Chapter 97

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Tuesday ( 7 am)
Josh: Lexie! Lexie wake up (lightly shakes her)
(Lexie sits up gasping and tears streaming down her face and josh pulls her in for a hug while Jaden turns the lamp on)
Lexie: I don't get it joshy, why did it have to happen I was getting better (cries and grips onto him) I was getting better
Josh: I know baby I know you were (kisses the top of her head) I don't know why it had to happen or why he came back but I promise you'll get better again (rocks her back and forth)
Lexie: I hate this just make it go away (cries)
Josh: I am so sorry baby but your going to be okay I promise (looks at Jaden)
Jaden's pov
You know that feeling of deja vu? Well I am definitely feeling that right now, getting flashbacks from the first few months lex was with us and would wake up screaming. God I would do anything to make sure history never repeats itself because I don't know how much longer I can see my sister in pain. I just hugged her along with josh and then decided to go make a bottle to calm her down so I pulled away from the hug and walked downstairs.
End of pov
Josh's pov
I never knew the feeling of helplessness because I could always come up to a solution to my problems but this is one situation that I don't know how to help her. Finally her tears subsided and I picked her up and took her to bathroom to wipe her tears and cheeks with a little towel and then laid her back down on the bed just as Jaden came back with a bottle. I let him pick her up and give her the bottle and thirty minutes later she was back to sleep.
End of pov
Jaden: I am going to make an appointment to see Callie later today (whispers)
Josh: I think that's a good idea but aren't you supposed to start rehearing for kells tour?
Jaden: yeah I can go after and just take her with me, do you want to come?
Josh: I can go to therapy with you guys but then I have to record with bri and Dave (holds his hand) I can bring her back with me though
Jaden: no I think it's better if she's out of the house, the last thing I want is for her to fall under depression by staying home and watching movies
Josh: good point then let's get back to bed for a few more hours because we have a long day tomorrow
Jaden: okay goodnight (pecks him on the lips)
Josh: I love you
Jaden: love you too
(They close their eyes and go back to sleep)
A few hours later (10 am)
Lexie's pov
I opened my eyes and saw that I was sleeping on Jaden's chest with my arms wrapped around him. At first I was confused as to why I was so close to him but then I remembered the dream which was just a replay of a memory I would love to forget, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I was almost tempted to text Mike and ask him to bring me some weed or ecstasy hell I'd take anything if it meant I could have an escape, but then I thought about the progress I made and how disappointed the boys would be so I decided against it. Just because the nightmares are back doesn't mean my bad habits should come back to.. who would have thought therapy could actually work. I decided to stop thinking about it so that I wouldn't actually get triggered and I just distracted myself by tracing Jaden's crown tattoo.
End of pov
Jaden: (opens his eyes a few minutes later) good morning
Lexie: morning
Jaden: how long have you been awake for?
Lexie: just a few minutes
Jaden: oh okay
Josh: (mumbles) what time is it?
Jaden: I don't know but we should get up
Josh: ugh fine (opens his eyes and looks at them and smiles) good morning
Them: morning
Jaden: we should get ready and I am going to give Callie a call they should be open by now
Lexie: why Callie?
Josh: well now that we are back from vacation and given everything that happened maybe
Lexie: what? It would be better if I go back? I had a nightmare for two nights it doesn't mean I need to go back, I won't get high or start drinking again I promise
Jaden: it's not about that lex, it's just your PTSD is back and talking about it can help
Lexie: what if I don't want to talk about it and I just want to forget (crosses her arms)
Jaden: lex...
Lexie: please don't make me go back to therapy I am okay I promise (her eyes start to crystallize)
Jaden: baby this isn't a punishment (sits her up so she's looking at him) this is just to help you cope with it, I know you feel like it's a step backward but healing is a process and sometimes there are back steps you need to take please trust me
Lexie: (looks at him and whispers) okay
Jaden: thank you now for get ready because if I can get an appointment it'll be soon and then you have to go downstairs and eat something
Lexie: okay (gets off the bed and walks out of the room)
Josh: she's disappointed
Jaden: I know but it's for the best don't you think?
