Chapter 1

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(Lexie walks through the door of her house after getting expelled from school to see her mom Annie and her dad Liam sitting on the couch)
Lexie: hey guys what's up?
Annie: really what's up? Well let's see I got a call from your principal saying that you vandalized school property, fought another student and gave the teacher an attitude oh and you got expelled so that's what's up
Lexie: okay and? There's other schools I can go to why is it such a big deal I got expelled?
Liam: that's not the point I don't care if there are other schools you still got expelled and your behavior lately has been unacceptable getting into fights, sneaking out at night to get drunk and high I don't know what's gotten into you young lady but it's need to stop
Lexie: okay well are you guys done lecturing me so I can go upstairs or...
Annie: you know what that's it I am done I am calling Jaden and sending you to LA with him maybe a change of environment will be better for you anyway
Lexie: there's no way in hell I am living with Jaden and his fuck boy friends that's not happening I don't care what you say
Liam: Lexie Mae hossler do not speak to your mother that way, you are going to go upstairs and pack because you are taking the next flight out to LA do you understand me?!
Lexie: (glares at him) you literally just got back from a business trip and never around so you can't tell me what to do either, I am not going to LA and that's that (walks upstairs to her room)
Liam: (looks at Annie) she's going to LA right?
Annie: yeah I am gonna go call Jaden I'll be right back (pecks him on the lips and walks out of the other room to call Jaden)
Bryce: welcome to the mother fucking vlog and I am here with the boys and today we are gonna do some crazy shit so stay turned for the next clip
Ring ring ring
Griffin: yo j rod cut the camera real quick who's phone is ringing?
Jaden: it's my mom I am gonna take this and I'll be right back
Josh: okay
(Jaden walks out to the backyard and answers the phone)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey mama the boys and I are filming can I call you back?
Annie: hey Jaden I am sorry to bother you but I need to talk to you about Lexie
Jaden: what's up? Is she okay?
Annie: honestly I don't know what's gotten into her lately she's getting into more and more trouble and she just got expelled today so your dad and I were talking and would it be possible for Lexie to live with you for a while? I just think getting her away from these bad influences and a change of environment would be good for her
Jaden: yeah of course mom you know the boys and I love Lexie and don't worry we'll take care of her when do you want to fly her out?
Annie: we were hoping we could book the next flight so she'll probably arrive over there by night is that okay?
Jaden: yeah is she with you, can I talk to her?
Annie: yeah she's upstairs let me see if I can get her to open the door
Jaden: okay
(Annie walks upstairs and knocks on Lexie's door)
Lexi: (in the background) FUCK OFF
Annie: Lexie Mae Hossler language and i am on the phone with Jaden and he would like to speak to you
Lexie: oh well in that case tell him to FUCK OFF too
Annie: (sighs) open this door right now Lexie
Lexie: or what? You gonna break the door down I'd like to see you try (scoffs)
Jaden: mom if you put me on speaker do you think she'll be able to hear me?
Annie: yeah let me just turn the volume up all the way give me a second
Jaden: okay
(Annie puts Jaden on speaker)
Annie: okay you should be good now
(Lexie hears Jaden from her closed door and opens it and takes the phone out of Annie's hand)
Lexie: stay out of this jaden your not even here so you can't tell me what the fuck to do and if you think I am going to LA your gonna have to come down here and drag me yourself
Jaden: you know I can't do that but you are coming here even if mom and dad have to drag you on that plane and keep you with one of the flight attendants, look I don't know what's gotten into you but mom has told me about your behavior and I have to say I am very disappointed in you and don't think for a second when you get here that your going to keep up with the shit that you've been doing now hand the phone back over to mom and start packing and I will see you tonight understand?
Lexie: hmm let me think? No bye Jaden (hands the phone back to Annie and slams her bedroom door just to spite Annie)
Annie: I don't know what to do anymore Jaden your father and I have some business trips coming up and I don't trust her by herself
Jaden: she's not gonna be by herself I meant it when I said she's coming to LA so get her on the plane and send me the flight information so I can pick her up when she lands since she's probably not gonna tell me and I am not about to have her run around the streets here
Annie: okay I'll tell Liam to book the ticket thank you so much Jaden I love you
Jaden: I love you too mom and don't worry the boys and I will get Lexie under control
Annie: okay I'll let you get back to the boys
Jaden: alright love you
Annie: love you too
End of convo
(Jaden puts his phone in his pocket and walks inside to see Bryce shotgunning an Ani energy)
Griffin: everything okay? You were on the phone for a while
Jaden: yeah can we have a meeting in the kitchen I want to talk to you guys about something
(Quinton walks downstairs with Noah and Blake)
Quinton: yo what's up I was on FaceTime with Cynthia
Blake: and Noah and I were making a tik tok
Griffin: Jaden called a meeting in the kitchen
Them: okay
(They walk into the kitchen and are soon joined by josh, Bryce, and Anthony)
Josh: so what's up?
