to the dining room)
Rafy: ready to continue?
Lexie: I was kind of hoping you would have just given it up by now it's not gonna happen
Rafy: (sighs) Lexie please three questions and I'll call it a day
Lexie: fine (sits down at the table)
Lexie's pov
I looked at the three questions in front of me and it was multiple choice so I decided to just bubble in random answers and gave it back to her.
End of pov
Lexie: there I am done
Rafy: (looks at the paper) one you didn't even show your work and two you guessed anyway
Lexie: yeah obviously
(Josh walks into the dining room)
Josh: sorry to interrupt but are you guys done? We have to get lex to therapy if not you can continue after
Lexie: on second though Rafy why don't you explain to me the steps again and I'll just redo the worksheet
Rafy: nice try but I don't think your getting out of therapy, we'll continue when you come back
Lexie: but I don't want to go to therapy (whines)
Josh: come on Lexie we aren't going to have a repeat of Tuesday now let's go
Lexie: no
Josh: don't tell me no now get up from the chair and let's go
Lexie: no (crosses her arms) I am not going back there
Josh's pov
I sighed and walked over to Lexie because she clearly wasn't going to listen to me so I picked her up and started carrying her towards the front door.
End of pov
(Josh doesn't say anything and keeps walking)
Lexie: I don't want to go to therapy!!! Put me down!!! This isn't fair I am old enough to decide what I want and don't want to do and I don't want to go therapy!!!!
Josh: JADEN are you ready to go!?!
Jaden: yeah I'll be right down!! Are we taking your car or mine?
Josh: yours I need to put gas in mine
Lexie's pov
I glared at josh because clearly he wasn't going to put me down and well I don't want to go to therapy so I think I might have to take drastic measures for this one. I started kicking josh and yelling at him to put me down but he just tightened his grip on me so but I didn't give up because at some point I'll kick him in the right spot and he'll drop me and I can make a run for it.
End of pov
Lexie: put me down!!! (Keeps kicking)
Lexie's pov
After Bryce yelled I saw my brother finally come downstairs with his car keys in his hand and he opened the front door with me still in Josh's arms who opened the backseat door and sat me in the car before going to the passenger seat and Jaden in the driver seat who turned around to see that I still didn't put my seatbelt on.
End of pov
Jaden: Lexie put your seatbelt on
Lexie: nope can't move the car if I don't have the seatbelt and if we don't move the car then I won't go to therapy
Jaden: (laughs and shakes his head) you think your so smart kid, (leans over the drivers seat and grabs the seatbelt to strap her in)
Lexie: no I don't want to go to therapy, Jaden please don't make me!! (Tries to fight him)
Jaden's pov
I was trying to strap her in but she was fighting me literally like a five year old and my patience was just about running out and I smacked her thigh which got her to stop fighting me long enough to put the seatbelt on her.
End of pov
Jaden: keep it up Lexie Marie and when we get home your going to find yourself with another spanking and no phone
(Lexie glares at him but stays quiet and then looks out of the window)
Josh's pov
We were driving to the therapy center and Lexie finally quieted down and I turned the radio on and looked over at Jaden who had rolled down the windows down and he had an annoyed look on his face. I know he hated taking Lexie to therapy as much as she did but we both know it's better for her in the long run, I moved my hand towards his and held it and he looked over at me and smiled and took a breath of relief probably grateful that he didn't need to deal with this by himself. Then I looked through the rear view mirror to see Lexie had her eyes closed and her head leaned against the window.