Josh: yeah
Lexie's pov
Months of therapy and progress down the drain all because of the mother fucker named Jake. I wanted to scream and throw shit but I knew that would be counter productive so the only thing I did was grab a pillow and scream into it for a few seconds before I stopped and felt a little better and walked to my closet to look for something to wear. I didn't feel like showing anything off so I just chose a black t shirt with a black button denim jacket with a pair black jeans that had roses on them with a pair of boots ness gave me a while back. I put on a few necklaces and then left my hair down and walked downstairs to see griffin was in the kitchen cooking while Kio had his arms wrapped around his waist, Bryce was filming with J rod, cooper and Q were watching tv on the couch, Anthony was talking on the phone, and Noah and Blake were no where to be found no surprise there. And buddy and kitty were playing together in the backyard, things felt almost normal but there was still some kind of tension in the air as if it was to weird we were at home all together and going back to a regular routine since it hasn't been that way for months.
End of pov
Griffin: Lexie, Lexie are you paying attention?
Lexie: hmm what?
Griffin: I said breakfast is ready, what were you thinking about?
Lexie: just the fact that we are all here except for Blake and Noah
Kio: she's right it's just like the old days
Griffin: I didn't even think about that but it's true so with that being said BREAKFAST EVERYONE!!
Mia's pov
A few minutes later we were all sitting at the table including josh and Jaden who eventually joined us downstairs and started eating with us.
End of pov
Griffin: so what's everyone's plan for today?
Bryce: filming with Taylor, josh you in?
Josh: I have to do BFF'S
Bryce: okay
Anthony: I am spending the day with Avani
Lexie: when don't you?
Anthony: haha funny but she's been busy lately so since today's her free day we are going to Malibu
Lexie: tell her I said hi
Anthony: I will
Quinton: I am hanging with
Lexie: don't say her name in this house
Quinton: why do you have such a problem with her? She hasn't done anything to you
Lexie: (mumbles) if only you knew
Quinton: what was that?
Lexie: nothing, but you should ask her where she was this weekend I think you'll be surprised to know her answer
Quinton: what do you mean she was in San Francisco visiting family
Lexie: is that what she told you (scoffs)
Quinton: do you know something I don't?
Lexie: no I just don't think she's trust worthy, but don't worry her true colors will be revealed soon enough
Quinton: I know that look, what are you planning?
Lexie: nothing (takes a bite of her toast)
Ring ring ring
Jaden: oh it's Callie I'll be right back (picks up his phone and walks away)
Phone convo
Jaden: hey Callie
Callie: hey Jaden I just heard your voicemail, I was going to check in once I heard what happened on the news but I figured you guys would want your space, how is she doing?
Jaden: well her nightmares are back and I think her PTSD might be back too she had a panic attack yesterday
Callie: well I would say the nightmares are pretty normal given the situation but remember with PTSD that's just going to take time
Jaden: I know but it would help her if she talked about it right? I mean it worked last time
Callie: I agree if you want I see you guys in an hour if that works for you
Jaden: yeah that's perfectly fine
Callie: okay I'll have Mariana put you guys in and I'll see you in an hour
Jaden: thanks bye Callie
Callie: bye
End of phone convo
(Jaden walks back to the table)
Lexie: what did she say?
Jaden: we can see her in an hour so we'll leave in thirty minutes
Lexie: okay (takes another bite of her toast)
Lexie's pov
Breakfast went by pretty fast after that and soon enough everyone was back to doing their own thing, cooper, Jaden and josh were filming Tik toks and I was trying to think of my next YouTube video because it'll keep me distracted from thinking about anything else. I usually film and upload Thursdays so I still have time but it would help if I had some sort of concept. Then I looked over at Quinton who was getting ready to leave and I thought should I expose the bitch on YouTube or is that too mean? I mean she does kind of deserve a taste of her own medicine and I get to film so I'd kill two birds with one stone, but how am I going to expose her? I haven't been back at high water and I don't know when or if I am going back since Jaden's touring in a month anyway so how do I expose her? I got it the next time she comes over I'll just set up a hidden camera around me so whenever she tries to come at me it'll record the whole thing. I just hope she comes here before Thursday.
End of pov
Josh: Lexie let's go!!
Lexie: coming! (Grabs her phone and walks downstairs)
Jaden: ready?
Lexie: I guess (shrugs her shoulders)
Jaden: come on
Lexie's pov
We got In the car and started driving to the center and I just distracted myself by listening to music until we got there and Jaden parked the car. We got out and started walking inside where I said hi to Jesus and then Mariana who gave me a hug and led me to the room with Callie.
End of pov
Jaden: we'll be outside if you need anything okay?
Lexie: hmm (nods her head)
Josh: love you kid (kisses the top of her head and follows Jaden out of the room)
Callie: (smiles) hi Lexie
Lexie: hi (sits down on the couch)
Callie: how are you?