Jaden: so my mom just called and asked if Lexie could come live with us for a while because apparently she's been getting out of hand and got expelled and my parents travel for work and don't want her by herself anymore
Bryce: little hossler's coming!?
Anthony: I am pretty sure I speak for all of us when we say it's fine if Lexie stays here you know we love her
Josh: yeah she's like our little sister too
Jaden: thanks guys but I think it's gonna be a little more complicated then that because she's changed like I just got off the phone with her and she had hella attitude
Blake: so what do you have in mind?
Jaden: we are gonna have to give her rules and consequences and be strict like show our fun sides for content and stuff like that but she's gonna need to respect and take us seriously too
Noah: okay when is she coming?
Jaden: tonight my mom's gonna tell me when her flight lands and I'll go pick her up
Josh: I'll go with you
Bryce: me too
Kio: okay the rest of us will stay and get one of the guest rooms ready
Ant: yeah I think her best option is the room in between josh and Jaden and then across from Noah and Blake that way she can't try to sneak out
Noah: good idea
Bryce: alright now that we have that settled let's finish vlogging
Jaden: alright
Scene change
Lexie's pov
I was hanging out in my room just scrolling through my phone when my door opened and dad showed up with a suitcase in his hand.
End of pov
Lexie: you know there's this thing called knocking you should try it
Liam: lose the attitude and start packing
Lexie: no I already told you I am not going so there's no need to pack
Liam: and your mother and I told you that you are and you need to listen to us
Lexie: I don't need to do shit
(Liam walks over to Lexie and takes her phone and puts it in his pocket)
Lexie: what the fuck? Give me back my phone
Liam: you can get it back after you pack your suitcase
Lexie: that's not fair give me back my phone!!
Liam: no now pack your suitcase and maybe If you lose the attitude I'll give it back to you (walks out of her room)
Lexie's pov
I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, I hate my parents who the fuck do they think they are? Leaving me half the time and then have the audacity to try and tell me what to do ughh I don't want to go to LA but I want my phone back so maybe I'll just pack the suitcase, grab my phone and run off to my friend Ricky's house so that I purposely miss my flight. I decided that's what I was going to do so I grabbed the suitcase and walked over to my closet and started putting my crop tops, shorts and jeans inside then I moved to my dresser and grabbed underwear, lingerie, and bras and put those in the zipper compartment of the suitcase then my pajamas and girl products and zipped it up and grabbed my carry on where I put my laptop, vape pen, charger and headphones and once I was finished I walked downstairs to grab my phone and saw my mom sitting at the counter on her laptop.
End of pov
Annie: I just booked your flight it's in an hour and it's a thirty minute drive to the airport from here so we need to leave now did you pack?
Lexie: yes only because dad took my phone hostage and I want it back now
Liam: you'll get it back when we get to the airport
Lexie: what the fuck! You told me if i pancaked the damn suitcase you would give me my phone
Liam: actually I said for you to lose the attitude too and since you haven't done that you will get your phone at the airport
Lexie: I hate you guys
Annie: well I am sorry to hear that now go get your suitcase and let's go
Lexie's pov
Well that plan backfired so I have two options one I can still grab my suitcase and sneak out the window but then I would have no phone or I can go downstairs and drive with them to the god forsaken airport ughh it's not like I can do anything without my phone all my friends numbers are on there and pretty much everything else important to me so I pulled the suitcase off my bed and walked downstairs to see dad started the car and mom was waiting for me to walk out of the house so she could lock the door. I got in the car and dad started driving and I just looked out the window thinking about how I never even got to tell my friends bye because they were still in school, i felt my eyes get watery but I refused to cry in front of my parents so I just quickly wiped away one tear and eventually we got to the airport and security allowed them to walk me over to the gate since i am a minor and if that's not bad enough my lovely mother explained to them my situation and had me sit with the flight attendant who is to make sure I go with Jaden so In other words a mother fucking babysitter. I rolled my eyes and waited for my group to be called so that I could board and when they did I stood up with the suitcase and walked over to my dad who still hasn't given me my phone.
End of pov
Lexie: can I finally have my phone or are you going to take that away from me too?