End of pov
Jaden: seriously thank you josh I don't know what I would do if you weren't here with me
Josh: you would have killed her (laughs)
Jaden: (laughs) yeah she's gonna be the cause if I get gray hairs next year
Josh: (laughs) you could always dye it though
Jaden: true
(Pulls into the therapy center and gets out and walks to the backseat and opens the door careful not to hurt Lexie who opens her eyes)
Lexie: please don't make me go Jae (looks at him with puppy dog eyes)
Jaden: your killing me you know they come on
Lexie's pov
I got out of the car and followed josh and Jaden inside the therapy center and Jaden went to go check me in while I sat down with josh for a few minutes before seeing a girl come out of Callie's office with a guy that looked oddly familiar but I could only see the back of his head so I turned my attention back to the girl who had an annoyed look on her face and arms crossed... definitely something I would do. They left the center a few minutes later and I got called in. I groaned but followed Mariana while the boys stayed outside for the first thirty minutes and I was led to Callie's room and sat down on the chair with my arms folded.
End of pov
Callie: (looks at Lexie) did you know that body language can tell a person a lot about someone
Lexie: really (says sarcastically)
Callie: yeah like based on your arms crossed I can tell that your a very closed off person so you don't let people in easily and the sarcasm is a defense mechanism
Lexie: (glares at her) I don't like you and I don't like that my brother is forcing me to come here
Callie: you know I didn't like my therapist Rita when I first met her either and you remind me a lot of myself in some ways when I was your age
Lexie: cool but I don't remember asking
Callie: you must give your parents and brother a hard time with that attitude huh
Lexie: my parents don't give a shit they gave custody to my brother so I drive him and the boys crazy it's kind of my specialty
Callie: what happened with you and your parents?
Lexie: not talking about it
Callie: maybe talking about it might help
Lexie: no I don't think so
Callie: look Lexie I have been doing this for a couple years now and I can help you but you have to let me
Lexie: what if I don't want to let you help me
Callie: then these visits are gonna get us no where
Lexie: great can you tell Jaden that he might stop taking me
Callie: no because I made a commitment to help you which I will do but it's up to you how long it takes for us to make a breakthrough
Lexie: well then I guess we are both going to be wasting time
Callie: (looks at the clock) it's been thirty minutes I am gonna call Jaden in okay? Unless you want to talk about something with him not around
Lexie: nope
Callie: okay
(Callie tells Mariana to tell the boys to come in and a few minutes they are sitting on the couches)
Jaden: so how did it go?
Callie: you have a very stubborn girl on your hands but I have been there and I get it so it's a good thing I am patient (smiles) but I just wanted to bring you guys in to see if there's anything you want to talk about with me
Jaden: yeah actually so Lexie gets these nightmares at night from the past relationship she was in and she's developed a habit of sleeping with us in our room and i don't want to make it seem like I don't want her with us or anything like that but what I am afraid of is that she's going to only be able to sleep with us in the room
Josh: yeah we went away for two days and the first night she had a nightmare and the second night she wasn't able to sleep until I sang to her over the phone and the third night she got drunk and passed out and we just don't want her to use those as coping mechanisms you know?
Callie: yeah of course I understand where your coming from so I think best thing for her to start with is slowly getting her used to sleeping in her room again and that could start with you guys in her room and once she falls asleep you leave, If she wakes up in the middle of the night go in with her and leave when she's asleep again
Lexie: what no! Do you not remember what happens when I am left alone!?
Callie: what happens when your alone Lexie?
Lexie: I am not telling you, Jaden please don't leave me alone at night please I can't be by myself
Callie: Lexie I can help you if you tell me what happens
Lexie: how about this I tell you why I don't sleep by myself if you take back what you said about me sleeping by myself
Callie: I can't do that unless you tell me how bad it is when you sleep by yourself
(Lexie stays quiet)
Josh: tell her baby
Lexie: (mumbles) I have nightmares
Callie: what was that?
Lexie: I have nightmares or my brain doesn't shut up
Callie: what do you mean by that?
Lexie: I just start thinking and once I start, I can't stop
Callie: okay well how about we still do my suggestion at least for the rest of the week and if your still having trouble we can talk about it next Monday is that okay?
Lexie: No
Jaden: yeah that's fine
Lexie: no it's not
Callie: also can I make a suggestion
Lexie: no
Josh: yeah what is it?