Lexie: really? That's the question you want to start with
Callie: you know me lex, I won't get into it right away so if you don't want to tell me how you are then tell me about your vacation did you enjoy it
Lexie: yeah until my parents decided to show up at the same restaurant and insult my brother and I
Callie: they did? Jaden didn't mention that part on his voicemail
Lexie: guess he probably forgot about that with everything else that's been going on
Callie: well we'll get into that a little later, first tell me how was it seeing your parents after a year?
Lexie: half a year, it's been half
Callie: oh wow I feel like it's been so much longer
Lexie: yeah me too, but uh I don't know at first I was scared to see them, but then they just started insulting me and I got pissed
Callie: what did they tell you?
Lexie: they called me a mistake... which I already knew because when we were moving houses I found a letter they wrote to Jaden claiming that they never wanted me to being with and that the only reason they didn't abort me was because it went against God's will...
Callie: I am sorry you had to hear and read that lex but you know that you aren't a mistake right?
Lexie: everyone says that to me and I want to believe them but how can I when my own parents didn't want me?
Callie: sometimes people have kids but that doesn't make them parents, but that's not the kids fault that's on the parents so even if they said something it's the complete opposite do you think the boys see you as a mistake?
Lexie: no...
Callie: and aren't they the ones who really take care and love you?
Lexie: yeah
Callie: so shouldn't their voice mean more then two people who didn't even act like parents to begin with?
Lexie: yeah
Callie: good so since you understand that much I want you to try an exercise with me
Lexie: what...
Callie: I want you to say it out loud that you are not a mistake even if you don't believe it our words have power and when use that it makes an impact whether we see it or not so say it out loud
Lexie: I I I am n n not a a mistake
Callie: louder
Lexie: I am not a mistake
Callie: good a little bit louder
Lexie: I am not a mistake!
Callie: good now how does that feel?
Lexie: powerful
Callie: good now listen I know we didn't get into what happened today but that's because you had some other stuff happen before that and sometimes you have to deal with the old stuff in order to let go of anything else so I know you might not be happy to hear this but I want to see you again next week okay?
Lexie: (sighs) okay
Callie: good now I am going to call your your brother and josh in so we can talk okay?
Lexie: okay
(Callie tells Mariana to bring josh and Jaden in and they sit down on the couch next to Lexie)
Jaden: so... how did it go?
Callie: we didn't talk about the incident today, instead we talked about what happened while you guys were on vacation
Jaden: you mean with our parents?
Callie: yeah but as I was explaining to Lexie just because two people gave birth to you doesn't make them your parents so you don't have to refer to them in that way
Josh: agreed but lex I didn't think that day still bothered you (looks at her)
Lexie: it doesn't well it didn't until I brought it up and then Callie wanted me to go into more detail with her
Jaden: and did it help?
Lexie: yeah I realized that what they say doesn't matter
Callie: and...
Lexie: and I am not a mistake
Callie: good but like I also told lex I want to see her again next week so that we can talk about the incident
Jaden: what about the nightmares and ptsd?
Callie: if you want something that will help her sleep so she doesn't have them I can have Jesus prescribe her something, but I know medication has never been your go to unless it was for the anxiety
Josh: no we just wanted to know if her nightmares were back because of what happened? And if they'll go away
Callie: yeah eventually when we start talking about it, it won't be able to replay in her subconscious as much because she won't be thinking about it as much
Jaden: okay we just wanted to make sure and the ptsd will go away too
Callie: yeah it's just going to be a process but hopefully the goal would be for her to be all better before tour
Lexie: so a month?
Callie: yeah and we made some progress today so I would say we are on the right track
Jaden: good I am glad, thank you so much Callie
Callie: no problem, go make an appointment with Mariana and I'll see you guys next week
Lexie: bye Callie
Callie: bye
Lexie's pov
We left the center and got into the car and started driving back to the house to drop off josh and then I was going with jaden to rehearsals and I wanted to know if Landon was going to go be there so I took my phone out and texted him.
End of pov
Text convo
Lexie: yo Landon
Landon: what's up?
Lexie: are you going to rehearsals?
Landon: yeah I am on my way now, you?
Lexie: same
Landon: cool I'll see you soon
Lexie: alright :)
End of pov
Jaden: who are you smiling at (teases)
Lexie: no one (blushes)
Jaden: really?
Lexie: fine it was Landon
Jaden: aww does someone have a crush?
Lexie: no I just don't like being teased
Jaden: are you sure that's it?