Annie: sweetie you know we love you right and that's the only reason we are doing this
Lexie: bull shit if you loved me so much you wouldn't have even leave me for moths at a time, if you loved me you wouldn't send me off to live with my brother who I haven't seen in almost two years, if you loved me you wouldn't take me away from my friends and the only place I ever grew up in so no mother you don't love me and all I have to say to you is Fuck you (looks at her dad) now can I please have my phone so I can get on the stupid plane
Liam: (looks at Lexie shocked but hands her the phone anyway and tries to give her a hug)
Lexie: I think the fuck not I am not giving either of you hugs I am taking my phone and boarding the plane and I hope you two have a nice life without your only daughter (puts the phone in her pocket and walks on the plane)
Annie: what did we do wrong Liam? We just wanted the best for her (hugs him and starts crying)
Liam: shh babe we have done everything that we could it's not our fault she is the way that she is but hopefully Jaden can turn her back to the sweet girl she used to be
Annie: I hope so now come on we have our own plane to catch
Liam: yes we do
(They walk to their gate and Annie texts Jaden what time her flight lands and eventually they board their flight)
Lexie's pov
I sat by the stupid blonde flight attendant and plugged in my headphones and put on today's hits when so what was the first thing that came on and I quickly skipped it and holy by Justin Bieber came on instead and I decided to keep it, I closed my eyes and fell asleep)
Scene change
Noah: so what time is Lexie supposed to be here?
Jaden: (looks at his phone) eight thirty
Blake: that's not too late should we go to Boa tonight for dinner?
Kio: oh I like that idea
Jaden: I don't know maybe we'll just stay in tonight it's Lexie's first night and if we go we'll for sure run into fletcher and I don't want to deal with that honestly
Griffin: okay we could just order pizza and watch movies then
Josh: yeah that works too
Jaden: okay sounds good but first we need to talk to her about the rules and consequences
Bryce: look at you going into daddy mode already
Blake: isn't that griffin's job though
Griffin: haha very funny
Jaden: guys you know my dad used to go on business trips all the time when we younger and my mom was always working so I had to step up and be like the dad figure for Lexie
Josh: we know bud and we want you to know that this time you aren't by yourself and you have us to help you
Anthony: yeah that's what brothers are for
Kio: aww sway group hug
Jaden: sway on three ready one two three
Boys: SWAY
Bryce: alright let's post mates some food because you know gains
Scene change a few hours later
(The flight attendant lightly shakes Lexie)
Attendant: miss wake up we've landed
Lexie: (groans) great just great
Attendant: would you like help with your carry on?
Lexie: no I got it (stands up and grabs it from the overhead compartment)
Attendant: alright let's go outside and see if we can find your brother alright
Lexie: sure whatever
(They walk off the plane and as soon as they are outside of the gate Lexie sees Jaden, josh and Bryce who spots them)
Bryce: hey Lexie!
(Jaden and josh look up from their phones and see her and josh walks over to the small girl and picks her up and swings her around)
Lexie: pretzel dick I swear if you don't put me down I am going to kick you somewhere you don't want to be kicked
Josh: okay okay chill bud I am just so happy to see my Lil sis we've missed you
Lexie: hmm I can't say the same (rolls her eyes)
Attendant: okay well now that I know your safe I am gonna get going but have a great night sweetie
Lexie: (glared at her) do I look like I am five to you the fuck
Bryce: sorry about her it's the jet lag catching up to her
Attendant: it's alright but now I really have to go
Jaden: okay and thank you for helping her today
Attendant: my pleasure
Bryce: so how was the flight little hossler
Lexie: one don't call me that and two I slept through it so it was whatever
Jaden: okay well do you need to go to baggage claim for anything
Lexie: nope
Jaden: alright then let's go to the house, the boys can't wait to see you
Lexie's pov
I didn't respond to Jaden because I just didn't want to and instead I put my headphones back into my ears and we walked to the car and the boys kept talking and I assumed it was to each other but when we got inside the car I felt my phone and headphone her taken away, what the fuck is with people thinking they can suddenly grab my phone!
End of pov
Lexie: give it back
Bryce: were you even listening to anything Jaden was just saying
Lexie: did it look like I was listening?
Jaden: alright Lexie we haven't even been with each other for ten minutes and I am sick of your attitude knock it off, and I was saying text mom and tell her you landed
Lexie: no you can do it I don't want to talk to her
Jaden: (rolls his eyes) fine but your not getting your phone back until you stop with that attitude
Lexie: that's not fair Jaden, you can't take my phone away!
Jaden: actually yes I can and when we get home we are gonna talk about rules and consequences
Lexie: (scoffs) as if I am going to listen (crosses her arms)
(Bryce and josh look at Lexie and then Jaden who just stays quiet and drives to the house)
Lexie's pov
We pulled up to the new sway house or the triller house and if I was a fan girl or if I gave a shit I would probably start screaming at how big the house was but because I don't even want to be here to begin with I don't really give a shit. Jaden grabbed my suitcase and I carried my carry on and we walked inside and before I could even fully walk in I felt arms wrap around me and pick me up.