Callie: go to target and get her one of those stress balls they will help her with her anxiety
Jaden: okay sounds good thank you so much Callie we'll see you next week
Callie: okay bye Lexie it was great seeing you again
Lexie: can't say the same
(Josh gently hits her upside the head)
Lexie: owww (whines)
Josh: don't be rude
Lexie: fine I am sorry Callie
Callie: it's fine see you next week
Lexie's pov
We left the therapist center finally and got in the car and I can't tell if the boys are mad or if they just don't have anything to say because they are quiet. I mean I don't think I was that bad compared to Monday, I could have been a lot worse but I wasn't so they should consider that progress. We got to the car and Jaden turned the radio on and started driving when the phone started ringing which was connected to the speakers of the car.
End of pov
Josh: yo Noah what's up?
Noah: can you stop and get food?
Josh: you know eventually we are going to have to go grocery shopping at some point
Noah: what good is that if we can't cook
Josh: true but We'll stop at subway it's healthier
Jaden: but first we are gonna go to target to pick up something do you guys need anything?
Noah: I don't think so hold up I'll ask the boys (walks away and comes back a few minutes later) no we are good
Jaden: okay see you back at the house
Noah: alright later bro
End of phone convo
Lexie: are you guys mad at me? Because in my defense I could have been a whole lot worse
Jaden: I am not mad lex
Josh: neither am I
Lexie: then why are you guys being so quiet?
Jaden: I am just thinking that's all, look I know therapy isn't easy for you and you don't want to be there but I am doing what's best for you but I can't do that if you don't at least try and cooperate you know
Josh: and having me drag you out of the house kicking and screaming like a five year old isn't going to get you anywhere but In trouble
Lexie: so you guys are mad because your lecturing me right now
Jaden: no we are not we are just talking to you that's all
Lexie: oh (looks down) I am sorry I make things difficult for you guys...
josh: just promise that next week you won't kick and scream okay?
Lexie: I make no promises
Jaden: Lexie
Lexie: fine I promise no more throwing a show
Jaden: thank you
Lexie's pov
We pulled up to target a few minutes later and we started walking around and went to the aisle with the yoga mats and found a small pink stress ball that was also squishy and easy to squeeze instead of those hard ones that people usually have. Josh told me to pick out three just in case I lose one and have two other ones for a back up so I grabbed the pink one, purple one and a rainbow one. After that we headed to checkout and left the store not running into any fans thankfully. We stopped at subway and got sandwiches for everyone and drove back to the house, and I saw Rafy shotgunning an Ani for Bryce's video which I found funny because I don't usually see the side of her that films with Bryce so I forget she's their assistant sometimes too.
End of pov
Bryce: hey guys
Them: hey
Blake: did you bring the food?
Josh: no I am just holding a bunch of bags of subway for no reason
Quinton: (looks at Blake) your an idiot
Blake: watch it freshman
Quinton: you can't call me that anymore because Lexie's the freshy
Noah: he's got a point
Blake: fine whatever just hand me the sand which
Griffin: Blake your always hungry
Blake: not true
Everyone: yeah it is
Anthony: how did therapy go lex?
Lexie: it was whatever you know waste of time
Jaden: that's not true (hands her a sandwich) eat
Lexie: what if I am not hungry
Griffin: you haven't eaten since breakfast and it's three now you have to be hungry
Lexie: nope
Jaden: at least eat half of it please
Lexie: fine
Lexie's pov
We finished eating lunch and I was forced to finish those stupid math equations with Rafy and eventually got it done so she called it a day and left with Michael, while the rest of chilled at the house. Apparently triller is doing this ping pong tournament for cash so Bryce is going up against Blake but Bryce seems to be winning and this went on for a while. I just watched or played on my phone till dinner which was chicken that griffin cooked for once and then eleven o clock came around and the boys called it a night.
End of pov
Jaden: come on lex let's head to bed it's getting late
Lexie: I don't want to because your gonna make me stay in my room
Jaden: Lexie please I am tired and I promise I'll stay until you fall asleep and if you want josh can come up with us right?