Lexie: yeah besides... I don't want a boyfriend, I am just going to get hurt in the end
Jaden: (sighs) lex
Lexie: what?
Jaden: I know this might be hard to believe but not everyone is trying to hurt you
Lexie: I don't trust anyone easily Jaden, I like Landon... but I am not ready to be with him
Jaden: give it some time you guys are still getting to know each other too but you have my permission when you are ready (jokes)
Lexie: (shakes her head) I love you bubba
Jaden: I love you too
Lexie's pov
We pulled up to the studio which wasn't a recording studio but a legit studio and we walked inside to see that kells, Travis and Landon were already here along with some guy with pink hair and another guy covered in tattoos with spiky blond hair that was clearly dyed.
End of pov
Travis: Jaden I want you to meet your drummer and guitarist for both tours Tosh and kenji
Jaden: hey guys (hand shakes them) I am Jaden which you probably already know and this is my sister Lexie
Lexie: hi
Tosh: hey it's nice to meet you
Lexie: you too
Landon: hey lex (smiles and pulls her in for a hug)
Lexie: hi (hugs him back)
Kells: alright who's ready to kill this shit
Jaden: fuck yeah let's go!!
Lexie's pov
Landon and I sat on the couch watching Jaden rehearse his set but we also would stop watching and start talking again and then go back to watching. Jaden finished his set and then Kells went and started his until he started singing forget you and then he stopped when it got to Halsey's part and looked at me like he did when he performed on the beach.
End of pov
Kells: yo lex are you going to go on tour finally?
Lexie: yeah I think that's what was decided why?
Kells: come sing Halsey's part
Lexie: your kidding right?
Kells: no you did it before and it was sick so why not
Lexie: you are lucky I can't say no to you (stands up from the couch and grabs the microphone)
Travis: alright let's back track it so that you can hear your que
Lexie: I know the song by heart no need but let's back track it anyway
Travis: okay
Kells: I'm keeping you waiting but I won't wait on you, you want me to forget you okay forget me too
Lexie: I have wasted so much time waiting around for your phone calls every night my bad dreams are silk screens cause I taste blood when you bleed it's eating me alive, we'd both be better off alone, still think I'd get you on the phone with one last breath in me I'd die before I let you leave
Landon's pov
Damn I only heard her sing at the rooftop but it was so loud I could barely pay attention but now that it's just them and I can hear her I felt even more attracted to her then already was. She had a voice but I shouldn't be surprised considering who her brother is. They finished singing and she sat back down on the couch.
End of pov
Landon: that was incredible
Lexie: you think...
Landon: yeah you should start singing for real
Lexie: maybe I don't know
Landon: okay but just know you already have a supporter
Lexie: thanks (hugs him)
Two hours later
Kells: alright I think we are done for today but it was a good start
Jaden: yeah same time tomorrow?
Kells: yeah
Lexie: what are you doing now? (Looks at Landon)
Landon: I have to pick up bama from her friends and then get ready because dad wants us all to have a family dinner tonight
Lexie: do you think he's going to propose to Kourtney?
Landon: something tells me yes but I guess we'll find out
Lexie: well if he is I wish him the best of luck and text me to let me know
Landon: I will
Jaden: ready to go? (Looks at Lexie)
Lexie: yeah bye guys
Them: bye
Jaden: good luck tonight bro (hugs Travis)
Travis: thanks I'll let you know how it goes
Lexie's pov
We said bye to everyone else and then got back in the car and started driving home but stopped at in and out for lunch and got the boys food too. We got to the house and I helped Jaden take down the food and drinks and we walked inside to see josh on his computer typing, Bryce was back with Taylor and they were playing ping pong and Quinton was here with you guessed it the bitch that wants to ruin my life. As long as she stays away from me I'll stay away from her but if she tries anything maybe I'll put the recorder on my phone, you know for the video on Thursday.
End of pov
Jaden: Q we brought in and out do you guys want
Quinton: yeah I'll have, what about you babe? (Looks at Odalie)
Odalie: greasy burgers definite no no you know my body looks like this for a reason
Quinton: one burger isn't going to kill you babe
Odalie: still no thank you
Quinton: okay (walks over to the kitchen and grabs a burger leaving lex alone with her)
Odalie: let me guess you already stuffed your face with the burger didn't you?