End of pov
Lexie: put me down Quinton, before I have to tell Cynthia you guys will never have kids
(Quinton puts her down)
Quinton: sorry kid I am just so happy to see you, since the last time I saw you
Lexie: I was thirteen and a sweet and innocent child right
Quinton: yeah I guess so
Griffin: hey Lexie how are you
Lexie: well let's see I was forced on a plane to come live with you fuck boys so how do you think I am doing
Kio: language Lexie
Lexie: oh please you guys are one to talk about language
Jaden: he's right Lexie your fifteen you don't need to be cursing so much and go sit in the living room we want to talk to you
Lexie: fine whatever only because I want to get this over with and shower
(Lexie walks over to the couch and sits down and the boys walk over and sit with her)
Jaden: okay so as I said in the car your behavior has been unacceptable and it stops now so cursing and attitude will not be tolerated
Josh: when we tell you something you do it don't make us repeat ourselves
Griffin: no drinking or drugs and your curfew on the weekdays is nine and weekends if your with us don't worry if your going to go out it's ten
Kio: and you have to get our permission first if one of us says no it's no you can't go around asking the other boys till you get answer you want
Bryce: no inappropriate clothing your fifteen you don't need to be showing off anything got it
Josh: I think that's about it for now but if you decide to break those rules you will get grounded and have your phone taken away until we decide to give it back to you
Jaden: and If you still don't want to listen or continue with your behavior it's a spanking it's that simple
Lexie: what the fuck Jaden I am fifteen not eight or nine you can't spank me anymore!!
Jaden: I don't care your never to old for discipline and this is the last warning I am going to give you about the cursing cut it out
Lexie: you know what Jaden fuck you and your stupid rules you haven't been in my life for two years so don't think all of a sudden now that I am living with you, you have the authority I am going to do what I want, when I want and there's nothing you and the boys can do about it
(The boys stay quiet and look over at Jaden who's taking a couple deep breaths and walks over to Lexie and picks her up to take her upstairs)
Lexie: you can't do this Jaden put me down!! I am not a child!!!
(Jaden opens her door and sits on her bed and pulls her over his knee)
Jaden: I have had it with your attitude today, I have been patient and I have given you chances since the airport and you still don't want to listen so your getting a spanking and that's it
Lexie: fine I am sorry just put me down
Jaden: no your not but you will be (starts)
Lexie: Jaden I am sorry please just stop (tears in her eyes)
Jaden: five more Lexie and then your going to go downstairs and apologize to the boys understand?
Lexie: yeah Jaden
Jaden: good (starts again)
(Jaden pulls Lexie up and sees the tears streaming down her face and wipes them)
Jaden: I don't want to have to punish you lex but from what I have heard you've been doing lately i think it's deserved don't you
Lexie: whatever
Jaden: I am sorry was twenty five not enough or do you still have attitude left over?
Lexie: no Jaden I'll stop I promise
Jaden: good now go downstairs and apologize to the boys and then you can come up and take a shower while we order pizza sound good
Lexie: okay
(Jaden carries Lexie downstairs where the boys are still sitting on the couch talking to each other)
Lexie: I am sorry for my attitude just now guys I was just upset and I took it out on you
Josh: aww it's okay bud we get it but no more okay?
Lexie: okay
Kio: can I get that hug now
Lexie: (laughs) okay fineee (walks over and hugs him) okay Jaden can you show me where the shower is?
Jaden: yeah it's in your room but I don't think you noticed and there's towels already in there so your all set
Lexie: okay thanks
Lexie's pov
I walked upstairs back to my room and actually looked at it this time the walls were a light lavender color with a canopy bed and a white dresser with a walk in closet and a balcony, and to my left was the bathroom so I walked in and saw there was a bathtub and a shower and I decided that with everything that happened today I would take a bath, I could really use the relaxation so I stripped off my clothes and turned the water on first I washed myself to get all the dirt and airport germs off me and then I allowed myself to relax in the hot water for a bit and I thought about how life was going to be like now that I am living with eight overprotective boys... ugh life is going to suck and no way and I am going to listen just because Jaden spanked me once doesn't mean I am automatically going to change it just means I am tired of fighting for the day. I fought with my teacher, a kid, my parents and now Jaden all in one day and I am drained so I am just going to go down there and act the rest of the night. Once the watery started getting cold I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me and dried off and changed into some pajamas and walked downstairs to see the boys eating pizza and looking for a movie. I grabbed a slice and walked over to the couch and sat in between Blake and Noah and finally we decided on the haunting at bly manor on Netflix and around midnight I called it a night, said goodnight to the boys and went to sleep.

Authors note: hey guys I know I disappeared for a while and I honestly don't know what my plan is for this story but I am working through my writers block so I'll update when I have inspiration :)

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