Josh: yeah
Lexie: I don't care I want your room
Quinton: I am guessing this is something the therapist recommended
Jaden: yeah come on lex (walks over to her and picks her up)
Boys: night Lexie
Lexie: goodnight
Lexie's pov
Josh and Jaden came upstairs with me and we walked into my room which looked oddly creepier at night than in the mornings. I really don't want to sleep in here tonight but the boys aren't giving me much of a choice. Thankfully I have a pretty big bed so they will still fit in it but maybe if I just don't fall asleep they won't leave. We got in the bed and josh turned the lights off and I got in the middle while the boys were in either sides of me and I stayed up staring at the ceiling which was completely dark but I didn't want to sleep because then they'll leave me.
End of pov
Forty five minutes later
(Josh looks over at Jaden who's awake scrolling through his phone and he whispers at him)
Josh: is she asleep yet?
(Lexie grips into Josh's arm)
Lexie: no guys let's just go back to your room pleaseee
Jaden: you know the answer to that but come here and I'll sing to you
Lexie: no because then I fall asleep and you leave me
Jaden: okay lex I promise that I won't leave you okay
Lexie: are you absolutely sure?
Jaden: yes just come here (pulls her towards him)
Jaden's pov
I started singing be alright by Justin because that's the only song that really gets her to calm down and go to sleep, and sure enough I sang the song a few times and eventually she fell asleep. Josh and I waited an hour to make sure she was really asleep and then we both looked at each other and quietly got off the bed and I left the door a little open just in case anything happens and we walked to our room and got into our beds and I had to admit it felt weird not having Lexie right next to me but I was too tired to really think about it and fell asleep.
End of pov
Lexie's pov
I jumped awake, my heart was racing, I was sweating, I couldn't breathe and I looked around for Jaden and josh but I didn't see them. My room was pitch black and that scared me even more. I couldn't catch my breath no matter how hard I tried and my palms were sweaty and I was shaking and tears were steaming down my face until I saw my door open a little bit and not knowing if Jake had somehow found me I threw the covers over my head and a few seconds later I saw griffin was pulling the covers off with josh and Jaden behind him.
End of pov
Griffin: it's okay Lexie your safe just copy my breathing can you do that for me
Lexie: (shakes her head)
Griffin: yes you can (places her hand on his chest) do you feel that copy me
(Lexie starts copying him but she's still shaking)
Griffin: Jaden can you get me a wet rag not to wet just enough to cool her down? She's sweating a lot, josh can you get her a t shirt and shorts?
Them: yeah
(A few minutes later Lexie stops shaking and griffin puts the rag on her forehead)
Griffin: Jaden turn the light on
(Jaden turns the light on and walks over to them)
Jaden: I am so sorry baby
Lexie: you left me.. you both left me and you promised me you wouldn't but you broke your promise again
Jaden: I didn't leave you lex look I am right here okay (goes to hug her)
Lexie: no I don't want you (leans close to griffin)
Josh: Lexie come on why don't you come to our room now yeah?
Lexie: no I don't want either of you
Jaden: please lex I am sorry
Lexie: I don't care go away
Jaden: Lexie just let me hold you please
Lexie: no go away
Josh: baby girl
Griffin: it's okay guys I got her for tonight don't worry
Jaden: (sighs) okay come on josh
Josh: alright
Griffin's pov
I could see it in the boys eyes that they were hurt that Lexie didn't want them but right now in her mind they left her and she had a nightmare and that's all she can think about but hopefully she'll change her mind in the morning. I picked up Lexie and walked to my room and put her on the bed and got in and she immediately latched onto me and I just ran my fingers through her hair.
End of pov
Lexie: your not gonna leave me alone griffin right?
Griffin: no just go to sleep i got you okay?
Lexie: okay
(Eventually Lexie falls asleep and so does griffin)

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