Lexie: so what if I did? At least I don't look like a stick with legs
Odalie: (glares at her) your right you look more like a Whoopi cushion with legs
Lexie: good comeback don't tell me your still upset about your loss this weekend and choosing to take it out on me
Odalie: (scoffs) you shouldn't have even won to begin with better yet you shouldn't even be here right now
Lexie's pov
I was about to say something to her but Quinton walked back in and I decided against instead I looked over at Bryce and Taylor who were still playing ping pong.
End of pov
Lexie: mind if I play a round?
Taylor: sure you can replace Bryce since he's losing
Bryce: (scoffs) am not
Taylor: sore loser
Bryce: yeah okay (hands lex the ball and handle) your serving
Lexie: perfect (lifts the ball and puts it on the table and grabs the paddle and starts to serve it but instead of hitting the table and starting the game she hit the back of Odalie's head)
Odalie: ow you bitch!!
Bryce: Lexie!!
Lexie: oops sorry I missed, can I try again?
Bryce: no I think that's enough give me the ball paddle
Lexie: fine I did what I needed to do anyway (gives him the paddle and ball and walks away)
Josh's pov
I was done typing something I needed to do for mark and when I was done I just watched the interaction lex just had with Oadlie and her hitting the ball towards her. I don't know what Lexie's deal is with her but I know there's something plus my intuition is telling me something is off with her so I got up from the table and followed lex where I found her in her room petting kitty. I walked inside and closed the door and walked over to her.
End of pov
Lexie: if your going to lecture me for hitting Odalie with the ball don't bother
Josh: I am not going to lecture you, but I do want to understand why you don't like her...
Lexie: she's not who she says she is (still petting kitty)
Josh: okay what does that mean?
Lexie: (looks up at him) do you remember when I got suspended for fighting in high water for defending myself
Josh: yeah...
Lexie: Odalie is the one that's been bullying me at that school, she's the one who is constantly throwing insults at me to the point where I want to fight her, and now she's dating Quinton for her own gain
Josh: what!? Why didn't you say something sooner! Does Quinton know? Or Jaden?
Lexie: no you are the only one that knows and I want to keep it that way
Josh: why?
Lexie: because I plan on exposing her I just need a few more days, and then I'll have proof and Quinton will believe me
Josh: you don't think Quinton will believe you now?
Lexie: no she has him wrapped around her finger
Josh: do you want to tell Jaden?
Lexie: no he'll find out with everyone else
Josh: how do you plan on exposing her?
Lexie: YouTube video (smirks)
Josh: count me in
Lexie: really?
Josh: yeah it's been a while since I have been in any drama so why not
Lexie: okay you want to film the intro now?
Josh: okay get your camera
(Lexie walks over to her desk and gets her camera and turns it on)
YouTube video
Lexie: what's up you guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and today we are going to be
Josh: exposing a fake ass bitch
Lexie: took the words right out of my mouth so as josh said we are going to be exposing someone and that someone is Odalie also known as Quinton's girlfriend
Josh: why are we exposing her Lexie?
Lexie: because she's been bullying me ever since I started at high water and is pretending she doesn't know me and continues to insult me behind Q's back so I have had enough and decided to expose her, is it petty? Probably but do I care? No
So yeah that's what's happening in this weeks video and I'll catch you later when we start to expose her (stops filming and puts the camera down and looks at josh) thanks for believing me
Josh: you know I would have earlier if you just told me and so would Jaden
Lexie: (shrugs her shoulders) you guys were "separated" when they started dating I wasn't sure if I could tell anyone about it
Josh: okay but you were still going to school with her why didn't you tell one us then?
Lexie: I could handle it but now that she's even coming to my house and I am done putting up with it
Josh: good you should be, don't let anyone treat you that way again
Lexie: I won't
Josh: and for the love of God if someone is bothering you can you just tell us about it, how many times do we have to tell you that you shouldn't have to handle everything on your own
Lexie: okay fine I promise I'll be honest about things
Josh: thank you now let's go back downstairs
Lexie: okay
Lexie's pov
We went back downstairs and we all decided on watching a movie but before we made popcorn and then sat down to watch the movie. We decided on some Netflix movie which turned out to be disappointing so we opted decided to just binge American horror story. For dinner griffin ordered Chinese and then we kept watching American horror story until ten and decided to call it a day. I took a quick shower and put on a hoodie and some sweats before getting in the bed with Jaden and josh.
End of pov
Jaden: goodnight you guys
Lexie: goodnight (hugs both of them) bubba
Jaden: yeah?
Lexie: can you sing tell me about tomorrow?
Jaden: sure
(Jaden starts singing and halfway through the song she closes her eyes and falls asleep)

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